Recommend everyone tune in to Rebelnews.com to get daily reports from Davos from Ezra Levant and his team there. You may recall the famous walking interview(attempted interview) by Ezra Levant of Albert Bourla on the streets of Davos in January 2023. Bourla refused to answer a single brilliant question while trying to make evasive walking manoeuvres around Davos with a microphone in his face. Not a single security guard interfered. This year has started off just as zany and you can see the street interview of Antifa protesters(yes, they are there again) as well as a comical face-off in front of the temporary Blackrock chalet. All very ‘on point’ as well as being informative and very entertaining. Check it out: Rebelnews.com

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Author

Thank you for this!

I have pinned this comment - Rebel News did a great job last time.

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All on target, Robert, although regarding Javier Milei, as I've commented here before, his reign will leave Argentina crying more than it ever has. Him attending Davos doesn't surprise me as his early acts in office have been to impoverish the citizens and enrichen the foreign money puppet masters. It looks to me to be October 10th on the Arginine economic equivalent of Gaza.

As for the 5 hot topic video, I do agree they are that, however, the WEF members are both the cause and beneficiaries of all 5. Your hot list IMO sits on top of them, for the consequences their 5 cause to the rest of us.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched the other day as they cruised in front of a Davos building with a huge BlackRock sign over it. They were told to get off the sidewalk and the 'party' hadn't even started yet. I love it when they can irritate the wolves.

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Has anyone else noticed that the late Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab, Kissinger's protégé, have the same uniquely deep rattily voice? I wonder what DNA parentage testing might reveal here. Not that it matters, of course, should Klaus Schwab be Henry Kissinger's illegitimate son, but it would be interesting to look into just the same.

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Great observation, nothing is surprising about what could be.

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Unfortunately, the money, power and control are not in the hands of the individual. I see an unrelenting push to change the human condition. Not for the better!

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Individual Rights, the bedrock of our Constitution,have been shredded. But Americans have got to learn the importance of mass action and stop being so atomized. That is the only thing that will get their attention and is the only thing they fear at this point. They destroyed the rule of law so no longer fear that as long as they retain power, which they aim to do at all costs.

In the Fall of 2022 the CCP leadership, including Xi, watched millions of Chinese citizens take to the streets in dozens of Chinese cities across much of the eastern half of the nation, all in iron jawed protest of the CCP’s brutal Zero Covid policy. The sight terrified the party and likely the most afraid was Xi himself. This is the only thing they fear. Within 24 hours the Zero Covid policy was withdrawn. People in the cities were free to leave their homes and go about their business. It happened in less than 24 hours.

With the end of national elections, this is the lesson America must learn, and fast.

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Americans are too docile! That’s why this nightmare continues!

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Yes I agree. And there is another big problem as well. Americans are largely miseducated and misinformed - two separate but related problems. These problems are unique to western civilisation - the US, Western Europe and the British commonwealth. In China and Russia and most non-western countries the people know what their governments are all about, they know about tyranny and totalitarianism and they know they don’t get the truth from official sources which are all government controlled. In America and the west far too many still believe in government as the solution to societies problems. They believe they are getting the truth from the mainstream media. The young believe their leftist professors have the answers. Not so in the rest of the world. So there is this docility coming from those who know better, and this docility coming from those who don’t.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

The youth in America are f-d up.

My wife and I drove through the streets of Dartmouth Univ, following RT10 down in Hanover NH yesterday. There was a table set up on the side of the road with "Write in Biden" flags all over it. This idiot running the table looked like a poster child for joe bidens cabinet, pompom and all.

Brainwashed tard

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Sadly, very true. But it's even worse than that; the minds of the majority are being manipulated, and the ability to reason and analyze has been suppressed. America's' schooling is the bane of our existence. Going back for over a century, the deliberate effort to lower education standards has benefited the privileged class while preventing the masses from obtaining quality education.

The TYRANTS of INDUSTRY Took Control of our Schools, needing a SEMI-LITERATE, Docile, obedient Class of people (effective drones) to man their machines.

