For the first time in my senior existence I see Government actually paying attention to how our tax dollars and pro-rata debt are being spent. Pork barrel riders on our legislation are slowly being found out and routed out. Corrupt dark forces hiding behind a curtain of altruism are being exposed. I like that these young, but extremely smart, DOGE workers have not yet been contaminated by lobbyists and brow beaten by entrenched corrupt politicians. They are immune to the whoring pharma paid rants by the likes of Warren and Sanders. They are diving deep enough to find deep State corruption and fast enough to prevent being stopped. A Government by the people and for the people is coming back.

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It has to be obvious to all Americans by now why the deep state didn't want Trump to be president and represent "We the people". I admire President Trump's will not to bend or quit.

Of course, we still have many doing negative spin on this transitional time in the history of the United States.

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Too many negative Nannie’s IMO. I’m all for exposing it all!

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With Trump since '15.

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Yes, my hope is that Govt by the people...is coming back, but can we expect that if the framework that assured the Constitutional Rights of the people, backed by legal structures that assured our rights is being trampled by the DOGE team--and I'm certain that under Biden these were being trod on even more heavily but does that give Musk license to be so heavy handed without clearance--can we expect that this framework of protection will spring back? Because, we still need this framework as evidenced by the Biden Admin's march toward totalitarianism. We cannot just cheer the team that is uncovering the ugly truths if their tactics now leave us vulnerable to further loss of privacy and trampling by future administrations.

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DOGE is truly independent from government bias, and their clearance to operate is under the President of the United States, who is the head of the Executive Branch.

The Deep State aka Administrative State is a shadow government that is not authorized under our Constitution, and circumvents our truly elected officials and the Principles of our Republic. They work independent of our laws, and in fact, break our laws, and were instrumental in the censorship of Americans during and after COVID, and worked hand in glove to prevent Trump from being president.

The pendulum is changing direction, and I pray it will land on the side of freedom, true transparency, fiscal responsibility, and a return to morality.

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Correct...it is naturally a concern...but remember we will never know all the details as too much happening...Musk/Team only acts upon approval by the chief executive (Trump), IMO no different than any organization undergoing an audit like by a CPA firm...the job is to audit the data. Of course there is a concern that the new good guys turn into bad guys over time, as that is what our founders were concerned with 250 years ago. It's good to be aware that some uncomfortable things might be done in this process, but it is a war, and it is a revolution against the left, and things need to be corrected one way or another. I've often thought of the American Revolution, where the British would make the rules of warfare, and the colonists made their own rules in order to rid themselves of tyranny...and who won that? The Trump Team is doing what they must, and it is exceedingly difficult...I back it all 100%...and as a former auditor...I would be in there taking names and kicking butt.

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Excellent points, especially looking at it as an audit. Looking forward to the other conformations: Tulsi, Bobby, and Kash.

Watched an interview with Victor Hansen Davis—his take on the ones he nominated for his cabinet was that they are not elitists, not career politicians, and a lot of them were targeted by the very organizations they are about to lead. Retribution? Vindictive? No, wise, because Trump learned from his first term, that elitists, career politicians, and career bureaucrats were the ones that attacked him or kept him from succeeding. Not this time!

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I see no privacy loss or trampling of rights. Is there any known resultant privacy or loss of rights associated with this purge of corruption ? I am more suspect of other Government authorized clearance wrong doing than I am of the DOGE team. Technically, I believe they do have clearance.

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Game changer is an understatement. Listening to the full 2hr Tucker and Mike Benz was so frightening I had to pause numerous times. At 65 I can attest to the facts coming to the public. I was born and raised overseas in central and northern Africa. My father negotiated for American embassies while employed by the CIA and later USAID, working closely with Kissinger, Bush and others.

Truly the money laundering is so vast and has been unhindered unchecked for so many decades I fear there may be lives at risk we can’t imagine. Please be in deep prayer against the stirring powers of darkness.

My prayer is for cautious wisdom for our brave leaders and abounding supernatural discernment. Pray the corruption finders not pick and choose their findings.

