May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right now, our most dangerous enemies are those politicians and judges who refuse to protect our Bill of Rights and our Constitutional rights, and the leftist media who believe they will be immune from cyber threats. These cyber tools are “weapons of mass destruction” like nuclear ones. They will be developed but they can never be under the control of those evildoers who would dare to deploy them against free citizens.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

You are so correct. Our politicians don't have to be rocket scientists or brain surgeons to know that we are on a path of destruction. Where do they think their children and grandchildren are going to live. It seems to me that they would do something for the their own if not for the American people in mass.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cyborg, like in The Borg from Star Trek “Next Generation,” right? Lol. Wonder how an obese human twenty something whose pronouns are we and them would fit in to that scenario. Eight Plus of Twelve?

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According to premise of this report, the military would encourage the transgender transition movement.. Because this "trend" would positively impact cultural perceptions of youth regarding human enhancement (military cyborgs). Could the transgender movement actually have a supporter via the DoD for this reason alone?

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It sounds to me like the DoD is another 3 letter alphabet organization that needs to be torn down. How have all these agencies gone so badly off the rails?!

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“Positively impact cultural perceptions of youth ...” I’ve recently retired as a public school teacher. I have absolutely NO positive perceptions of youth, except I wish I was young again, because today’s youth would be so easy to beat. Academically, physically, morally. You name it. We Boomers would win hands down.

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If they cannot do their "job" on a cell phone, they cannot do their "job".

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TRANSHUMANISM - The goal is to take us to transhumanism, to merge us to a super computer for control and more. The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us that you are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a super computer for a better ¨you.¨ The New You:(

And then, they will tell us that robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our own factories. We all have to say no to this diabolical agenda.

I do not consent! We do not consent!

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Tis the discourse of an absolute melting of the melting pot into oblivion being launched, and everything you never thought could happen just keeps showing up!

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Crazy keeps outdoing Crazy today.

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That is so scary to think that the transgender movement was a precursor to cyborg. You don’t mess with God’s creation.

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They haven't worked out the plumbing issues in the human body. Using a dilator to keep a wound open is horrible. Just horrible. No human should want this for themself or a child.

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don't forget the special "tranny suites"

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Skip the cyborg stuff and jump immediately to AI controlled killer robots, but don't forget to tell them to mind their mother. What future have we wrought?

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is sad that so many people spend so much time coming up with more efficient ways to kill each other. I have an idea.... How about we spend more time learning to get along with our neighbors. (The two great commandments: Love for God, and love for your neighbor. Who is your neighbor, in this world of instant communication and fast travel?)

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

"Live at peace with all men, so long as it depends on you.” Sometimes, they refuse… they want you on your knees in a struggle session.

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So what happens if we, the citizens of the western world, just say NO- you are not doing this to our children and grandchildren! What if we boycott the DoD? What if just refuse to sacrifice our loved ones to them? Because this is what we're going to have to do, and we have to do it en masse. We have the power to stop this if we ALL say NO!

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I'm afraid the operative word here is IF. The road from hypothetical to actual is paved with "fearful buts".

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If nobody signed up for the armed forces and everyone dodged the draft (think Vietnam war days), then what are they going to do? Grab people off the street?

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Actually, in California as of 2023 you no longer need to be a US citizen to join the police force. A trend? But to answer your question directly, it's not inconceivable the government would reactivate the draft at some point. Keep in mind that it's now legal for the US military to be used against US citizens on US soil. We have Obama to thank for that.

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We have all elected large lots of representatives. They are supposed to reflect our interests and positions. Even would most of us absolutely support "NO!" it could be quite a task to get them to relay that (particularly in a way they would get it implemented). Not suggesting we shouldn't try, but just noting the effort we would need to expend.

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What I'm thinking is making sure nobody signs up for the armed forces. Then they'd have the draft, but dodge that too.

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Ever notice when the NDAA comes up every year Congress appropriates more $$$$$$$$ than asked for. No way those on the Armed Services committee are going to let others in Congress sidestep their duty to authorize those funds. It happened again last year, $45 billion more than requested. Plus the act expresses the sense of Congress that the United States' commitment to NATO is ironclad, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a unified response to Russia's unjust war in Ukraine and other shared security challenges, according to a release on the Senate Armed Services Committee website. The Senate release also stressed that the U.S. must continue to assist Ukraine in its fight against the unjust and unprovoked attack by Russia. I say give Zelensky a few cyborgs and tell him the US is done, finito, finished!

