To paraphrase Orwell:

WHO controls the fear controls the emergency. WHO controls the emergencies controls the fear.

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Fear is an opportunity for courage.

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To borrow from a T shirt worn by JP Sears, Fear is Not a Virtue...

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There is no such thing as fear. It is merely a thought you choose to suck on. Let it go.

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Totally agree. It’s total madness to even consider being a member WHO! Praying for a new leader for the USA 🇺🇸 who will get us away from WHO and the UN

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Trump is the only Presidential candidate who will Exit the WHO. For some reason, RFK, Jr. has said he wants to "negotiate from within the WHO" to make changes.

The WHO is not going to negotiate.

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I'm having a problem with anyone who uses the word "negotiate" at this moment in history, when so much needs to be blown the hell up, and either rebuilt from scratch or abandoned altogether. I feel the same about the word "bipartisanship" and the phrase "working across the aisle."

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Yes I am for Trump 💯.

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UN controls website addresses. The ghosting of giants is possible with the clicks of unelected megalomaniacs, simply not used fully up until this next phase of censoring the loudest voices after practicing on those of the likes of mine.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have always said that the best job to have is that of a weatherman. He can be wrong 100% of the time & still have job security. Ferguson falls into that same category. Nice job if you can get it.

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Modelers must fall into the category of them that can't..... The folks who forecast our weather have not gotten a single daily forecast right for a week and these are the same cadre of clowns who pretend they can accurately forecast the climate a century from now. The Fergusons of climate.

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Just as scary is that many of these meteorologists are now "woke" & pushing all of this climate crisis nonsense. I'll bet none of them have read this recent letter to the EPA by William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University & Richard Lindzen, Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology which pretty much debunks all of this ideology, meant to do nothing more than to control everyone & everything...https://co2coalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Happer-Lindzen-EPA-Power-Plants-2023-07-19.pdf

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When I saw that the Rothschilds bought 75% of Weather Channel which went on to buy out Wunderground I think, and others so as to put out the prognostications they want and the public think all is naturally happening. They have the fingers on the buttons of perception, limiting opinions, transforming what appears like many voices into one. Where have Wii seen that before? Been a few years and the Lady Rothschild in question may have many more corporate toys piled up in that one chest by now. Not falsies for sure.

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Ah, the Rothschilds. I had a huge awakening about the Rothschilds and Bilderbergs a few years ago from Michael Hart, now a host at a Birmingham, AL radio station. They are both real, as are a few other organizations that wield an enormous amount of influence, but are essentially unknown to the public, and certainly not elected.

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"wield an enormous amount of influence" That is an understatement.

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Thank you for this reference. I have 'browsed' through the document, and will spend more time later to understand better. An important takeaway for me relates to the high number of times that the authors debunked the government (EPA) claims of somewhat catastrophic changes that were not at all true. Collecting numbers is not 'science', but rather a method of moving the populace to fear. We all remember Fauci calling for the populace to 'believe in the science'. One of the phrases of the writers that I appreciated was "This is a complex system, and the idea that one variable, globally average temperature, is changed primarily by one thing, manmade CO2, is baseless."

I can't help from coming to the conclusion that this is just one of several avenues of deception that have been used to gain control of the psyche and overall lives of Americans.

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I agree, Robert. I realized very early on (March 2020) that we were all being scammed. My first clue was the manner in which Fauci completely dismissed the success that Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was having treating his patients with covid with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, & azithromycin. Likewise in France, with Dr. Didier Raoult whose government also dismissed & vilified him. He was saving thousands of lives in Marseille with a similar protocol. That compelled me to research Fauci's professional history where I learned what he did with AIDS patients in the 1980s. He was basically using the same playbook. Then there were the successes of so many other doctors offering early out-patient treatment, such as Drs. George Fareed & Brian Tyson of the Imperial Valley, CA. Dr. Fareed actually attempted to contact Dr. Fauci & our federal health agencies but no one was interested in talking with him. I then started to make a list of all of the doctors & scientists whom I intuitively felt were lying to us & of those whom I felt were telling the truth. I keep that list in a drawer, close at hand. Those lists have served me well.

