We are approaching the time of the Purges. We *must* dismantle the tyranny before we reach the state Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describes in “The Gulag Archipelago”:

“The naïvely trusting little newspaper reader goes into the courtroom conscious that he is in the right. His reasonable arguments are carefully rehearsed, and he lays them before the somnolent, masklike faces on the bench, never suspecting that sentence has been passed on him already—that there are no courts of appeal, no proper channels and due procedures through which a malignant, a corrupt, a soul-searingly unjust verdict can be undone.

“There is—only a wall. And its bricks are laid in a mortar of lies.”

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And the paragraph in that same book, "How we burned in the camps..."

We must never allow the inalienable, inviolable rights of the people to be suppressed.

Anyone who imagines that they are doing themselves a favor by remaining in cowardly silence in the face of abuses has a lot to learn from Solzhenitsyn.

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💯 Another favorite passage of mine.

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deletedFeb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022
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This is in Gulag Archipeligo. Fighting back - is impossible when sitting around a camp fire in Siberia.

A book all young people should read RIGHT NOW - Ayn Rand’s WE THE LIVING.

It’s a young girl who loses her life. It’s taudry enough to catch on with the youth today.

My father made me read it at 14! He said the Russian people allowed it to happen to them.

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This has already happened here. Executive Order 9066.

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I posted this on another substack earlier, but here it is again just in case DHS snoops missed it.

You might be a terrorist if:

10) you never had a covid shot

9) you only had one covid shot

8) you only had two covid shots

7) in about a month, you only had three covid shots

6) you ask if the shot is FDA approved

5) you ask why isn't the shot FDA approved

4) you say you'll only accept an FDA approved shot

3) you know someone who died from a covid shot and you talk about it

2) you don't know anyone who died from covid infection and you talk about it

1) you say that early, rapid treatment matters for covid just as much as it matters for cancer, heart disease, strokes, sepsis, diabetes, shooting wounds, stabbing wounds, broken legs, etc.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

11) You agree that immune training via vaccination with a small piece of the virus is inferior to immune training via vaccination with the entire virus (aka infection/recovery) when millions of years of evolution says its so.

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LOL, you can’t be a Christian or an Evolutionist nowadays!

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

I hear you ! The funny part is I'm both. Sort of. I don't subscribe to the classical evolution model we were fed as geologists, but I do subscribe to the idea that a creation can be so complex as to be adaptable over time.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

I have a book by a Creationist scientist or it was in an article I read by a geologist. He was talking about the dating methods that evolutionists have used to "disprove" creationism...or so they think. Some geologists who were creationists decided to use the dating method on rocks at the Grand Canyon. They took some rock from the top layer and then some from deep in the canyon at the bottom layer. They they used that dating technique to see the age difference between the top and bottom. Guess what they found?

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An evolutionist has little in common with Christian who believes in the Creator and creation. The Evolutionist fits right in with the Biden/leftist regimes. Hitler was an evolutionist.

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Evolution is such a multi-faceted and loaded term. It means: (1) genetic change from generation to generation, think mutating bacteria for example (2) probable common ancestry, think of all canines today having a common canine ancestor (3) speculative common ancestry, think of the plausible relationships between less related, though still similar species (4) what I like to call 'arm waving speculation' where all species come from a common ancestor, think what they teach in public school. So if I say I believe in evolution do you know which one I'm referring to? Am I referring to more than one? Am I an 'evolutionist' if you believe in only (1) and I find (1),(2),(3) to have sufficient evidence to be plausible? And lol, does this make me a heretic in my church circles? Moral to the story is 'evolution' and 'evolutionist' are very ambiguous terms. JMO of course...

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MAA, every time I read that passage I get chills.

We are worse than sheep, it seems. They are only silent as they are shorn or slaughtered. We remain hopeful, naive, certain of justice as they dispassionately take our wealth, our vocations, our families, our freedoms...

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Poignantly stated, Dana, although I would say *we* have not been sheep. We have been screaming at the top of our lungs while the Covidians lined up for slaughter, but yes, perhaps we have been naïve in hoping for justice. I still think it’s possible, particularly with the Grand Jury now in session in the court of public opinion:


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I guess we means "the family of man." Maybe those of us that have been disowned can lead the others out. I've been a black sheep of that family most of my life .