Using the Prussian style of forced schooling, they've severe emotional bonds with Family ~ Church ~ Culture ~ Close Friends ~ Tradition, or anything that conflicts with their voice of authority! It gradually took place over time, but in the '60s, all Hell broke loose when God/Bible reading and prayer were removed from all curricula.

Indoctrination was the priority then. Each generation saw fewer and fewer Christian or conservative teachers. Schooling utilizing confinement, restriction, obedience, and intimidation, among others, control our kids, while foisting a perverted eco-god/demon guised as (pseudo)-science.

The Modern-day Tyrants are even more vicious and cunning. From college scams, to Buying Congress and apparently even Presidents. Corrupted government officials and bureaucrats are not a rare exception. BigPharma gives more than any other entity to elected and unelected officials. BigTech Monopolies have and use their power to control elections. Nearly all major networks work in lockstep to weaken our once great nation.

The relentless fearmongering has taken its toll on the masses. To some extent, there is a phenomenon referred to as "Mass Formation Psychosis," where reality appears as a blurry and surreal image of life.

America is being deconstructed from within, and most have no idea how close it is to ENDING. There is no outrage but a ho-hum, whatever. Millions are being eliminated while replacements come walking in by the thousands every day and crickets.

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Can’t disagree!

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These Globalists are our sworn enemy here at the Society of Problem Solvers. But they leak their weaknesses. They are vulnerable.

The root cause problem is the same for most of these:


We need to build new systems that make the old corrupted ones obsolete. That is humanity’s biggest problem right now. We have lost trust in all systems (government, food, academia, medicine, media and even science).

Our new systems must be corruption resistant, transparent, decentralized, and thus trustworthy. 100% built and controlled by the people.

We need a trustworthy place to go where ideas can percolate.

We fix it all with a brand new entity. A non profit network state run in a way that is super hard to corrupt: like this video explains.


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Love you guys just after watching your video. The opposite of Human Swarm Intelligence is Mass Formation Psychosis, or something akin to it. I think you are demonstrating that within a properly moral and ethical framework something that can be powerfully destructive can be turned into something powerfully constructive. It is so true, as evil is nothing more than a perversion of the good. It can’t create anything. One more thought about “corruption”. The fuel if not the engine for nearly all of the institutional and global corruption we have seen has been money. Good people have been willing to divert their gaze in the face of evil because of money and its stable mates prestige and power. The corruption of money was a prerequisite to the corruption of the world. It appears that you guys get this. Cryptocurrencies can and do address part of the problem, but not all of it. Money must never be created, it must always be earned. And governments must never, ever be allowed to print money.

I wish you the best and will follow you on your website. -Brien Akers Kenmore, WA

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I will end this conversation with one last try at my failed attempts to get my point across. It is this: Money has a corrupting influence on human nature. It doesn’t matter whether you are atheist, communist, Christian, Muslim or libertarian. Money can corrupt you if you weren’t corrupt already. It has happened throughout history. Now we have many Trillions of dollars in circulation, much of it originating from corrupt practices and coming from corrupt sources. Many good people have been corrupted by it in ways that would not have otherwise been possible. I used doctors as an example. They caved because of money and prestige. If their money and prestige had not been at stake they most likely would not have caved. They would have stood up for ethical medical practice. But threaten to take away their beautiful home, their children’s private school education, their membership in the yacht club and their country club, and maybe even the gleam in their adoring wife’s eye, and they will look the other way in the face of the greatest medical genocide in history. Money did that. Yes they were human to start with, but the variable we are talking about is money.

I’ll quit on a a couple of verses from the Bible: “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1st Timothy 6:10) and “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”(Matthew 6:13)

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Brien, You know that money, of itself is not the problem. The "fuel and the engine" has been the age old human weaknesses. Never just one, the whole gamut to choose from. We are the answer and the problem.

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Well of course

If you’ve ever raised a child you know that the child is the problem. But you raise it up in the way it should go, nevertheless.

I can’t remove the person, or undo the Fall. But I can take the money away, or I can shut down the Central Bank, the money printer(like Milei is doing in Argentina).

