This is dead on. And ;yes, it has become more than apparent in the last four years that the nature of the US is much different than we thought. Or I should say the nature of the government power structure which has nothing to do with our constitution. I don't want this to sound like I hate America like our liberal adversaries. We may still be the best game in town, but we have a ver;y small window to stop these elitist globalist power assholes. And remember, our republic and states' rights give us an advantage no other county really has. So I haven't given up all hope. Yet.

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The plus side of COVID and the recent election cycles is that Americans no longer believe that the government represents us, nor does it have our best interests in mind.

Wouldn't you like to know who are those 🤣EXPERTS🤣 that took part in this Harvard Kennedy School survey, and what qualifies them as 🤣EXPERTS🤣??

Should they not have to show us their qualifications for "knowing" how we should be ingesting and processing information???

Should we not have the opportunity to question their "knowledge" base?

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That would be like insisting biden participate in debates

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Experiencing the effects of their decisions is something that happens to the ruling class if they stop getting deference and special services from everyone else.

Biden could not participate in a debate even if he wanted to. Lacks the ability.

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Yes, you are right, as bad as these years have been we at least know what we're dealing with and have a chance at stopping them. Still it's very sad we are where we are in this country.

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The ruling class should be given the opportunity to experience the effects of their decisions as we do.

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Like house illegals in their mansions.

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This would at least give them an excuse to own so much climate controlled space, threatening the environment and resources, if they shared it with the rest of humanity.

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I don't see them stepping up to that though. Because...reasons...

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Yes, but we knew what our govt was doing to people in other countries, and we didn’t get very worked up about that, so now we have to deal with it on our own soil. It’s a lesson in consequences for our own behavior and choices. I do agree that we need to stop the globalists, right now, but we need to stop them from exploiting everyone, not just ourselves or we won’t get out of this soup.

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I would think that would be a side effect. Every country in the world watches everything we do, so imagine it would happen everywhere if we can pull it off at all.

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If we figure out how to undo the problem here, we can continue the strategy to undo it globally, and if we instead stop short of globally, we will suffer the consequences again. At least that’s my belief.

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Indeed, and how would these “experts” judge the mind-shattering interview of Mike Benz by Tucker Carlson with respect to Benz’s clear exposure of a leftist Obama-embraced “conspiracy” against Americans?

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Likely they're hiding from it.

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I wouldn't necessarily trust Benz. He may be a limited hangout, too early to tell, but his history isn't promising.

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Not sure why you’re concerned about Benz but there is no doubt that Obama is a communist who used his black “identity” (‘criticizing me is racist’) to get into government, appoint Marxists to power positions throughout the Deep State and use corrupt demented Biden to do Obama’s dirty work.

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The Marxists were in power long before (about 100 years) Obama came on the scene.

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Of course the Communists have been around long before Obama. But what American President had communists for parents, grandparents and Frank Marshall Davis, as Obama’s Communist “mentor”? Obama was a master of Doublespeak and “infiltrated” the Deep State with his apparatchiks, many of whom remain in Biden’s regime. Biden’s vulnerability to CCP knowledge of Biden’s corruption is a compromising situation for America.

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Federal support of state budgets exploded under the Obama years. It was essentially a federal power grab. We need state and local politicians that can break that dependence and recognize the strings attached are too horrible.

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IL and MD would have defaulted otherwise. They were toast. The inequity of it once again, the frugal bailing out the gluttonous.

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We should have let them default.

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Politically, Illinois is essentially Chicago & suburbs vs. the rest often referred to as Downstate. When Cook County and Peoria County vote for the Big Gov't 'Rats, the whole State is overwhelmed financially and by totalitarian control. The situation can only resolve itself when the heavily-indebted Cities go broke and they are forced to cut/eliminate welfare, subsidies, patronage, and the import of alien/illegal "future voters".

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yes that's true.

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it is tragic how so many idiots let college stand in the way of their education, and allowed the leftist vermin to turn off what little brains they had.

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This is probably self-serving but I call what you are experiencing "the great unease." A recent column of mine on Santa Barbara Current (sbcurrent.com) expresses that unease. In any case, You are absolutely spot on. The surveillance system in place accounts for the failures of 2020 and 2022 to make any substantial changes. I worry greatly about the results of 2024, as none of the "emergency" apparatus constructed around Covid-19 has been removed. Best of luck to you... and all of us.

