CPB, Planned Parenthood, Universities, student loan program...should all be defunded; they serve no purpose in furtherance of America first interests. Colleges should offer student loans. Gov runs taxpayer funded ads on a multitude of media and payments are made, therefore no additional funding should be made. Any organization receiving Gov funds should be ban from donating to political parties or persons.

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Maybe if they greatly reduce Federal Funding to colleges they will have to reduce the TUITION, higher education should not be out of reach for the average American.

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If high schools did their work properly there would not be such a large need for college enrollment. Our workforce performed more than well with only a high school diploma until places like he columbia ed dept turned the teaching profession into a progressive advocate promoting social equity over actual education.

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The dumbing down of the students has already taken place in their minds due to state test scores. Children who learn differently and those whose parents get behind them and insist on education through tutoring, special education, and extra time commitment will succeed but it often takes these students to get out of the high school mindset and on to achieving their goals. This happened in our family. Our son went on to achieving a Corporate Aviation degree from a 4 year university without special treatment for his special need. It can be done with parents as key players in the education of their children in the home. Priorities.

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We had an education system that flawlessly mainstreamed generations immigrant children, many of whose parents had little to no English and were poorly educated. I doubt what we have today is up to that task

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I read a book years ago about the so-called "educational system" in America. I think the title of it was "The Dumbing Down of America" and it was about government control of our schools. We must fill in the huge gap and educate our children at home, especially critical thinking, civics, and the REAL history of the United States. Or completely home school them when possible.

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Little house on the prairie school house had a place in building of America. Today's public schools... I am not a fan. And I worked in one, inner city. Not to say there aren't some worthy individuals as teachers.

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We had an excellent program attached to our county that taught a range of high level skill set for those who would prefer a different route that did not include college. It was truly excellent. Several years ago they removed a few of the more ‘blue collar’ programs, for which there is a desperate shortage of qualified people, and it wasn’t because the kids weren’t taking the course… it was because of pride.

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The reason tuition is high is directly related to Gov aid. This applies to SALT deduction (state & local taxes) as well. Colleges & taxing authorities charge more because of the deductions.

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College is free in some European countries IF students meet certain academic standards. College bound students have to earn it.

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Nothing is ‘free'.

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You're right. And we don't really own anything either. Try not paying property taxes and see what happens...even if that property is fully paid for and you don't owe the bank anything.

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It does seem rather 'anti-private property' doesn’t it?

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Tax payers have always financed the "weapons" used by the government to manipulate, lie, and subjugate the masses. Anything that in anyway serves to destroy our country, our values, and our freedom must be eliminated immediately. Free speech is wonderful. Outright lies and treason are unacceptable.

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Yes, ironic isn't it? We pay for the slaughter of millions of men, women, children...babies, destruction of cities and in addition we pay taxes for our own enslavement!

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Spot on. Thanks

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Student loans funded by whomever wants to fund them, but make them bankruptable, like a car loan. Then maybe the course enrollments will reflect the market value of the degree.

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IIRC, Trump attempted to defund NPR radio in Term 01, but was blindsided by his own party of RINoS. Maybe Trump 2.0. has a run around end game for the patch of horned perissodactyla

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Can only hope.

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In all honesty, in a lot of respects, our Big Orange Goon has morphed into what I believe is a leader possessing a better handle on the position he holds dearly.

Some will say that, Yes, there are bits of Trumpy bear 1.0 in there, but clearly significant improvement is duly noted.

I am impressed with his retort professionalism, and ability to convey his significant gains in both intellect, and prowess-ness utilized to convey it.

Ask Trump anything, and he has some data driven notion already bellowing out the blowhole. This isn't the same fella we knew and loved between 2016 and 2019. I'm liking Trumpy Bear 2.0, so far, better than the first iteration

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Based on his cabinet picks, I am extremely hopeful and they are off to America first start!

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My kids watched Sesame Street . They loved it. This was my older kids. It taught the alphabet among other educational subjects. They loved big bird and the Cookie Monster. I hardly recognize Sesame Street anymore. It is pure trash. Bring back Mr Roger’s. I watched Captain Kangaroo as a child. I got up early every morning to watch it. Good wholesome educational programs don’t exist anymore. Our government should not be subsidizing anti American propaganda.

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Try Prager U .

