May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone and Dr. Jill. This is truly excellent work. It is something we can share that just might help wake up others to the real threat we face. Thanks to pieces like this, the face of that threat at least is now out in the open and plain for anyone to see. I am also glad to see gloves coming off in your writing here with no mincing of words about the WEF. I sincerely look forward to seeing you in Bath later this month, where it would be a great pleasure to say hello and thank you in person for all your efforts.

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May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, whew and my goodness an epic undertaking & priceless resource! Big time kudos and thanks to Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone and Anita Hasbury-Snogles and you too!

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May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow!! Dr. Malone, this is an amazing contribution to understanding our venal elite. I love all the links too!!

You are getting to be a really effective voice against the machinations of the elite. I get the sense that a real community is evolving. Please take care of yourself and Jill and your family. Take precautions. Your qualifications, seriousness and effectiveness make you a threat to dangerous people. I am not counseling paranoia, just the application of some of your effectiveness towards reviewing your security and acting on what you find.

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We all need to continue to pray for God’s protection for these brave warriors.

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Thank you for your time!

I realize many if not most will not relate to the Biblical Historical analysis but to many others this is an account of Satanic strategy to achieve one world religious worship. Isaiah 14:13, 14

“13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in highplaces.”

Anyone who will not submit to his plan must be eliminated. The circuitous, subterfuge, conspiratorial method is the only way “he” could achieve his goal. We humans are no match. Only those who depend on God John 14 and 15 will be able to resist. God is allowing this to “awaken” those who want to worship the true God. That knowledge is the most valuable knowledge. Prayers for the world. May everyone choose to worship the creator God not the usurper.

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Transhumanism is a mockery of Christianity and its promises.

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Thank you. I will spend time going through this. They are certainly trying to overwhelm us with fear and constant drama. When the battle is literally against the spirit of the age, remember the battle belongs to the Lord. That doesn't mean we do nothing, but it definitely means we need to be in prayer and asking for His leading.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone and Dr. Jill,

Thanking you again and wanting to do my part: This is a bit long, but I thought it worth sharing in the hope it might help convince others to do something similar in their own words with their own friends and family members. This is me, forwarding your piece here to important people in my life who I have been unable to reach thus far.

With gratitude,

Dave Payette


Dear Friends,

This is a very big piece of the puzzle. While I have worked hard to familiarize myself with much of this subject matter over the past two years, it is rare to see it collated and presented so well and so concisely in one place. To the best of my recollection, everything asserted below is verifiable with effort. One only has to care and to be bothered to try.

To my own satisfaction, I have managed to triangulate much of this many times and many ways over the past two years. That effort naturally entailed reading Klaus Schwab’s books directly (along with dozens of others), so I do know that particular monster in his own mind and words. Information hidden in plain sight in the public domain about the Young Global Leaders Forum also discussed below, makes it fairly easy to see which of our heads of state and senior politicians around the world are actively working for the World Economic Forum and its agenda, whilst pretending to work for us. It is no surprise to see that the harshest Covid authoritarians trampling on democracy and human rights and using fear and police brutality against their people are prised protégés of the WEF.

At their annual meeting last month, the Davos wolves finally truly dropped the last of their decades old sheep’s clothing by renaming their event the “Global Government Summit”, clearly implying that they are the new global government. They brazenly announced nearly a dozen times over the course of the event that they would soon be moving us to a centralized digital currency where governments will have asymmetrical power over people, which effectively means total control. These statements were not made in the context of brainstorming or anything like that. They were unambiguous assertions made as statements of fact, as active plans well underway... national sovereignty, electoral mandate, and democracy be damned. It was gaslighting of the first order, designed to test the waters, to further inure the sleeping masses, and to wear down the resolve of those few who are bothering to pay attention to these things and their implications.

To be sure, there are other agendas, but a centralized digital currency as a tool of total control is what the coordinated government responses to Covid have really been about all along. Many knew this early on. (I was not one of them.) Some projected it and wrote cautionary books years, and sometimes decades ago, that foretold much of the past two years with astonishing accuracy. I’ve studied several of them and have concluded that their works were not flukes. They were simply very well researched outputs that painstakingly assessed the trajectories of their times with great insight, based on things that had already happened over the course of decades leading up to their writings, which the public at large was not paying attention to. Having established their foundations, they then took those trajectories to their logical conclusions, whilst trying to offer warnings and suggestions for how to try to avert the very outcomes they were predicting; outcomes very similar to what we are experiencing now. ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’ by G. Edward Griffin is an excellent example of such a work.