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Emergency use has expired last year https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/end-of-phe.html

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Yes, the health emergency is over, but none of the "emergency" measures established for voters "unable" to get to a polling location have been rescinded. That means mass mail-in ballots, drop boxes, vote harvesting, and the rest are still with us.

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Rather than address concerns about election integrity, Ruby Freeman was given a medal by Biden in 2023. Mentioning suitcases of ballots pulled out late at night or any other irregularities will probably become a punishable offense.

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I think Ruby Freeman actually filed a lawsuit for like 10 million dollars against Rudy Giuliani for slander !!! See facts and even video don't even matter anymore. The very fact that she is on video WHEELING BALLOTS STUFFED INSIDE LUGGAGE AND SEEN THEN RUNNING THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN THROUGH THE MACHINE........... none of that matters. It never even happened because the marxists staged a military coup in 2014 in our government and in Ukraine. At least that's what I gathered after listening to Tucker Carlson's most recent interview that was published here and on several other substacks and boards.

I'm just now coming to face the fact that on Jan 20th, 2021 when they literally installed and FORCED IN FJB in front of a mall of flags!!! BIZARRRE.

I had been saying since NOv. 8th that if FJB was installed that i was going to quit and remove all my money from the banks and finish my off-grid set up.

Who thinks that we have to do something now???

Who thinks that the time for fighting back is almost over ??

Who has thought through a nationwide strike with a list of demands.

1. CLOSE THE BORDERS, both north and south. Deport all persons who have been admitted since 2021. STOP ALL IMMIGRATION including H1B and any other completely for 10 years.

2. Only Citizens of this country can ATTEND our schools and Universities.

If you are born in the US and have a birth certificate to prove it you can attend school. Otherwise you need to return to be educated in the place you were born. (Of course if you want to pay for a private school that's fine, but our taxes should be used to educate CITIZENS ONLY!

3. Pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Get Patrick Byrne and Bill Binney and the University of Michigan guy who explained to Congress how Google uses search engines to throw an election, those guys need to overhaul

the system

4. Close all foreign bases. Bring all soldiers and military home. We are not at war. Our tax money should not be used to protect other nations. Other nations need to provide for their own defense.

Disband the FBI and CIA.

5. Declassify all documents over 20 years old starting with the JFK files. The government is not allowed to keep secrets. WE the people must be protected from the government not the other way around. If they have nothing to hide this shouldn't be a problem. Right?

6. Election days are holidays, state, local and National., whether paid or not but holidays. Voting is done IN PERSON, on paper, on election day and the voting is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then the votes are counted with the cameras continuously rolling and the winners are announced at midnight after which all video of the counts are posted to youtube CLEAN ELECTIONS channel.

The time is now. It should have been done 80 years ago. WE have to have a meeting of all people who are ready willing and able to walk out of their job and grind this nation to a complete halt until our demands are met.

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You mean it's not already?

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I haven't looked at this aspect, yet. Nevertheless, that means Pfizer+ now can be hold accountable for non-emergency misuse of vaccines and genocide.

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plus false advertising. Advertising by Big Pharma must be banned and legal liability protection must be removed.

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I am repeating a post I made on yesterdays stack with added comments.

The Constitution was written by laymen to lay out how everyone was to be governed…by laymen representatives…not lawyers. Where they erred was in appointing too much power to SCOTUS. Rather than having Congress critiqued by lawyers they should have empaneled laymen to read new laws and have them amended to be understandable by anyone. Giving lawyers that power amounted to returning to the king the rule of law since all English law came down to the populace thru lawyers…his representatives. We in effect brought the king to our shores reinvented in SCOTUS. Just saw a critique by Shipwreck Crew re the Trump immunity trial. We could only have arrived at such a tangled web spun by lawyers coining such gooblygook as…standing. That word standing applies to a terraced community, kings/aristocracy/oligarcy on top and plebes on bottom. Not the community promised us by our Founders in our Founding documents. We have to take our Republic away from judges like roberts who could simply create a tax by fiat. That has to be stopped

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Agree Micheal. Just the preamble to a law is longer than the entire Constitution. Imagine bouncing around like a ball in a pinball machine as you navigate USCode references to determine what the law really says.

