I just keep getting sadder and sadder at the demise of this country and the disrespect for the constitution that our government agencies have. They are already acting as if this is a communist dictatorship.

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It is and has been for decades at least a fascist arrangement, government and corporations and universities working hand-in-glove to violate letter and spirit of the constitution.

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Sadly, a completely true statement.......

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People should never forget that autocrats are capricious. It is very difficult to keep up with the ever changing "consensus" of what is "correct". Even those in the top levels of the regime are now unable to know the most "correct" things to espouse, as exemplified by their confusion about the latest Middle East conflict.

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They are psychopaths and have an insatiable desire to control. Those at the very top, that is. They give orders to those on the next level below who acquiesce and give orders to the level below that, and so it continues. Those at the very top you could probably fit into one room, but those at the lower levels make every order they give possible. The 'government' is close to the bottom, and the very lowest level is the public. It could stop at any level, but it is acquiescence on every level that makes it all possible. It's frustrating to see that it can only happen with the obedience of those who are either uninformed or simply don't care because they're "comfortable" where they are and don't want to risk their jobs, their reputations, etc. I suspect most of them are the former. That's why Dr. Robert W. Malone and the many like him, are my heroes.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

So true about the multilevel acquiescence. If only people understood how disposable they are to the people who position themselves at the top.

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Yes, if only they understood the power structure. There are many who are aware, thanks to Dr. Robert Malone and others, but just being aware isn't enough. Taking action with peaceful non-compliance is necessary to turn this scenario around. There are many who are not aware of course, but I don't think we yet have the critical mass necessary to make an impact. If we did, it would all crash and burn immediately. It's as if far too many prefer to engage in the "blame game" rather than take personal responsibility for what has happened. And then there are those who simply don't want to know. They want to keep their blinders on because they don't want to recognize the fact that we, collectively, are responsible for keeping the deep state's plan in place. We are all responsible for letting it get this far, but we didn't know and we too had blinders on. Deceived or not, it was a choice we made to allow that to happen, but we can choose again, and once awakened to the truth it is our collective responsibility to refuse to comply. Unity is not a widely accepted concept (Kentucky's motto is: United we stand. Divided we fall. I love that). Far too many would rather buy into division. It's an ego problem. They want to be right. It gives the powerless the illusion that they are powerful and important when the opposite is true. Let's just hope that the number of people who awaken to the truth and are willing to resist no matter the cost, continues to grow and grow quickly! Reaching that critical mass is crucial to how this all turns out.

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We must have eyes forward to build again. We need to continue supporting creators of alternative systems. These are needed to replace what is crashing.

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Absolutely. That is already happening....I see a parallel world rising from the "ashes", so to speak. I support as many as I can and spread the word. My motto is: "Be the change you want to see." Nice to meet another who is on the same page. We have a vision.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

A couple of comments:

1) This reporting tells us what our government is doing is scary in the extreme. Most people won't hear about it. Even if most did, it wouldn't move the dial in how they vote.

2) There's very little in Jordan's report that wasn't known before. Republicans act all concerned about how awful it is. Even though they've known a lot of this for some time, they haven't done a thing to defund these agencies. And really, nobody should expect they will.

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In effect, it is.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Methinks Barack Obama's fingerprints are all over this baby.

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And Bill Gates, The Clinton's, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Big Pharma, Big Tech, The Defense / Industrial Complex, Valerie Jarret, Justin Trudeau, Mark Zuckerberg, the evil overlords at Goggle, Planned Parenthood, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Illuminati and their cousins, "The Barbarian Illuminati", numerous heads of three letter agencies (both foreign and domestic) and their faithful, despotic minions, The CCP, other unnamed co-conspirators and players to be named later. Who did I miss?

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There's a goofy looking judge in New York who's pretending to do his job, a DA who should be disbarred, come to think of it, another DA who should be disbarred and a counsel especial that could twist himself into knots if he just ate a little more spaghetti or let his beard grow a tad longer. And on a sidebar, don Fauci, who is in a class by himself. Not to mention the facilitators: Woke Disney, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPopdapimple, and the oxymoron: late night comedy.

