Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! Thanks for getting the truth out there! Once again I am going to send this to my friends to see of they will start listening and skip the jab, especially their kids, because I worry about them. I'm going to send Malo Gato's CDC lies from today and I like this meme:

"You listen to doctors funded by pharmaceutical drug companies, I listen to doctors who have risked their careers to bring forth suppressed information."

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

"Once again I am going to send this to my friends to see of they will start listening and skip the jab, especially their kids, because I worry about them." Let us know how that goes.

No seriously.

On my end (with my two post-graduate degrees), my friends are also over-educated, yet they believe all the propaganda (can we say "mass formation" together?). I hiked with one of them recently. He said his healthy, athletic, double-jabbed and double-boosted 22 year-old got Omicron recently and it took 9 days and an 104 fever to get over it.

He said: Glad the boy took the jabs else he might have died.

I said: Perhaps. But maybe it's the opposite. Maybe his experience was worse *because* of the jabs. .... immune imprinting .. blah ... blah ... you know, stuff we learned from our teacher Dr Malone.

He said: Doesn't make any sense to me.

That was the end of that discussion. Time to change the topic.

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Your experience is mirrored by many. I have only read one single person in all this time who was able to reach a family member or friend with the truth about this. As it is said, we go mad in crowds and only come to our senses one at a time. I am most intrigued by the differences in the two groups; it seems the skeptics were that way before this started. Maybe logic needs to be taught as the prime skill behind critical thinking.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of you might not like Edward Snowden. But it occurred to me recently that what Snowden is to the US security state spying on Americans, our esteemed Dr. Malone is to the dystopian Covidland: https://youtu.be/06ieDpJt3ao

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who doesn't respect and appreciate Ed Snowden as a brave whistleblower was biased by corp media smears. They never dug through documents or reporting about the unconstitutional, criminal global spying run by Booz Allen as NSA prime contractor & kids like Ed omnipotent.

Truth-tellers are silenced & smeared by toxic power & profiteers in every sector.

Fab take by big time favorite grounded perspectives Michael Krieger - 2016


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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love your reply and I would agree, provided we change the first word from "anybody" to "most". Among the many changes in my life over the 2-year tour of hell of Covidland, I switched my "news" radio channel from NPR to "The Answer", a far right, very religious, and conservative channel. Why? Because the latter is on "our" side of Covidland. There's a few things I don't agree with that channel, one of them being their cheerleading for the national security state and their views on Snowden (and Assange) as being traitors to America (First!). I could imagine some more simple people who listen to that channel (say for the religious position on abortion) who hadn't even heard of Snowden before and conclude, listening to this station, that this must be a bad guy cause blah blah blah.

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"I would agree, provided we change the first word from "anybody" to "most". "

Great point, couldn't agree more.. very bad habit to default to "all" for anything! :~)

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The Abyss of Mis/Dis info situation in "Covidland" (love that) is Global. Like a morning London Fog the hypnotic fog has for two long years, crept into an unsuspecting/trusting portion of educated people. And while this confusing and highly misunderstood phenom is global, each of us must act individually and respectfully. You cannot train the Mule to become a proper saddle horse.

Even though the species appears to be remarkably similar. We are seeking to arm ourselves against such hazards of more Fog. Wellness matters always.

True wellness is our determination to thrive. We were born with great tools.

Lots of humans arrived here with Donkeypox. I expect we will see more of it.

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Brilliant. Thank you Randall.

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Both are truth seekers. We need them in mass to stop this Covid con!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Dr. Robert Malone: And furthermore, it's our opinion that early (multi-drug) treatment saves lives. That we now have a broad spectrum of early treatment options. All of the press attacks about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Even if you set all those aside, there are plenty of other agents. The novel agents, monoclonal antibodies. Many things. What matters is that these... our elders, our high-risk individuals have immediate access to therapeutics."

For the win!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The community monthly surgical society meeting I attended a few months ago with a U Maryland virologist invited-speaker, presenting the story of her role ( not inconsiderable) in the covid 19 shitstorm- remains illuminating for me.

Your remark , above, about endless new mRNA "vaccines" provision in the future, now that the door has "opened" with SARS-2, is very much correct. These agents are not properly vetted for hundreds of millions of injections. This speaker I listened to, was entirely 'groupthinked" and captured intellectually by what they have done: She expressed with obvious relish , and to my horror, their plan to create many more of these nucleoside inoculations for an unspecified , large number of new diseases.

