Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I said to then FDA Commissioner Steve Hahn in June 2020 that the country was having a mental crisis from the shutdowns more than a physical crisis, and he agreed with me. He said people had learned helplessness. I wrote about this last spring here: https://www.emilypostnews.com/p/pandemic-panic-no-one-got-covid-from

Dr. Hahn wouldn't say any of this publicly. None of the government doctors will calm fears and put COVID in perspective for those it can hospitalize and kill.

I believe that the majority of people still have learned helplessness -- vaccinating their kids, the young, healthy people getting boosters. But a minority of people now look at the government and doctors orders and say, this isn't working, I'm not going to follow this any more.

Thank you for being the rare doctor who tells the truth and looks out for the overall wellbeing of public health.

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My wife just finished helping her brother in Seattle take a practice test for his family boards. He’s currently a sports med doc. We learned that they (he, his wife and kids) no longer do take out food. Why? Because they are unable to vaccinate their 14 month old baby and they fear the take out food might bring covid into the home. This generated a host of questions in my head - such as, “do you buy food at the grocery?”

They were disappointed when they couldn’t get their now five year old daughter into Pfizer trials last year, and wasted very few days getting their 5 year old vaccinated this fall.

It’s quite apparent their mental health and logic aren’t aligned with the reality on the ground.

My wife is a primary care doc still employed because of an accepted religious exemption. We recovered naturally in 2020 and are pro natural immunity. She has intuitively treated covid at the first sign of symptoms since the beginning. All ages. That’s just how she operates as a doc ‘practicing’ medicine. With that and in her experience, the condition rarely becomes more than a long and annoying flu like experience dominated by fatigue. Often less severe than the flu. She hasn’t yet lost a patient to the disease (knock on wood). She has lost five patients to the vaccine. Many more with significant adverse events. Behind closed doors they call it the “clot shot.”

God bless you all who are standing strong and fighting this fight. So many of us are pretty damn tired at this point.

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Wow, what a perfect illustration of the incredible divide to be found among practitioners and close family members. I have lost the contact of many people, several relatives, who think I am nuts. (They seem scared of me, which I find amusing, although it’s quite sobering/terrifying, really). I deal with the stress of living in a country which is inches away from mandatory vaccination… but am so grateful to be sane and awake and armed with knowledge that will keep me and my family safe and healthy. There is no price one can put on self-autonomy. I cannot even pretend to insert myself into the mindset of someone—let alone a doctor— that is still fearful of food prepared outside the home. What a sad and sorry state of things, that this individual will likely soon be counseling patients and practicing family medicine. Wild.

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

I think that fear of invisible contaigons must reside somewhere in the human psyche ad a primal fear. It makes perfect sense to me, why a large portion of the population will carry irrational fears of Covid that is resistant to reason. It makes sense also to those who are intentionally pushing this psyop on the public as a way to promote the vaccine agenda. That our natural human qualities can be used against us so easily by a handful of people, is part that should scare us all.

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Learned helplessness is a perfect description. As a holistic homoeopathically trained doctor this is the biggest issue I have had to overcome since I started practice (after abandoning allopathic medicine) 30 years ago. We do it in every aspect of our lives with the most damaging area being health.

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I had never heard the term before Dr. Hahn said it, but now I've studied it and see it damaging to people physically and mentally. I wish more doctors like you and Dr. Malone would look out for the total health instead of fixating on the very small risk of getting hospitalized or dying of COVID. Thank you for treating the whole patient.

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It's the only way I know to do it.😊 What we think and feel is what we see in/on our bodies. Symptoms are just a clue to what is working at a deeper level in the person. Allopathic medicine is by definition anti-whole-- hence specialities-- ear, eye, surgeon, psychiatry etc.Allopathic medicine stops physiological symptoms when it works. Often it doesn't and moves the energy inbalance which comes out in another symptom. It does not look to cause/cure.

What has always blown me away (even in my undergrad doing chemistry and physics) is that practical biological sciences doesn't incorporate energy aspects from quantum physics. Quantum physics has been around since 1900 and is still not taught in public high school science curriculum here in Toronto Canada. Why not? Is it because holism means we reconsider all that we have been lead to believe? Like our ancestors did about fire and the earth/stars ? Interesting times we live in 🥰

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Wow, good point!

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Learned helplessness was something I used to hear Bill Harris (Centerpointe) discuss in great detail a couple decades ago (RIP). Good news is we’re all complex open systems. Entropy can lead to our greatest strengths when processed with awareness.

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Steve Hahn is captured. He now works for Moderna, R. Malone retweeted my exposure months ago, his predecessor Gottlieb works for Pfizer now. https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/six-months-after-granting-moderna-covid-19-eua-ex-fda-commish-joins-biotech-s-founding

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so grateful to have warriors like you fighting for the truth!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year to you, Dr. Malone. We thank you for your tireless and courageous advocacy for truth, freedom and medical choice!

