"…by ending health disparities and systemic racism…what on earth could that mean?"


It means they learned some buzzwords to throw around so they can call everybody who doesn't go along racist.

The ultimate truth is this: Any pandemic plan will start with controlling people, so they're going to put the plans to control people into place. After that it won't matter if there's a pandemic or not.

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"It means they learned some buzzwords to throw around"

No; they INVENTED those buzzwords :P...

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LOL that would be more correct, yes!

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"The future doesn't just happen; we SHAPE it" :P...

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“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

― Karl Rove

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CAN'T STOMACH CARL ROVE...AND, THAT BORING WHITE BOARD. Establishment Elites are so boring it's simple to understand their feelings of THREAT and TORMENT by the average parent at School Board Meetings and Donald Trump.

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When you reach that level of observed reality and enlightenment,

The calm you seek to douse the rage of the ages is close at hand.

You know for a fact that there exists a dimension of wretched corruption.

Let's refer to it as a "Twilight Zone". As Rod Sterling did.

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Gee, I thought they RE-IMAGINED those buzzwords USED AS PROPAGANDA.

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People like Jeffery Epstein make all this possible. We have to admit there is a colluding entity corrupting our system. That’s step one. Once we do then we can begin to see how we fix this.

How do we stop the deep state? There is a safe way. As Dr Malone said it starts with a new doctrine, or code. Then we need new tools. Ones that force transparency on government and decentralize our systems. Also tools that help us collaborate better. Help those pockets and new ones fight back.

It starts here:


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I'm going to read your substack! Kudos!

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Thanks! It isn't just mine per say, but a small but growing society of problem solvers.

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FYI - I have designed a system years ago to fulfill on people's potential and have everything work in harmony, empowering people's dreams, wishes, goals, etc...just couldn't fight all of the evil and make sure that it stayed out of their hands...let's talk! Happy New Year!

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Brilliant! I am always amazed at what can be achieved by harnessing all talent of the invisible masses. It is limitless.

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Excatly, thats why we need more tools to do just that. Why doesn't a toll like this exist:


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You hit the nail on the head. I like it when smart, well-informed readers like you know the obvious answers to questions like this, which is fun to let the readers do.

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Glad to smash the softball! Great article! :)

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Having spent some time in Africa, this makes me so angry! Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates have already done enough damage there; leave Africa alone!

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Neither are satisfied they did enough damage. I think Bill promised his dad before he died that he would finish his dad's work through sterilization rather than the slow process of abortion.

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Biden and Trudeau prove over and over again what communists they really are.

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Obama, a communist, used identity politics and the color of his skin to begin a major infiltration of our society and government that demented Joe Biden continues to foster.

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Obama was the most dangerous man to be born IMO.

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No the money behind him was. The average house plant is smarter than he is

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(The average house plant is smarter than he is) hahha

At my first quick glance of this I read "The average house painter is smarter than he is!" Ooops Upon which i headed for the kitchen for coffee refill.

Being in the trade I have painted more than a few. It's 5am too, So yeah...

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Puppets all. The real guy in charge, not the buffoon Schwab, but none other than Lucifer himself who, I'm guessing here, is a hard one to resist once he get his gaze on you. I prefer never to have to look into that face without God at my side-and then why would I, even then?

On second thought I better just hang back a bit. Wouldn't want to get between God and the devil-Oh wait! We are, every day!

Align every part of your being with the light, until your "self" allows all the light to pass through, there is no shadow cast by your being, as you pursue alignment/conversation/prayer with the Light/Word/God. "In Him there is no darkness" "Go and do likewise" "I do what I hear from my Father".

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One of the top. He has company. Bill Gates.

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Everybody knows it continues to be Obama behind the curtain with Soros, Gates and all the Philanthropathic Predator Kiddies in the exaltation of orgasmic pleasure at the delusional fantasies of

owning endless SLAVES TO SACRIFICE TO THEIR AZTEC Pachamama Underworld God/Demon.