Great education for all ages.

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I enjoy all the free courses offered by Hillsdale College. Victor Davis Hansen has a course on Citizenship. I’ve just started the course.

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You and I had the same TV program schedule, growing up.

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Wow 431 million dollars to brainwash our young. Where can I go get me some of that. I could do a study on the infestation of termites in wood frame homes and buildings for say 10 million. The past couple of days I had a friends son help me at work. My friend said he’s trans is that ok? I said sure that’s fine. He’s 21 years old, he’s helping me on a Saturday and Monday so he wants to work which I very much admire. I don’t know him but he seems like a good kid. At the end of the second day I said to him I know that you have been taught to question adults including your parents uncles and people like me. He said yes we were. I said what I’d like you to do is think about questioning the people that are teaching you that. We were wearing N95 masks and I commented that he had dust around his nose after he took the mask off so I said how could a mask stop a microscopic virus? I spoke about the Covid virus and that it was man made and now the CIA is leaning that it was made in a lab. I said the shots were forced on my wife, which he didn’t believe, and they are and the masks were a way to show control over people, because neither were affective. The poor kid lost it. He said I was trying to manipulate him and he didn’t believe anything I said. I said to him I’m not trying to get you to believe anything, I want you to use your mind and do what they taught you. Question everything. I said you live in a free society where people have the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. To live in a society where you get to express yourself you have to be willing to let others express themselves, it’s not a one way street. Unfortunately I don’t think he’ll be back to work again.

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You are absolutely brilliant in how you handled this. Poor young minds are so malleable they will believe lies more readily than truth. Maybe he will save himself someday.

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Thanks American Citizen, I do feel sorry for this young soul. I hope he does someday toughen up. Life is hard enough never mind being pushed through today’s gantlet called the public school.

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It shows how stubborn people can be no matter how much you throw the truth at them. I won't go into any fancy psychological stuff as to why this happens. We see this all the time.

Maybe the kid will wake up but could be years from now.

Maybe the military draft had good things. If you have little common sense maybe a DI will knock it into you.

At Parris Island in the 60s they knocked it into people. I don't recommend the military for many people but perhaps this kid would find out what goes on in the real world. Too many of our youth are babied.

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One reason I argue for a return of the draft. Could actually take advantage of the opportunity and instruct recruits in real deal civics

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I don’t mind a draft as long as there is also no war.

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I believe that a non deferment draft would be one way to cut down the neocons war fever. Their kids would be with everyone else's and their lives on the line too

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Wasnt Elvis drafted? Or did he sign up, voluntarily?

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Drafted I believe

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I have read on multiple occasions how governments have studied the concept of manipulating human behavior, not only through exposing someone to environmental stimuli, but also (and primarily) using chemical concoctions to alter the human subject on a molecular level. Mkultra comes to mind.

Imagine how its your gubberment job to inject human beings with some poison, in order to observe how that chemical affects the mind, behavior, and cognitive ability of the lab rat, subject. sometimes with deadly consequences? Must be easy to sleep at night, eh?

Take it for what you will, but it is my personal opinion that beyond the psychological pressure being instilled upon our youth, it is also the vaccination schedule of all these kids, chemically altering them for life, that is a big part of the results we are witnessing today.

I know several people with children who have never been vaccinated, who show no signs of dysphoria, odd behaviors, or any significant health issues, now prevalent i our kids (and adults) worldwide

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His loss James! It’s all about emotions and not facts to some if not most brainwarped kids. It’s sad

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The most important thing, James, is that you planted a seed in his mind. He may have initially been averse to what you were saying, but I strongly suspect that, in time, he will appreciate your words of wisdom.

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Maybe, maybe not. One can only hope.

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You meaney-pants !!

Showing the kid that there are choices, and different ways of looking at the same thing, with a critical eye. Thats simply racist, sexist, and homophobic talk, my friend. You should be jailed and vaccinated against your will. That will fix that caring soul inside you.

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James, Sounds like the truth you offered scared him silly. I bet he hasn't heard this kind of questioning much at all.

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I’ve known his father since we were kids and I get a strong feeling he and his wife stay clear of upsetting him, which I understand, and I wasn’t trying to upset him either. I’m not used to holding back what I know is true. When a young person works with me conversations at times get into life, truth and many times being a good person, at least from my perspective. It was intriguing to me and I hope he comes back, although I may back off a bit I may slip a few more things at him nicely.

