All fired up and ready to take on the globalists! Grateful to have you on board for #StopTheWHO, Dr. Malone. Once we break this arm of the globalists, we can turn to #StopTheWEF and #StopTheUN. Lots of work ahead but well-worth the fight if we wish to save humanity from destruction and tyranny.

“[I]t is quite clear that the CDC and the NIH have overstepped Federal powers again and again by leveraging Federal Tax Dollars to create perverse financial incentives within hospitals and to promote mis- dis- and malinformation and to promote propaganda in both old and new media.”

This is an incredibly important point that too many people miss. As I wrote in my ”Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis):

“Something is malodorously wrong when hospitals are rewarded for negative health outcomes. Why on earth would a government incentivize illness and death; prohibit the administration of potentially life-saving treatments; and disincentivize safety mechanisms such as reporting adverse events?”

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We have medical beauracrats who have never treated patients who have decided they are God like and can improve on God's design. My summation! They have an amoral personality and could care less about the harm they have done.

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These desperadoes are all suffering from delusions of grandeur and narcissistic personality disorders. Need to be protected from harming self and other.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't think lawyers get enough credit for destroying our country.

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SOROS lawyers are hired guns.

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Shakespeare agreed.

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Actually, he was referring to the chaos that would be the result of killing all the lawyers….. just saying.

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Henry XIII had a solution!

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M.... Brilliant analysis! ...Indeed, broken beyond fixing... Hoping for something new and better on the far side of collapse. I delight to think that most of the Ruling Psychopathy are vaxxxed to the max. Sadly, I doubt the really evil people like Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Biden, etc. have been injected with the vaxxx... Time will tell!

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It has come to my attention that nearly 400 employees at the CDC have not been required to get Vaxxed! I'd wager $10 that this is more fact than fiction. Include the above to that list?

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I believe this is true. Also, there is no mandate for CONgress, SINators and staff. In addition, all the fine folks at Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J have no forced vaxxx,,,, Some are more equal than others (paraphrasing eorge Orwell).... Would not be surprised if the same holds true for HHS, NIH, NIAID, IRS, FBI and all of our other alphabet agencies.

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Oh and by the way, they all have Ivermectin in their arsenal believe that......it's what amoral people would do as they sit by and watch their citizens suffer and die or be maimed for life. We are witnessing PURE EVIL !!!!

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$10 does not indicate much confidence in your theory...

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My preference is for Alexander Hamilton. As one of two non-presidents on the US currency.

A ten dollar bill has always held a greater story about the history of so called money.

Your point about confidence is accurate in so far as I suspect nearly 400 liars when asked that status of the Jabbed @ the CDC. Inflation is a bitch for live presidents. Never the dead ones!

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I now understand the relevance of your comment. Thanks for the explanation Randall

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I do believe, now, that Gates has been vaxxed and boosted (twice!). I address this in my latest video: https://rumble.com/v15met9-hey-maga-patriots...the-system-is-crumbling-and-why-that-is-good-episode-97.html

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Excellent if true!!! He needs to keep getting those boosters!

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Right! I saw him say it in a video clip about his having come down with Covid. A more deserving ....

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clearly, there is no easy answer, especially when at least half the population, if not more, remain unaware of what's unfolding.

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The brainwashed cling to willful ignorance because their egos can't accept that they have been duped. They have been conditioned to look the other way when actual conspiracies are exposed because of the wacko/nutcase media programming. Real world evidence is ignored to avoid the shame of those labels. In reality, you would have to be delusional to believe the powerful DON'T conspire in ways to maintain and increase their power.

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Acknowledging that we have been betrayed by government, healthcare and other institutions is a hard truth to accept, but it is the truth nonetheless.

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Yes, very truly said. It is hard to face and what it will must call up for courage.

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True. I am afraid it is a misplaced sort of religious faith that people have in their leaders/political party/media. They have forgotten how to question and how to ask questions.

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They lack the basic critical thinking skill of asking "is this true?"

