Game changer is an understatement. Listening to the full 2hr Tucker and Mike Benz was so frightening I had to pause numerous times. At 65 I can attest to the facts coming to the public. I was born and raised overseas in central and northern Africa. My father negotiated for American embassies while employed by the CIA and later USAID, wor…
Game changer is an understatement. Listening to the full 2hr Tucker and Mike Benz was so frightening I had to pause numerous times. At 65 I can attest to the facts coming to the public. I was born and raised overseas in central and northern Africa. My father negotiated for American embassies while employed by the CIA and later USAID, working closely with Kissinger, Bush and others.
Truly the money laundering is so vast and has been unhindered unchecked for so many decades I fear there may be lives at risk we can’t imagine. Please be in deep prayer against the stirring powers of darkness.
My prayer is for cautious wisdom for our brave leaders and abounding supernatural discernment. Pray the corruption finders not pick and choose their findings.
Game changer is an understatement. Listening to the full 2hr Tucker and Mike Benz was so frightening I had to pause numerous times. At 65 I can attest to the facts coming to the public. I was born and raised overseas in central and northern Africa. My father negotiated for American embassies while employed by the CIA and later USAID, working closely with Kissinger, Bush and others.
Truly the money laundering is so vast and has been unhindered unchecked for so many decades I fear there may be lives at risk we can’t imagine. Please be in deep prayer against the stirring powers of darkness.
My prayer is for cautious wisdom for our brave leaders and abounding supernatural discernment. Pray the corruption finders not pick and choose their findings.