Wow, excellent. You must be amazed at times and surprised that you are writing about the Eight Families and methods of control? Life is so funny. Thank you both for sharing. You become more impressive all the time. So appreciate the thoughtfulness of the post. And couldn't agree more - debt makes us slaves. Best to you and Jill.

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This piece right here is a gift.

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Dr. M... Nailed it all! OML, you have completely joined us on the lunatic fringe! So thankful you are using your platform - voice - to speak Truth to the masses... Bless you and yours... Stand strong!

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is interesting to see Robert morph from battling the folly of mRNA covid vaccination to commenting on the broader societal and political forces. The elites are using the current pandemic as a crisis not to be “wasted”. I applaud his insight, and find his fears well justified. As the world barrels towards the cliff, with Thelma and a Louise at the wheel, well informed people should choose to get off the vehicle of their own destruction. My other source of perspective is found in the book of Revelation which reads more like a newspaper every day.

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Surprising how more and more of what is going on around us is resonating at the same frequency as the books of Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel.

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Dr. Malone, God spent a lifetime educating you and saving you for this special mission. Of the many luminous personalities who have risen to this moment, you display the most comprehensive grasp of the situation.

You, like most of us, are a time-bound mortal. The challenge is to our children. The system that is supposed to prepare them for adult responsibilities is totally broken. Just this week we witness corporate control of infant formula, the system that forces women to work and neglect their children, and the effects of neglect and drugs in the Texas shooting.

You have grandchildren. Would like to read your thoughts on how to free them from the poisonous system into which they were born.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stunned. My mba is worthless compared to what you carefully, methodically explained. No One dares to speak about the Freemason role in world control. You connected all of the dots in a truly brilliant, exceptionally well written mini book of world finance fraud. Is “wow” too facile? Wow.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The dichotomy between Jefferson and Hamilton is always fascinating. Hamilton had fairly close ties to Madison too. Regardless of Hamilton's personal feelings however he was a staunch defender of the Constitution. All three of these men are in our family tree to various degrees and time spent on these divisions is enlightening in terms of present day. These were all men of the landed aristocracy and not always as aware of the deep divisions within themselves which may not have been fully faced. Regardless of how enlightened they may have appeared their deep moral issues with women, and black slaves were obvious. Even the Native Americans they ostensibly admired and even liberally borrowed from became victims of these moral issues.

In addition their ancestors may well have included both Native Americans and black slaves. Hamilton, of Scottish paternal descent, was born in the West Indies. His family history is complicated.

The lives of these families are well worth studying in detail. They carry fundamental truths for many and not just Americans in 2022.

Thank you for this detailed post.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! Most people have no clue that debt=slavery.

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People DO know it, but they put it to the back of their mind because they want what they cannot afford and often think they deserve it... because they want it. It is like saying you are not killing a human if you "abort" it. You shove it to the back of your mind because reality is inconvenient. A harsh comparison, but I think a good one. It is fantasy.

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Yes and they rationalize paying the ultimate price when sending their sons & daughters to die in yet another war. The state must have war - in fact they are one in the same. The war must have cannon fodder. Those of us who don’t die must eat, have shelter and require a sane society. Therein lies the real rub.

A culture of death, supported by psychopathic kleptocrats, will always select for narcissism, selfie’s, me-too-ism. These cultures of death fail and often fail spectacularly then go on to become the next one, and ad infinitum.

As biological humans we do know we want what we cannot ever afford and this is why we eagerly begin the next “civilization”, eagerly vote for the next saviour politicians, send children to war, March off to war, support abortions, send our kids to government schools, put up with the planetary Corporatocracy of blatantly Nazi aims. Beware there is a betrayal al the heart of it as long as we don’t Acknowledge the betrayals and form a better world for our children this will remain. Not that it is not possible - it’s inconvenient- and as they announced at the beginning of Lord Of The Rings: “For none now live who remember it.”


History is our own nightmare from which we choose not to escape.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill. I am grateful for this education. God bless you.

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I am so glad you have written about the Freemasons and the Rothchilds. They are the globalists. They were educated at Jesuit universities or are Jesuits themselves. Goal. Total control, financial, religious, everything. I’m glad you were a few years younger when you went “off grid”. That is definitely difficult. When the crash comes the majority may finally realize they are slaves. It remains to be seen how well the country living, more self sufficient, debt free among us survive the chaos ahead. God is our refuge. He alone has the truth.

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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Take heart even us older folks can make adjustments and adapt principles of managing soil, water, and regenerative gardening. Maybe even passive solar if we’re expecting a grid down apocalypse. Our family dropped out in our younger days, learned survival skills, worked within the system to raise our kids, and semi-dropped out once again in the middle of a suburban acreage we lucked out to find in 2019. Regardless of how much we try to destroy the Earth it remains. Complete with natural cycles which can be frightening but we come from long lines of survivors.

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And even though we live in a psychologically disturbed time and may live under the impression we as older folks are expendable it is quite noticeable as we pay attention that although our young companions raise eyebrows, act disinterested, laugh, act bored with us who don’t fit easily in their Instagram world, in fact they need us more than ever. In the midst of this dystopian scramble for survival we are their repository of strength, wisdom and paths toward survival. We are their families. In a world of those who don’t remember - we do.

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Beautifully written … Your own life’s truth inspirational. Thank you for sharing that.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful writing! Thank you for being warriors for truth. Trump tried to clean the swamp. The swamp is massive with long tentacles. I don’t think most people know or understand what is really happening. They are too wrapped up in their everyday life to look any farther.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW is the exact word I used when I shared the link to this amazing article to friends. I believe it will endure as its own seminal piece: a white paper in its own right, which could even serve as the introduction to a future book outlining each and every salient and pivotal historical point that has given rise to our current state of affairs in the world.

But most important of all I think - at least for me - was when you shared a previously unknown but highly personal part of your own (and Jill's) life story. This was the coup d'etat for me, making me want to meet and get to know you both immediately (in person) and share a conversation over a drink on a lazy porch somewhere (like a farm!) or in an unassuming dive bar where real and genuine conversations usually occur.

A very grateful thank you for your servant leadership --> sharing, illuminating and inspiring.

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Thank you once again for your honest and brave declaration. May God always protect you and Jill.

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Well good, I find it easier to pay for this stack account.

I might not be as generous with the medical doctors, ok, so murder one can be downgraded to manslaughter. They have a choice. Find something else to do and tell the creditors the truth, they don't have any money.

The money is depreciating quickly now and many people will be caught in a trap. Cutting out all the frivolous pursuits and redirecting the money to building a small holding is an exceptionally smart idea. It will give people something to defend other than pursuing a good time.

Start a garden now. Lawn grass isn't nutritious enough.

For those who never thought this could happen and didn't prepare making a deal with someone who owns land and paying directly avoiding the banks is a good idea. One can even pay with food. Start a garden now on someone else's land and pay them with food.

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Yes, using our ample skills at adaptation is key. Don’t believe I’ll rest until I convince my doctor lawyer neighbors that returning to Tennessee prairie with Buffalo and critters is a key to survival. Gonna be a steep climb.

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I didn't mention anything about Buffalo and prairie.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article!!!!!

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