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Thanks for the URL, Debra!

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There are two jobs you can be wrong 95% of the time and continue to keep your job..weather and politicians. Ed

Edit - I guided rivers. Forecast 5 mph wind and I watch radar…Unexpected storm rolls through…7 hours of rowing to go 6 miles…Sheesh…that was fun.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

I have been noting this for years. Open a browser page with just the NOAA forecast pinpointed for your latitude and longitude. Watch it for just 3 days-each day opening a new tab for that day's forecast. Just worthless, the 3 day forecast is nearly always wrong, it is rare the 24 hour forecast is correct. With so much farming weather dependent, it makes it impossible to plan.

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Ferguson is a dud! Based on his apparent view of his projections (dictating lockdown) he went out partying. I use an IBM weather forecasting app on my phone (to decide days and hours to do things) and they are remarkably accurate. Agree with you re many of the others tho.

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Jean - are you able to provide me with a link to the weather app you are referring to?

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It's called

The Weather Channel. Http://weather.com/weather

There may be something in addition, but if there is I'm not accessing it. I live with their ads, but it does offer a premium without.

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Ok. That is what I have and haven’t observed that they are very accurate.

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It may be the way I'm using it. I use it primarily for today/tomorrow rain/snow and temp issues. If I want to walk out to get my mail, it's faithful at letting me know before or after rain and temps. If I want to know whether to do something today or tomorrow it's been great. I do antipate needing to check back for further out. I have another weather app on my phone, but. It doesn't measure up. Then again it may do better depending on one's location.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WEF is "Disease X"

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Great phrase! I hope you don't mind but I am putting this out there as a tweet!

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Sounds good to me!

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...or Disease X is what the WEF aspires to.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Can anybody tell me WHY RFK, Jr. doesn't want to exit the WHO? It doesn't make sense.

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He's a Democrat?

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"President Biden must never be elected again" Amen.

Nor whomever they place in his stead.

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Many question if he EVER WAS !

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

That @(&# is obscene! Today he ordered the Border Patrol to cut the barbed wire fences put up by the state of Texas holding the hordes-thousands-back. When does this end? When is the power checked?


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He had them do that sometime back in AZ.

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"Deadlier" ? Deadlier than what? the flu?

Covid-19 was a genocide from ventilators, remdesivir, paxlovid, gene therapies, refusal to use known treatments, and (most of all) economic & societal turmoil. Hardly any deaths can be attributed to covid 19 — maybe none more than the flu would have otherwise caused if it wasn't for all flu deaths being dishonestly re-labelled as covid deaths. You can see this in the (non-existent) excess deaths (before the clot shot), as well as in the impossibly non-existent # of flu deaths.

It could be 100 times "deadlier" and we still wouldn't have any reason to lockdown and/or force ineffective and counterproductive restrictions (masks, banning effective drugs, censorship) on peaceful people.

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Since Biden was never actually elected, I fear they can and will do whatever they need to do to ensure they stay in power until all of these diabolical things are in place. GOD HELP US NOW!

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My take is Hillary was counting on their schemes, but failed. Biden said (I saw video of him saying it) this was going to be the best fraud ever. Hillary reminded him not to concede. Molly Ball reportedly reported on how they did it. Today's hints imply they are fortifying their battle plan. And yes, I'm sure they expect to be among the excepted members of the ruling elite. All the more need to unite in effective opposition. Trump did pull us out of WHO before. Showing it can be done. So we must do our darnedest to get someone elected to our Presidency who will do it.

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I absolutely agree. I just don't believe we have legitimate elections anymore..there has to be another way

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We have a way with Presidential candidate who can win by a landslide in the election.

