When congress began begetting all these dammed agencies they opened the door to even more redundancy. We have too many welfare agencies, too many intelligence agencies and now, too many biodefense agencies. All this redundancy offers a massive smokescreen for thre USG to hide what it does not want us to see. Add compliance from legal eagles coming up with rap like “standing” and we are faced with a house of mirrors with so many confounding images it take a magician to sort them out.

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Great comment. Complexity is always the enemy of transparency and accountability. I saw this phenomenon play out in industry for decades. For the bosses, limiting accountability or circling the wagons if things went south always meant complicating the organization structure and adding to the bureaucracy. It was never helpful or in the interest of the business. But it gave the perps(of the mess) more rocks to hide behind and more potential fall guys. It’s much worse in government, I believe.

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It only takes a few rocks in the right hands to bring clarity back to a house of mirrors.

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Action/reaction...measure/counter measure...nothing is ever absolute.

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The government dresses this up as preparation for the next pandemic. Sounds like they're just trying to do the prudent thing, right?

99% of all the preparation will be brainstorming, planning, and rehearsal of how to manipulate the public. The remaining 1% is an excessively generous allowance for handling the medical/technical aspects of stopping the disease.

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None the less, we must start trying. Our wellbeing, if not survival, likely depends on it.

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A house of mirrors. Great comment.

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Example: Treasury Department's Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations Division of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, better known as FinCEN. Jordan's committee and select subcommittee have collected documents which suggest that FinCEN was targeting law-abiding Americans "on the basis of protected political and religious expression." One FinCEN document referenced in Jordon’s letter allegedly urged financial institutions to query "Zelle payment messages" to identify possible "Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent" extremists by examining customers' transactions, looking for the purchase of "religious texts" — including the Bible, or "bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose." https://www.theblaze.com/news/feds-asked-financial-institutions-to-flag-bible-purchases-terms-like-maga-trump-to-identify-extremists-report.

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Digital dollars tightens the noose even further. This is a real and present danger.

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Perhaps for the WHO, WEF, USG, MSM, and the criminal states and cabals, Disease X is already here and is posing existential risk to all their vital organs.

Their symptoms include: growing deafness to their dictates; shaking tremors as their source of money is being slowly choked through boycotts, blockades and withheld patronage, headaches and heart damage from our truth displacing their truth, and psychological instability in the face of growing unruly confrontations of being told to ‘go f* yourselves’.

Perhaps, disease X is the platform formerly called Twitter. If so, let's befriend disease X and infect them to the max! Nous sommes la maladie X.

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I love good analogy. 😊

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BINGO! It's not just redundancy, it is corruption that is the problem. Redundancy is a smokescreen!

We need to decentralize science with Human Swarm Intelligence Systems.

Our systems are no longer trustworthy, so to fix that we need transparent, decentralized high trust systems that start with the epistemology of problems, and then groups of people working on solutions together in the most optimized way known to man - a way we bet you never heard of before, called Human Swarm Intelligence systems.

Sound interesting? Help us problem solve for our corrupted systems. If we solve that we solve everything: Learn more: https://www.givesendgo.com/leaderless

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Congress used to be a place where humans solved problems together. Now it is nothing like that.

We need a new place to solve problems. A new high-trust decentralized and transparent place, that makes all of these current ones that have lost our trust (government, media, business, medicine, food, academia, and even science) obsolete.

There is a better way to fix all of this, together.

What do you know about Collective Intelligence and the measurable "wisdom of crowds?"

If you are wondering what you could do to help fix all of this, consider this as an option: https://www.givesendgo.com/leaderless

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Jan 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And just like that, the global sociopaths are creating fear, “coincidentally” in an election year. There are no coincidences‼️

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It's their favorite tactic next to dividing us!

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My guess is that those with a sophisticated palate are the subscribers here at Substack and your articles. They already know and admit they were deceived by WHO and the federal government in Fauci. They already know that Disease X is just more of the same old bullshit we've been living with for a long time. Nonetheless, thanks Doc. As far as I'm concerned the entire US Congress was in on the Scam by way of the CARES Act and many other legislative acts. There must be a few good guys in there, but I'm not sure who they are. I would love to know the voting record in Congress for the CARES Act.