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Jan 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My husband just tested covid +, right after Christmas. He's already 100% better. Me and 11y.o. kid: no symptoms whatsoever. All non-vaxxed, took IVM for 2 days. Quercetin + d3. Done.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow. I just listened to the first half of Dr. Malone’s JRE interview and had to take a break to come over here and comment. If you do nothing else this weekend, find the Joe Rogan Experience podcast with Dr. Malone and listen. (I’m listening on Spotify) It is fascinating how the slimy ooze of corruption and deception has infiltrated every aspect of our daily lives, yet so many accept this as normal! Thank you Dr. Malone for having the courage and fortitude to be a champion of Truth. Please be careful and watch your back. We cannot afford to lose you.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, I dare, alright!

Happy new year, dear Dr Malone, and to your wonderful, brave wife.

Love from South Africa!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year Dr. Malone! Thank you for a good year of solid information.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I saw your video on Twitter speaking about the illegal dosing of the military. Can you put that on another platform that can be forwarded? That was a VERY POWERFUL statement which needs to be broadcast!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep up the fight, those of us behind enemy lines are counting on you! 🇨🇦

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for the SA paper highlights and for highlighting the importance of lifestyle factors in maintaining a healthy immune system, not to mention, mental health. I had hoped that this would have become a popular "narrative" from early on in the pandemic - i.e.: take control of the health factors that you can control. Apparently this is also very unpopular speech or it is just being ignored; both of which are a failure in messaging.

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There seems to be an issue with covid PCR tests, but as it is not possible to get a credible response from 'mainstream' authorities, I hope to find some clarification here:

On 7/21/2021 the CDC declared that RT-PCR EUA's for Covid19 are to be withdrawn on 12/31/2021 apparently because they could not distinguish between influenza and Covid19. A number of RT-PCR tests for Covid19 have been given EUA's since July, so apparently they are still considered useful on some level, but the obvious conclusion seems to be that many positive Covid19 PCR tests, in use since early in the pandemic, must have been showing flu virus, especially here in the US during last winter's flu season. Is this conclusion correct or is it wrong or a misunderstanding or misinterpretation?

On the CDC website (Division of Laboratory Systems page) see-- 07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

On the FDA website see-- In Vitro Diagnostics EUAs - Molecular Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2

On the FDA website see-- 'SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data'

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Yep. Something is wrong. This is a big topic for another day

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Thank you, Dr Malone. Mixed emotions here. Relieved I may not be losing my sanity and utter gobsmackedness that the CDC has lost theirs--for which the evidence continues to grow apace.

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I have been wondering the same thing since the most recent CDC announcements about ignoring PCR tests as being falsely positive too long, etc.. 99% of Americans probably did not know that the CDC was planning since July (at least publicly announced on their site) to phase these PCR tests out at this very time supposedly due to imprecision in distinguishing between flu and Covid. 🤨

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I’m suspicious that any test that the CDC or FDA approves doesn’t have the same false positive issue. They need to keep the fear going, I don’t think the government is going let positive case drop like a rock & have most cases show up as the flu or a bad cold.

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Agree. I will never trust them on anything.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, what do you mean by "my last round of COVID"? How many rounds of COVID have you had? And weren't you also vaccinated? I greatly appreciate your expertise and perspectives as a scientist, and I thank you for your bravery and honesty.

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Covid March 2020

Moderna 2x April 2021 with significant side effects

Covid Oct 2021

No boosters ever for me

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Do you agree the spike proteins from the vaxes stay in the body for 15 months? Do you agree along with Dr. Suchrit Bhakti, for one, that the capillaries walls in particular are damaged when the spikes adhere and scar the walls causing clots? Is this picture as dire to people’s health short or long term as he believes?

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It is amazing just how many of my patients have a very similar timeline. But I am heartened to see an increase in unvaccinated and only "one jab" 💗

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Thank you.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year to America’s Truth Teller!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your courage and for speaking up, God bless you! I bought enough Ivermectin for my family and to share, and when Omicron hit us (not vaxxed) pretty much everyone better in 2 days and not even close to needing hospitalization. Also did dilute povidone-iodine and some supplements.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am not on earth to make money for pharmaceutical companies, but to deliver high quality healthcare that encompasses all healthy forms of intervention. Even though nurses give medications, we are required to go over side effects with patients before administering them and the idea that some nurses are so blind to what is going on or they know and are willingly going along with it and lying to their patients is causing me mental anguish. If it were not for you and many others like you, the American people would be in much more in a world of hurt. If you have heard when Fauci is retiring, sure would appreciate knowing. I think he needs to go to jail, but I know that is not going to happen.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I end 2021 with a mild case of Covid and my shelf stocked with zinc, D, magnesium, etc. Took advantage of my diagnosis to fill a prescription for Ivermectin, prednisone, and azithromycin. I intend to live fully in 2022. Happy new year, Dr. Malone. Thank you!

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At least you are able to fill a prescription, most people cannot. As an aside I read somewhere that Ivermectin interacts badly with anyone on Clonazepam or related medications. I only read that in one place. No one has brought up Ivermectin & interactions with other medications. I think this is very important. It did not say what dosage of Clonazepam was needed for the interaction. I take 1 mg at night. Now I am afraid to take Ivermectin. I take Quercetin with Zinc instead. Anyone who has any information on this, it would be greatfully accepted.

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