I was in a meeting in 2009 when someone said we needed to take bad actions to court. I stood up and said "We don't have 'standing' because we are only citizens". The Columbias and Harvards of this country have utterly churned the court system into a pretzel through their years of tampering with definitions, legal ease, procedural dictates, etc.

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And all of SCOTUS are ivys And as Trumps team of non ivy trained lawyers showed us when they destroyed the doj team of ivys in his impeachment trial, ivys do not really know the law all that well.

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And yet, they rule the roost. How did we wind up in this handbasket, and more importantly, how to get out of it.

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What I said above is how it happened. How we get out of it is to gain control of Congress, impeach progressive judges ( including and particularly SCOTUS) and have them revisit really lousy decisions. Neutralizing them also kills all the bad decisions that rely on them as precedent. That is one way

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I understood why, but it didnt answer "why did we allow it?", meaning letting go of necessary oversight of the appointed ones.

Being a commoner, I am assuming that those who either were granted power, took advantage, and began the process of convincing everyone else that their personal judgement was far superior, because of an academic background from some perceived higher institution. But thats just a guess.


I have met hundreds of highly educated individuals in my short lifetime, and almost all of the ones who I consider smarter that I could ever attain myself to be, had almost zero common sense capabilities. This common factor bridged the gap between all,of them, minus a chosen few.

For example:

I could never in a million years understand Dr. Malone's technical understanding of the bilogical, chemical, or engineering aspects of mRNA processes, yet I possess enough "common sense" to never have taken that poison 💉.

Just to clarify:

I'm not besmirching, belittling, nor badmouthing anyone here. I'm simply pointing out that some folks primarily rely on their internal instincts, while others utilize their accumulated educational background to process decisions in their daily lives. Some use a combination of both, which is the garage where I try to park my old Corvette next to boxes of documents I had previously procured.


To me, if something smells fishy, I'm betting there's some tidbit of fish in the sammich

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We are an apathetic herd animal and unless something like china flu applies a stimulus we go with the flow. Sorta like a herd of antelopes. Sadly there are carnivores out there, sociopaths who take advantage. Offer bill gates as an example. They abound in the political theater.

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Instead of impeachment of the repressive (of our rights and freedoms) judges, remove their immunity and then prosecute them.

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Ivy League equates to the ignorance indoctrinated by education.

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As a result of the courts (and its lawyers ) holding too much power, the 2020 election fraud cases were largely dismissed on standing. Only Alito and Thomas were willing to look at the alleged fraud. A sad state of affairs indeed. My mum who was a war bride was furious about Roberts creating a tax by fiat.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I can't remember who said it now, but there was some quote I read from someone who was perhaps part of the founding generation who said that if a law is not written so that most can understand it, even if passing it would have a good effect, it should be rejected, because we must be able to understand our own laws.

What we are experiencing now is the result of a progressive dream from the time of Woodrow Wilson. What these people believe is that the Constitution is a historical document that is *no longer relevant, nor practical*. It should be relegated to the past. Do not pine for it. it's a dead letter. As I heard one progressive, purported "constitutional historian" put it several years ago (I'm paraphrasing), "The Constitutional Convention was such a mess. Despite that, the Constitution was a good starter document that the Founders didn't believe would last 30 years." They believe that where we are is the best that can be hoped for. Say goodbye to a constitutional guarantee of individual rights, property, and due process. Again, it's no longer relevant, nor practical, in their eyes. What we have is what we now negotiate in our democratic and legislative process.

What they ultimately have strived for is to wrap all governmental functions into the Executive branch: legislative, judicial, and executive, and to dispense with Congress, and the independent court system. What they have wanted for a century (and which we now have) is rule by experts who they say will act in the public interest. Friedrich Hayek warned against this in his book "Road To Serfdom," and he was largely blacklisted for it. The only university that would hire him was the Univ. of Chicago, back when it had much more independence (not so much today).

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I was trained as a paralegal as part of my job and I recall that all writings should be written so an 8th grader can easily comprehend; today, you have to be a lawyer just to read between the lines of these massive Bills.

