As we read the overwhelming information regarding the march toward globalism, one world government, and the fusion of Catholicism and a “ milder form of Islam”, it would be prudent to update your knowledge of the book of Revelation. We have been given a summary of current events, written 2000 years ago. Whether you see God looking into space or a microscope, compelling evidence for the truth of the Bible is the fulfillment of prophecy. It is undeniable. Hand wringing without knowledge creates helplessness, and seeking human solutions to a much bigger conflict. The ultimate battle started in Genesis, and the final chapter is history is Revelation.

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I totally agree. I somehow get the feeling that the globalist leaders know scripture more than many practitioners do. After reading that the vaccine/microchip patent was numbered 666, it occurred to me they may be making their plans based on Revelation and other apocalyptic verses to try to scare Christians first, that they may be pretending to be the Devil, false prophets of Satan perhaps, but none the less ruinous and evil... All that said., traditional Catholics are totally against globalism and against the current Pope and I can't imagine any Muslim. islamist watering down any of their beliefs to accommodate anything or anyone - but as you indicated (and Jesus said) only God the Father knows the timing.

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Paul, yes indeed I am a born-again Christian who is pretty astute on eschatology and end-times prophecy. I left that out of this essay but intend to delve more into that in future substacks and connect more of the dots for sure. So much of what is happening is indeed aligned with scripture and prophecy.

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Excellent insight!

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Who added over 500 pages to the Gutenberg Bible, which came off the printing press in the 1450s? (The Gutenberg Bible based on writings authorized by the RC church). It was King James who came across a Bible, which William Tylndale had translated into English 75 years earlier. William Tyndale had been murdered by the RC church, because he dared translate the Gutenberg Bible, which had been printed in Latin...into English. The church tried to destoy all his copies. King James wanted to consolidate his position in England (as his mother Mary Queen of Scots was Catholic and had been beheaded by Elizabeth I, because her followers wanted to turn England back to Catholicism.) . King James wanted to show that he had no such desire. He had 50 nobles and some members of the Church of England, work on the Bible from 1603-1611. My KJ Bible is over 1800 pages, when the 1450s Gutenberg Bible was 1286 pages. Mathew 10: Look at the names of the Hebrew disciples.Two of them were given the name of the King... James (Scot name); another Andrew a scot name; another Barthomew, an English name, even Mary which probably had been anglicized from Maria...a Roman name. etc. A number of the original scrolls were done by both the Greeks and Romans...their influence is apparent. The word Bible comes from the Greek word Biblio...meaning book. Check out the Council of Nicea in 325 AD...called by the Emperor Constantine who met with the Greek rulers and the Byzantine ruler in the area now called Turkey. Three pagan rulers who believed in many mythological gods...promoted Christianity (the word Christianity and Christ came from the Greek word ...christos, which meant Anointed One) for non spiritual reasons. I read all about the very insane Emperor Constantine who called this Council of Nicea.

Anyway, over 500 pages of the Bible were added in the 1600s...not by particularly spiritual men. They were simply literate nobles and judgmental members of the Church of England.

The original teachings which the Messiah told his disciples to spread were all about turning to the Father for guidance...Matthew 6 was a truly defining chapter. Another, Matthew 22: 40 stemmed from the original teachings...It stated "On these two Commandments HANG ALL THE LAW and all the prophets." Matthew 22:35-39 stated that there was nothing more important than these two:: LOVE THE ONE WHO CREATED YOU and LOVE ONE ANOTHER !!! If people had focused on these LAWS...there would be no need for all the hundreds of thousands of laws on the books today...we would have had world peace by now!

As a reader of 80 years ...I am simply sharing information I have come across. I personally have never joined any religous group, but i totally believe in our Creator. Isn't it interesting, but the word Creator only appears five times in the Bible, but the pagans who worshipped multi-gods used it throughout the Bible. Mankind has worshipped at least 5000 gods throughout history...and now the current one..is the God of Money!

