Consider the field of peptic ulcer disease. It was universally taught/"universal scientific consensus" that stomach/duodenal ulcers were caused by "too much acid". Dr's Marshall and Warren proved that the ulcers were in fact caused by a bacteria named H. Pylori, not acid. For this, they were pilloried and attacked for disseminating "misi…
Consider the field of peptic ulcer disease. It was universally taught/"universal scientific consensus" that stomach/duodenal ulcers were caused by "too much acid". Dr's Marshall and Warren proved that the ulcers were in fact caused by a bacteria named H. Pylori, not acid. For this, they were pilloried and attacked for disseminating "misinformation", (big pharma had profitable acid suppressing drugs to treat ulcers), nearly lost their medical licenses, and were "persona non grata" in the medical community. Then- they were proven right- conventional wisdom was completely wrong. Imagine what would have happened to them today in the contemporary scenario so well described by Dr. Malone.
That word consensus. Pasteur disproved the consensus theory of spontaneous generation. Temin upturned the central dogma of molecular biology. And now the climate freaks are rolling out one consensus after another to destroy the worlds economy it seems
Neil DeGrass Tyson got eaten for lunch by Del Bigtree on The Highwire, when Tyson argued vehemently that consensus is the standard for scientific proof.
The true art of insanity is the ability to cultivate two self-contradictory ideas at once. It empowers one to control both sides of an argument. In my testimony to the Arizona Legislature to reform the state's policy on pain treatment, I provided a ten page paper, two pages of which were references to peer-reviewed literature, absolutely proving that the consequences of long-term opiate use are fully known. All eukaryotic organisms use morphine as a stabilizing chelant for nitric oxide. Without morphine as a chelating agent, nitroglycerine would be a deadly poison instead of a useful heart medication. The nitric oxide given off by nitroglycerine in the stomach, would react with stomach acid and swallowed air to make nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride, and chlorine, a corrosive mixture known to Medieval alchemists as Aqua Regia because it can dissolve gold. So the nitric oxide that sets the metabolic rate inside the mitochondria of our cells, only works because it is complexed by morphine.
So the insanity is that drug screens used by DEA to prosecute people for using drugs, test for diacetyl morphine and acetyl morphine, but not for morphine itself. They clearly know that no one alive could pass morphine-free urine. And they clearly know the implication of long term morphine use: Everyone alive is using morphine. But every time DEAs Drug Diversion Unit prosecutes a physician for treating pain with legal opiate drugs, DEA puts an "expert witness" on the stand, who swears on a stack of Bibles that all these pain patients are in terrible danger because nobody knows the long term effects.
One long term effect of this self-serving DEA policy was that the agency created a massive shortage of cough medicine when it took upon itself the Surgeon General's legal responsibility to determine the proper scheduling of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. DEA acting administrator Michelle Leonhart took it upon herself, on vacuous evidence, to reschedule hydrocodone from Schedule 3 to
Schedule 2. By odd coincidence a paper just published in Australia had announced the finding that the withdrawal symptoms experienced by heroin addicts could by treated orally with hydrocodone tablets, eliminating the need for daily clinic visits while being treated for addiction. An American-owned corporation now called Invidior, had offered its patented $600 addiction drug, called Suboxone, for sale, but it was less effective than the $20 hydrocodone used in Australia. The Bush Administration had effectively subsidized Invidior's profiteering by rescheduling hydrocodone: An existing statute prohibited treating addiction with any Schedule 2 drug.
It must have been shocking to Invidior when, as their Suboxone patent expired, they patented a chewable form of Suboxone and petitioned the FDA to prohibit their Suboxone tablets as "too dangerous", thereby blocking competitors from bringing out $300 generic Suboxone, and instead of obediently rolling over, the Trump Administration clobbered Invidior with an antitrust prosecution resulting in a record $100 million fine.
But the real damage was that effective cough medicine was no longer being prescribed nor made in the US, because Hydrocodone had been moved to Schedule 2. When COVID struck, several Trump advisors, notably Dr Scott Atlas, proposed that our bioisolation efforts focus entirely on the elderly and the immunocompromised, and as soon as the virus had run its course through young healthy people, those folks be asked to donate blood from which to make antibody treatments for the elderly and immunocompromised. Because no cough medicine was available to help young healthy people endure the six week COVID cough, CDCs Dr Birx won the argument that we had to lock the entire country down at a cost of trillions, to "flatten the curve". Sweden, which had ignored the US hysteria over hydrocodone, had a plentiful supply of cough medicine and largely did what Dr Atlas recommended: Their biggest COVID scandal was that some nursing homes did not take bioisolation seriously and several thousand unprotected patients died. There were a lot of Swedes on cough syrup and the bars suffered a shortage of customers, but lockdowns were not done and most Swedes became immune the old-fashioned way, by catching COVID. Sweden became an early producer of monoclonal antibodies for export, and the US bought them during the later stages of our lockdown. Meanwhile, disinformation control became standard operating procedure in the US, because whatever lie or half-truth federal agencies wanted us all to believe, could not be contradicted by anyone who was stating facts that disprove the false narrative.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we set out to deceive!
