I live and practice In BC Canada, the heart of the empty Condo. sky high vacant building. The gov't is going to mandate all remaining Health Care professionals ie Chiro's, Naturopaths, dentists, TCM, RMT's, Midwifes, optometrists (too many private health professionals to mention) by March 24th. Our registrations are due March 31st and if we aren't vaxxed we will collectively lose our licenses. You can see the malicious intent. These are the health care professionals that believe in innate immunity most and followed all the science esp thanks to you Dr. Malone and all the courageous medical professionals for telling the truth. You are an inspiration to freedom, truth and solidarity. I'm sure the gov't is doing this vindictively because it's always been a turf war with the medical establishment. But I have always had a martyr's complex and believe "better to live on your feet than die on your knees." So I will pay the price, lose my license and go to war for the next few years and say whatever I can and want because in my soul I know my patients want to know the truth as well.

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You will be needed for building a parallel system. grand-jury.net

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And I just found out today, by watching the second session of it, that the WHO is the actual lawmaker and tyrant. 196 countries (basically all of the world countries but the Vatican and Lichtenstein) signed to be part of it. The WHO has its own constitution that overrides the countries own constitutions. It's is scary. And what they have planned for us is worst than a war fought with tanks and missiles......

We need to take our sovereignty back. Our God gives rights on this Earth.

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"My guess is that they will decide that the fault lies in having moved too fast, and that the Overlords should told their apparatchiks to stick to the incrementalist “boiling frog” strategy."

At first I thought this too (probably because I wanted to). But here's a thought experiment. What if the exact reason for moving fast in this instance was to gauge the response of the people (countrymen and globally) so as to have a better way to tweak plans as they carry on? How and when and where does the frog jump out at given points, so use a deeper pot (but how deep), use a heavier lid (but how heavy), etc. Given the varying degrees of strategy implementation over the past years across the globe, it seems the approach was to test these different strategies in order to fine-tune them for future deployment. It still feels very beta-test. A measured and orchestrated experiment to determine what moves the opposition might make to counter their attempts so as best to see what counter-measures and counter-counter-measures (and so on) will have the best chance to ensure the desired outcome.

Intentional "blunders" could serve important purposes. Yes, the opposition might learn more but so do they. A calculated risk they are willing to take for possible gains in the long run. Some things have been so blatantly fast or controversial (e.g. accusing a Jewish MP of standing "with people who wave swastikas"). Certainly human flaws of stupidity, hubris, lack of introspection/self awareness, love of power could be to blame. But the abject hypocrisy and absurdity is starting (continuing?) to feel contrived.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

Your take seems correct. This is why a return to faith and founding principles like those written in the US constitution (using an originalist interpretation) is so important. God describes himself as a rock...unchangeable, unmovable. The Constitution is well written and can serve as a national guiding light. For the globalists, erasing history, laughing at faith, and interpreting the constitution as a "living" (whatever the hell we want at this moment) document is the modus operandi. Compare whatever the Globalist/ corporatist action or proposal is to the original truth outlined in the Constitution and the Bible (and even other religious tomes) and you will discover their dark attempts every time no matter what phase of their plan they are in.

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We need it in Canada like we need the sun!!

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I practice in Oregon. I sold my practice when the mandate came into effect. I’m currently working under a religious exemption for someone else. I’ve been wondering how long it will be before our board comes after us. Trying to decide if I should move to Florida.

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Florida is wonderful but remember if you come here don't muck it up for the rest of us by voting for Democrats. They ruin everything they touch.

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I never was a dem. Sure as shit wouldn’t vote woke now.

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I'm taking a break from packing right now, also in Oregon. It seems crazy to move. I find myself thinking this can't be happening, but I push myself to pack because the data just doesn't add up any other way. When I start to hesitate, I just pull up any speech from our governor.

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Uh... Nation's most unpopular Governor Kate Brown just said the emergency's over on March 31st. Can you make it to November? Oregon would benefit from retaining sane voters.