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Steven, i agree... there would be no life, if there weren't a Creator who brought this world and all life into being. Nothing comes from nothing. The Life Force of our Creator enters all living beings at conception,. The Life Force of our Creator is in every living being. It is a shame that so many don't know it. When I was a child I loved reading fairy tales...and I read them for years. When I really got into reading the Bible in the early 1980s, I was almost fifty. My first impression...it was like reading a fairy tale created by men who were not spiritual. Much of it was simply rhetoric and many of the stories were not particularly uplifting. I had been into the Creator, since I was four; and I asked for guidance as to what I should read...and what was the essence? There was wisdom to be discerned! However, one has to ask for guidance, before reading. What was the message the Messiah brought? His pure message would have brought about peace. When I found out how much had been added and altered I honed in on finding what was the truth. It says that everything we do is known and all our thoughts are open to our Maker. It says keep your thoughts pure for you don't know who is listening. Matthew 6 has a great deal of truth in it. it tells us to individually establish a personal relationship with our Creator. The messiah (I use this name, because his original name was changed by Constantine's scribes in the 300s to IESUS CHRISTOS., which is not Hebrew... Christos is a Greek name and Iesus possibly a Byzantine name. There was no letter J in the alphabet, until the 12th or 13th century. All three rulers (Romans, Greeks and Byzantine) contributed to this new religion called Christianity. They were pagan rulers who worshiped multi-gods. They did not promote it for spiritual reasons. The Byzantine ruler eventually dropped out, because he had his own god Apolonius to worship. As I mentioned previously the Greeks and Romans worshipped many mythological gods...so when they did their writings they used the word god. The name Creator is mentioned only 5 times in the whole Bible. God is a very generic word as 5000 god have been worshipped, since the beginning. For almost fifty years, I used the word God. then, I discovered it was not the preferred title our Creator wanted us to use. As a child, I became aware that I was heard. I knew that my thoughts were open. My grandmother used the word God. She taught me God is love. She was a Christian Scientist, but she also studied other religions. She told me that God loved me...and as a child it was very comforting to know I was loved. In the thirties people were very reserved. I didn't feel my parents cared for me. My grandparents demonstrated more love toward me than my parents. They were the ones who really taught me what love was. They gave me the gift of their time. I learned that simply being in the presence of people who cared about you...was love. In addition, I never felt lonely, because I had been taught I was loved by our Maker. If everybody knew they were loved; it would be a far different world. Our Creator made us to love and communicate with - as taught in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9).

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thank you for this..I agree with you about Love God Love your neighbor and this post so interesting. I didn't know that the King James who wrote the King James Version was the son of Mary Queen of Scots. We very recently watched an old Movie about her. Played by a very young and beautiful Katherine Hepburn, Mary seems to have been a most devout Catholic but very open to ecumenism and respected the beliefs of others.thank you again.

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The enemy knows scripture, as do many of the countries and leaders that are part of this garbage. Look for false teachings and a false messiah play. Maybe I am giving them too much credit, but I think they are all with the 'Left Behind' eschatology that too many Christians think they going to be 'raptured out of difficulties' and therefore DO NOTHING.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

There is a book written over 100 years ago by an inspired Christian writer named Ellen G. White that brings Biblical history into focus and the events we are now witnessing. Your public library probably has it. Amazon definitely has it. The name of the book is "The Great Controversy". It will answer a lot of questions I see here.

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I am not a Seventh Day Adventist, and I do not hold to her writings as authoritative.

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I look forward to reading this in more detail. One thing that popped out at me in a quick perusal, is how both sides of the political spectrum are connected and involved in these meetings and plans. My 19 year old son keeps telling me, ‘it’s a 2 party system hoax..’ Designed to create an illusion of choice and get buy-in from a larger pool of people. He quotes Lenin who apparently said. “ the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. “

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Pure evil! It hasn’t changed much throughout history. A few select men with the world’s wealth get together to plan how we should live. If we the people of the world were to band together and push against their narrative , we could accomplish great things. But people need to wake up first. People are living in their own cocoon , their safe place. They don’t seek for truth, they would rather be told what truth is.

The masses believe what they are told and turn a blind eye to all other information. So people what are we to do? Obviously the people on this platform are most likely awake.

What are you doing to get the word out? Share some ideas. Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your tireless work for the good of mankind.

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It seems that the fundamental shift has been away from planning how the rest of us should live, to planning how (and how quickly) the rest of us must die.

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I have an idea, but it needs some context. This is the division of total wealth in the US as of 2019. The top 1% owns 33% of all wealth. The top 10% owns 75% of all wealth. The bottom HALF of the country owns just 2% of all wealth. Clearly, many in that bottom half are leading hardscrabble lives with little if any savings, sometimes working two jobs just to put food on the table, live in fear of an expensive health event or becoming unemployed or any number of other hazards, and so on. They're exhausted at the end of the day, plop down in front of the TV with their brains in neutral, and simply absorb all the propaganda being spewed in their direction.

In my experience, much of that propaganda is designed to divide and conquer. We get divided into tribes that then attack each other over social issues that have remained unresolved for decades, or over newly manufactured crises, or whatever else happens to be a handy diversion away from what the ruling elites are really up to. Passions run high. What we ALL have in common gets completely lost. In such an environment we have little chance of exercising the only real power we have left in this failed democracy -- our power of superior numbers, out in the streets demanding change.

