I am in the Bernie Sanders camp politically. Today I heard part of a segment on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now program, which is on the left of the democratic party. They noted that Big Pharma had monetary windfall from the Omicron variant. Then they repeated the pro vaccination ideology and looking forward for the entire world would getting vaccinated if those greedy Big Pharma Companies would do the right thing.

Over the years I have respected this program. But now to see

1. Don't they know that many countries are not getting the mRNA vaccines because they refuse to grant Big Pharma liability waivers like those of Emergency Use Authorization?

2. Don't they know that African countries are doing much better that US and Europe without the vaccines? and other countries like states of India..

3. Don't they know that the already vaccinated are now a major source of spread of the virus?

4. Don's they know that a leaky vaccine leads to stronger variants?

5. etc.

All I am doing is repeating for another media outlet what this article said about the media coverage of the hearing. They were in the room to hear the testimony and their ideological armor protected them from listening and understanding what has actually happened with the vaccines. And, in particular, to fail to hear the risk to children.

It looks like politics now is local, starting with the health of our own bodies and protecting the most vulnerable. It will grow from events like these in the article. .

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Sadly Democracy Now has been on a steady downhill slide into MSM clone for several years. Aaron Mate who broke the OPCW whistleblower scandal began his career there in Bush years & they won't have him on. Amy Goodman went all in for Russiagate too almost like Rachel Maddow for old hippies now lol.

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I am an unregistered Independent, agreeing with a Bernie Bro! I think this vaccine nightmare might actually unify the country lol

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Thank you and Mr. Kennedy for coming here to Louisiana. My kids are in schools here, so this affects me and my family personally. I watched as much as I could of yesterday’s hearing (including all of Mr. Kennedy's presentation).

We are in desperate need of good leadership here. We get lumped in with the rest of the south as being a red state but Governor Edwards and Mayor Cantrell in New Orleans have been a tyrants. I am so tired of the lectures and scoldings, and incompetent bureaucratic doctors who use scare tactics to push vaccines.

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Visit Colorado. I'm from La. I too am sick for the deprecation, ignorance at upper levels...@ both States.

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Eventually the corrupt media sources will be pushed out of the narrative by most of America. Those seeking the truth and facts know to look elsewhere, and thankfully more voices such as Mr. Kennedy and Dr Malone are making a difference with their dedication I ordered 2 copies if Mr Kennedys book, backordered till after Christmas. Appreciate Dr. Malone in Substack and Gab.

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Fabulous collection of evidence and epic group of brilliant and ethical human rights champions!

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Thank you for speaking out on behalf of those of us who have much smaller audiences! I pray for your continued strength and wisdom as you and your colleagues dodge the insults which will surely continue to come your way.

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Thanks for all you do Dr Malone. It is well worth the fight.

Didn’t know LA was so poorly led given how well most of the southeast is doing thanks to some great governors.

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Being born and raised in LA...just "thank you Landry and Malone". Come to Colorado soon?

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Great job Dr Malone and RFK Jr.

I think Dr Malone is under playing his role.

I told people at a church meeting of your success.

I hope that we can emulate your success.

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Google's definition of Apartheid (12/8/2021): "segregation on grounds other than race."

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(in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.

*segregation on grounds other than race.

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Interesting how many of us are - or until recently - have been on the political left. Now where do we go???

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clarity imho: not left or right ....Is vaxved vs unvaxxed the modern day apartheid...(As of this morning) The google definition of apartheid is also: separation on grounds other than race?

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I think the left-right is a control mechanism by the super powerful ruling class.

It's a divide and conquer tactic that is now used across the board, men vs women, straight vs gay, white vs black etc.

I think instead of being controlled by the ruling class, the answer is for you to become your own sovereign individual.

It's like in the movie The Matrix, you have to free your mind to become free.

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