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At the rate I'm packing, I'll be here for another 5 years.

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Oregon has the same problem as New York State. NYC, which is uber liberal and majority Democrat controls the state's vote. It'll never change. As a result upstate NY has been in a decline for decades. It's a beautiful state destroyed by Democrats.

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You should start a referendum at the county level to secede and join PA. We’re red outside of Philly and a whole lot more free!

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I bet a LOT of Philly is red.

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I am so sorry Kim. Where are you moving to? I hope you have a support system. If I can help or support you in any way, please reach out.

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Wow. Thank you for such an amazingly kind thought! I wish I knew where I was moving to. But since I think Oregon will be one of the very first states to implement forced vaccination, I'm not going to wait until there are boots at the door. "I'm one of those jack of all trades, master of none" types so I'm pretty used to adapting and landing on my feet. I've lived a multitude of places and always had great neighbors, so hopefully, my luck will hold out.

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It's a violation of the Nuremburg Code to force anyone to undergo any medical procedure against their will. It is amazing how many governments have been able to violate this in the past 2 years. It looks like mandates are going away.

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I LOVE your optimism. The Nuremburg code also equates coercion with force and has been almost universally ignored to the point it's pretty much gone. If no courts will enforce it, does it exist?

Look what just happened in Canada -Trudeau wouldn't back down when the only demand was to end the mandate. Now that we are moving into summer, it makes sense, particularly in the US with elections approaching, for the state to back off mandates. But I haven't seen any great success in making them illegal for the future. And if we don't succeed in that, I predict with the winter flu season, mandates will be back in full force. Everything the globalists envision requires a digital ID and the vaccine mandates and passports are necessary stepping stones.

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I hate to hear this and I hope you can withstand the pressure. I just sent accolades and a big virtual hug to the Canadian Frontline Nurses (and a few bucks)... There are lots of medical professionals that are being unjustly harmed. But, there are also a massive amount of us that need you to be there for us some day. This whole thing is like Minority Report in real life.

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There are countries on the other side of the Atlantic like England that decided they needed the health care workers so rescinded the jab. So Canadians will have to suffer and see what happens when the health professionals in Canada would not comply and choose loosing their licenses. Sad because people are suffering adverse events after the gene therapy...GMO...genetically modified organisms now apply to jabbed humans.

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The plan for the NHS is to run the service on a 25% headcount using AI and technology to replace everyone else. The writing is on the wall and everyone is pretending the intention is something else

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BC Canada as well. It's appalling what bon bon is mandating, when science tells us the vaccines do not work. I'm so sorry. Hoping someone takes this to court to get your rights and job back.

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Please fun for office where you are.

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BTW. The doc I’m working for knows my status and is the same.

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until one of the qualifications to run for office is "jabbed" & GMO

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You are a TRUE healthcare hero, for the whole of humanity.

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I am so sad for Canada. So sad.

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On a personal basis, I have terminated my business with every company that supports the Globalist agenda, including the fake "woke" agenda and any company that forced vaccine mandates on it's employees. This includes: AirBnb, Amazon, Capital One, Chase Bank, Citibank, American Cancer Society and a slew of others. Will they miss my business? Probably not. But if 100 million of us got together and decided to target every corporation that is supporting ideals which destroy personal freedom, we would bring them to their knees without firing a shot. The answer to all of this is NOT politics ... it's human action.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

Nice to hear I am not alone terminating businesses with Global agenda. I had to add Publix this week to my list as they require an employee to show a vax card in order to work without wearing a mask. I noticed 20 year olds as cashiers and baggers with masks and some without, so I asked. I am in search of a Florida grocery that is awake, not "woke". As far as the economic control plan, I do believe that unless we can get the Commie Socialist out of power, it's only a matter of time before the Trudeau Act comes to a bank in my neighborhood.