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By now....you would not be alone in that stated belief of the 3 branches.


Pertains to a coordinated dysfunctional .GOV.COM and it's paid subsidiary's .

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Jan 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

News flash: Biden Administration elevates fear mongering to cabinet level position. For purposes of clarity and transparency, the new office will be known as the PPP, the Department of Plausible Policy Perogatives.

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I think we should defund public "Health".

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I have proposed that states bail out of fed programs and build their own.

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THIS is a great idea -- do the end run like they are doing with the WHO (ie replacing national bodies of health all over the world). Even better is making it local. 🥰

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If only we really funded it. Soros, Gates, Rockefeller foundation et al fund most of it. The only thing defunding it would do is have the above give more-- which they have TONS of. And it would further limit even the minuscule amount of info on their shenanigans. Problem is to find ethical moral people.

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Ethical moral people who have not been dumbed down.

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Fear is the cheapest and most effective weapon of all.

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Currently reading RFK Jr's latest, "The Wuhan Cover-up and the Terrifying Bioweapon Arms Race." Early on, a history of chemical and biological weapons is provided, going back to pre-WWII. He describes how these programs seduced trained healers into switching off their moral compasses and abandoning their Hippocratic oaths.

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Our military personnel have been used as guinea pigs all the way back to 1918 when they experimented with a bacterial meningitis vaccine at Fort Riley, Kansas! Thanks to the Rockefeller Institue. A driving force.

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Oh, it goes further back than that.

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seduced or bribed/threatened?

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Perhaps all of the above. Whatever is required, but many just have an affinity for the power, funding, resources that come with government backing.

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Disease X is here and it is called fearporn. The vaccine is also here and against it is called truth.

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It is just amazing to me how we keep on finding a labyrinth of "backdoor loopholes" in our so-called 4th branch of government, the swamp!

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The Leftist Marxists (DEMS, WEF, BLM, Gates, etc.) seem determined to annihilate as many people as possible. Never thought we could fall into this dysfunctional social and political mindset in my lifetime. God help the children.

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I have a new great grandson and it grieves me to consider the world I leave to him.

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Maybe they are setting the stage because they are accepting that GVB’s theory on the inescapable immune escape is about to come to light with a change in direction the virus is taking ushered in with JN.1? Easier to just say it’s a new disease than have to explain the shot they got everyone to take caused the 2nd problem. Perhaps the path is already set in motion as GVB has been warning about since the start.

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I know nothing about anything, but this is an interesting idea...

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With the lockdown on reality in the MSM-- why would they have to do that to cover up something that is never reported?

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I feel it’s understood by both sides of this issue (pro-establishment and anti-establishment) that a greater portion of the population aren’t getting their information or “news” from the msm any longer. Trying to control the story with that in play is making the job of controlling the so called narrative difficult. But believe me people keep falling for bs story after story. It’s it fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? People think they are all over the covid story, and wouldn’t you know they believe the climate change bs even though it’s the same organization peddling both ideas. I shake my head.

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It’s too bad this message isn’t carried by MSM since they are victims/useful idiots digging their own graves along with ours.

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Very few are addressing the predictions of Geert Vanden Bossche, is the WHO trying to use disease "X" to cover up the reason of what Geert predicts? He was very wise to write a book on his findings so that the truth will be in black and white when/if what he has been working on comes to fruition.

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Jan 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sent a note to my rep Bourgeois Owens. Will see what he/his staff has to say.

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Not exact but close…”Truth + Transparency = Trust” Ryan Cole, M.D . Have A Very Fine Day, Ed

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What do we expect, these people are gangstas'. This is all heading toward a one world government, the writing is on the wall in capital letters. The public needs to take action and push for reforms. However, the public is still in a fog. We need to capitalize on Fauci's revelations that he B.S.'d the country. The public needs to completely distrust the untrustworthy and they need proof, which is dribbling in, because the bigger threat is the WHO and WEF. Also, people can become desensitized to fear when it is overused, they get tired, they start to see through the tactics, and they stop overreacting. That is important because it is the point where the individual begins to take back their power and align with those not willing to tolerate further exploitation. These types of dynamics play out in family relationships, friendships, the workplace, and nationally.

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