If you are not already listening to the WEF in its own words and watching its actions closely, and especially if you do not know about the Young Global Leaders Forum, please take this piece below from Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack page as an important opportunity to investigate things further on the possibility that you are missing a lot.

The WEF and the Davos Man: These are not the people we want to trust our health to and that most certainly includes Bill Gates and the WHO, the CDC, and the FDA. Speaking of Bill Gates, this 2 hour documentary from the Corbett Report is exceptionally well done. It is a must see. It was on Youtube for 18 months until it became too viral and was censored. Now, one has to go to the still-free-edges of the internet to find such things.


There is so much more to share, but if the words and actions of the WEF, the quiet existence of the Young Global Leaders Forum for decades, and this Gates documentary which raises many legitimate questions do not cause you to pause and reconsider things, then I fear nothing will. On the other hand, if you do have questions or are interested in additional lines of inquiry, I’m here.

Good luck!

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You're almost certainly right. The global digital currency is the linchpin. We are likely now in a countdown to the man of lawlessness being revealed.

Thanks for the information.

Revelation 13:16-17 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the freemen and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one may be able to buy or sell except him who has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Revelation 3:18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire that you may be rich......

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May 5, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you and Jill so much for your this work!! If you need any helping hand, please let me know! As far as Austria is concerned, I would like to add that Ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz did not just resign. He was forced to resign. Actually, his will was not to make vaccination mandatory by law. As chancellor he tried to go for a diplomatic and softer strategy regarding Covid measures, especially without a vaccination mandate. That’s when the Investigations for breach of trust, bribery and corruptibility against him started. He stepped aside with the agreement to come back after the investigations are completed and Alexander Schallenberg (Foreign Minister) became explicitly interims-chancellor. The pressure to introduce the general vaccination mandate bill grew but Sebastian Kurz told Alexander Schallenberg not to introduce it. I remember very well that Alexander Schallenberg was with Sebastian Kurz just before he had his meeting with the 9 provincial governors in Austria. He came to the meeting with the intention to reject the their demand for such general vaccination mandate. But as we know Alexander Schallenberg, he - on the contrary to Sebastian Kurz - is too weak and, thus, was persuaded. We all know that shortly afterwards the draft of the general vaccination mandate bill was introduced and finally it was resolved by a huge majority, only the so called right-winged party voted against the bill. Only after Sebastian Kurz was kept under the pressure of the investigations and was forced to step aside and overruled so that the vaccination madness could be proceeded, some weeks ago it was clear that the investigations did not find anything against Sebastian Kurz. This is how they (WEF) work. As long as you serve the plan, you are in. As soon as you stop serving the plan, you are kicked out. Seems to me that they are doing or trying to do the same with Elon Musk now.

Much love and strength from Austria,

Bettina 🌷☀️

BTW Today the polls for voting for Headwind ended! Fingers crossed!!

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May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The WEF believes that the concept of independent nation states is obsolete and must be replaced with a global government which controls all".........and if America falls for this, it is game over!

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The MAIN "American" collaboration of the WTO & WEF is the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS whose members - individual and corporate are listed in the links Dr. Malone has provided. THE CFR a so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" has embedded ITS members in EVERY Agency, Bureau and Department in the US federal government - INCLUDING the EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL"bodies" from "TOP" to bottom.

George H. W. Bush (was) a CFR member, Joseph Robinette Jr. aka Joe Biden IS a CFR member, as is Susan Rice, as is Henry Kissinger , all THREE Clintons - Bill, Hillary & Chelsea, Jimmy Carter, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, ALL the FAKE NEWS blowhards, Stacey Abrams is CFR, Judy Woodruff, Leslie Stahl, Fareed Zaharia, Jake Tapper, Brian Williams, Morning jerk-off Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and ALL the USA Corporate entities shown at the links Dr. Malone & Jill have provided ARE CFR SPONSORS! SOMEHOW, the American people MUST be made aware of the TREACHERY - and STOP buying ANYTHING - like Coca-Cola, or Good-Year Tires, and ALL the rest of the products these GLOBALIST SELLOUTS! DEPRIVING them of $$$$ is the ONLY way to get their attention.

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"The list of corporations, owners and managers who control the WEF is not disclosed and membership can only be inferred indirectly."

Don't they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders?

Yet shareholders aren't allowed know if the corporations and corporate leaders have divided loyalties? Or, indeed, undivided, but loyalty to something other than to the benefit of the shareholders?

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May 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm going to go a little off topic here, but it's applicable. You ask: “Are these people I can trust with my future and that of my children?” “Do they represent my interests, values, and what I believe in?”