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Exactly. If it’s on Tik Tok it must be true. Lost generation.

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We're also dealing with doctors who beleive the CDC and are still pushing the vax.

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Yes. The docs are the key enablers of this criminal enterprise.

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Correct, especially if they jabbed their kids. Imagine sentencing your kids to early expiration

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You are so right, Jerry!

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The supremes are (mostly) controlled by (mostly) conservatives, the Congress seems likely to flip conservative in November. Old Joe's unpopularity will probably continue to decline until 2024, when he will probably be replaced by a conservative. But conservatives can be as destructive and oppressive as socialists, so the best lesson to be learned from this national experiment with socialism is we cannot leave government to their own devices. A republic survives on the participation of we the people. The "swamp" of tyrants and entrenched bureaucrats survives on the complacency of we the people. Those who apathetically ignore the workings of government are abdicating the fundamental responsibility that protects us all.

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Republicans seem to go along to get along

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Many do, in all parties. But not all. More people are getting involved. If we don't, we can expect more of the same. Spectators in politics always lose.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think it all started with "corporations are people"...

(no, they are NOT).

The next logical step would be "People are not corporations" :P...

(so they don't have the same rights)

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

The supreme court has consistently refused to rule on the validity of corporate personhood because there is none. That and the limited liability status of corporations is a huge factor facilitating corruption.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Thom Hartmann has become Uber woke and wretched, but long ago, he traced the legal understanding of corporate personhood to a clerical misreporting of a SCOTUS opinion by the Court’s clerk who owned a railroad. The misrepresented Court opinion by the clerk has a devious odor, but for 150+ years has gone forward. I think it was part of the 14th amendment post war rulings on citizenship (please correct if I misrecall). So often the wicked insinuates itself into the noble undertaking. Time to base incorporation status back into a privilege allowed in the service of the People (a claim liable to legal challenge and review).

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Santa Clara County v. the Southern Pacific Railroad did not establish corporate personhood but the clerical "error" has never been challenged. Many have tried but the supreme court has refused to open the can of worms which would require reversing all the false precedents. Corporations would file challenges for centuries to keep the lie going.

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Thanks Pete!

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Thanks - I didn't know that... I liked him a while ago, but then he became super - disagreeable so I stopped following his show.

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Being a person, I would prefer to be taxed as a corporation. Then I could deduct all my living expenses.

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Ha, ha... here comes the part "People are not corporations" :P...

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here is where it is going:


And they don't even have weapons to defend themselves!

Don't assume a Red Wave will stop the anarchy. Too many RINOs that are just as bad (if not WORSE) than the Dems.

Learn to protect yourselves, join forces with like minded people, plant a garden, prepare for the worst.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the best essays I’ve read on our situation. And the tiny glimmer of hope regarding the states and maybe our ability to resist at that level. Otherwise, resistence falls to each of us as best we can. I will share this.

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It is a great essay. I hope We will come together as we have before. It’s the only to go forward.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is one of the original conflicts in forming the Consitution: power of the States vs. power of the Federal government. The Great Compromise revolved around that issue.

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It wasn't a compromise, just delegation of certain powers to the national government that seemed useful for mutual benefit. The 10th amendment is a reminder that everything that matters is still states authority. We've allowed fascists to increase their authority by apathy and ignorance. The mistake was probably carving out a special district to house the national government, creating a perception of higher authority. Better if we split DC up among the neighboring states and rotate the national government from state to state every few years. We are united states, not subjects of federal tyrants. Time to reclaim the usurped authorities.

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well that's an innovative idea, certainly would be opposed by those who are pushing DC statehood; however, with the digitalization of information and discourse, the idea has some plausibility. The Great Compromise, conceded that the South would continue slavery for a time, otherwise the Southern States would not ratify the Constitution. Apart from the modern day morality question, there was a lot of economic 'warring' going on between the Northern States and the Southern States. So the Compromise was motivated by mutual economic benefit.

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Art of the deal. We graduated to wage slavery and the bad guys won.