It's already in the works, and not just for the travesty of the monkeypox scam. - M Robert Weiss, MD

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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I am not surprised.... The mRNA "vaccine" technology provides future "Trojan Horses" that can

deliver God-knows-what in the future.

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This must stop. These people are evil sociopaths in medical and scientific disguise. No better than Hitler just packaged better.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely Amazing, and Horrific. ‘They’ knew they would have to creat something that would progressively kill people over a longer period of time so as to not be ‘linked’ to the mRNA Vaxine. But, statically speaking, that is a non starter because EVERYONES immune system and body is different.

So create something that compromises the immune system and the individual can/could/will die of some other disease or cause, so far “down the road” as to be non relatable …


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agreed, this dastardly act makes me physically ill, not for CoVid but from the evil intent

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in psychology, there is a phenomena known as “expectancy belief”. If your “check engine” light comes on - you go to the mechanic, you EXPECT them to figure it out because they are an EXPERT in their field. If something is wrong with the body, you go to a Doctor, you EXPECT them to figure it out because they are an EXPERT in their field…this is True in multiple fields of human endeavor. Some, most, give their Power away by believing, trusting, those in positions of Power.


Again, ALL I can Truly say is THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Simone Gold, Dr David Martin, Dr Li-Meng Yan, and many others!


You All are Truly Precious Souls!

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Agreed. I would further say we are all precious Souls. Everyone in their own way.

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✨🙏✨ A B S O L U T E L Y ✨🙏✨

Unequivocally. 🙏☺️🙏

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btw, Dr Linda, as you already know, this entire ‘episode’ has been tracked … if you haven’t read this, please do, it it jaw dropping, and EXPOSES intent: https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf

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Thanks have done

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I believe there are three levels of Truth.

Face Value: what we ‘see’ and are able to comprehend using intuitive intelligence, wisdom, etc.

Symbolic Truth: Cross ✝️✡️, Stop Sign 🛑⛔️,

Then, The Esoteric Truth: It is Hidden because it is Esoteric, BUT, IT REPRESENTS INTENTION. And, as we know, INTENTION is ALWAYS AN ACTIVE VERB! to conceal, to destroy, to control. Likewise, Great Souls like Dr Malone, EXPOSE these Esoteric Truths by exposing their INTENTION. to reveal, to save, to identify …

God Bless You, Dr Malone and the Precious Souls that are DEDICATED to TRUTH, ETHICS, MORALITY, HONOR, INTEGRITY… ✨🙏✨🛐✨🙏✨

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is just the short-term excess mortality, people who die almost immediately after the shot. I have several first hand reports of immediate death and yet they were not reported in VAERS. So I gotta wonder how understated these data are?? But what about the long term effects that result in death due to a dysfunctional immune system as a result of the shot? The figures have got to be in the millions. And that doesn't even address disability caused by the shot, which can be a fate worse than death.

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I just don't see how they can keep hiding this for much longer. On the other hand, my sister in law's family are having multiple issues after the shots and NONE will admit it's the shot. So sad!

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Your sister in law's family may have been captured by the Mass Formation that still exists with respect to covid and the vaccines. People captured in this way are literally unable to accept anything but the official narrative. For details, see any video featuring Mattias Desmet.

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Exactly. Yes, I've read and listened to much about MFP 😢

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I have a metaphor for immune imprinting/antigenic original sin.

Suppose there is a security guard (immune system) looking out for a crook (virus). If the crook gets in (infection), eventually the security guard finds him and remembers what he looks like so he can stop him quickly if tries to get in again.

With the vaccine it's like the security guard gets loads of pictures of the crook's hair style (spike protein), in principal the guard can spot him, but if he changes the hairstyle, the guard is just staring at photos of the old hairstyle and can no longer recognise him.

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Marvelous, as a layman to the Nth degree, I appreciate metaphors or analogies like yours

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Always loved metaphors. Drove my mentor nuts using them. He wasn't a fan

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Perfect quick describe. And in the cartoon world its like a sneaky wolf in sheep's clothing.

Fool me once...shame on you...fool me twice....shame on me! Hahaha.


The Un-inoculated.

Not the Un-educated!

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Sadly, like so much other technology (computers, internet, smartphones), it appears that mRNA vaccines have been turned into a Weapon to be used against us.

I've written software for 45 years and am saddened to be associated with technology today. I challenge my old tech friends to give me examples of tech that has *not* ultimately been used against us: not many examples.

