May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"As time passes, the induced fear and coerced consent will continue to be exposed as part of a scheme promoting selfish interests, and verifiably nothing to do with good health."

We can't get to that point fast enough. In the mean time we can use Reuters Trusted News Initiative and associated fact checker's knee jerk reaction as proof of being over the target. Maybe one day mass formation will be called the "TNI effect" and kiddies will learn about the time media inspired panic drove millions of people to put their full faith in pharma frauds.

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Thank goodness some misguided teacher sought to teach us about propaganda in he seventh grade, lol.

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And Orwel and Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451) and The Giver and Charlotte’s Web and Little Town on the Prairie and Yertle the Turtle and Horton Hears a Who and Mark Twain and The Hunger Games....💜

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Hard to avoid real literature which doesn’t have some words of wisdom on The Federal Bureau of Disinformation. May they have good hunting in DC. Shouldn’t be too hard for the little middle manager types. They’re surrounded.

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No one in the corporate cabal note connections but that's not the same as nobody reporting this. Critics are censored propaganda is promoted. Dr. Malone has a whole write up about TNI who also has former CEO on the Board of Pfizer and have gone to great lengths to smear him. Check it out. https://www.rwmalonemd.com/reuters-factcheckers

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Yep and thanks to all of them. Also, as an inveterate and seasoned consumer of YouTube content creation I will credit even free speech restricting YouTube for often failing to discern truth from fiction.

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RemovedMay 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022
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Absurd and unrealistic to dump the problems of corrupt politicians and media onto individual critics to remedy. We need mass education which falls on every individual who sees the truth.

Don't look for others to do the job of saving ourselves; it's up to you as much as the doctors to challenge the criminal cabal. They arm us with the truth and from there it is the job of every freedom lover to use that ammo to fight for our freedoms.

We do NOT need more whistleblowers or more leaks we need more broad recognition of well documented criminality and political will to do something about it.

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Thank you.

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What we desperately need is a return to equal justice.

This two-tiered system of justice for me but not for thee just doesn't cut it.

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RemovedMay 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022
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Your rant lacks specificity to guess why you have a problem with Greenwald who may not always be right but does not lie. Interesting you criticize folks who challenge power not those who abuse it.

"where do we expect to find ‘broad recognition of well documented criminality?’"

Evidence is abundant for nearly every form of government crimes and abuses. Not only do we have obvious, easily demonstrable fraud like COVID jabs will end the pandemic by stopping infection & transmission.. we have declassified archives and WikiLeaks archives that are an abundant source of documenting government fraud.

Maybe spend more time documenting the problems and sharing evidence than targeting the few who are somewhat effective against the propaganda because they don't fix your problems. If you think there's a magic piece of evidence or words that individuals can say to break the cycle please let us know. Julian Assange is being tortured to death for exposing the crimes of empire and saving his life along with free speech is an agenda legions are eager to get behind. If you have the answers lead the way if not find ways to help move public opinion toward truth don't moan about those who fall short of your hopes.

WikiLeaks - Global Intelligence Files - Diplomatic Cables - Vault 7 CIA Hacking Tools


CIA Family Jewels


Iran Contra 20 years


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No it does fall on all of us to attempt to speak the truth and address these wrongs. But also important to realize no one is in a position to speak to everything. In a time when we're surrounded with lies and distortions of epic proportions it is important to share the responsibility of resolving this.

The evil is great and we are capable of seeing it.

Many comments underscore the fact we are sick of all this literally and want to act to end it yesterday. I know nothing about the strategics of how actually to do this but they are out there. Some speak to a tipping point which will be reached when there will be no returning to the mistakes of the past and when this arrives we who can actually see and identify those who would enslave us will be important.

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You just did if I'm not mistaken? The deceptions at the heart of all this are many and overwhelming at times. The sense of betrayal affects us all deeply. But can't help but think we'll find our way out of the labyrinth they build.

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Everyone needs to address these issues. We all need to address the fact we have made a deal with the devil, a Faustian bargain, with technology. Our technologically-oriented brothers and sisters are the worst affected. The 1% has come to rule us through our own lack of oversight.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

Sir Walter Scott

Marmion, A tale of Flodden Field


Really? They actually resorted to “it sounds like the name of a friends failed high school band.” ?

Epic. A tale of how modern media and the civilizations they represent in fact devolved way below the level of all the “failed” bands of all time.