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A good honest person will always be somewhat gullible and naive. They will always be at a disadvantage when dealing with a lying, treacherous, evil person. This is because the only template we have for discerning the psychology of another is our own. This is true, because we cannot read the mind of another. This results in letting down our guard. So I always say: "It's better to be s..t on than to be a piece of s..t.

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That’s true if you only have limited life experience. We learn from history, learn from other’s experience what others are capable of and act accordingly.

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My husband likes to recall to me how when we were dating he was shocked that I believed some of the defendants on COPS (a TV show). Also, good, honest people like David was talking about are not always gullible and naive. They may know what you are up to and let you steer your course as you see fit and just work around you. Truth and honor are not cliches. Yet.

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We are already on track for the gulag MAA. Ask the Jan 6 prisoners who are in their own prison area alone and being abused for over a year now with evolving charges against them which are being edited from time to time as government lies are exposed. How very GA. I know (and understand because nobody likes to be lumped together with others they may not agree with)that Dr. Malone thinks they are different, but many were merely people who walked into an open door or merely walked across grass to pose with a statue. Oh and they liked Trump and thought the election was stolen. Not a crime. Now it is ish. They may not be prestigious or commanding of attention, but their lives are still just as valuable as mine and any doctor who bravely stands up to tyranny and lies. Incidetally way back in 2009 the DHS put out a paper naming returning military pro second amendment, anti abortion, anti illegal immigration, or pro smaller government (or more than one or all of the above) with white supremacists and domestic terrorists and a potential threat to the government. You may be on a list. You'll know when they pick you up. You won't know exactly why. Bring a chess board.

I wonder how it must feel to be so firmly ensconced within the government and having a certain amount of pride in those connections to now be outside among the really woke to reality rebels. Malone might want to decide to see us as the cool kids. The old friends are the bullies bent on his destruction. I saw they are trying to paint him as a plant from the government. Made me laugh. They will stop at nothing. Nothing.

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Good points, Raptor. I’ve never heard Dr. Malone address January 6 and these political prisoners, but I very much suspect he is aware of the Reichstag nature of this staged stunt and the year+ of propaganda the public has been bombarded with while innocuous citizens were held captive for taking a stroll and legally voicing their legitimate concerns. Most everyone who is tuned in to what occurred is cognizant that the instigators were Feds/Antifa agents and that the only ones who committed violence that day were the Capitol Police.

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You know what, I am glad you wrote the first sentence because I went back to look and say it was in the text of the of DHS Key factor item one. But he did not want to be lumped in with violent protesters (most were not). Well, the ones in jail are not, but maybe a few agents or informants were but... I understand not wanting to be lumped, but free and fair elections... if you don't have that you might as well go give speeches to your dogs and dolls.

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I have read Vol I and II there are a very difficult read and I worry a lot that what is in those books is coming here very soon.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a writer, author, educator I feel like I was kicked in the guts and punched in the head. I cannot even begin to imagine how you feel Dr. Malone. My heart breaks for you and others for all of the work you have been doing. I am coming out of retirement as a fiery 73 year old woman who was hoping and praying this moment in time would not arrive. But as a student of human behavior, I know psychopaths do not give up. We will not give up either.

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We cannot give up... there is no other choice!

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After your very first Dark Horse interview, I remember thinking, here's this individual with so much relevant subject-matter expertise, why doesn't he do more to push back against this madness? I now understand that it was still early days and that I couldn't have been more wrong. You are doing all anyone could possibly ask of you. Thank you Dr. Malone, and please keep it up. It's inspiring and it does make a difference.

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There are times when individuals are pushed to become leaders. This is one of those times and Dr. Malone is one of those people. I have seen him on several interviews and I would say he is ready for the challenge.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is their last gasp. They are frightened and frightened people do dangerous things. Ultimately the truth prevails. And their time is running out. They can try but they will not be able to implement that directive.

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Then that very memo will be used against them. If that is the policy, then they too must be held to it. Haman and Esther. There truly is nothing new under the Sun.

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Yes, because it’s abundantes clear that the directive is unlawful, isn’t it?

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

I am not a "Bible Thumper" by any means, but have run across this passage many times (and from many different sources) in the past couple years. I think it sums up how many of us are feeling and how we might tap strength against those who seek to silence the truth:

Ephesians 6:10-18

New International Version

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

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Not all people who read the Bible and believe in its tenets are "Bible Thumpers."

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Often we hear the expressions, crazy or insane being used to describe current events. It is neither. We are witnessing a level of planned intelligent evil beyond the comprehension or capacity of us mere mortals. A spiritual explanation such as that above is the only logical explanation.