It is the love of money that is the root of all evil, is it not. What you are saying is that if I take the money away the “love” remains, that it will go somewhere else. Perhaps so, but that somewhere just might not cause all the mischief that all this money has. That is my bet. Totalitarianism ends up needing a lot of cash.

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Totalitarianism needs a lot of unconsiousness, and willing subjects to comply, then comes the cash.

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These billionaire oligarchs, the would be totalitarians, could not have done this without a great deal of money, more of yours and mine than of their own. The money comes first.

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Got turned onto Rebel News during COVID onset and their Australia coverage, and locked onto them during the Canadian Trucker Rally. Courageous and Excellent.

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I have been following Rebel News for several years now. Australia here 👋

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the clowns tho...🤡🧐🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Indeed the walking interviews were very revealing!

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"This list of top five risks is bizarre. The world is in the middle of two major wars, the middle east is about to implode, and the biggest risk during year’s 2024-25 is “Misinformation and disinformation”

Misinformation and disinformation are code words for truth. Just like a kidnapper muzzles his victim with duck tape so they cannot sound the alarm, censorship is about to go through the roof so we can no longer sound the alarm. Substack will be a major target this year.

Eventually some big contrived false flag "misinformation" event is going to lead to mandatory ID for internet access. Anonymity will no longer be allowed and everything you do will be tracked and auto-censored in real time. Make to many mistakes and you will be auto-banned.

Under no circumstances can we allow them to implement this. Do NOT comply.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

Whenever I see that misinformation is considered the biggest risk, I always read that as

1) misinformation is information that is counter to whatever “they” are peddling

2) this means misinformation (as above) really DOES have the capacity to undo their plans

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Agree. They wouldn't be expending the resources to silence us if what we are saying were not a threat to them.

'When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” ― George R.R. Martin

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If they really feared us, they would not be gathering in one place at the same time. But they don't fear us because they are well aware that all the wars for over 200 years and the vast majority of uprisings have been orchestrated and funded by them and/or their predecessors cabals.

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Tritorch , I may put that quote in the mailbox of the hospital executive who fired me … thank u for that

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a bastion of open discourse and thus humanity, Substack is going to be the Battle of Helm's Deep this year, for sure.

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Train your arrows on any champion Uruk-hai sprinters bearing torches.

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So funny – allow me to go painfully-postmodern for a moment and read more meaning into this than there probably is. In hindsight that hilarious scene is rich with relevant symbolism: the Uruk-hai is a synthetic "gain-of-function" cyborg of sorts, carrying a torch in obvious allusion to the Olympics, a perhaps once-genuine but now overtly-captured globalist charade. Davos is analogous to Orthanc too – hubristic wizards scheming their domination in high places. Alright, enough.

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Spot on insight... You definitely read way more into anything I had intended but I am glad you did. The connections you made are loony but there.

That scene felt surreal, as if it were directed by Sam Raimi rather than Peter Jackson.

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Thank goodness Substack does not allow for inline images and GIFs as this thread would no doubt be clogged full of LOTR-memes by now.

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Bannon posted a New York Post story from yesterday (January 14th) titled "Supreme Court poised to end ‘constitutional revolution’ that’s marred US governance for 40 years."

"Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, from the District of Columbia Circuit, and Relentless v. Department of Commerce, from the First Circuit, are now before the court."

My layman's understanding here is these two cases before the court are challenges to "Chevron Deference," a subject previously touched upon by Dr. Malone. Surely it would be wonderful to see executive branch rule by fiat trimmed back, with rule making authority returned to the Article I (legislative) branch. COVID-19 has shined a bright light on unelected executive branch bureaucracy as tyranny.

Still, of course, we would not be out of the woods yet with power returned to Congress. I have seen legislation and committee discussion of digital IDs. But at least constituents have a better chance of registering their displeasure with their reps and senators than with faceless bureaucrats in an insular executive branch community.

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A great advance forward for freedom and common sense would be to repeal all legislation and court decisions that have allowed Corporations to be Persons. That would put culpability right back in the personal laps of whom it belongs, the operators and shareholders of the corporations. Its origination was a grave mistake for citizenry and a gigantic win for the puppet masters.