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Jennifer is one of my favorite commenters on this stack, but I'm going to ever so slightly, microscopically, disagree with this comment: Trump did win 2020 in a landslide, getting the most legal popular votes in the history of the US. Except for Biden. That alone is almost enough proof there was fraud. But that isn't even close to being the only proof there was rampant fraud, using a large variety of methods, depending on the swing state. PA's was a pretty impressive array, such as Governor Wolf's changes to the voting rules to allow for drop boxes, illegally overriding the state legislature's sole power to make this change, which Wolf knew full well, and he also knew full well the court would eventually rule this change illegal, but also knowing full well the word "eventually" is the word I use to describe when I'm starting my new pain-in-the-ass diet. I'm HOPING Covid was a shocker and now many of us know what to look out for and nip in the bud... and not just something we'll eventually process.

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Thank you for the compliment, Fred.

Yes, there was definitely fraud.

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well said

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But he won by a landslide in 2020 too.

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Maybe not. I think we need a mega landslide and we'll be watching for attempts at water pipe shutdowns next time. Anyway, a landslide that can break their algorithm. Therevis no other way to beat them that I can think of.

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I think it was a landslide in 2020. Those nasty little voting machines can do wonders such as apply a percent to each vote (1 becomes .5) or just flip the vote between candidates, or just erase votes. I found it is done by watching the experts tell us how on Lindell's program.

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I see chatter of Hilary and Newsome pushing over Biden and Kamala in a shadow primary. Check Jack Posobiec.

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I've been noticing that. Also Hannity hosting a debate for Neusome and DeSantis. I'm wondering if they are really trial testing Neusome or they're trying to give him a chance to hang himself. I still think our MD Gov may be the secret entry. O clone, generally same background, normal family and military service. While he warned of major financial problems, he's out weekly passing out money for projects and causes all smiles. He's appealing to our local Dems. I'm sure he'd happy follow O's guidance. So we'll see. It will be interesting.

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The Lt.Gov. that Hogan defeated in '14 has an eerily similar family bkgnd to O, although w/ decades in the Nat.Grd. ... he was just elected Atty Gen.

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Right. He was our county exec. Obama shot up out of a comparative no where. In Illinois senate 1 term. In US senate 1 term. LM, to me, shot up into the Governorship. Our current AG is a pleasant enough fellow but pretty low key to be a good campaigner. On the other hand WM is Governor and things are under control. His voters are probably good with all the moneys he's doling out weekly. He looks very pleased and competent (no I didn't vote for him). If he does get stuck in MD, with huge Ed caused deficit, rather expect much unraveling. What's your take?

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What we can be sure of, no debate moderator will ask that question.

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“If Dr. Tedros wants to declare gun violence as a public health emergency of international concern, he could do so under the new IHRs.” The arrogant, punitive governor of New Mexico tried that and was met with breathtakingly swift condemnation.

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It's like 1984 but replace the wars with pandemics. Thank you for your work, Dr. Malone.

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"Whereby, the Director General of the WHO. can declare a public health emergency and also must declare what is to be done about it worldwide. "

I feel that I should place this as number 1. on the list behind #2 asking for an election that is on paper and auditable and have the 2020 election redone. #3. Impeach all elected officials who participated in a witch-hunt costing millions of taxpayer money to impede the will of the President who was elected if you cannot pull off #1 and #2.

But my #1 would be that we remove this nation from the WHO .

" This is why PResident Biden must never be elected again" .

He wasn't elected the first time, he was installed. But I digress, our neighbors and sheriffs become more dear by the day!

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I agree we MUST EXIT the WHO.

The thing is, RFK, Jr. says he will NEGOTIATE with the WHO "from the inside" before considering an exit from the WHO.

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We have new and better ways to organize and fight back. We use a decentralized and transparent form of tech called Human Swarm Intelligence where massive groups of people and work and act as one swarm. It is fascinating and the only feasible way we see to currently stop the New World Order agenda. Instead of pointing out the problems, we need to start solving them. We solve problems better in organized groups, aka swarms. Science and medicine both need to move away from these centralized monolithic and corrupted (captured) systems. We need to create our own new systems that either can recapture the corrupted systems, or make them obsolete. We need more minds on this. The entire field of Human Swarm Theory needs deep exploration.