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I think food for thought is vital to our growth. Ultimately I think we yearn for it.

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Whatever you do, do NOT have him look up in the skies at the planes spewing their chemicals for geoengineering the weather. He might just crap his panties

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I agree with Debra, the seed has been planted. Keep on keepin' on, James.

I feel for many of the young people these days trying to maneuver their existence and not necessarily having a moral, reliant entity to turn to. Maybe just confused ones.

We all know youngsters (remember those days?!) tend to think they are creating something new, being independent. I remember, under the shelter of a strong home life, being amazed (jealous?) at my younger sister sneaking out to a high school party after folks said "No". Ha. Not many years after, in my 1st year of college-freedom at last! -my NEW wider world friends convinced me to try my 1st cigarette. Ahh, rebellion. Those earlier days seem so much more innocent.

I'd love to go into more detail on my comment regarding a STRONG Home Life, and my feelings on how it relates, but I'll resist and save it for another day.

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State run propaganda is anathema to our Constitution. This isn't even hard to grasp.

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Can you ask former resident Barack Obummer why he signed legislation gutting the Smith Mundt act, and see what he says.

(Asking for a friend)

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It is time Catholic Charities be defunded! Telling people how to break the law while raking in billions from the government! The USCCB should be ashamed of themselves. Not one concern from them on the missing 350,000 children trafficked that came into our country illegally. (And I am a Catholic, btw.)


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I agree…defund them. As a practicing “light” catholic the pope and church leaders lost their way a long time ago. They actually encourage illegal immigration into our country. We witness it firsthand in our area. Corrupt. But where’s the surprise there? The pope showers with Biden and hates Trump. That should tell you all you need to know.

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As a fellow Catholic light, I totally agree

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I lived in a medium-sized midwestern city. Catholic Charities got a pile of money for dumping African immigrants in our town, then walked away. A Protestant Church that I was affiliated with was spending their capital to try to help the immigrants adjust to life in the midwest, but it was pretty hopeless.

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You can find those children, en mass, in the catacombs beneath the Vatican. Pedo Pope has the keys

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Looks like a good way to save about $1 billion.

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I would miss Masterpiece Theater… but I cannot stomach their radio or news programs. It’s like listening to state funded propaganda to the American people.

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Masterpiece Theatre should have no trouble funding itself. They are a movie studio and should act like one. Or sell themselves to Amazon, or Peacock, or Netflix.

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Me too. Masterpiece would probably find another home.

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That may leave new room for "somethings" of a much grander to discover.

Motivations over comes boredoms. Hahaha

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They do have some good shows. I loved "Downton Abbey", "Doc Martin" and a few others, but like you, I do not watch or listen to their news 'programs' or biographies of politicians.

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I lean more towards the mysteries and classical literature adaptations.

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Used to watch Martin, the wacko doctor who couldn't tollerate looking at blood. As a kid, Monty Python was the deal.

Havent watched pbs in a decade or more

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They would be fine without the government subsidy. Progressive donors would step up. Let them.

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I watched those shows when I was young. At the time I was quite taken by them. But I found more compelling forms of entertainment and don't use TV shows any more.

Community story-telling, however, is a world-wide activity and should probably exist in some form. I currently rely on a few websites like this one for this purpose.

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A lot of self-hating white people with white guilt syndrome listen to NPR & PBS especially in Oregon & California and it shows up on how these states vote. Cut them off from taxpayer money.

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Correct. I have some “conservative light” Christian friends that listen to PBS/NPR like it’s the holy grail. Slowly they are learning otherwise but never ceases to amaze me how long some people hold on to things that have clearly changed…like the D party for one thing. Fail to recognize reality.

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Send it to Social Security Agency so it won’t run out of money! I still don’t get how that is running out with people paying into it every pay check! Someone doesn’t know how to book keep!!

Let these companies fund themselves!

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On reason is because a whole bunch of folks who do not pay into it are on medicaid

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Disability grew it's own heartbeat a while ago.

10,000 turn 65 each day in America.

That is a force of almost unimaginable epic proportions......Sigh.....

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Randall, I worked until I was 17 days from 67! So I was still paying in! They should have never touched SS for anything else. What about those who passed away and didn’t get much of what they put in?