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I took a technical communications course in college, and one of the lessons we learned was that newspapers write their articles using a 7th grade vocabulary, because they know that's the average language comprehension of their audience. We looked at some samples of newspaper articles on technical subjects, to illustrate. Coming to understand that was eye-opening. I mean, I'd read such articles in the past, but I didn't have the concept that the way they were written was that deliberate.

So, there are language guides that can be used, where you can objectively measure whether something written fits within what "the average" can understand. Congress could even set that up as a rule. Bills could be scored on how readable they are. Though, people would even need to keep an eye on that. I've seen examples of scores used in Washington where the people there decide to "adjust" them out of convenience, which then allows them to give out a false measure. CPI (consumer price index) is a good example. We sort of saw an example of that recently with what's considered "gain of function." That got "adjusted" many years ago, allowing Fauci, et al. to skirt around the ban on that research.

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I read RFK Jr’s book The Wuhan Cover-Up and I’d venture to say with utmost certainty, America funded COVID-19 at Wuhan.

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I had second thoughts about my idea of a rule in Congress.

Given the way Washington plays with definitions and scores, and how much trust our institutions have placed in them, to our detriment, I think it would be better if such scoring was independent. Politicians can use such scoring in their votes and debates, but it would be better if Congress isn't charged with policing itself.

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Anyone with a law degree should be barred from running for office. It is a conflict of interest.

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100 % correct, founded by laymen and we must return to laymen, which also means people with common sense because laymen live in the real world. Shall we ever get term limits is the question, to return to our start. Congress was never meant to be a career.

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I had this same thought last night, “ A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors.” I believed we had a Republic where at least some representatives represented their constituents. I knew the spooks were a rouge force but failed to recognize the depth of their complete control of media and politicians. I completely missed the integration of health agencies and the military until Covid. I knew colleges were full of liberals in the 70/80’s but missed the post modernism guilt tsunami. Like most I was too busy working my ass off 24/7/365 to make a living and raise a family. I woke up in 2020 to find out I was a racist, sexist, extremist when all along I believed I had strived my whole life to treat EVERYONE with the respect and benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Now what? Another election rigged, more wasting of our taxes, printing money akin to bailing out the life boat in a storm with a coffee cup. The effectiveness of the propaganda is astounding and should but likely will not scare those still paralyzed into resistance. I always expected the end of the Republic just not before I was pushing up daisy’s. I can’t give up, and will continue to do whatever I can to break the stranglehold this corrupt and evil bureaucracy.

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Thank you for expressing in detail exactly what I’ve been feeling and now experiencing in the collapse of The United States. We are as prepared as we possibly can be to fight for our lives if provoked by the current invasion. We are heartbroken at being lied to our entire lives and being brainwashed and feel we are in dire straits. Our hope lies with our belief in God and that all things are possible with Him. May God Bless us all and give us strength through these dark and crazy times. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. We thank Him every day for each and everyone of you

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agree Teresa

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We have been on this downward path when “we” allowed wilson to uncouple our Constitution from 2 of the strongest protections built it in to prevent what we see today. He and dewey then guaranteed that public education would steer the public away from ay awareness of what was happening

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Right in tune with Alex Newman's observations, tho he posits the system ratcheted up with the more recent flip of how to educate (Bush, Gates remake). As a grandkid of a New England Yankee have likely always been conservative, but the Tea Party fuss focused my building ire. It's got to be really tough to have felt this was the best of all worlds one could hope for with the gentle Dems at the controls. Particularly having this horrible vision materialize via our Covid affairs Certainly a emerging from the cave into glaring sunlight.

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Then you realize that every presidential election result had to have the blessing of the establishment first. Bush v Gore was a joke. Heads they win, tails you lose.

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The "Shadow-Government", "Establishment" and "Deep-State" are one and the same - comprised of BOTH so-called "Democrats" and so-called "Republicans" who are MEMBERS of a "NGO" - Non-Governmental Organization" - ( a generational "NGO" - that began in 1921 ).