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thus demonstrating what they were trying to disprove. "failed high school band"

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It's also one of Alinsky's 12 rules for Radicals: ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

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I can personally relate to this. Thx

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I hope people have seen the complete destruction of the CDC's mask mandate on Steve Kirsch's substack (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/two-anti-mask-heroes-stephen-petty).

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Yes. He includes the Pleading pdf link - a keeper to print as it includes ALL the facts we need to memorize for when speaking w a masker lover, or a medical person who thinks they know more than industry experts.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this article. Understanding MFP has helped me to understand and (try to) accept what has happened to my highly intelligent 73 year old twin brothers who my twin sister and I no longer have a relationship with. She and I are the ones with only a high school education. My heart aches every day. I pray they will wake up before it’s too late. 😢

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These are the stories that are upsetting. Families torn apart. I cannot help but wonder if this is part of the agenda, destroy family relationships. We know they want to destroy the family unit!

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Heart breaking realities. Thankfully my efforts to red pill my husband and youngest son, daughter, and oldest son were successful. They weren’t easy adversaries but were certainly worthy. All of us had or have comorbidities. We have a few family members who got tested, got vaccines, and got Covid, etc. We four haven’t been tested, vaccinated or sick with Covid. We have been prepared with help from America’s Frontline Doctors. The enemy is fear, and threat of tyrannical control, not a virus.

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Information is treacherous. Spreading information can be treacherous. Not everyone can differ truth from false at first sight, especially when it comes to technical/medical terms or politics. This is why it is so important that everyone does his/her own research, that every child is educated to think for itself and that we have so wonderful humans as you and Jill and Mattias and all your colleagues in the fight for truth and freedom and dignity!!! Thank you so much!!!

Much love from Austria, Bettina 🌷☀️

PS Hope the term “treacherous” is correct as my mother language is German. In German it is tückisch or tueckisch.

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What hurts me the most is that my grown boys are not doing this. They think I'm a Conspiracy Theorist. Makes me want to cry.

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Can only say as a Mom of six, Grandma of ten, that many families are affected by this. Our kids after all are distinct individuals and have their own pace for encountering the truth. Of course it hurts us. Several of our children and grandchildren are affected too much by the deceptions. Our branch of the family just notes this and tries not get bogged down in our own emotions. We do this not because we fear we're in error but because our love for them outweighs the lies and deceptions.

Plus I found that at least three of our Civil War great (x?) grandfathers from the same family were comprised of a Father who fought for the Confederacy and several sons who fought for the Union. The fog of war is the fog of war.

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That is a beautiful comment, thank you

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I am so sorry!! They will learn! Much love ❤️

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My kids went to French state school. Which at the time were not bad. There was none of the "privileged" stuff at the time (Although I believe that is changing over here). They do not think I'm privileged, they think I'm a rebel and that I listen to a lot of crazy podcasts like Steve Bannon's warroom (which I do and where I discovered Dr. Malone).

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Maybe some do regard us as "privileged." Hardly true in our case, as our kids know.

My Grandfather was a Missouri Coal miner from age 13-24 when he managed to escape to the wild west. He met my Grandma in San Francisco, herself a daughter of immigrants, and a pioneer of the Mendocino Redwood coast of California.

My husband descended from people of the hardy Canadian Prairies. Although there are some privileged landed aristocrats some ways back it's otherwise a tradition of solid working class.

None of my kids think we are conspiracy theorists although it may have been touch and go, lol. They watched us work our fannies off and went forward to make their own choices. We, and our kids (and now their kids) attended mostly public schools and universities as we did except for a glaring exceptional experience with a private school.

It's all good - we're all survivors of epic survivors. And our youngest - 7 year old grandsons - are being home schooled with great success.

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One positive thing, my eldest is now listening to Russel Brand ;>>

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Depends on the information. Don't believe it's the information that is at fault here and treacherous but the lies and deceipts committed in the service of it. Yes, real Socratic dialogue and respect for the individual everywhere - at home and in education - is crucial. It's our love and commitment that helps children learn. Thanks.

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Yes, you are right!! What I was trying to say is that an information might look true and reasonable, maybe because the person who tells it is convincing or the circumstances provide it. But when you dig deeper you realise that the information is false, misleading… Thank you so much! 🙏🌷☀️

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Yes, we are all so susceptible as human beings to being swayed by a bunch of sweet talking serial abusers.

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And some maybe just do not have the possibility of being educated as you and me. This makes me very sad, actually. Such abuse… 😢

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It is sad but unfortunately not addressed through restriction of information, lol. I have several grown kids in the family who are exceptionally well educated but as yet cannot properly interpret or perhaps even access the available information.