Article 1: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/defeating-the-new-world-order-agenda

Article 2: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

"Please consider calling or emailing them to express your disappointment with the WHO in their continuing funding to the MRC for infectious disease outbreak modeling."

Uh, isn't that a bit like as if someone called up Hitler and voiced their disappointment with his continuing use of Jewish slave labor for his war effort in WWII?

Look at the way the entire "pandemic" (Plandemic) was "invented" and prosecuted! Perfect, planned-ahead coordination! Virtually ALL governments and their health departments of the developed world propagandized into, or coerced into, imposing unnecessary and useless tyrranical, draconian "mitigation" measures that violated every established principle of public health, and of freedom and body autonomy, and made the (bioweapon virus) outbreak much worse, and appearing to be much worse, by FAR, than it actually was. (With fake PCR tests and fake death statistics AND by forcing up the actual death count by deliberately murdering patients in hospitals with the deadly CDC Remdesivir protocol!)

You acknowledge that there is an ulterior motive behind the WHO of aiming for a NWO system of control/world-governance. YES, and because of the WHO as an instrument of this planned Technocratic takeover (and nefarious mass-depopulation agenda), they will have NO INTENTION of "mending their ways" or backtracking on their stance, or in any way correcting their (deliberate) "mistakes"! And "a leopard doesn't change its spots". They are NOT going to suddenly become an institution operating for the benefit of humanity! The U.N. from its inception was designed by the "Globalists" for the purpose of world domination and subjugation of humanity. And both the WHO and the anti-science IPCC pushing out blatant lies about a "climate emergency", are tools being used for the destruction of civilization as we know it and of humanity.

The only strategy that has any hope of succeeding is to continue informing the public about the dire situation we are in as those psychopathic control-freaks continue to execute their dastardly plans, and to trigger a Mass Awakening to the existential danger we are in from those Satanic monsters! We need complete REFUSAL TO COMPLY with EVERYTHING they are pushing!!! And the U.N. and WHO must be DEFUNDED!!!

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello readers

This is my first comment ever on this substack. I have been following Robert for 3 years now and find him a beacon of truth.I have written to my local federal representative and hope this letter may help you take a small action on this too.

I think it would be so helpful and motivating if we all copied our letters to our representatives to a central site for others to use. What do you think? Does something like this exist?

Dear Rick

As you are my representative to federal parliament, I ask that you read this most vital information. It proves that the modelling that our Australian governments relied on and used for covid, was flawed. The consequences of using these wrong predictions are incalculable. I believe Robert Malone MD is a most trustworthy source and is evidence based.

Please advise me which way you would vote on a proposal for Australia to endorse the IHR and thereby transfer a vital part of Australia's health policy to a foreign body.

I request you provide me with contact details of relevant politicians that would and should be open to reading this information.


Kind regards,

Michael Thorn


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Thank you Michael

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The lockdowns were fascinating to me. Take a left = masks, lockdowns, social distancing, hand sanitizer, take a right = get a hug and/or a handshake. I just pretty much ignored all the stupidity…And, turned to

the right. Ed

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I still find it hard to believe that this overlapping and ongoing inaccuracy in numbers isn't seen for what it is! But, here we are and the encouragement to contact the officers in WHO is perhaps the only way to make a wave. Citizens uniting with their voices, pocketbooks and votes. I just again donated to R.F.K. Jr., every little bit helps. This is a sea of collusion, we need a tidal wave!

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I don't understand, for the life of me, why RFK, Jr. is saying he will NEGOTIATE with the WHO before he will consider Exiting the WHO.

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Thank you for giving us advance notice of what the "demons" are up to next. Such idiots they are.

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Unfortunately powerful, greedy, unethical and willing to do the underhanded fear mongering to the people of the world / not such idiots. We, the people, might be more qualified idiots.

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