MANY past U.S. Presidents have been members of this "NGO" - and the current U.S. President - Joe Biden - is a member of this "NGO" - known by its innocuous sounding name: The "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - members of which have been and are NOW "embedded" in every agency, bureau and department of and WITHIN the U.S. federal government; also, BIG industry; BIG banking; Big FAKE NEWS; academia, and Hollyweird.

The "CFR" is a TINY ( 5 thousand member ) oligarchy/cabal of so-called "elite" "experts" out of "We", the 330 million "little people" - as "CFR" member - Hillary Clinton - calls us; who control U.S. foreign & DOMESTIC policy ( Such as "CFR" member Anthony Blinken ) - and what a MESS HE has made - along with "CFR" members - John Kerry - Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen & Jerome Powell , Thomas Vilsack, and Michael Morrell - just to name a few who are directly responsible for the ongoing deception, chaos and "crisis" WITHIN the U.S.A.

It may well be that the "awakening" of the rank and file American is the proverbial Day late and a Dollar Short - (as "THEY" control the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ).

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This essay and the Phillips Newman interview gave me a whole new view re the roles of the Bushes in furthering Globalist objectives.

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Tracing the money no President was elected without Elite of great power and wealth. None. Even if conservative. But Trump is America's first populous President.

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I've long thought that anybody governor & higher is corrupted by the establishment. They wouldn't let you win otherwise. Reagan may have been an exception, but they stuck him with a VP that led the CIA!

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Lonnie, I came to this same realization not too long ago as I explain in this article here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-we-need-to-stop-voting-in-presidential

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Dr's.Malone, I don't know nor do I pretend to know all of the nuances of how the big tech companies suppress information, but I do know how I've just started to get WARNINGS ⚠️ about NOT TO SHARE my simple CONSERVATIVE articles with my friends 🧡 via emails 📧 or via texts!!!!

I'm not even on X nor on Fakebook anymore yet I still am feeling their tactics!

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Social media and cloud services are walled gardens in structure. Some are just more liberal about their rules than others. They are not "the internet." They just use the internet as an access point. The internet is still free and open, but using your voice on it takes some effort. It means setting up your own website to passively allow people to find you (through search engines), using e-mail to communicate with individuals, or using Usenet (something that was more popular when I first got on the internet) to have community discussions (which are largely text-only). It is "old school," but you're much more likely to see the benefits of free speech there than what you're describing. Though, Substack, Rumble, Gettr, and Truth Social seem pretty good. :)

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Conspiracy theories. If you don’t believe that the powerful will conspire with each other for their own benefit you are a bit short of a full load.

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We see in so many countries that are more advanced than we are in totalitarianism a majority of the population willing to live under the thumb of the dictator year after year, decade after decade. The wanna be dictators here in America’s problem is the 80 million of us that are quite illuminated and pissed off about this governments attempts to rip their rights out from under us. We are well aware of their lies and their attempted manipulations. I think a slightly smaller part of our population is ok with government controlling them for they have no desire to grow many like watching government destruct the people that push the wagon. An equal number of our population are out to lunch and don’t pay it attention and don’t care. I realize there is 80 million or so more that are right now being brainwashed into the government Marxist system which doesn’t bode well for the first group which I am a part of. These fissures in our population makes me think that this country like all great societies will break apart. I truly think group number 2, the people in control now, are people that are unable to exist in a true free society. J.Goodrich

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Consider the field of peptic ulcer disease. It was universally taught/"universal scientific consensus" that stomach/duodenal ulcers were caused by "too much acid". Dr's Marshall and Warren proved that the ulcers were in fact caused by a bacteria named H. Pylori, not acid. For this, they were pilloried and attacked for disseminating "misinformation", (big pharma had profitable acid suppressing drugs to treat ulcers), nearly lost their medical licenses, and were "persona non grata" in the medical community. Then- they were proven right- conventional wisdom was completely wrong. Imagine what would have happened to them today in the contemporary scenario so well described by Dr. Malone.

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That word consensus. Pasteur disproved the consensus theory of spontaneous generation. Temin upturned the central dogma of molecular biology. And now the climate freaks are rolling out one consensus after another to destroy the worlds economy it seems

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Neil DeGrass Tyson got eaten for lunch by Del Bigtree on The Highwire, when Tyson argued vehemently that consensus is the standard for scientific proof.