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It’s all so ridiculous. Masks don’t work and neither do the toxxines. And they know it. It’s all a psyop theatre to shame the untoxxed into compliance.

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Thanks for the heads up on Publix.

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I also have terminated many of the corporates that are woke. I have more to go it seems, Cap. One for one! This is such a shame. How can these corporations do this?! How can they possibly believe this is a strategy for growth, profits, and human good?

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Look into ESG scores. Environmental social governance scores rate companies for wokeness and black rock pressures them to improve. All driven from our friends at WEF of course

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Gosh, the term is awful in itself!

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ESG scoring is basically a control plane for the oligarch class to leverage every corporation in the world for arbitrary social engineering, via voting control through the hugely overweight passive investment vehicles market (index ETF products etc). When you see stats like "Black rock and vanguard own X% of the market", it's because they operate passive index tracking ETFs. Retail investors buy the ETF and the ETF buys the stock, passing through the dividends but retaining the voting rights. Buying an index makes sense from a statistical standpoint assuming zero knowledge, but it concentrates shareholder power in a bunch of people beholden to their own WEF and oligarch friendly agendas, neatly wrapped in none but the best social justice / soft fascist causes. This is a HUGE problem and it's not clear what the solution is since through the control plane they can pressure ALL of the corporations making up the index, in lockstep... so good luck with a boycott... apart from just boycotting literally everything corporate.

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FK Jr. re Trudeau collusion with Banks to seize bank accounts of truckers https://twitter.com/i/status/1744163628717416565

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Thank you for the well wishes.

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And we should all start paying in cash as often as possible. Don’t ever let our world convert to digital currency.

It occurs to me that “convenience” has been used to sell tyranny. Digital money, voting by mail, phone app for vax record, even employee ID chips embedded in one’s skin are being tested…

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I quit Amazon in 2016, not for political reasons, but because I didn’t like that it was tracking my interests and tastes, even if I didn’t buy.

Plus, I didn’t want to feed The Billionaire!

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Human action is the very basis of politics. Your boycott is absolutely a political act.

But how do we effectively boycott an economic system that's so thoroughly consolidated?


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Refusing to do business with those who are you robbing you, maiming you and killing you & your family is not politics, anymore than shooting the thief between the eyes before he robs you. It is the first step in withdrawing the sanctioning of your own victimization. The fact that the "system" is so consolidated makes it easier to attack, not less so. I've often thought about launching the mechanism by which it could be done ... perhaps it's time.

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Keep nudging back—and be innovative!

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Do all you can to keep your traffic from being seen online (VPN's, proxy servers, encryption where possible). I know there is a limit, but do it to that limit.

Do not frequent places that play to the woke narrative- many of them are all-in with surveillance because 'the government is or friend and here to help us!' according to them.

Stay out of the criminal justice system. Stay out of the 'family' court system at all costs.

USE CASH whenever possible. Learn to barter and use it.

Banish ALL the voluntary surveillance gear from your house- all so-called 'smart' devices and for all that's holy, DO NOT use an Alexa or other similar device.

Put your phone into a faraday cage when not using it. It all but guarantees it can't hear you or track you until you take it out.

Don't use 'automatic pay' services for your utilities, mortgage (if you have one) or debt cards.

Do not use tollways when there is any other choice when traveling (cameras all over them and they have a record of your travel thanks to paying for the convenience).

Et cetera. I know this isn't comprehensive, but it makes you a little harder to pin down. To go all the way, you pretty much have to go full frontiersman and banish all electronics from your life and live off-grid/self-sufficiently, which most people don't have the discipline or ability to do.

Remember, when it comes to modern slavery, every contract is a chain and every step into slavery is your own choice. Choose wisely. Your future depends on it.

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There are too many. We need to ALL gang up on one or two, bring them down, which will send a message to others. Who can lead this effort???