Accountability please. Most of us cannot help that SS was ever started. The first word says it “social”.

Thankful Trump did not touch it when he made his decisions yesterday I read about from Jeff Childers.

Until 1999, I worked as a part time nurse for my children’s sake. So I couldn’t have a retirement fund until 2000. Go figure. My hospital was the one to close in 2008! Not complaining just facts.

All that aside, accountability for where money went is needed. Just some thoughts on it.

Time the young people living off their parents got a job! No one is entitled!! Hello!!!

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This is often their favorite channel.

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The Social Security fund is raided by the government to pay for whatever…so the funds are dry…or in reality, bankrupt.

For future Americans, they should have an account that is set aside with their name on it, and it accumulates till they retire, with a stipulation that the government CANNOT use it for any spending project. If this is not done, I’ve told my children they will never see a dime of what they are paying into—SO I tell them, don’t depend on the government, invest in your own future.

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It's been termed a Ponzi scheme. In the beginning there were a lot more folks putting money in than there are now. Now there are a lot more drawing benefits than there were then. Add in the politicians taking monies out of it to pay for other things. Obama care start up. Etc.

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I started my first job @ 15. I'm still working. But it's my self employed business @ 72.

I paid my taxes last year. Can only imagine "not" paying self employed tax of 24-25.

Keeping track and filing for the year is almost a day to account of job paper trails etc.

Quarter payments on time each year. Adding receipts and filing deductions.

All by IRS rules. Not Mine! I'd encourage all young folks to start your own dreams now!

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They will have to or keep on working!

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The legal protections for that fund, it seems, were insufficient. The demographics of the situation (more and more seniors who don't want to work) also plays a part. But I think if the fund had been protected and properly invested, there would be plenty of money in it today.

The whole idea, though, of the federal government forcing citizens to save for their old age through income taxes is a bit hard to swallow. It seemed necessary when it was enacted (1935), as many families had lost their savings during the Crash, or failed to save. In a freer and more rational society, individuals would be expected to handle their own senior years as they saw fit, probably by saving and investing, as we do with IRAs, etc.

In this current society were everyone lives on credit, has no real financial education, and often saves nothing, we are a long way from being able to take care of ourselves when we are working, much less do so when we are retired. The whole modern lifestyle is in many ways crazy and self-destructive.

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Back in the days when people took individual responsibility for their own personal economic security, the amounts they voluntarily saved from their paychecks were productively invested. It was the boost in productivity provided by their savings that made it possible later to produce and deliver the goods once they retired. On the other hand, there is nothing remotely productive about how government uses the payroll taxes it extracts.

The entire annual subsidy to the CPB would fund the Social Security Trust Fund's deficit for less than five hours. More importantly, the expectation that government will take care of everybody in their retirement years seriously undermines the incentive to save, as does the propensity of central banks to artificially drive interest rates down when they try to fund are deficits with money printing. The consequence has been that personal savings rates have cratered over the past sixty years (i.e. since Medicare was enacted and the dollar put on a fiat basis) and America has been gradually deindustrializing and the real demand for labor has been eroding.

Not only are the trust funds going broke, our declining manufacturing sector can't maintain the living standards of workers and seniors. Even cutting 100% of non-mandatory non-defense spending couldn't make up for this, it would only buy us some time. They will likely print up more dollars to bail out the trust funds, but that's not going to produce more goods. Instead, prices will continue to rise at a faster rate than paychecks and social security checks will. This will only end when the dollar finally hyperinflates to worthlessness and the whole system comes crashing down.

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Yes, this is one of David Stockman's suggestions in the book Brownstone wants to get in the hands of all senators and representatives. "How to cut 2 trillion from the federal budget." My husband bought it on Kindle yesterday and is already sharing high points with me. I love how Stockman breaks down cutting fat, muscle and bone and points out if our elected reps balk at cutting fat, they are not serious about reducing spending at all.

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Has Stockton ceased his TDS which seemed to be on display on his Substack during the campaign?

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Isn't he the same guy that insisted that Microsoft was headed for a dumpster

and to ditch the stock about 5 years ago when a share was $110? Now over $400.

I too was once a fan of his penmanship. Not so much have an interest now.

My own learning curve.