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That list of risks, is wholly to "The New World Disorder" not to us "Useless Feeders".

Those are the areas they will come against us with the sledge hammer.

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Sorry, if you are typing into you're PC you are NOT anonymous. Every keystroke is saved on AWS (Amazon Web Services). If you think Bezos made his money selling books, think again.

But yes, censorship will continue as it has for the whole 20th century.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If we can't find a list of reps and senators who are in attendance at Davos this week, we can certainly narrow it down by looking at who is not voting in Congress, which is still in session.



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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Am I the only one that is so repulsed, I can barely look at this any more?

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I've run out of words.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Darn, where is the good lord's fire and brimstone when we need it most!

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Saved for the Tribulation, where there will be plenty.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Take home message:

The beatings will continue until morale improves

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, how would you feel about starting g an AEF? Appalachian Economic Forum?? I'll help any way I can.

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This is an interesting idea!

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My family and I are in E TN, about a mile from Lake Watauga. We have a very large piece of land here overlooking the lake, bought in '21. We did things a bit differently from yall though, we bought raw land and started from scratch. House, solar w/storage, barn, and full time camp are all complete. Looking for the right opportunity to come along as to what's next. Working to stack our funds back up this year and then in 25 we hope to do something special. We were thinking music as we are a BIG bluegrass/old time family but open to the right thing

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Bluegrass and outdoor potties!

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We do full moon bonfire jams on top of the mountain every full moon, weather permitting. If you're in the High Country, reach out

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We're in Texas but sounds great, however we don't travel so much anymore... Suggest a larger attendance be restricted to "Deplorables"...

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

hmmm. How about Skyline Drive Forum?

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Except the history of that road and that national park is rather dark. Forcing people off their homesteads and then burning them as they walk away. Reason why there are all those chimneys with no attached building. Here where we live there are many that remember, and a deep distrust and hate of the USG among those for what they did. It is only two generations in the past, and grandparents are still alive that remember it well.

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During WW II USG forced friends of wife’s family from their land in Fla. so to build/expand Tyndall Air Force base. Their house was bait casting distance from the bay. It now is a golf course for the officers there.

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Thanks for the heads up Doc. Let's re-nominate the Appalachian Economic Forum! . . . my wife and I took our honeymoon on Skyline Drive in 1974 and lived in Winchester for 3 yrs(80 thru 83), our 2nd child born there, and never realized this. Every time I turn around it seems there are more reasons to resent the government of this country of my birth, loved, and revered all my life. I started waking after Mai Lai. . . but it took decades to arrive.

Disconcerting, humbling, and agonizingly painful.

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I lived all these years... loving 'Skyline Drive', never knowing this. How despicable.

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Dr. Malone, do you know the story of the AT? It was originally meant to be an alternate trade route for the Appalachian community, and it was not a gov’t project. Check it out:


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We The People need our own forum.

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What would that forum be? Every now and then I come across something about TN looking into a sovereign bank or eliminating sales tax on gold. But nothing seems to come of it. I’ve only been here a year (other side of Jonesborough) so I’m still finding my feet.

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Hey neighbor

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Hey, back. Have you been here long? I’m struggling with how to find little businesses worth finding, especially if there is a disruption in the internet and communications. This is a spectacular place and I keep stumbling on amazing things, but it’s been pure luck.

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We are waaaayyyy out in the middle of nowhere lol and we've been working ourselves to the bone to build this place for three years now. We're just starting to be able to "live" here and build a life. We spent 2.5 of those years living in a little rental cabin in Boone, it's about 45 minutes from us, we've found a lot of good grocery stores and some community over there. It's tough, I can only be 1/2 myself there, it's a college town and super liberal. Then only 1/2 here as the ultra Christians don't usually take too well to me either lol I just keep my mouth shut a lot and let my wife talk 🤙If you find yourself over this way, reach out.