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The direction we are headed, Amazon will become the only place to obtain - anything. Right now, we can exercise choice. I wonder what would happen if everybody in the world stopped buying from Amazon for a week. Monopoly power is not supposed to be allowed and yet we've been taken over by monopoly interests.

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Note: I buy outside of Amazon and as local as possible, even if it costs a little more. I just buy fewer things, which is fine by me.

The price is much BIGGER when local stores close.

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We have a wonderful food coop where I live> It has competitive prices and much better quality food since it pulls from local farms and ranches. Probably 95% of my purchasing power goes to this enterprise. Since I'm moving, I asked them about coops and this is what they sent me:




I'm hoping wherever I land, I can support this food movement in a new location.

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Never buy from Amazon. Stop now if you haven't already.

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Always lead yourself first.

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I’m doing that too, it becomes an issue of integrity

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The short list is probably of those corporations, businesses who did not support the Globalist agenda, including the fake "woke" agenda and forced vaccine mandates on it's employees.

Identify and strongly support those businesses, especially local small businesses.

Harden defenses & form community/neighbourhood alliances to survive during the chaos about to engulf us. Disregard provocations seeking to divide us along religious racial economic differences & share/barter resources. Remain calm. Garden for food. Learn basic skill using your hands like building and operating a chicken coop. Love.

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Yes, China is buying up American businesses and homes, but not nearly to the extent that Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard are buying up homes. It is our own large funds that are driving the real estate bubble, and the purpose is to prevent home ownership, and to begin a rental economy. All part of the WEF plan.

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You will own nothing. WEF members will own everything.

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..and you should be happy about that, c'mon man!

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For real! I own 3 properties, had two different “we buy homes for cash” postcards for the two rentals mailed to me today, and another letter from a local realtor looking to buy my new home (not happening, they’re for my kids)

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 25, 2022

We will have to have a one day socialist day event and run an eminent domain project that day. We can use the proceeds for a favorite dem activity call restorative justice — for mandate injured citizens and jab injured kids. We can have juries set the compensation arrangements with the greedy. Then, return to non crony capitalism afterwards. Seems like a balanced approach. The Predators can own nothing and be happy.

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Cash out the 401ks, Peeps!

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But will that help when hyper inflation makes our cash useless? The only help I see on the horizon is if people form independent communities using the barter system.

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Sounds good to me.

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Astute analysis doctor!

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My account didn't get shut down but I'm for sure on a shit list of those with unacceptable views.

In fact the RCMP is still talking up the threat of seizure. Probably to stop new protests but it's a five alarm fire siren to those of us who are now considered enemies of the WEF vassal state.

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I took a printed and signed letter to my local RCMP describing my new lack of respect and honour for them and that they now are an anathema to me. They know who I am and I doubt I am worth the effort, but you never know. I gave them the opportunity to earn back my trust, but I doubt I'll get that. Hope for the best, expect the worst.

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Randy. You are the man. THAT takes cahonies(sp??)!

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Thank you for keeping freedom views and being open about it. Pray you don’t become a victim of Trudeau’s foot soldiers hiding within the RCMP. Freedom seekers in Canada have gotten a lot of Americans off their buttocks to fight for freedom. If we keep freedom in America, the WEF can not succeed. God bless you all fighting for freedom in Canada.

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It's good to see more folks awakening to the global coup d'etat brought to us by the wealthy elites and their corporate/governmental lapdogs at the WEF. Trudeau did the world a huge favor by showing us all how they plan to clamp down on "wrong think" via the financial institutions. He jumped the gun.

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Let’s hope Biden doesn’t do the same.

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I think the backlash here would be horrific.

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Right. If he has the backing of the military and much of law enforcement he could get away with it.

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He does have the military, at least the top brass and he certainly has the DOJ and the FBI. I don't think he could get away with it in Florida because DeSantis would stand up for us. However, it he was to pull this crap, the popular uprising would make the Truckers' Convoy look like a small effort.

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Let’s just hope it’s all conjecture on our part.