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"Depends on the information" Truer words were never spoken. Case in point: This morning I did an Internet Search using, "Supreme Court investigation" (in hopes of learning which of Sonia Sotomayor's clerks have been found guilty of releasing Justice Alito's decision). The first article that popped up was a May 8 article by USA Today writer Max Huppke, entitled SUPREME COURT LEAK INVESTIGATION AND THE STRANGE CASE OF CLARENCE THOMAS AND COMPANY. Huppke immediately transitioned from the document released to POLITICO to Huppke's belief that Clarence Thomas' wife had tried to overthrow the government of the United States.

Then, to see if I was using the correct terminology for this comment, I searched for "Alito Letter". This resulted in a May 8 article by the East Bay RI, entitled LETTER: WHERE DID JUSTICE ALITO GET IT WRONG ON THE CONSTITUTION.

We must be very careful in determining whether we are getting information or propaganda.

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Results can differ sometimes dramatically depending on the search engine you use.

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Sometimes.... but not often.

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Read an article about Google vs Duck Duck Go that did note others. It made the point that Google orders the results to favor results that match their philosophy. In hopes the searcher wont go to the end of the list.

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I've heard the DuckDuckGo now uses the same algorithms that Google and MicroSoft use. I just switched to using Brave.com as my default search engine. It was easy and fast.

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Yes, belief and accuracy are two distinct things. I sometimes claim I only take in the information I "know" is truth. Since accusation can be extremely harmful we must be careful. Once we have sufficient facts however, we must often go forward on the basis of it.

There's often more truth in the interpretation of the law than in the convoluted language of it.

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Perfectly true 🙏

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Nice to make your acquaintance, Bettina. Here in the USA, we might say, "Information is important and spreading information can be dangerous." Much love from Tennessee.

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Thank you so much Charles 🙏🌷☀️

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Yes! Correct: Definition of treacherous: deceptive, untrustworthy, or unreliable.

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Thank you so much 🙏🌷☀️

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need to recognize that what we have is "intentionally induced" Mass Formation Psychosis. So, of course it is denied. It is also intentionally designed to facilitate the denial of its existence.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: "his ideas were summarily dismissed by the voice of the state"

Dutch transparency requests showed that most of the government was as surprised by the decisions as the health experts. For example, suppression of Ivermectin was done by a part of the state that is not normally involved in medicine evaluation, and the order for the suppression came from the national anti-terrorism unit.

Control over the pandemic was not wielded by the ordinary state apparatus, but by a small subset that serves the interests of large global corporations.

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Well-written & insightful … RE: “Desmet suggests that a number of factors, including; isolation, a sense that life is meaningless — and particularly free-floating anxiety, frustration and aggression — independently or in unison, can lead to mass formation and its repercussions.” … I personally feel these existential stressors can also lead to fighting mass formation. They did for me. Maybe it depends on the individual. Commercialism, separation from family, lack of spirituality, TV distractors, in short, superficial living is the most likely contributor to mass formation as it distorts life and prevents genuine thinking about self and circumspect reasoning about decisions affecting self.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am gobsmacked at the unprofessional behavior of many of my colleagues. Many have succumbed to fear and/or willful ignorance of the truth in combination with a sacrifice of integrity based on a flimsy rationalization that their livelihoods are in jeopardy. This witches brew of faulty reasoning and abandonment of objective verifiable data has left many patients without reliable compassionate individualized appropriate care.

Mass formation psychosis is neither “fake news” or new. The irony of the far Left/Big Brother predictable playbook of distraction and dissembling is on full display.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

Mass formation and cult-like behavior seem indistinguishable to me. In my opinion, the cult-like behavior pre-existed the scamdemic and centered largely around one’s political orientation. The false narrative and alternate reality had been carefully cultivated by the left for years. Notice how swiftly the cult was induced to shift focus from covid to Ukraine as if they were trained animals. There’s a strong element of “group allegiance” involved, imho. The media is not a victim of mass formation but rather one of its primary “engineers” and purveyors.

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Last I checked, Americans have an average reading level of a 5th grader. This only adds to the problem of MFP.

Think back, how easy it would have been to manipulate your 5th grade self with an idea or a false narrative spouted out as TRUTH at a pep rally or during morning announcements over the PA system?

Conforming, fitting in, taking a popular side, etc would have made sense and would have been easy, acceptable and comforting.

Additionally, I think that when big Harm-Ya said VACCINE people heard, read and believed they said ANTIDOTE!