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WEF, The Dragons Teeth. The Wests Hero Eisenhower slayed the Nazi Dragon. But in its death throws, its teeth were scattered to the wind, eventually finding fertile ground, they grew to become the political group known as WEF. NAZISM reborn, and rebranded. Instead of hordes marching in unison, and giving the traditional Roman legion salute. We have, unelected self appointed, political apostles whose, for your own good philosophy, is depopulation, eat insects instead of meat, 15 minute cities, and forced vaccination. They seemed to have charmed many of the wests wealthy, through their own self indulgence, and by out right interference in the political process. What else could they do? They don't possess an army? But if they did you can bet they would not hesitate to use it. Perhaps this is why Putin has declared them an appropriate military target.

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nice allusions to classic literature.

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Jerry. The Bolsheviks won. That's why the Nazis are the "bad" guys. If you think the Bolsheviks are the "good" guys, then you are simply a product of "disinformation". Today we are 100 times more productive than in 1945. Look around your neighborhood. The nation is getting sold out from underneath you. Death by a thousand taxes, used to fund foreign wars and foreigners living in this country and contributing nothing.

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They do not have an army per se, but if you saw what the western countries were doing to non-compliant citizens during lock downs, including here, armies of a different name are at their disposal.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You ask all the right questions! I appreciate your commentary, as so much of this will never be revealed by the media. I used to feel like a kindergartner in regards to the shenanigans going on there. This meeting is an eyeful and earful, and not enough regular people know or care. It is so far from their reality. But the effects are at their doorstep

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If only the sex slaves and hotel workers would not be harmed, I'd pray for a very focal earthquake in Davos.

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Ha! I was envisioning an avalanche!

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A cluster bomb might be more effective. And just imagine, in one fell swoop we could rid the world of nearly all that ails it. All the elites with all their money making save-the-world schemes gone!!

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Bring in HAARP.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have been receiving warnings about these elite globalist organizations for years now. For Alex Jones it started with the Bohemian Grove and then the United Nations. Then there was the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. Somewhere in there the Bilderbergers popped up. And now it is this group.

As usual, what is not talked about in these meetings seems almost as alarming as what is. War. International crime.

Loss of trust does seem to surface now and then. In my training, when trust must be "restored," that means something was done prior to lose it. An honest organization would realize this was something IT had done, and then take steps to remedy that problem. We even have steps an organization or individual can take - formulas you could say - for putting things back together.

But a criminal or criminal group will always try to deflect to wrong cause. They want to find someone else to blame for their own bad deeds. "Restoring trust" then consists of somehow conning the public into believing they should look "over there" instead of at the sorry mess trying to justify its own existence and all the bad deeds that go with it.

We all have a few decisions in our lives that we regret. So snookering us into blaming someone else for those works on some of us, even though it shouldn't. There's nothing like getting your own house in order if you want to stand up to these criminals.

Unlike some, I don't disagree with the concept that the planet could benefit from some sort of international organization and framework. However, every honest attempt in that direction has for the most part failed. So there are some obvious holes in our understanding of the situation that are preventing this thing from working. The secrecy at places like Davos is one indication of this. Their moral lapses is another. And though I have some answers, perhaps best articulated publicly by Courtney Brown, most people here don't want to look there, either. Most seem to imagine that this is something we can THINK our way out of, not LOOK our way out of. But I disagree. Enough with the thinking. It is time for some looking.

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The mis and disinformation is coming directly from Klaus Schwab’s pie hole and all of his fanatical followers. Let’s face the fact the cat is out of the bag. People with any sense are well aware of the WEF scam. Remember Trump unhooked us from this BS. This is why it’s so deathly important that Trump is elected and put back in the White House!!! We should not allow the WEF and all of our domestic Tyrants to manage our decline while they all become fantastically rich. The homegrown elites and the Fed, by continually bailing out the rich (banks and their depositors as of late), have created the largest gap between the ultra rich and the middle class. It’s time we all stand up, jump in the boat like Washington did, and take back what is rightfully ours!!! J.Goodrich

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James, Oh I wish that one person for one term could set the record straight! This multi-leveled scheme against the innocent, everyday worker has to be seen and felt, very much in their own backyard for any impact. We, as a nation aren't anywhere close, if you ask me. There is a feeling of the "golden calf" being toppled, but not quite yet...

