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This expose is both maddening and thought provoking. How can an entire cohort of highly educated physicians get things so wrong - indeed, backwards? And yet didn't we see the very same thing in the recent Covid treatment debacle, when evidence was ignored and legions marched off the cliff to the same lies and stupidity of the pied pipers in our supposedly "elite" public health authorities? Indeed, do we not see a significant portion of our most highly educated classes and political leaders in thrall to an economic/political philosophy - socialism - that has failed abjectly wherever it's been tried? What does this say about a society that seems to worship conformity and fealty to the collective over brave and independent thought? And which hectors and tries to silence those with the temerity to speak the truth, regardless of the consequences.

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Physicians as a rule do not willingly admit error nor do they welcome any questioning of their opinion which is why I so strongly oppose them having such a dominant role in what has no longer come to resemble any sort of science. There needs to be changes made.

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"...nor do they welcome any questioning of their opinion."

You nailed that one. But don't we tell our children that there aren't any stupid questions?

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Have no kids but our 2 cats convinced you are right

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That's why they call it "practicing" medicine.

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Yep. The good ones pick it up quick but the others...

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The others bury their mistakes.

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I was getting on reasonably with my current MD. She seemed fairly well versed and was coming up with alternative ways to deal with i@ues. Until there was an EKG aberration during a routine yearly exam. Averred I was about to have a heart attack and had me whisked away to a hospital. In the end I was released and scheduled for a followup with a lessor at a cardiology practice on April Fools day. Having had no new symptoms, I can't say I'm feeling kindly toward the assistance and costs.

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In the middle of negotiating with the local ER for reduction of costs incurred for what was in the end an unnecessary admission, demanded by an urgent care doc. ER rates here in the US are beyond abusive.

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Exactly! Just what I'm expecting.

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You being piled higher and deeper, I can just imagine your physician being interrogated and shrinking up a bit in the posterior lobes. Ha!

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Is this possibly because (and I say this out of ignorance) physicians are selected by and trained to achieve high performance in memorizing a body of knowledge, more so than in reasoning and problem solving? I suspect that's a trite over-simplification, but does the prices of admission into medical school and subsequent completion tend in this direction?

If so, does this tend to produce people who venerate and defend existing knowledge, above and against provocative new ideas?

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Groupthink is a very powerful and damaging feature of the human mind.

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Money and power = corruption.

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