I'd ask you, and the rest of us dissidents, to ask the same questions about Wikipedia. We are so quick to cite Wikipedia as a source of information, as if they are a credible source, and I know it's because it is so convenient. Yet, each time we do that, we give them credibility beyond that which they deserve.

I won't preach too much, but please consider not citing them in your writing. There are better, more credible sources, and we would be wise to use them, rather than the convenient, yet corrupt Wikipedia.

Off topic, and I apologize for that. Thanks.

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It’s not off topic. They’re part of the effort to shape the narrative and can’t be trusted.

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Fully agree, but as you imply, Wikipedia is a dominant force that most people will struggle to avoid altogether. Perhaps it addition to reiterating messages like yours calling out the platform for what it really is, when we do have to resort to citing it, we dissidents should habitually put qualifiers on what we write. Something along the lines of 'Even biased Wikipedia states that..."

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What sources do you find credible?

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Honestly, Wikipedia doesn't create content it simply aggregates information users find on the Internet and then their moderators cobble it together in a fashion that pleases them. However they cite most of the work at the end of each article and that is where you can find the original source.

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I'm sorry, but that's an overly generous if not woefully mistaken interpretation of what actually happens. Wikipedia is up there with Twitter as the first port of call where leftists and corporate interests go to cancel with impunity those who challenge their views or agendas. Too many good people have had their careers, contributions and opinions re-written overnight by truth vandals on Wikipedia the past two years. Check out Mark Dice's 'The Liberal Media Industrial Complex'. It's a quick and easy read but if I recall correctly, he dedicates an entire chapter to Wikipedia and does a pretty thorough job of forensically taking it to task.

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After the first sentence in your reply I completely agree with your comment. The operative words in my description are "moderators cobble it together". In the immortal words of Talking Heads member David Byrne, "Facts all come with points of view, facts don't do what you want them to". For anyone that wants to take a peek behind the curtain, simply open the "Talk" tab at the top of each entry. It's there where you can see the real inner working of disinformation in action. Regardless, I stand by my original description and frankly I think your giving to much credit to some very unimaginative people.

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Thanks. I will spend time with the "Talk" tab. However, I clicked it for Dr. Malone's profile and got a page that said "This user is blocked". Clicked on other links available and they offered no insights. Wikipedia has indexed much of the world's information and where the subject-matter is apolitical, does not challenge power, and has no compelling value for political opportunism, I'm sure most of it is good and fairly reliable. Otherwise, I do believe it is highly politically charged and weaponized against those who challenge the wrong powers. Irrespective of the "Hows" and "Whys", I do think the platform is compromised. Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger seems to say much the same.

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Interesting. I was able to open the "Talk" tab on Dr. Malone's entry and it opened without a problem. In fact there were quite a few interesting tidbits including conversations among the editors regarding the use of the word "disinformation". There is also a section claiming legal action being taken against Wikipedia by Dr. Malone (which is referenced in a Substack article dated April 7). Not sure why you are blocked (unless maybe you are trying to connect through a VPN-I've seen that before).

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May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you to all who contributed , for all your hard work. This is a monumental task. Now to get the word out to more people.

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thank you for your support, Melanie.

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May 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr Jill and your associate ever so much! The first essential step is to know who your enemies are and what they are about. Forwarded a copy to my local radio host (who has been following aspects of this as you have provided and from other sources). He has referred to aspects on his show. I've encouraged him to join Gettr and to consider your Substack. I agree with one of the other comments here - take care, be safe! We care for all of you! If we can help in any way please let us know. Contributions to the cause or other assistance in taking on the challenge!

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Very enlightening! Well-developed explanation of the globalists who want to seize power over humanity and cull the herd! We the people have been replaced by Me the Controller! How do you stop a movement that has the money and the power to decide on what the next human will look like? My article on substack called The Next Human can be viewed here:


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Thomas, your article is interesting. Giving subscription a shot.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone for this complete list of WEF members. Knowing the WEF connections is tremendously helpful, especially when deciding on who to vote for at the polls. A detective "evidence board" or "murder board" could be constructed with all of this information. In a previous post of yours, I was surprised to learn that a BLM cofounder, Alicia Garza is a WEF "young global leader". That was a real eye-opener as it shows the WEF has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and what they have manufactured to polarize and manipulate society. Noah Yuval from the WEF even said "never let a good crisis go to waste. A crisis is an opportunity...". Tells you everything you need to know. There are no boundaries for these people, they will use race, religion, politics, vaccination status, etc., to turn people against each other---divide and conquer us. It will backfire on them. I would like to read the books you recommended by Gates and Schwab, but torn because I don't want to put another dime in their pockets.

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Thank you for this superb resource

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