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And gain CONTROL! 👎 to their desires.

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People don't like it when you pee in their rice bowls.

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The true art of insanity is the ability to cultivate two self-contradictory ideas at once. It empowers one to control both sides of an argument. In my testimony to the Arizona Legislature to reform the state's policy on pain treatment, I provided a ten page paper, two pages of which were references to peer-reviewed literature, absolutely proving that the consequences of long-term opiate use are fully known. All eukaryotic organisms use morphine as a stabilizing chelant for nitric oxide. Without morphine as a chelating agent, nitroglycerine would be a deadly poison instead of a useful heart medication. The nitric oxide given off by nitroglycerine in the stomach, would react with stomach acid and swallowed air to make nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride, and chlorine, a corrosive mixture known to Medieval alchemists as Aqua Regia because it can dissolve gold. So the nitric oxide that sets the metabolic rate inside the mitochondria of our cells, only works because it is complexed by morphine.

So the insanity is that drug screens used by DEA to prosecute people for using drugs, test for diacetyl morphine and acetyl morphine, but not for morphine itself. They clearly know that no one alive could pass morphine-free urine. And they clearly know the implication of long term morphine use: Everyone alive is using morphine. But every time DEAs Drug Diversion Unit prosecutes a physician for treating pain with legal opiate drugs, DEA puts an "expert witness" on the stand, who swears on a stack of Bibles that all these pain patients are in terrible danger because nobody knows the long term effects.

One long term effect of this self-serving DEA policy was that the agency created a massive shortage of cough medicine when it took upon itself the Surgeon General's legal responsibility to determine the proper scheduling of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. DEA acting administrator Michelle Leonhart took it upon herself, on vacuous evidence, to reschedule hydrocodone from Schedule 3 to

Schedule 2. By odd coincidence a paper just published in Australia had announced the finding that the withdrawal symptoms experienced by heroin addicts could by treated orally with hydrocodone tablets, eliminating the need for daily clinic visits while being treated for addiction. An American-owned corporation now called Invidior, had offered its patented $600 addiction drug, called Suboxone, for sale, but it was less effective than the $20 hydrocodone used in Australia. The Bush Administration had effectively subsidized Invidior's profiteering by rescheduling hydrocodone: An existing statute prohibited treating addiction with any Schedule 2 drug.

It must have been shocking to Invidior when, as their Suboxone patent expired, they patented a chewable form of Suboxone and petitioned the FDA to prohibit their Suboxone tablets as "too dangerous", thereby blocking competitors from bringing out $300 generic Suboxone, and instead of obediently rolling over, the Trump Administration clobbered Invidior with an antitrust prosecution resulting in a record $100 million fine.

But the real damage was that effective cough medicine was no longer being prescribed nor made in the US, because Hydrocodone had been moved to Schedule 2. When COVID struck, several Trump advisors, notably Dr Scott Atlas, proposed that our bioisolation efforts focus entirely on the elderly and the immunocompromised, and as soon as the virus had run its course through young healthy people, those folks be asked to donate blood from which to make antibody treatments for the elderly and immunocompromised. Because no cough medicine was available to help young healthy people endure the six week COVID cough, CDCs Dr Birx won the argument that we had to lock the entire country down at a cost of trillions, to "flatten the curve". Sweden, which had ignored the US hysteria over hydrocodone, had a plentiful supply of cough medicine and largely did what Dr Atlas recommended: Their biggest COVID scandal was that some nursing homes did not take bioisolation seriously and several thousand unprotected patients died. There were a lot of Swedes on cough syrup and the bars suffered a shortage of customers, but lockdowns were not done and most Swedes became immune the old-fashioned way, by catching COVID. Sweden became an early producer of monoclonal antibodies for export, and the US bought them during the later stages of our lockdown. Meanwhile, disinformation control became standard operating procedure in the US, because whatever lie or half-truth federal agencies wanted us all to believe, could not be contradicted by anyone who was stating facts that disprove the false narrative.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we set out to deceive!

My presentation to the Arizona Legislature is posted on Academia dot edu, and anyone who wants to read it can get to it via my X account hotlink. http://t.co/pzVCtYWkeu for ten pages of useful links.