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I don't mind being labeled a "Bible thumper" because I have this entire portion memorized through v. 18. I have been reciting it each time it comes to mind, which these days is very often. For me, the verse that stands out (no pun intended) is 13 because it calls us to not just stand, but DO everything we can. It also reminds me not to hate the people who are being used by the spiritual forces of evil. They are pawns.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind *be alert* and always keep on praying for all the saints."

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Excellent. Thank you for posting this.

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Bible-thumper or not you can embrace these powerful words fully by standing strong without the need to paraphrase such magnificence with self-defense. I don't judge you for sharing chapter and verse. Anyone that does is going to get another reminder: who are we to judge... or cast the first stone...exactly.

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Welcome to the USSA stage of the pandemic comrades. United Socialist States of America. The truth will now be criminalized and this is the future that awaits us.


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Steve Kirsch has already stated that he was specifically informed he is under investigation by DHS for domestic terrorism since this memo. Assuming this wasn't hyperbole (he hasn't elaborated since the announcement), it would imply that this document was prepared specifically to provide grounds to pursue high profile people on "disinformation dozen" and similar hit lists.

Have you been engaged in such a way, Dr. Malone?


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I would suspect one person at the top of the DHS list is Tucker Carlson.

Isn't this right out of 1984 and Newspeak? The Department of Homeland Security. It promotes open borders letting in massive amounts of drugs, human trafficking, and who knows who else, and then cracks down on anyone who disagrees with the Biden administration and its policies. Oh, yeah, this is truly 1984.

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But they don’t teach 1984 in our WOKE educational system today. Ask people you know if they have read the book!

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I am my children's first teacher. I made sure they read it. Add to the "must read" list Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Road to Serfdom, Free to Choose. I have a lengthy list.

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...and, my children are voracious readers. The best vaccine available today.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

“I am my children's first teacher.”

Wish every parent would understand and relish that great responsibility.

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All great essential books warning of the dangers we face right now and why my children are not vaccinated and survived COVID.

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I think Fox News is controlled opposition, so they probably won't go after him.

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Up until 1/6 only vague threats were used to intimidate by purposely letting those irritating the bureaucratic machine know there were no secrets. After 1/6 it moved to a new level with the suspension of habeas corpus and the imprisonment of political prisoners. The next step will be to use the war with Russia as a pretext to allow sweeping powers of detention for anyone disagreeing with the war effort as assisting the enemy. Where is Ray Epps and why hasn't he been arrested? This fundamental question can only be explained two ways.

Either Ray Epps was working for the government or our government hasn't seen the video of him encouraging protesters to storm the capital. Either way our safety is in grave jeopardy until this question is answered and we find the truth about the level of coordinated corruption between the media and our government. The useful idiots in the media are absolutely convinced they are untouchable based on their allegiance with their comrades in the bureaucratic state. I'm sure that egotistical Knucklehead Cuomo thought he was safe too.

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Yes, you have it correct as I see it.

You have to ask what the heck is going on trying to create a war with Russia over Ukraine. Why?

Is it a "wag the dog?"

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They have tried. Tucker's communications have been monitored and recorded. He has documented that.

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

That was my take on Steve’s brief mention of that as well. I think most DHS sights are aimed directly at the leaders that all of us admire and follow here on Substack.

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We are all going to have to follow the example of the Canadian truckers and push back against this totalitarianism in our government before it is too late.

The government has made lots of room in its jails and prisons to house its political prisoners because so many ruthless murderers, rapists and criminals were released from those prisons due to COVID.

Democrat totalitarians now use the legal system to bankrupt their targets. They force innocent people to defend themselves for years until that person's and their family's savings and assets are completely used up.

You are not paranoid to be concerned.

You may want to watch Dr. Ryan Cole's interview on American Thought Leaders. He provides new information about the dangers of the COVID vaccines.

This is an abbreviated clip. There is a link to the full interview just below it.


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This is really, really, really freaking me out. This is friggin freaking me out. I mean I thought the rest was unbelievable. Blatant direct open totalitarianism, not hiding behind a thing, right there. How can this be? this has got to stop. Man if they succeed with this we are in a communist state. Loss of freedom of speech is loss of liberty, loss of everything. I still can't even believe this. You are brave beyond measure Dr. Malone and we need more like you, we need all to rise up. You are providing a service for the world, beyond measure. Without those scientists like you standing up, they'd get away with yet more. Unfortunately they know this. They cannot and must not get away with this. Who sicked the DHS on those engaged free speech? The CIA? Biden? I can't believe this. This is crazy. It is so insane to be sane in an insane world. I feel like Alice in the Netherlands.