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I agree! Defund NPR and PBS—let their Marxist idealogues fund it on their dime, not tax payer dime. It undermines our Republic and culture.

On a different note: Pete Hegseth, on his first day as Secretary of Defense, mentioned Fort Bragg and Fort Benning instead of their Woke changed names!

I graduated from Fort Benning as an Infantryman, and the pictures of my Drill Sergeants demonstrates it was not a racist organization. As a 17 year old, race never entered my mind, only the awesome history of Fort Benning as “The Home of the Infantry” and where soldiers train to become Airborne and Rangers. Hegseth is the man for this position. 🤗

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I'll just use the old names for the posts. Shame on you Pete for not being politically correct.

I do hope we stop the war machine.

I had time in USMC and US Army.

You are totally correct that racism was not made an issue (up until the CRT dandies made it an issue).

White kids have always made up the bulk of the infantry.

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I always use the original names too.

The 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg, has volunteer paratroopers who perform publicly. A person in the group introduced them as “Hailing from North Carolina” instead of using the Woke name—he happened to be a black soldier, which tells me he and the 82nd did not appreciate the name change and are not racists. 🇺🇸

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Maybe j.f.k., certainly l.b.j. infused race into quotas for promotion when I was in the Air Force. It was bad enough that older n.c.o.s were not encouraging their anglo underlings to reup since promotion cycles were wonky enough without having to deal with quotas

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With Pres. Trump sniffing around exterminating the IRS we may be headed back to the smaller central gov. the Founders intended and all this nonsense jettisoned by necessity.

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As long as it's cast in deeper than that, of the Oceans Mariana Trench for infinity.

America's coasts will once again clear.

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CPB/PBS: We hate Truth

E. Musk: Truth is everything.

Which actually has a track record of accomplishment in the physical world?

Which has a track record of fomenting envy, unhappiness, a feeling of victimization, and resulting strife and disharmony...? And, by the way, wants us to pay for them (and we DO pay for them)?

So to me, it looks like we are paying for contributors to our own demise, or as Gaad Saad would say: "Suicidal Empathy."

How many times has this kind of thing been tried in how many parts of the world with stellular results on the human unhappiness spectrum? See Mao's China, the USSR, the Khimar Rouge... all led by fervently unhappy college educated lefties "for your own good."

Re PBS: I used to watch them for their old BBC historical dramas, particularly Downton Abby... Sesame St. was ok for teaching how to count. Now, I find nothing of value, and the leftie pitch is a complete turn off.

Do I want to fund it? No.

Perhaps the way it used to be at its founding, as a source of cultural enrichment and positive values, and high quality drama (without commercials), might be worth a VOLUNTARY contribution.

No payment for what it has become.

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Isn’t that the core appeal of the original Marxism, from which these latter-:day derivatives get their “poor-me” theme? Goes by many names but is the same old whine.

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CRT embodies the very essence of racism. Using race as a factor in evaluating individuals or polices by its nature is racist and those adhering to CRT are racists.

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Leftists took over journalism a long time ago, interestingly through the support of the CIA via Operation MOCKINGBIRD. The Left's grip is going to take a long time to dismantle, thankfully we have alternatives to the Leftist media system, at least for now in the light of the Digital Services Act being expanded in the EU.

Rise up, European Patriots! Are there many of you left, or are you too few in number?

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Let's charge the International Criminal Court with human rights violations. The notion that the Israeli PM cannot attend the Holocaust Remembrance is, itself, criminal.

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I don’t understand - but if Nety was somehow uninvited - seeing as how he is a genocidal maniac, the diss is understandable. He really needs to stop killing people - Hamas and the others should do the same. We’re tired of it - decent people have had enough.

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Netanyahu is defending his nation. As he should. Are you excusing Hamas?

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Clearly and succinctly stated! It’s overwhelming to grasp the scope of damages done to American people and with such strategic precision by nefarious forces. Admittedly I have ignored this topic purely because of its enormous ramifications and so as a parent I coward into inactivity.

Who do we write to or who do we call?

Prayer is powerfully effective but now as an older woman I see action as a necessary partner with prayer against infiltration of evil within education.

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Vigilance and action have always been needed. People need to learn that if leftist authorities won't protect your neighborhoods then you better learn how to do it.

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That is certainly the obvious lesson of the last eight years now isn’t it?

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