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Convention of States is our vehicle! We need to write our representatives to get them to vote to allow a convention of states. Look it up if you don't know about it. 19 states have signed on. We need 34!

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over 25,000 signatures on Massachusetts petition for Convention of States. Proposed bill H3660 to call a Convention of States is now on the Massachusetts House Calendar, we are pushing that it be brought forward this session for vote. Proposed constitutional amendments for discussion at a Convention of States: limit federal spending, limit federal power, set term limits for federal officials.

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But how to reignite integrity, dignity, and self-esteem? without these type of cornerstones corruption is bound to seep in. Fighting against something always insures giving energy to that which you fight! I love the in-depth info that you obviously know. My concern is imagining that either party has the balls to do what is right (who decides that?) In the short, we can only be and do what is in front of us now. FREEDOM, cries Richie Havens!

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Means nothing left to lose.

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Right! Don't fight against dinosaurs, feed and grow gazelles.

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Few individuals EVER ask the question: What is the END GAME of the International Socialist "Movement" ? It is NOT "universal peace and end to war"- but rather UNIVERSAL SUBJUGATION OF the "masses" to absolute rule by NON PRODUCTIVE, UNELECTED, UNACCOUNTABLE nomenklatura and apparatchiks that ARE the so-called "United Nations".

While Dr. Malone delineates the absolute corruption WITHIN the ENTIRE US Federal government apparatus, INFESTED with LEGIONS of NON-PRODUCTIVE, UN ELECTED, and UN ACCOUNTABLE BUREAUCRATS that de facto RULE over We ( the formerly ) SOVEREIGN people (which was the 1776 GIFT by our Founders of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM for Americans - FROM - tyrannical rule by despots of ANY and ALL types )- which has been made NULL & VOID for DECADES by BOTH So-called (R)eprobates and (D)emoKKKrats who don't give Hillary Rodham's hymen about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights or our National OR individual Sovereignty. Of the 100 "Senators" and 535 "representatives", there are ONLY a handful that have ANY morals, integrity and UNDERSTANDING of what the Collective Left is doing to completely DESTROY the USA - in the BULL-EXCREMENT name of "social-justice"!

ANYONE who watches the shenanigans emanating from the House or Senate via C-SPAN I (House) and C-SPAN II (Senate) - as this writer has since 1979 - must conclude that the vast majority of those who "SWEAR" to Uphold the tenets of the US Constitution - have NEVER EVEN READ that Document. And that INCLUDES the SCOTUS - "justices" over the past half century - seeing as how BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL "laws" are passed over and over ad infinitum.

A so-called Article V Convention of the states will NOT "fix" ANYTHING! The BUREAUCRACY will STILL be omnipotent, and unless DRASTIC measures taken, UNTOUCHABLE! Worse still, the Collective (American) Leftists of academia have a BIG surprise waiting in the wings when our 'original' Constitution is deemed outmoded, racist, and MUST be replaced with a 'modern' Constitution "for the people"... its called the "NEW STATES CONSTITUTION- 2020" - which I have fully read. There is NO bill of rights, and NO provision for personal fire arms. It is pure SOCIALISM administered by the 'elite'. George Soros is a big proponent. BTW, as mentioned in prior 'comments', George Soros along with Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. aka Joe Biden are comrade/members of the MOST insidious, pernicious "NGO" so-called "Non Governmental Organization" - "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - members of which have been embedded in EVERY US federal Agency, Bureau and Department - INCLUDING the Executive, Legislative AND Judicial branches - ever since its inception in 1921!

Jimmy Carter (is) CFR, as was Richard M. Nixon, Bill Clinton is ( as is Hillary & Chelsea)...the CFR is an 'elite' 5000 member cabal of imbeciles, traitors and power-mad-control-freaks!