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Conjecture? The DOJ and its enforcement arm, the FBI, have been turned into political enforcers. Not sure about that? Ask Roger Stone, or the many January 6 participants still in a DC jail.

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Naomi is correct.

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Dream on.

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

In June of 2020 I read a blog by a gal and the title was "We've Been Played" She did a deep dive into the WEF with links to their website backing it all up and how Covid was being used to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Most of the links no longer work and you have to dig much deeper on their website. I am so glad so many people understand now that this agenda is coming from the WEF.

I was at the One Washington interview and it was great! Thank you for coming Dr. Malone!

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When it comes to banks, use the same rule as crypto: Only put in what you can afford to lose.

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What do you do with the rest of it?

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Tangible assets. Physical property. Not fiat or electric units.

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Nice but that won’t buy eggs.

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Which is why rich Chinese are buying property here. The Japanese spent their dollars on real estate in the 1980's. Didn't work out that well for them. Real estate values collapsed after the 1986 tax reform bill and many lost half their investments.

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Yes. Real estate isn't immune to bubbles, and bubbles will burst.

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Gold looking pretty good. Highest price in 12 months. Suggest checkout goldline.com Or other broker for physical gold you can hold.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

The Klaus Schwab/BillyBoy Gates Class has not yet met a commodity that they can't fs#k with manipulate and co-opt.

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I have stocks that are down so much, it would seem better to hold and cross my fingers!

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yep, too late now. Hold on. The market will return. If you have any cash, look for places to put it that will inevitably rise when the market bottoms. . . Soon? not sure.

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Is it time that community credit unions off the grid become the norm?

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There aren’t any. They are all tied to government agencies.

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A supporting hypothesis: we see a divide between the virtuals (the Laptop Class) vs the physicals (those who interact with the real world).

Klaus & WEF and his trained infiltrators are entirely virtual creatures. They focus on using narrative/social credit and finance/banking in an attempt to get the unreliable physical world to behave.


"For the Virtual elite, the most unforgiveable thing about the Physicals, and the physical world in general, is that they stubbornly refuse to yield to full, frictionless control. There is a reason the dominant informational class is today most comfortable in a purely virtual environment – it’s one where they can have direct, instantaneous control over (virtual) matter. Real matter is stubbornly resistant, a reminder that the self doesn’t control the universe. It’s dirty, polluting, a reminder of one’s vulnerability, even mortality. And the need to rely on other humans to deal with it is super awkward."

Facebook, twitter, MSM, "disinformation", freezing bank accounts, Trusted News Initiatives. Its a virtual club, and you ain't in it. And when TSHTF, you freeze bank accounts. Because when narrative control fails, that's the only tool left in the toolbox.

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Really interesting distinction, thanks for posting!

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Can these petty, mediocre, mindless, bureaucrats take over the world by rigged elections? Can the spirit of falsehood and propaganda paralyze vast percentages of the world population? Can aging criminal Klaus Schwab convince any of us with some common sense, energy to do a bit of independent research, and some reasoning ability to abdicate our logical faculties and training? No.

Thank you so very much, Dr. Malone for a cutting-edge analysis. It must be shared.

(Dr.) Nancy van Deusen, Ph.D.

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"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

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Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!! Share this far and wide, Everywhere! This perfectly describes a modern day example of Truth: Proverbs 26:17 "If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead." New Living Translation

But as Dr. Malone has warned, God's Word also tells us to be on the alert, sober minded, ready at all times exercising self-control and patience. The enemy is crafty and using WEF et.al. so we keep standing firm on what is True and Right and Moral and discerning the mindgames. Thank You God for Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Cole, Ed Dowd, and so many others for standing firm and sacrificing so much and educating all of us. Please protect them from the evil one. Please also let the USA trucker convoy and protest be truly peaceful, help them be on the alert to infiltration and stay calmly and resolutely focused on peaceful unity amongst a diverse community in their message.