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Solving the shortage of housing by letting in millions of people describes our government. It's like pouring oil on a fire. As it looks like blatant arson, the only question is why. People are starting to ask why the government's "solutions" seem to be opposite.

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It's the Cloward Piven strategy. Overload a Nation (illegal immigration). Force it to collapse (from debts it can't cover). Take advantage of the collapse to wrest control. The population will be so frightened and devastated they will accept any power that they hope will restore calm.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 20

IMO, as well as the Kalergi plan, being instituted

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The debt is so monstrous most of the country won't consider it, or understand if they try. Even at $34 trillion, few question the nearly $2 trillion we will be ADDING each year. No stops seen even by the Congressional Budget Office.

Knock that figure sky high should interest rates go up and the refinancing costs jump with the rates. Right now, today, given the population of the country to include children and infants and disabled and elderly, no additional debt, and the current ave debt interest at only 3.11%, the per capita cost of paying is over $430 per month for 30 years. After coughing that up, you can consider your other costs and mortgages.

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Thank you! You have put into words very succinctly what keeps me from sleeping at night. Everyday I try to concentrate on appreciating those things in my life that may be ripped away at any moment by forces who think they can control my actions, my thoughts, my words. It often feels hopeless. But putting it all into words helps us all focus. Thank you, once again!!

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Couple thoughts:

It’s not a conspiracy if you’re right AND they’re out to get you;

Heliocentrism use to be pseudoscience;

Propaganda is just data/info from your perspective - if it’s a lie you lose credibility;

Clickbait headlines are annoying, but is it misinformation;

Sometimes, Satire and Parody are the only ways to make a point. Ask Jonathan Swift, or fables like “The Emperor’s New Cloths” or “Where’s the President’s Brain?”

Generally, I don’t worry about people as long as other people are permitted to oppose or make counter arguments;

What does concern me of late is that freedom of speech is being run through (leftist’s) algorithms and AI filters.

The old BBS of my youth is now a vastly larger system filled with “likes” and opinions monetized for those likes.

And Finally: Freedom of Speech is nothing if there isn’t also Freedom of Reach

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I share your sentiments. I am 85 years old and until a few years ago believed the U.S. government acted in my best interests. I served in the Navy during the Vietnam era and never questioned why we were there. I believed the Warren Commission's finding that JFK was killed by a single assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. I supported the premises on why we went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought my voted counted and that we had fair and honest elections. Now I question everything I previously believed and everything I'm told today. It is a sad time in our history.

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Thank you for your Service🇺🇸

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Thank you for your Service Mike! 🇺🇸

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Don't feel alone. I'm retired Army Infantry. Persian Gulf War, OIF, OEF, etc. But it forced me to read the whole Bible. Bad times force you to find answers and makes you stronger. Troubled men for troubled times. Stay strong. Be Blessed. You're not the only one.

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Mike-You are a great American. As our country has inexorably drifted from its founding basis of freedom to ever increasing Washington based control of all American life, it has gradually lost its greatness. It is rapidly becoming unrecognizable as elites steal our freedom and an educational system propagandizes young minds with leftist mush.

That does not lessen your virtue. Thank you for your service. The America we know and love has left you. You were loyal , true, and sacrificed for the ideal of freedom. That is no small thing.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The thing that is most frightening and baffling is that no matter how many good people do good things to reveal/stop the corrupt elites, they seem to roll right on. My daughter showed me an article this morning about German politicians wanting to crack down on persons who do not support the main stream political positions. They are talking of restricting travel and moving to cut off money supply of political opponents among other things. Their desperation to maintain power drives them to the unimaginable. Despite our best efforts we don’t seem to make a dent in what they are doing. This is one of several reasons I keep saying this is Evil at work. Therefore we need to call upon the Divine in this battle. We need an old fashion movement of Gods spirit that pulls us back to our foundational principles as a people and a nation. People like Dr. Malone are working in a vacuum where morality and ethics do not exist. The changes we seek require a moral and ethical people. The foundation in the west for our morality and our ethics was the Holy Bible.

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Love all your writings! I feel it will all get worse with no off ramp!! All a person can do is pray and prep!!! Get ready folks, this is just the beginning

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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