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DOGE has been one of the best unexpected benefits of my lifetime. Never has there been any serious attempt at shrinking government spending and investing corruption.

And now hints of Ron Paul leading an audit of the FED. This will slay the authoritarian beast.

I hope RJK Jr. can do the same to the medical corruption.

We need exposure of things like this - https://substack.com/@dakara/note/c-77972120

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As long as Big Pharma has all the career Congressman sleeping in bed with them...nothing will change. Pence, Durbin, Warren, Bernie et al. The hospitals are not addressing the C Diff problem that is rampant and is killing at least 30,000 patients a year. Why? Cost money to clean and sanitize properly! They are trying desperately to derail RFK Jr from doing his job!

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Very powerful info; may God be with DOGE and Trump, as now more than ever, their lives are in danger for exposing this massive corruption cabal!

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I loved hearing the word redundancy repeated and repeated. Redundancy in gov. is something I have raged about for most of my adult life.

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Speaking of "redundancy" check out the over THREE HUNDRED federal agencies, bureaus and departments...enough to gag a maggot !

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And they all do damn near the same thing.

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Mostly, NOTHING.

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WAIT! I misspoke...the federal bureaucratic UN-ELCTED administrative state

totally IGNORE their OATH of OFFICE - and make rules, edicts with the force of law, fine and jail sovereign Americans with impunity!

Hey, HEY, Ho, HO, the Administrative State GOTTA GO!

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They're all part of the same thing, just not centralized.

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It’s a little petty of me, but I am thoroughly enjoying watching the crusty, entrenched swamp vermin (on both sides) lose their collective shit over having their drawers pulled open for all the world to see. It’s glorious to behold and I am so here for it! Go DOGE!

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Robert. You have done it again. You Are a National Treasure!

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After DODGE completes it's comprehensive audit and publicizing the "waste - fraud - abuse" then, we need to immediately press onward with "CLAW-BACKS" with associated interest ... !!!

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Why did the entrenched bureaucracy and whoever was running the Biden admin. believe that they would be immune from the AI surveillance capabilities that they had been ushering in?

The script has been flipped and they're freeking out.

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For a touching insider’s view of foreign aid procurement, please see “Broken Dreams. The little agency that didn’t.” By SWITTER’S WORLD (02/08/25). https://switters.substack.com/p/broken-dreams.

Mr. Switter (a pseudonym) spent his adult career trying to help the unfortunates in the “Third World,” only to discover his work was all a heartbreaking, despicable lie. The story is worth reading, but the comments, and Switter’s comments on the comments are even more revealing and sad.

Switter’s World is an excellent Substack. The author offers vivid and gorgeous writing, colorful yet mostly brief articles, music you may never have heard or heard of, and insights into integrity, ingenuity, corruption, danger, and humor on many dark continents of the earth. The stories read like fictional novellas; but they are true and absolutely astounding

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Thank you for this interesting referral. I can barely keep up with ones I am subscribed to but I will definitely check in with switter from time to time.

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Agree 100%. It’s almost impossible to keep up with all the subscriptions and the deluge of information that must be processed, summarized, and shared. But Switter is special because of his brevity, and how different his Substack is from everything else most of us read. Plus, he only publishes once or twice a week. His Substack has been a great palate cleanser. Oh, forgot to mention: He takes some amazing photos too!

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Thanks for the referral, Big E!

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As Mike Benz says "we don't have a domestic agenda" and what that means is we have no representation within this government. No wonder they are melting down over being exposed. The outcome of being exposed is extremely dangerous not just to the Deep State but to all Americans who will be viewed by the rest of the world as complicit in the Dr. Evil, Dr Strangelove, silent coup against them for the past 75 years. Where is the outrage?

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My daughter just explained to me the same things you wrote about...the POSITIVE use of AI to root out corruption. There are people who are still negatively bashing the new administration..