It is clearly a daily battle of wits with unarmed opponents.

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I don't believe that that is the main problem. If reading at a high level were the answer, readers, academics could more easily claim having a handle on the truth. Immaturity, psychological ill health maybe. Actually many 5th graders are closer to the truth than their perhaps intelligent, high functioning parents. Like anything else reading may lead us closer to the truth or farther from it. Common sense is the real missing factor. And yes we can teach it by embodying it.

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"Common sense is the real missing factor", BECAUSE common sense has been obscured by chronic personal, generational and societal TRAUMA. A trauma which has become so NORMALIZED that hardly anyone realizes they are in a chronic defensive "mode".

We live in a traumatized and traumatizing world, ie a profoundly "sick" society.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti

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I like this, thanks. Maybe I should refer to one of my own posts on this subject here. Common Sense is the reason Thomas Paine is one of my favorite authors:


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The problem goes deeper than language... to thought itself.


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.


“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



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Sadly, it's not education level in my experience. Could be the opposite. Was just at a party with all high educated folks, and only 5 of the 60, in my estimation, were in the KNOW. I was able to pull 2 into one on one chats, and got them to a ? point... they left with more info than they arrived with, but the high ed are a tough group to crack.

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Of course. We see it everywhere among our devolving universities which at times appear to exist only to advertise their ability to serve as recycling centers for the wealth we the students produce. Such a scam but those who have something to protect will have a harder time.

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So all those PHDs and MDs have a 5th grade reading level ? Sorry

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5th grade social ability level is more like it; unable to NOT follow the popular crowd.

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Act without thinking type - like if on a beach, the lifeguard whistles like crazy.. and people stop what they are doing and run to see what is the matter. Yeah, those people. I never run or even budge in such cases. I know I'm not going to be the one to save the drowner and the group will be talking stupid talk, just getting in the way. Should note that I have saved drowning (struggling) peeps in the ocean - twice, so, I do pay attention from afar. But it makes no sense to further embarrass or hinder the situation. Thinking before acting. Why is that so hard, and an unpopular choice by the Mass of Smarties that have DECIDED to follow the crowd and be Dumb.

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Maybe it’s in the interpretation, lol.

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh our govt and liberals have used these tactics, and masterfully, for decades. Just look around currently, what could be more "blind compliance and irrational acceptance" than the current gender lies? But the blind following will support and defend it to the death. Same methods extend to all the letters after LGB, to school vaccines that haven't been needed for decades, to making the world believe Trump was in bed with Russia, and on and on. This list is too long to write at this point. They KNOW every bit of it is a lie. So, it's the results, the eventual outcome, they are after. Added all together, what could it be, what do they gain? Money, power and a weak, controllable people. It's a very long con with a long term goal. And it's been working extremely well.

And they begin with our children. I went online today looking up 13 horrible, sexually immoral books in school libraries. Thinking my granddaughter's middle school wouldn't have them in this nice, old and small southwest VA city... well, it didn't have those but I found 31 other books all dealing with gender identity, gay, lesbian, trans and even a threesome book and more books following the BLM path of lies. These are children. Middle school. 12-14 year olds. They don't need to be reading that stuff, so why are they pushing it to school libraries? To grow a weak and confused generation. To continue feeding the machine. The people having the biggest cow over Covid and masks today are by and large the graduates of the early school indoctrinations. Others are elderly who watch CNN and still think our govt would never do anything to harm them. The rest are the proponents pushing the agenda. A lie told often enough becomes their truth.

But we have many, many now who have had their eyes opened over the last 6 years and finally we have far more saying the Emperor has no clothes than those saying how beautiful his clothes are.

Thought just popped in my head - the old Salem Witch Trials were the same thing.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is reminiscent of "cliques" in jr high and high school. This is the adult version which is shepherded and guided by powerful malevolent people. This is evil on an entirely new plane. Worldwide.

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Sometime during this plandemic I read. “You might wonder what you would have done if you had lived in Nazi Germany during Hitler’s rein. Well now you know.”

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"In a time of universal deception, even telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

"Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee."

Immanuel Kant

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Thank you for these words

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Thank you for speaking the truth!

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The harsher the criticism the more you know that which is being criticized is true. The media sides with both the money and the party they perceive will benefit them the most. The power of Bill Gates and Tony Fauci cannot be underestimated as their influence over both world and national agencies is huge. Big Pharma is totally corrupt but we can lay most of the blame for the vaccines on Gates and Fauci. They both must be removed from any position of power and influence.

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