My idea is this. The only two "tribes" that matter in today's world are: 1) the uber-rich elites who, via their big-money influence and intimidation, have captured the government and are dictating virtually all world events, and 2) all of the rest of us, who are slowly slipping under their total authoritarian control. Tribe #1 is the ROOT CAUSE of virtually all of the problems that we argue over endlessly. If the tribe of uber-rich elites continue to rule, we the people lose. Period. It's a class war. Everything else takes second place.

For example, differences between Republican values and Democratic values cannot be resolved, especially at the national level, when our Congress dances only to the tune of the donor class and not to the electorate. Arguments over those values are virtually a waste of time in today's environment because no significant action is possible. Differences between conservative values and liberal values cannot be resolved for the same reason. So arguments over those values are similarly a waste of time right now. The only conversation that really matters, in my opinion, is how to overthrow the narcissistic sociopaths that currently have us and our children by the throat. The conversation is urgent because time is running out. Total authoritarian control is closing in.

Our job, then, is to take every opportunity, over and over again, to point out that this tribal bickering we so compulsively engage in is a waste of time. To point out over and over again that fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want us to do. And to make sure to point out EXACTLY HOW each of our wasteful arguments reflects back on Tribe #1 and the class war; i.e., the enemy that we all have in common.

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1% CONTROL THE WORLD; 4% ARE SELLOUT PUPPETS; 90% ARE ASLEEP (blue-pilled like from the movie The Matrix); 5% KNOW AND ARE TRYING TO WAKE UP THE 90%; THE 1% DON'T WANT THE 5% WAKING UP THE 90%.

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40% are afraid of the future. 30% are watching football and drinking. 20% are mostly concerned about their children or their own health. 10% are anxious and don't know what to do about it.

Soon, all this concern about tribalism will be forgotten as the heads of the world's two biggest tribes go to war.

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Those masses are most of my friends, sadly!

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It appears that some symbolic baton has been passed. The multinationals are standing up to the Gold Billion. Interesting that Kushner and Mnuchin are attending & no one from the Brandon Administration is anywhere to be seen.

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The optics would have looked bad; any Biden regime officials would have likely been asked to sit in the back of room with uncomfortable chairs with no access to refreshments and forced to wear DUNCE hats.

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Am. so sick of the word Globalist. Much of the world's current ills harken back to WW I which was and should have remained a purely European adventure. But Wilson, the inveterate progressive gobalist that he was, could not keep his dirty little fingers out of it and the post-war shenanigans that ensued. Much of the map reworking cramming ethnicities that bitterly detested one another into newly created countries such as Yugoslavia, created areas of eternal strife ongoing still today. And his failed League of Nations laid the groundwork for the creation of the UN, a wet dream of FDR and all the other progressive globalists where we are entertained by watching the worst offenders of human rights serve on its human rights commission. Etc.

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Excellent analysis!

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RIGHT-ON Michael!

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I’m always amazed at how many of my conservative friends know nothing about the WEF. After this disappointment aka most recent election I’m not sure what to think? Did republicans just not show? Did the Roe v Wade decision drive women to vote for the same crap different day?

Mostly, I’m very shocked to see Kushner and Mnuchin attending this “conference”. That is disheartening.

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A big perhaps the biggest population of voters are the Independents. While most are kinder to these folks I tend to think of them as folks who don't know their arse from their elbow and thus are easily led by haranguing headlines. Trump bad so vote the dim ticket. Ok, obviously many did. Have argued til blue in the face that humans are not ants which is why socialist (and perhaps even democratic) systems of governance doomed to fail. Ants--no, monkeys--yes,. This means most will sit there scratching their butts letting the alphas do all the heavy lifting. And as our voting statistics show, many of these monkeys consider even voting to be heavy lifting

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Very astutely stated!

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Love this Dr Nash!

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I guess here we must agree to disagree. If they vote their old party ticket, why poll as independent as do a considerable number of respondents? Given what has transpired in US classrooms over at least 3 generations it is hardly a surprise a large part of our population totally ungrounded in our method of governance and hence have no fervor for either party but simply wait and vote (when they even do) for who offers the best bribes.

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Agreed. Those two attending also made me stop and think.

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Why are you shocked to learn that Kushner and Mnuchin are attending an anti-WEF conference? Does that make them traitors or trailblazers?

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Kushner gives me the absolute creeps, always has.

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Interesting that Ray Dalio (Worlds Largest Hedge Fund Investment Manager); Steve Mnuchin, Jamie Dimon (CEO of J.P. Morgan/Goldman Sachs); Stephan Schwarzmman (CEO the Blackstone Group) and John Studzinski (PIMCO Vice Chair) are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

IF ONLY an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution would be made that explicitly stated that: "NO Member of ANY "Non-Governmental Organization (past or present) (is) eligible for ANY federal employment in ANY agency, bureau or department - INCLUDING the executive, legislative or judicial branches. PERIOD!