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Perfectly on point as usual. We all need to be mindful and active in support of God-given freedom.

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No, Trudeau destroyed nothing. One of the tiresomely consistent errors of anti-communists/totalitarians is seeing every (seeming) misstep of theirs as being the error that will reveal the loathsome illogic of the entire system. But that never happens. And we don't learn. As long as a sizable portion of the population is living in fear (i.e., irrationally) they will NEVER leave the protection of their shepherd. And with that contingent securely in the fold, the shepherd (really a wolf) will make whatever adjustments are necessary to keep gaining ground in their minds and winning new minds to his flock. Reason, such as Dr. Malone lays out, is irrelevant, provided, the channels of communication are in control of the enemy.

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I am doing my best to prosthelytize to those that seem to buzz around in that middle 40% or so. People keep saying "I like talking to you because I learn things" And I do not consider myself a good preacher even. All I can do is tell the truth and people can choose to listen or not.

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Good for you. Hang in there, no matter what.

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I don't know, I think some people got it, and won't forget soon. What percentage I don't know but think about what it's like to suddenly have an account frozen.

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Well it’s likely to inspire a broad reimagining of financial security among the bourgeois- those little sleeping tigers

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A sizeable portion of the population is always in fear.

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Sure. But there is a qualitative degree (read about Pavlov's almost drowned dogs) that, when wed to a sizable chunk of the population, is an extremely effective weapon. The most effective personal 'solution' of one's fear is anger. Our would be masters know this so well as they create targets for this rage. And 'cancelling' is just barely wading into the water toe-deep.

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There is some truth to this.

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I love this man.

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This is an excellent article and great information. We've been trying to decide how to keep our money safe. It may well be worth buying real estate in a nice warm location, even if we can't move in until we retire. Even at inflated prices, it's better than the alternative of having our entire 401Ks and other bank accounts wiped out. Thanks!

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Will the government be able to seize our personal property?

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Governments have willingly demonstrated their predilections & proclivities for doing whatever they damn well please.

See Chevron v Donziger

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I think most governments already have the ability to take anything they want under various pretexes. Nothing is safe unless you have sufficient of resources and high quality lawyers to get in front of an honest judge. In the US, see various asset forfeiture laws. Trudeau and Freeland showed how easily it can be done in Canada.

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Nothing is safe. But some are more unsafe than others.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

For a long time the Gov seized property and money under claims they were produced by drug dealing — no judicial review and often done on a racial basis along notorious corridors — innocents swept up unable to afford the fight back or threats — probably a lot of guilty swept up too — but that’s not really the point — it matters when civil liberties are violated no matter who— and choo choo just rolled on as folks figured it’s not my problem. But injustice is always everyone’s problem. Eventually. Prosecutorial over charging went on for decades too. That’s a problem for all of us as is the under prosecution of other crimes. Like E Holder refusing to prosecute the banksters for laundering drug money because they were “too big” — we have been lawless for way too long. Dr Malone is right about his 3 values, which must rise to.

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The capricious and selective nature and behavior of Institutions/Governments (unfortunately) voids your point.

Julian Assange is persecuted because he published (among other items) video of War Crimes being committed in real time by U.S. Military personnel flying gunships.

The Reagan Administration was, at one point, the largest and most successful Cocaine Trafficking Cartel the North American Continent has ever suffered ------ you may check this with Lieutenant Colonel Ollie North (Ret.) & Fawn Hall, they shredded much evidence.

. . . . . and the beat goes on.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

I think we are singing from the same book. I don’t know about the capricious part but expect you have a point about impulse disorders shaping world events too. Julian is an example of valor and service to the truth for a long time—the Hillary email covering seems to figure there together with the Epstein black arts sagas involving the WHO’s WHO of lawless world criminals. Regan’s play with North was solely reported in any depth by US News and World Reports in the day—and was criminal in all sorts of ways. Before that were the lies of Vietnam.

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I want to hope there's safety somewhere!

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