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Very well stated!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want to move to a deserted island. Anyone want to buy in with me? I’m really sick of feeling like I’m some kind of enemy of the state because I love freedom.

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I'm in. We watched a video last week about a regenerative farm, self-sustaining community of international expats who have built a colony in Paraguy. No chemtrails, no wifi, just fiber optic.

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We can run, but there is really no place to hide. Wish there was. Those who are destroying America and numerous other countries will not rest until they have subjugated all humanity. That leaves us all with two choices.

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I know, but a gal can wish for a simple life. I’m no spring chicken, so I’d like to live the few years I have left surrounded by trees that bear pineapples, coconuts and bananas.

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If you find such a non corrupted paradise, please let me know.

I never thought my "golden years" would involve watching our country be destroyed from with in.

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THIS is what I also believe....

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Lock and load as long as there is a 2A.

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Use it or lose it, as is often said.

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This was the video on Parguay that was intriguing:


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The organic food, no chemicals, 300 days of sunshine, I’m in!

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Betsy, Paraguay's southern border with Brazil is sitting on the world's largest freshwater aquifer. It covers about a 4th of Brazil. That is the location of the Bush family land, including one the Bush43's daughters. Other like Soros are down there also. They all picked their family dynasty locations years ago so they would be well-situated when the one world order is in effect. I wonder where Hill and Slick Willy have the sprawling estate?

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The colony organizer mentioned this massive aquifer. Will be interesting to see if oligarch globalists indeed do find a way to go in and raid it.

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Actually we have discussed this option. LOl!

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Let’s do it!

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I get the sentiment, but we all need to band together, stay and fight. Sometimes its seems impossible. In fact in my increasing Democrat town in CT (due to massive migration from NYC), two decent candidates for the school board were defeated by a campaign of lies, slander and the usual Democrat chicanery. But who will be the losers, as the schools press their woke agenda, with the teachings of Kendi and DiAngelo and their insane trans ideology? Why their own kids. Whom they profess to love. A bit sick but that's what we're up against.

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My county in Va. just went total Dem. I’m no longer welcome here. I think exactly opposite as these people. We plan to leave soon. I’m too old to stay and fight. I tried.

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Believe me, I feel your pain. Am at a genuine loss to understand what these people believe in and vote for. A decade ago it would have been almost universally acknowledged to be lunacy.

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I get it, my friend. I get it.

You will be so much happier elsewhere, I'm sure of that.

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I'm surrounded by libtards in my neighborhood.

Can't stand any of them with their idiotic CRT, Genderbendering, blame everyone else for everything, sucking the teat of the government mentality.

There are true patriots around, but just not where I immediately live, which is why I can't wait to move, cause you aint fixing them.

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There are some possible answers for informed parents who care. Some, suitable private schools who demonstrate adherence to a classical curriculum. Home schooling at home or as a group. Home or group educational supplementation utilizing sources such as Hillsdale and the like.

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Agreed. Stay and fight. Cut and run will reduce effectiveness and result in only delaying their domination. The future holds another George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Samuel Clemens. We must ensure their is a world that will allow them flourish.

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Their kids won't go to those govt. schools.

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I’m in!

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That sounds wonderful, GMoody! Except if we are all in one spot, they'll know where to "oops" a bomb!

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I don’t think they care about a few hundred peeps in the middle of Uraguay.

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We have allowed NeoMarxists and Islamists (talk about an odd couple) to pollute our country and our children via the education system. They are now so fragile the idea of "Freedom not being free" and that "it exacts a price worth paying" is abhorrent to them. These snowflakes are unwilling to make any sacrifices to achieve a goal or raise a family. Instead, in their ignorance they cannot defend their position and embrace sacrificing anyone who dares to challenge or critique their shallow infantile world view.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this thorough review and update of these aggrecious violations of our rights! IMO, while you may not recover your reputation as it once was, the reputation you have now been building is far more wide-reaching and far more impressive! Power to you and for us!