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Oh yea. He said he wanted to destroy America. Looks like he is.

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It's the old Obama gang, now with more neocons!

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yuup. You will own nothing and be happy. Klaus will be happier, he own everything!

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*Happy currently out of stock

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Ran Out of even 'Mediocre' a while back.

Not expecting any deliveries on 'Happy'.

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Und from vay uup heer...yu all loook like leetle Ants!! (Heimlich in Bugs Life)

You know him as a Pixar Adolf Schwab mascot.

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Even in writing, your Unc Schwabby the Knobby sounds 🎯.😂🤣

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Luv that Uncle Schwabby the Knobby. My old uncle Andy had that exact look, glasses too.

He may just resemble a lot of folks sweet old f-n uncle. Hahhaha

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Probably share the same secret ASS, tattoo as do other gang members of secret societies.

These men are as Toxic and Hypnotic to the sheep as it gets. New FREE cell phones just for you impoverished citizens of the world as a token of our devotions....cuz we luv you all so much. DUH!

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Ending health disparities can be translated to making sure that everyone gets vaccinated

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Exactly! I didn't come right out and say that, but dropped enough hints I think to support that conclusion.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

"....what on earth could that mean?"

It means that if you are one of the lucky (?) ones that survive the culling down to their "500 million in harmony with Earth" goal, you WILL own nothing and be happy, happy, happy...

These bastards are dead serious on their goals and all of our intelligentsia are on board as they think they will be in the leadership of the 500 million. Evil, thy name is DAVOS.

Sadly, Robert, your horses will have to go...

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Bingo, you win. The WEF has resurrected the evil philosophy of the 1960’s. That human beings need to be exterminated to make Gaia, the earth, clean again. That requires massive depopulation of the vast majority of human beings. How to do it? The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. War, Famine (making synthetic fertilizers produced by natural gas stocks illegal and massive restrictions of available productive farmland and elimination of cheap energy to fuel farm equipment), Pestilence (human engineered viruses made far more lethal in biological weapons labs and mandatory vaccines that are designed to kill people), and outright Death (global warming scams that freeze people to death with energy starvation, and outright government sponsored murder of innocents with abortions, promotion of gender disphoria demanding genital mutilation of children that sterilize the reproductive systems, unrestricted crime and violence in the streets, and euthanasia of ever growing categories of “unwanted “ people like babies, older people, and people with diseases or mental health issues ). This underlying philosophy controls every action of the WEF. It is truly evil and Satanic. God created the universe and everything in it. He commanded human beings to multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. The WEF wishes to counteract the commandments of Yahweh and defy His plans for mankind. All for the sake of wealth, power, and flaunting ancient principles of humanity and dignity that bind us together. May God help us.

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Amen. I truly believe in Divine Intervention and keep praying, as we all should. Praying and Praising. Satan is having his last dance. God Wins.

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I agree and believe faith and prayer are effective actions that prompt us to speak out in hostile territory, vote, poll watch, attend school board meetings, run for office, boldly stand, push back in love . . . Since faith without works is dead, let’s pray God reveal to us the specific work He calls us to, starting with “love your neighbor.” He’ll work with us. Power to you!

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God HAS already won.

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It will result in the death of us all (as usual) and a global recall of the planet, but "If God is for us, who can be against us?" "All creation groans under the current assault, desiring a return of the Creation to it's original form." Paraphrased...

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Indeed. I believe he will.

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Well said, Tom...you are indeed astute in matters of Eschatology! Their time of judgement and punishment is coming, and there will be no escape.

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deletedDec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022
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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Well…… after all, Satan is described in Holy Scriptura as a Snake in the Garden of Eden and a Dragon in the Apocalypse of the Revelation by Apostle John from Patmos, the disciple that Jesus loved.

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The opposite would apply here. With no more tankers floating the globe with imported oil.

The only tried and true means of transportation would be horseback and pack mule.