My presentation to the Arizona Legislature is posted on Academia dot edu, and anyone who wants to read it can get to it via my X account hotlink. for ten pages of useful links.
Consider the field of peptic ulcer disease. It was universally taught/"universal scientific consensus" that stomach/duodenal ulcers were caused by "too much acid". Dr's Marshall and Warren proved that the ulcers were in fact caused by a bacteria named H. Pylori, not acid. For this, they were pilloried and attacked for disseminating "misinformation", (big pharma had profitable acid suppressing drugs to treat ulcers), nearly lost their medical licenses, and were "persona non grata" in the medical community. Then- they were proven right- conventional wisdom was completely wrong. Imagine what would have happened to them today in the contemporary scenario so well described by Dr. Malone.
That word consensus. Pasteur disproved the consensus theory of spontaneous generation. Temin upturned the central dogma of molecular biology. And now the climate freaks are rolling out one consensus after another to destroy the worlds economy it seems
Neil DeGrass Tyson got eaten for lunch by Del Bigtree on The Highwire, when Tyson argued vehemently that consensus is the standard for scientific proof.
And gain CONTROL! 👎 to their desires.
People don't like it when you pee in their rice bowls.
The true art of insanity is the ability to cultivate two self-contradictory ideas at once. It empowers one to control both sides of an argument. In my testimony to the Arizona Legislature to reform the state's policy on pain treatment, I provided a ten page paper, two pages of which were references to peer-reviewed literature, absolutely proving that the consequences of long-term opiate use are fully known. All eukaryotic organisms use morphine as a stabilizing chelant for nitric oxide. Without morphine as a chelating agent, nitroglycerine would be a deadly poison instead of a useful heart medication. The nitric oxide given off by nitroglycerine in the stomach, would react with stomach acid and swallowed air to make nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride, and chlorine, a corrosive mixture known to Medieval alchemists as Aqua Regia because it can dissolve gold. So the nitric oxide that sets the metabolic rate inside the mitochondria of our cells, only works because it is complexed by morphine.
So the insanity is that drug screens used by DEA to prosecute people for using drugs, test for diacetyl morphine and acetyl morphine, but not for morphine itself. They clearly know that no one alive could pass morphine-free urine. And they clearly know the implication of long term morphine use: Everyone alive is using morphine. But every time DEAs Drug Diversion Unit prosecutes a physician for treating pain with legal opiate drugs, DEA puts an "expert witness" on the stand, who swears on a stack of Bibles that all these pain patients are in terrible danger because nobody knows the long term effects.
One long term effect of this self-serving DEA policy was that the agency created a massive shortage of cough medicine when it took upon itself the Surgeon General's legal responsibility to determine the proper scheduling of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. DEA acting administrator Michelle Leonhart took it upon herself, on vacuous evidence, to reschedule hydrocodone from Schedule 3 to
Schedule 2. By odd coincidence a paper just published in Australia had announced the finding that the withdrawal symptoms experienced by heroin addicts could by treated orally with hydrocodone tablets, eliminating the need for daily clinic visits while being treated for addiction. An American-owned corporation now called Invidior, had offered its patented $600 addiction drug, called Suboxone, for sale, but it was less effective than the $20 hydrocodone used in Australia. The Bush Administration had effectively subsidized Invidior's profiteering by rescheduling hydrocodone: An existing statute prohibited treating addiction with any Schedule 2 drug.
It must have been shocking to Invidior when, as their Suboxone patent expired, they patented a chewable form of Suboxone and petitioned the FDA to prohibit their Suboxone tablets as "too dangerous", thereby blocking competitors from bringing out $300 generic Suboxone, and instead of obediently rolling over, the Trump Administration clobbered Invidior with an antitrust prosecution resulting in a record $100 million fine.
But the real damage was that effective cough medicine was no longer being prescribed nor made in the US, because Hydrocodone had been moved to Schedule 2. When COVID struck, several Trump advisors, notably Dr Scott Atlas, proposed that our bioisolation efforts focus entirely on the elderly and the immunocompromised, and as soon as the virus had run its course through young healthy people, those folks be asked to donate blood from which to make antibody treatments for the elderly and immunocompromised. Because no cough medicine was available to help young healthy people endure the six week COVID cough, CDCs Dr Birx won the argument that we had to lock the entire country down at a cost of trillions, to "flatten the curve". Sweden, which had ignored the US hysteria over hydrocodone, had a plentiful supply of cough medicine and largely did what Dr Atlas recommended: Their biggest COVID scandal was that some nursing homes did not take bioisolation seriously and several thousand unprotected patients died. There were a lot of Swedes on cough syrup and the bars suffered a shortage of customers, but lockdowns were not done and most Swedes became immune the old-fashioned way, by catching COVID. Sweden became an early producer of monoclonal antibodies for export, and the US bought them during the later stages of our lockdown. Meanwhile, disinformation control became standard operating procedure in the US, because whatever lie or half-truth federal agencies wanted us all to believe, could not be contradicted by anyone who was stating facts that disprove the false narrative.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we set out to deceive!
My presentation to the Arizona Legislature is posted on Academia dot edu, and anyone who wants to read it can get to it via my X account hotlink. for ten pages of useful links.