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Paula, hang in there! On one hand, it's terrifying that we have reached this point, on the other, it's very good that they have showed their cards. Now we know what we are dealing with, they genuinely beleive they are an Autocracy. They are not! It's not going to be easy, but we have Constitution with the insurmountable wisdom of our Founding Fathers that limit the governments overreach, and we will continue to stand and fight for our God given Liberty.

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Oh, thank you so much. You're right, they have shown their cards. It's up front and on the table what we're dealing with. You're right, there is an upside to that. Thank you for pointing that out and your words of encouragement. We have the Constitution, we have the courts and we have our votes and we have our protesters, truckers and the fighting nature in our American spirit--of all stripes.

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It’s meant to freak you out—and to demoralize you.

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Well, it won't demoralize me; it will mobilize me instead--and all the rest of us sane freedom loving Americans of every party, of every stripe, who can discern reality from delusion.

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Yes, it is freaking me out, also. And, it should.

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You're right, it should!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Having lived in a communist regime, I can attest that branding your own people who oppose you as domestic terrorists is in Chapter 1 of the playbook. Crack down hard and create fear so you can smell it, and don’t forget to blame nameless ‘foreign agents’. The fact the US Govt isn’t even bothering to hide their agenda anymore shows this is officially an all out war. While many of us are celebrating the repeal of covid rules across Europe, in reality this was never about health. The globalist agenda is just getting started. We’re in a fight for our lives.

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Wow, thanks for the 1st-hand perspective. What is Chapter 2?

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fact DHS has given MDM it's own TLA (three-letter-acronym) tells you everything you need to know about the seriousness of their thinking.

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All TLA orgs are incompetent.

Consider that that is good news.

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My wife works in a hospital in Sweden. Sweden has never had mask mandate. She said to me last summer during the height of D variant, -I don’t need your gd NYtimes to tell me how many patients are in my hospital.(they had no Covid patients all summer)

No masks. Keep your distance. If you feel sick, stay home.

No politics. Recommend to get the vaccine but don’t if you don’t want. Absolutely no vaccine for kids. Education education education.

Schools never closed. No company went out of business. Protect the kids and protect the economy first.

Now, go to NYT and search for Sweden and Covid. Zero positive articles come up.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How did this even come to pass? “The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:” Our US Government was designed to serve the public good - not the other way around. I am shocked.

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Narcissists are naturally expert at manipulating very good, well-meaning people and entrapping them in their weblike narratives.

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All because we won't conform to the narrative. Everything this country fought against is at our front door again. Maybe an international strike/ protest is the only way, the economy is gonna go tits up anyway.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Caught your latest sit down @ Tucker Carlson Today. Interesting to see the live transformation from the days of guarded 3 minute clips, and even the pivotal Dark Horse Podcast where all 3 of you were insightful, yet watching & waiting for the data & “what works.”

I, too, have children & grandchildren. Today, after my own research and experiences, anecdotal as they may be, my health-world assessment falls much more in line with RFK, Jr and CHD, et al.

You’ve admitted to being red-pilled. It sounded as if the time had allowed (and perhaps it were not being recorded) you had more to say about what is next for you and your wife.

If I may summarize: as a culture we have been propagandized into allopathic/vaccine/petroleum based medicine. Live Longer! We do not accept feeling bad. The OTC painkiller aisle is proof. The ageless on Screens.

I taught (1977-91) at a private school where lots of (partially or fully) unvaccinated children came because we accepted exemptions. They seldom were ill, but if so they bounced right back. I did other things in the 90’s, but went back in 2005. All sorts of allergies, autism etc. Why? Exemptions to Pharma = Vaccine schedule multiplication.

Many of the control cohort were holistic health advocates & used homeopathic medicine _ which had lately intrigued your sadly departed friend Luc Montagnier.

You have quiet bravery, even temperament (with felt fire) backed by intelligence and experience. Pre-tremors of the coming earthquake goad me to encourage you to face the enemy with us. “You can’t bend the knee” said a sage.

Thanks you. You tell truth.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The truckers have another option. They can go home and just refuse to work until all mandates are lifted. Canada will grind to a halt in no time.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That might be a great idea—would prevent tyrannical theatrics.

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