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It's a question of who's side you're on. In my book targeting the powerful is white hat while cyber-powers deployed by or for governments & corps are black hats. Information wants to be free.. safe sailing to info liberation crews!!

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This is bound to happen in a world where you inadvertently volunteer, thru modern medicine, to participate as Lab Rat or Crash test Dummy! Your score will be monitored as Data becomes the world industry pays huge sums of Moola to control and "Deploy"!

Seems there is no shortage at this time. But the fear of making more casualties is real.

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These jabs were presented as short lived and limited to site of inoculation.

They were made utilizing pseudouridine presumably to extend the life of the jab and thereby virtually

guaranteeing spread beyond the site of inoculation.

Therefore it appears we were lied to and and pharma is involved in experimentation strongly smacking

of Tuskegee.

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"Team Jab" was never my inductive personal training for the games .GOV plays on all fields.

"We" are the disposable item now. An America that we have become, A sad throw away.

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I find it reprehensible and criminal that our infallible bureaucratic machine is so dysfunctional and afraid of being exposed as incompetent that they brand actual experts as dangerous, and hide any data that doesn’t support the continuation of their unquestionable decisions. This is the definition of incompetence by cowards who’s arrogance knows no limits.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent interview. I learn more and more information with every interview. Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for all your sacrifice to bring this information to the world.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing and participating in this incredibly informative interview! As a data manager who has worked on clinical trials for 25 years, I really appreciate the scientific discussion and debate. I learned so much! Robert, you explain scientific concepts so well…you are a great educator and would have been a great professor.

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I was a Professor from 1992 until 2001. I really love teaching. I taught pathology at UC Davis and the university of Maryland

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These are incredible conversations with brilliant people, sadly, the media’s clever strategy to disregard and discredit such things was incredibly effective and very evil in my opinion. Most people still believe what their doctors and the media tells them regarding covid vaccines and Paxlovid.

I remember early on when the jabs were rolled out, there was a strong push to get everyone jabbed, some like me were questions about we don’t even know what’s in these jabs, what they’ll do, and my mother in law, evidently heard this somewhere in the media/community said to me “ you didn’t know what was in baloney and still ate it”. Sadly most people swallow all the social rhetoric. Needless to say they got jabbed and encouraged us kids to do the same because they were “doing their job” as told.

Thank you for continuing to hold these conversations and standing for the truth. You have been a strong force in all this.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing this data analysis, it is so enlightening and enraging! 1/800 is way too high and justifies the end of the vaccination program because of the AEs, deaths and its inefficacy. What is so upsetting is that there is no listening for it. I still have people asking me if I'm vaccinated, because they are afraid that I pose a threat to them! I recently travelled to the US to fly and carried a blood test result showing I had the reactive antibodies for the 2 Cov strains. I guess I got lucky because neither the US or Canadian border guards asked me if I was vaccinated, but were more interested in learning about the molecular iodine I was promoting and how it could help us with our immune system etc. I have never been vaccinated and that has been very restrictive for me, but I have many reasons why I didn't allow it and I will always thank you Robert, for helping me make and stand by that decision.

In regards to your work to develop this technology, you have warned everyone to the best of your ability, before they started to inoculate everyone and ever since. Your work to increase its efficacy was you doing what you were able and trained to do. Science: Trial and error, so much error. I recall that you gave this project 10 years of your life (and I'm sure it was more than that. As an art dealer, I always recommend that my artists answer "my entire life" to the question "how long did it take you to paint that?") , to ultimately help humanity and feed your family. Whenever I ask people if they know who you are and they say no, I ask if they recall Joe Rogan being worked over by Neil Young, the protest singer LOL, to get him cancelled off Spotify. I wonder if Ol' Neil is back on Spotify? I like to think that he had little to do with it, but that the new owners of his $100 million song catalogue ( half owned by Back Rock ) were behind that stunt. Sorry I digress ... back to you creating the mRNA tech and being blamed for your efforts ...I think of Einstein creating the technology that gave birth to atomic weapons and how that effort turned out to be his greatest regret. It takes incredible intellect and dedication to create breakthroughs in science and unfortunately it becomes the actions of bureaucrats/puppets bought and paid for by the machine that has them used to harm us. I hope and pray that this data gets through to the masses.

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History will record the COVID-19 incident as a great failure, and the American contribution will not be flattering if the truth be told.

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"great failure" refers to the response of the Health authorities and health services.

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