Unfortunately that will never happen because BOTH "American" political parties have for WAY over a half century BEEN TOTALLY IN ON THE DEAL of instituting One-World-Transnational Governance.

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Joe Biden aggressively pushing this green new deal is prima facie evidence he is beholden to the WEF and all other demons that own him. You will own nothing and like it except for the fact that a few will own everything and you will be miserable 😖

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Fools plot for power. FATHER Laughs. HIS Plan, HIS Will, HIS Victory. Read, Study, Stand!

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The people that want to own everything are telling us we will be happy with owning nothing.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

It is a very long story....here is the short version....... Meet the Puppeteers......the World Economic Forum works for the puppeteers, the WEF and CFR are just operation fronts, they do not give the orders.

The new world order is really the old world order. Which three groups who believe in the divine right to rule?

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God.

These folks ran the world for a 1000 years after the fall of the Roman empire......they lost control to the rise of the nation state and the Merchant/peasant class.

Three major legs of the globalist stool, the Vatican: who have had the best intelligence service in the world for many years and the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families and the U.S. Military as the world's enforcer.

They started the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. They won't quite go back to Feudalism, but close. Most folks have no idea who is actually behind globalism and why they are making such an effort. These are the folks who started the globalist movement and control most of the Western Governments , they have been fighting for control since the 1400's.

The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families and, the Vatican: these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

The Guelphs are also called the Neri, Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, and supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century.

All Italian bankers, including the Genoese, the Venetians, and Milanese, were referred to as "Lombards" -- Lombard, in German, means "deposit bank" -- the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. Modern history begins with the transfer of their operations north to Hamburg, Amsterdam, and finally to London.

All coup d’etats, revolutions and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order, They won't quite go back to Feudalism, but close, they want their power back.

The power of the Guelphs grew through their control of banking and international trade. It was extended through the Italian centers to the north of Florence, in Lombardy, which became great financial centers.

British-based secret society called The Round Table.

These include the Bilderberg Group,

the Royal Institute of International Affairs,

the Council on Foreign Relations,

the Trilateral Commission,

and the Club of Rome.

See illustration:



The "Black Nobility" are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.


Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps: the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family and the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers. The Italian black nobility: The Papal Bloodlines: The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.

These powerful Papal bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of AldobrandiniHouse of Pallavicini / Marchese

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren't we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged.

The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

Well, the most important ones are:

House of Bernadotte, Sweden

House of Bourbon, France

House of Braganza, Portugal

House of Grimaldi, Monaco

House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

House of Habsburg, Austria

House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)House of Hohenzollern, Germany

House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

House of Nassau, Luxembourg

House of Oldenburg, Denmark

House of Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

House of Wettin, Belgium

House of Wittelsbach, Germany

House of Württemberg, Germany

House of Zogu, Albaniaall the families you will find on the Windsor family tree.


Footnote 1:

The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to the Illuminati originated from - the Committee of 300.

The Club of Rome

The C.F.R.

The R.I.I.A.

The Bilderbergers

The Round Table,







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Isn’t Capitalism and a form of communism or socialism, a form of Fascism? Buuuuuttttt their call maga fascist!

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Many thank yous to Drs Malone and Mr Harrigan for keeping us informed on the factions (?) out there, what they are pursuing and why we should know of and follow what they are doing (particularly as it may impact the unaffiliated). It is appreciated!

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

Have you ever considered that the 'Left Behind' eschatology is not in the Bible? That it was invented by interested parties and shoe horned in to fit an agenda? For over 1800 years the church had an entirely different view. I was taught to view scripture through a certain predetermined eschatological lens, it may be a good idea to go back and learn what the earlier church fathers believed about Matthew 23-25 and the Book of Revelation. RC Sproul was a good modern teacher, pastor Voddie Baucham is still teaching.

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Utah ground zero in the United States for the UN globalist agenda

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Utah? Please enlighten this Chinadian.. its getting cold up here!

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How so? I live in Utah.

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The Only ONE who can save the world is the ONE Supreme Intelligence, which created it. In 1983, I asked the Creator to please save this planet. I saw the corruption that was occuring. . I had been into health research 21 years at the time...and saw the stranglehold the AMA had on information. In addition, I saw the writing on the wall in regard to its partner in crime...the Food Industry. It provided "research" to nutrition schools; setting standards which jeopardized the health of all Americans. These TWO INDUSTRIES, are primarily responsible for lowering America's standing in science, math and creativity. What do they say about corporations.. having no souls? The same goes for these two industries. Keep praying...the Almighty is the only answer!

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