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Sadly, no more methane emitters will be permitted for food or transportation. Only crickets and worms...

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But what will the crickets and worms have as future nutrition's?

And how will non-methane emitters have distribution from factories?

Elon has not perfected his mega-volt tractor trailer yet. Too busy with things that fly or not!

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I am waiting for someone to find a way to put tens of thousands of crickets in line to pull a carriage. That'll be something to expect from the WEF to further encourage bug-love.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that, under this global chemical attack from the stratosphere, that even crickets are less numerous than they were and have disappeared entirely from many places? Here on the northern Commiefornia coast, the migration of birds has declined to 1/10th of the normal number of birds headed north is now arriving; a month early and staying longer as the land-based food supply up here is still plentiful.

Last year, for the first time ever, tens of thousands of pelicans hung out for a month awaiting the food supply, which normally wells up into Mendocino bay from deep ocean troughs at a very specific time (as God designed it), which arrived late and in miniscule quantities. Pelicans travel in small squads normally and independent of their lifelong mates (such a great idea...), but watching flight after flight of pelicans assemble and separate as single pelicans greeted their arriving mates, who then paired up, then joining the collective, was amazing.

They finally fed enough to continue south but their numbers were decimated as a result.

Chemtrails. Poisoning the planet as Lucifer demands. Salt water coasts the color of Tidy bowl, sunsets and sunrises the color of bloody urine. And the spraying continues. Trump didn't change it, Biden doesn't acknowledge it. Do we?

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Thanks for the comparison of Covid cases in Africa compared to US, it makes the WEF focus on health equity seem pretty ridiculous. Seems to me the lack of Africa's ability (or willingness) to buy ridiculously expensive Covid vaccines that don't work and cause more problems allowed Africa to dodge a major bullet. If the WEF is concerned about "debt choking them", why are they allowing China to put them all in that situation in the first place? In terms of long-term wealth, the only wealth that matters is the size of your future generations and on that front Africa is actually the richest continent on the planet, projected to have over 2.5 billion people by 2050. Remember the quote in the Iron man movie "So you're a man who has everything and nothing", in reference to Iron man having no family. But we do need to stop China from trying to enslave Africa in debt.

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Seen the report--3rd shot causes uptick in IgG4. Works vs ragweed, not so much vs viruses. Seem maybe god idea to stop the bleeding man's

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Bill Gates' daughter is a big equestrian - my guess is she won't have to give up her horses.

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Very interesting! Watched ETV- Phillips yesterday. Don't know if I picked it up there or elsewhere. Evidently there is a new mNRA manufacturing facility built in S Africa. Reporting major plans. Among other things. Africa getting in the way of their coronation of WHO as running the world?

Gotta admit I'm worriedly focused on the digital currency and its ramifications.

What a hugely productive day you've had today. Greatly appreciate all the info you share with us!

Thank you and much appreciation.

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Most inquiring minds have little doubt what the answer is to the question Dr. Malone poses. The only question is how they are going to try to snooker Africa and the rest of the world into going along with their nonsense. As we learned from the "war on terror" B.S., people get inured to fear-porn after it has been heaped on them year after year. Our sympathetic nervous systems become less sympathetic to the efforts to activate them, one might say. After three years of nonsense, at least 25% possibly much more of the Western world's population has woken up to the shenanigans, the mass-murder, and the duplicity of the globalists, and will surely stand firm against future pandemics, whether pseudo pandemics, as this one was, or not. The rest are ripe for conversion, because they are sick of the "we're all in this together" nonsense, and "if you don't do what we say, you're a racist" claptrap. It's interesting how the more the globalists plans unravel, the higher they aim their goals. I think this giant will fall off the beanstalk with a huge thud in the next year or two. In the meantime, they'll be trying to get their goose that lays the golden eggs.

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As Edward Dowd says: when crooks know they’re caught, they double down. The WEF is doing this big time.