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Not sure why I’m always surprised when I talk to friends that are completely disconnected from what’s happening. Most are fairly brilliant successful people. It’s frightening to me.

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It's akin to asking a simple question. How can a middle age happily married couple (kids or no kids) of at least twenty years and have cohabitated in an American home style setting have such different opinions about vaccine hesitancy or current facts on it's death and injury data? Accumulated preferred TV news?

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Much deeper than that randall. Generations of programming, subtle and not so subtle, throw in a dose of dysfunction and then add a mismatched personality, out of desperation to find "love". Quite a recipe for disaster.

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Well DD...we are wonderous creatures of "Habit". A learned behavior. Not a DNA encoding.

From the moment of our first breath of planet air, we exist to think/learn/grow. Not all do.

How deep is that? Limitless is the individual. Devine the spirit of connectedness.


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Ditto. Right now he is the best shot the US has for a president that will stop the decline of America.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And they call us fascists!

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spot on commentary.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with the need to empower small government and weaken central authority. As governments swell in size, they become like Audrey, the plant from Little Shop of Horrors, with insatiable demands to "Feed me!" They also become increasingly corrupt and unresponsive to the public. The old saying "power corrupts" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely" speaks mountains about the corruptive influence of excessive power. The Federal Government needs to be dismantled piece by piece and the power returned to states, cities and counties, whose officials have at least some accountabliity, and far less power.

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Same with WEF, UN, WHO - time to dismantle them. They reek of corruption.

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Jan 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Greetings from a PA Farm boy in snowy Germany. Way back when, there was a cartoon that was captioned "We met the enemy, and he is us." Reverend Dr. Mom had a book prominently displayed in her Parsonage Library, "I am OK, You’re OK." That was back in the '70s. Yes, I read the book. It makes me wonder if the seeds for the current kerfuffle, (I am trying to be polite, and not go on a Nietzsche-esque tirade of profanity), were planted then.

Well, we have met the enemy, and it is THEM. What is most poignant in your article, is this quote:

"... The US must return to its roots as a constitutional republic. If we wish to survive as a nation, that means a return to small government.

What we need is a return to less Federal government AND less taxation.

The upside-down logic of Klaus needs to be challenged at every inflection point. The US government must stop sending delegates to the WEF to be coopted by their interests..."

I spend most of my spare time reading. It is difficult for me to be one of the somnambulists who just sit and stream one video after another to ignore what is going on. I am trying, however, but it sure as feck isn't working. What I see on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or any other media pisses me off. Not that am intolerant, but I see the hidden messages of the unimportance of the Nuclear family, that "perversions" are OK, and just accept the narrative. Sorry, that is unsustainable. Maybe that is the plan.

What is sustainable is living within your means, not succumbing to the "wants of the moment" and incurring personal debt to satiate this desire. My Latin teacher said: "it is not doing the things you like to do, but liking the things you have to do that makes life worthwhile." Many of my other mentors growing up taught me the same thing, not only in words, but in their actions.

"Homesteading" is an unachievable goal for many today. A great proportion of the population live in apartments, and have no chance to have "five acres and independence." What these folks can do, however, is to shop responsibly, learn to do canning, and wean themselves from "prepared foods." By doing so, shopping at farmer's markets, they are supporting the old culture. Who the heck would have thought that the "old culture" would be the new "counter culture?"

Many see that things are not correct, and cannot continue the way things are going. Sorry, but I think the whole "eating bugs to save the planet" is going the way of the whole EV "solution."

I still have faith in humanity. What the elites are doing is not being ignored by the folks who still have critical thinking skills. Hopefully, we will win the day.

We just need to have more kids to save the future. "Teach your Children well", and as Jefferson Airplane sang, "Find your way back."

Oh, and my name is Jonathan Kriebel, I am not ashamed to have a different opinion, and I am willing to listen, and evaluate any argument that differs from mine. However. I once thought I was wrong, but was mistaken.

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