It is heartening to learn that both Congress and our Supreme Court are taking on our Government's and private sector's violations of our Constitution/Bill of Rights. May they have the courage to call the violations that clearly exist and forge a direction all must follow to right these wrongs and prevent them from happening again!

That the guilty parties are pulling out all the stops and continuing their practices is particularly infuriating!

Your enlightening and keeping us informed is appreciated!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-lion/ess! Your reputation is golden with us! Who cares what the criminal-tocracy says. The all need to be hanged.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I was growing up in the 1950s living just outside DC, I remember the government had periodic “RIFs” = Reductions in Force= government layoffs. When Trump returns as President he should initiate massive RIFs of the Federal Government; massive. Many agencies should be shuttered for good.

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Trump will never be elected again. Their cheating has been perfected, and I really do not believe it can be overcome at this point. It's going to take more than an election to fix this shit mess we're all in.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep up the good fight, Dr. Malone.

Your June 30 2021 public "sin" is the same sin I was committing in May of that year. My professional oath, calculator, VAERS data, and COVID mortality data made me do it. Decided to stop practicing last summer, and encourage healthy living instead.

So grateful for the alternative venues that allow this.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone -- your reputation is and will forever remain -- stellar !!!

https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1722034150595522695?s=20 -- OUTSTANDING

Lavrov: The USA is the Evil Root that Needn't Be Uprooted; a Chemical Solution Exists - Nov 5


My favorite terms are “Empire of Lies” and “US is Root of Evil” – terms used by intelligent and thoughtful Putin.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All tools of the Deep state!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, at this point you are fighting for many others who have no voice or platform. To my way of thinking, I would rather be vilified than celebrated by the demons who are so wrong. We stand with you and pray for your safety. I would not put anything past those who are determined to stay in power.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the additional details of the War on Truth. These people are harming civilized society under the guises of "protection". This is known as a "protection racket". It must be extinguished.

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The oldest cons are being used and succeed because we have allowed these NeoMarxists to erase history thereby allowing them to employ them with great effect on our ignorant youth. The most obvious ploys are delivered by comely charming acolytes...why? When has a an ugly abrasive con person ever been successful? Our younger generations seem incapable and too mentally lazy to even employ President Reagan's philosophy of "trust but verify".

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, your writing gets better than ever. Just like your piece about the debt trajectory gone full exponential, this is a runaway train. Alt Financial gurus have been telling us this for a few years. Explains the wars and latest round of clamp downs on freedoms world wide. Shit is really going to hit the fan in 2024. I just want to opt out, and live the rest of my life quietly away from people except the handful that I love and love me. I am glad you have your farm, your wife, your animals, your medical freedom warrior friends and your great studio from which to televise the apocalypse. I will be tuning in.

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Opting out is my natural instinct too. But that has to be replaced by something else, so that good-honest people can have a future. We have to spread knowledge and help others to survive. That's why I stick with the people who are educating us, and building new systems, and try to do the same.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Appalling, a radiography of an advancing totalitarianism.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From where I am sitting, Dr M (secured by knowledge), your reputation looks a lot better than any/all of those gov-type characters.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, maybe your reputation in the past wouldn't have led me to discover you. There's a whole world out here that has converted from blue to red and you are part of that change. Thanx from my recovering liberal heart

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have to hand it to you Dr. Malone, your attitude is what is needed now. We all have the freedom of speech and if we are not willing to use it for fear of being harassed by these anti constitutional tyrants the first amendment will wither and die. The more people speak their mind the more exposed the tyrants will become. This is the front on my business work shirts; living in Massachusetts they get many responses. https://share.icloud.com/photos/007myMYq995mHzN5AYjrIVT-g J.Goodrich

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