There is ONLY one possible way to deliver this nation from the curse of the Omnipotent Bureaucracy Class will be IF enough CONSTITUTIONALLY savvy patriots become a majority the House & Senate, will be for them to DE FUND - EVERY SINGLE UNCONSTITUTIONAL agency, bureau and department - by Announcing on the Floor of the House and Senate:

"YOU ALL ARE FIRED" Your cushy pensions are CANCELLED - GO find PRODUCTIVE work.

The only other alternative would be a bloody repeat of 1860s era - in which some 500,000 Americans were slaughtered in order to "free the slaves".

God Almighty, SAVE us all from the Collective Curse of effete 'elite' intellectuals.

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When they stole the election -

(BTW watch 2000MULES - Trump won by 305 Electoral College votes Biden (the loser) 233.)

I asked myself, why would Soros, Zuckerberg and the ilk, spend millions and possibly billions of dollars, breaking every voting law, risk getting arrested, and from a business model, have a ROI (return on investment) for JUST 4 YEARS of Presidency???

I hope your right - that all it’s going to take is us loyal Republicans, Patriots, and Converted Dems to VOTE to change the current situation and all will be saved. I am not that convinced we will have our RIGHTS to vote still in tact after the WEF gets ahold of our country’s sovereignty. I am still wondering if we haven’t seen the worst of these people yet.

We all must pray and think the good thought. It’s amazing what strong minds can do when they think alike.

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I have NO idea what the odds are that a 'peaceful' return to the rule of law and Constitutional sovereignty might be, but at this point it appears - what with the REALITY of the mass cognitive dissonance extant of so many "Americans" - that obviously choose COLLECTIVE "equity" over INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM - things way well get MUCH worse before any meaningful domestic peace is achieved.

Ben Franklin stated: " Those who choose equality over freedom deserve neither".

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Simple, they don't think there will be another election. They plan to break our sovereign nation into bits and hand over to the globalists. The demonrats have been promised a place in the new world order. They are disgusting and traitors

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Excellent! A very inspiring piece. Thank you.

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I’ve been considering becoming a subscriber. This article was the catalyst to do so. Thank you for you and Jill’s dedication and for being so smart… both of you.

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its worth it. Dr Malone is HOPE

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Thank you, Dr. Malone! I agree with you 100%! Your analysis could go even deeper than the state levels, all the way down to the county and city levels.

I'm having a serious discussion with my otherwise excellent Mayor about the insidious reach of $6M of ARPA money to my city. While he's attempting to use the ARPA funds for "good," the federally-controlled tentacles could quickly spread and strangle us.

One potential contract -- not signed yet -- with a company co-founded by a WEF alum distresses me greatly. The stated goal of this company: "[company name] was created to answer the need of local government officials for the best community input and insights solutions out there, so they can identify priorities and make decisions based on the voices of more of their residents." The co-founder's LinkedIn page proudly states: "Former member of the World Economic Forum Future of Cities advisory board." Diving deeply into this company's website should give anyone pause.

The Mayor's argument is "if we give the ARPA money back, another blue city will get the money and use it for the wrong things. At least, we will use it for the RIGHT things." I will add your Substack article to my pile of arguments, though I fear I will lose.

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Fine and dandy but the World Economic Forum have penetrated the corporate, government, institutional planetary wide. Local, state, federal governments and beyond. Unless you can take on, take out these guys they’ve won. It goes deeper.

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I agree the penetration is deep. But where it hasn't happened yet, you must at least try. It's crucial to stay involved at the local government and community level -- otherwise, there's ZERO chance of turning this around.

I typically start my research at the WEF home page (now showing as https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2022). YIKES!!! I also research the About page of companies and look to see who their partners are. Then I dive again into WEF home page and click the search icon to find partners. I keep diving until I see as much as they've revealed. And, of course, check LinkedIn, FB, and all the other places. Also search DuckDuckGo (for example) for the company name followed by "ESG" or "diversity equity inclusion".

Customers and citizens must push back with their words, their voices, and their wallets. This approach has helped turn Netflix and State Farm, for example, at least a little. The worst thing is to stay SILENT!

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Absolutely agree. Been very dangerous for quite awhile. Silent? No.

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