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They MUST 'Double Down'. It's not in the mental health milieu of the Psyco-Predators inhabiting Axis II Diagnosis to EVER admit to wrong-doing or a mistake. Doubling Down is their only option and in that there is PREDICTABLITY for the wise and discerning having healthy boundaries.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Shall we call this…. Societal pandemic immunization response? From the government and the WEF?

The real big question is very simple. Who loves you and your neighbor? Who will care for you when things are difficult and when we experience “hard times”? The government? What a joke, a cruel and evil joke. Look to the left of you and to the right of you. To your neighbors next to you. And to your church or synagogue. These are the only folks who will help you in “hard times”. Live not by Lies.

Do you know a much much older person with memories of the Great Depression and WW2? Talk with them. Or talk with their children and grandchildren who talked with them and understand actual truth.

Our solutions are very very simple. “Love God, with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. These are the summary of the Ten Commandments.” Said Jesus. They are also the very hardest things to do by stubborn human beings to do. Me included. My grandfathers were born in 1896 and 1903. I spent much time with them. They told the truth about history. About their experience. “Hard times” are coming soon. Get ready. We all need each other. More than you understand now.

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Just read today that democrats are okay if mask wearing is re-instituted...

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We live in Clown World.

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"When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat." -- George Carlin

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It seems apparent to me that all the WEF'ers in place in African countries, in the Gates, and Wellcome trust orgs will be orchestrating to kill as much of Africa as possible in the next up-cycle of the jab campaign. Look for big upturn in deaths there. . .

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The fact that many of the African countries have been dumping or refusing the "gifts" of shots tells me they're pretty smart and this might not go down as the WEF'ers plan. I have hope.

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Great data as always. The WEF and their globalist partners are making steady progress setting up their feudalistic world control and governance. Their tools and puppets - the WHO, UN, IMF, World Bank and corrupt politicians/government agencies - are doing a good job carrying out the globalists' pandemic, vaccine, climate, food shortage/fake food and digital ID/currency operations. Globalists have achieved remarkable success so far, and they're well on their way to achieving their feudalistic goals. The US has been taken over by globalist puppets, although pockets of resistance are still fighting for the survival of the Republic and Constitution.

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People like Jeffery Epstein make all this possible. We have to admit there is a colluding entity corrupting our system. That’s step one. Once we do then we can begin to see how we fix this.

How do we stop the deep state? There is a safe way. As Dr Malone said it starts with a new doctrine, or code. Then we need new tools. Ones that force transparency on government and decentralize our systems. Also tools that help us collaborate better. Help those pockets and new ones fight back.

It starts here:


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Don’t you love how they hide their evil agenda behind propaganda that makes it sound that they are doing good for all? Who is still buying this BS? Well sitting at the airport and looking around 50% masked people/small children, apparently quit a few.

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Guess who taught them that? We taught Hitler a lot too.

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Yikes, to receive this at the same time as this https://newsletter.allfactsmatter.us/p/china-and-covid-everything-old-is

and thinking about how Ed Dowd pointed out Covid response was part of financial cover-up for massive debt; and goodness how many trillions have been spent on Covid and Ukraine, could "they" be setting us up for another Pandemic in the next month or so? Hubby said he's seen fearful headlines, unfortunately he's still hypnotized/part of mass formation psychosis.

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Blah blah blah.

Roll your eyes at everything they say. And make sure you do it in front of those who believe.

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Fauci and Bill Gates, both involved in despicable experiments in Africa, should be hung for crimes against humanity.

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Ultimately they'll be thrown into the lake of fire. Perhaps that lake will need to be bigger than all of the Great Lakes of the upper midwest combined to contain enough room for that amount of evil.

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Attention Dr. Malone. Per Dr. Zelenko, hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore. Zinc ions inside a human call impede the production of the enzyme needed for RNA viral reproduction. In other words, HCQ without zinc supplements is useless. Do you want to help Africa? Convince African doctors to prescribe zinc supplements.

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