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I am tired of sending our sons off to senseless wars… or sanctions that starve kids and push 90% of the population to below poverty level (Syria).

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What I'm reading is our leaders and friends want a regime change. They are in it until they succeed or dump us into WWIII. I'm in agreement with you that we need a 'US is Done!' Pity the poor duped cyborgs. Then again, once forced into the role, perhaps they'd rather be sacrificed.

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I have a 16 year old boy/man this is just what the military wants: high IQ, 6'3", athletic, focused. They can't have him! Forget about their future cyborg plans, never forget how Biden pulled out of Afghanistan. Most of those men and women were surely tortured before killed.

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I served. It was an honorable calling. However, we talked one of our sons out of it… we saw that they were just fodder for their endless Regime Change wars.

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Thanks for your reply. I am the mom and the dad so you imput is valuable.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think what disturbs me most about this is the presupposition on a future of more of the same... war, war, war. If half the intellectual effort and DoD resources were used to solve world problems, we wouldn't be waging endless war.

Next I am bothered by the belief that we need technology to enhance humans. When humans realize who they really are - infinite, powerful, creator beings - through spiritual development, I believe we will be able to turn on "enhancements" that are already part of what we now call "junk" DNA.

Sorry, but I think those pushing military human/machine fusion are sick warmongers.

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1. These people need to read to the *end* of the sci fi books, not just the beginning! It never ends well…

2. As frightening as this all is, I still think the way the country and military are going it’s just as likely that in 2050 we’re looking more like cavemen than cybernauts… I mean, they can’t even beat goatherds, they can’t keep ships from crashing into one another and burning down in ports, you think they can create a droid army? I dunno…


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Sometimes I wish you weren't so good at digging up and finding this info.! As you say, "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should" Tell that to the ones creating this hellhole of a future.

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An ethical military would work on technology toward defeating any nation using the cyborg technology. Ethics and military in the same sentence in today’s world doesn’t seem possible.

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Ignorance can be bliss, for sure!

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is absolute insanity. This is the creation of the Frankenstein monster and not far off from the experiments of the Nazi Germany. The government is full out of control and we the people need to wake up and take action.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Quite terrifying to think about. You can guarantee even if Western governments stopped this type of development, China, Russia and other totalitarian governments would keep at it to gain an advantage.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our excuse is always that we have to do this because "they" are doing it. And no doubt "they" would say the same about us. Humanity's death spiral...

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May 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You just KNOW that "They" will Cancel & Deplatform/Censor Mary Bysshe Shelley now. Negative press from beyond the grave...

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May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"...your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."

So much truth in a movie quote. At what point did we as a society just th4ow ethics out the window?

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May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Psy-ops (aka propaganda) has been around for as long as people have held power and done whatever they felt was necessary to hold on to it. That's how leaders get people to fight wars and commit genocide.

You, Dr. Malone, are more of a national treasure than ever because exposing these activities is the first and most important step in dealing with them. I've read enough science fiction to know that the DOD isn't doing anything that prescient writers haven't foreseen, and you are absolutely right in being alarmed.

But my biggest concern is about what's happening now with the people who got vaxxed. How are we, in the Western countries, going to cope with 80% of our populations becoming ill and often dying in the somewhat near future? I truly hope I'm wrong about the mid- and long-term effects of the vaccines on everyone who got them, but I think we need to prepare for this shorter term possibility while also looking to the longer future with you.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Shocking that science would go this wrong. Have you read anything that Whitney Webb has written or watched her interviews on Redacted (YouTube)? She connects Jeffrey Epestin with similar research In Ethopia and USVI.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

FYI - Outstanding:


Durham Report Indicts FBI For Role in Russia-gate Scam But is Silent About the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - May 17, 2023

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The cyborgs will be great for our defense, once they work the bugs out. Until then, it'll be Terminator city. Perhaps someone could chip up the commander in chief's brain first. it seems to badly need an upgrade.

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