I tell them, if they don't like something...do something positive.. Contact your representatives; phone or write the WH.GOV. and leave comments. The first day President Trump was in office he did more for our country than most presidents did in their entire terms.

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Great essay with videos! Please keep it going! God Bless you and God Bless America 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Personally, Dr's Malone, the ENRAGING info posted today - the written portions accompanied by the MOST powerful black and white artwork I have ever seen by "EKO" absolutely EXPLODES the MOST CORRUPT US federal government in the history of our Republic!

As one of many who comment on this Substack have made the point that DE-FUNDING is the most "humane" method of shrinking this monstrosity down to WITHIN the Constitutional LIMITS as ORIGINALLY written - for OPENERS. Next, ALL rogue federal "judges" who are obviously a HUGE part of the problem MUST be dis-robed and escorted DIRECTLY into federal prison IN DC!

Also, if President Trump comes up with an alternate way to fund NECESSARY functions of our federal government (and) the 1913 curse of Democrat president - Woodrow Wilson - the "graduated" INCOME TAX on sovereign INDIVIDUALS be replaced with a flat-tax; and ELIMINATE the bogus Wilson created IRS - and DISSOLVE the damed so-called "Federal Reserve" - a MONOPOLY of PRVATE bankers that CONTROL the US economy by INFLATING or DEFLATING the dollar bill - which "they" have NEVER been able to "stabilize" - resulting in a never ending roller coaster for the working class of Americans who actually provide the goods and services we need.

The Dynamic Duo of Trump & Musk have ripped the mask off of the ENEMY WITHIN who if not completely extirpated from ANY federal power or control WILL destroy the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 to death via the fraud of fiat paper money printed 24/7/365 year in and year out currently resulting in multi-TRILLIONS of dollars DEBT- NOT COUNTING the hidden multi-trillion dollars of "OFF BUDGET" items of future debt!

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Feb 10Edited

I remember my mother repeating the same statements my grandfather said regarding, taxes, IRS and Federal Reserve wayyyy back. She said that he said "We will rue the day." The day has come and we "bitterly regret" allowing it to happen.

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Your grandfather was plenty savvy, LB - and your Mom, too for repeating.

In typical American "Democrat" MO, whenever "they" come to power - meaning control of the Executive and BOTH houses of Congress - as Woodrow Wilson had in 1913; FDR had in 1932, Lyndon Johnson in 1963, "Jimmy" Carter 1977 (and) Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, in 2020, ALL spent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


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Yep. My grandfather is probably still rolling in his grave. Mom was so extremely worried before she passed last Fall but now, I'm sure, is resting peacefully. She might not have like everything about the President but believed he could do the job. Put in another prayer that he and his cabinet stay safe, secure and continue to here The People loud and clear!

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There are those that doubt Elon's love of country and devotion to free speech, mostly due to his tech background and transhumanist stance on things. (Not a fan of uncontrolled AI, implants, etc.)

Pres. Trump found the one man on the planet that could:

Ignore ALL conventional thinking.

Have zero preconceived notions.

Has the technical acumen to see the fraud as a systems problem and break it down as such.

Able to recruit the uber geeks that have the skills and absolutely no fear of retaliation.

Said geeks got into these systems, with read only access, posting results within hours. SO fast in fact the sitting admin of these departments did not even know DOGE was in the building or that results had been posted online. This was critical as the Deep State blob could not react fast enough and the usual lawfare and media attacks were useless.

What does this have to do with free speech and love of country?

Until Elon and his minions (Think Gru in Despicable me) came in and exposed muli trillion dollar fraud, literally within hours, we all thought we were a free people, with free speech and a say in government.

If one is not awake by now you probably won't ever get it.

I am not a fan of the various trans humanist crap, think you can have to much tech and depend overly much on that tech.

Thank you Elon Musk.

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Kind of fun watching the propaganda vid from EKO loves you. I can see it raising the blood pressure and heart rate of any bureaucrat who sees it.

Also, I wish Mark Andreessan had raised his voice about 20 years sooner. How did he stay so left for so long?

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