Jan 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would like to know why he gets 2 government attorneys in addition to his own 2 while Trump has only his own. No past president defense help, but Fauci gets it? When Trump is on the stand he has to answer under oath or take the fifth but Fauci can claim he doesn't recall 100 times?

This system is really beyond repair when someone who might have caused millions of deaths walks free and someone who asked questions about an election is being litigated to death.

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Jan 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Biden/Mayorkas DHS to Fauci: "Here is your detail of federal marshals to watch over you, ensure your safety, and keep away MAGA meanies saying hurtful things."

Biden/Mayorkas DHS to RFK Jr.: "You're on your own, you disruptive kook."

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In a deposition, “I don’t recall”, is investigative gold. The chances of Fauci making or having made statements (emails, calls, texts, etc.) contrary to his, “I don’t recall”, (aka “incarceritis amnesia”) is 100% certain. You boil these guys slowly. I know it sucks, but it is what it is.

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Rehearsals drills are gold for the defense.

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Agreed. Do you really believe Fauci told his attorney’s everything? Witnessed several attorney / client interactions wherein clients failed to tell all. Slow cooking still required.

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Corruption in DC is beyond belief!

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And we have all seen it is absolutely legal. Well, not for all.

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We are discovering the unprecedented crimes of a tyrannical admin.

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The genesis is embedded long before the current clowns are moving the chess pieces!

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Nice synapse. Fauci logged dozens of hours with a legal team. Not just for his own fanny but for all involved. Saving what they had built over the years might be secondary to prison time. Fauci became a faucet of what really took place. Expensive legal teams do not like surprise discovery in the middle of such theater settings. Damage control not desirable.

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Covid orchestra director!

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Hahaha. Put that on his resume....or his tombstone

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Part of the 'can't remember' shtick is the legal system itself allowing it. I sat through the deposition of a senior law firm managing attorney. He left the impression he wouldn't be able to find his way out of the room. Lotsa evidence of full scale culpability. One wants to hospitalized these liers until their state of recollections improves.

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Reminds me of when Judicial Watch got a court order it could depose Hillary. They did with numerous questions in writing. She DC'd everything one. Don't recall.

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The only selected (not elected) idiot that probably really can't recall is Pedo Joe. He probably can't remember if he ate breakfast.

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He recalls a lot, but its all made up. Wasn't he hiking along the trails in China?

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He probably thinks he built the Great Wall all by himself in a week with a broken arm and on crutches.

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While chasing Corn Pop.


(sorry, the only place I could find it)

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When Hillary was questioned about Benghazi she looked to me to be sedated. I bet she was on Valium or a similar sedative.

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If so, perhaps to sedate her temper which certainly can get ahead of her moderated and schooled delivery.

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Yes-that is definitely a component. She showed no remorse as Sec of Defense- how ridiculous that she was given that post.

My paratrooper buddy who had served in Vicenza , Italy explained to me that a company of the 173rd Airborne is always on alert, that is, they have to be able to report for duty in about 1 hour. They are locked and loaded and ready to go and they could have landed in Benghazi in 4-6 hours. All Clinton had to do was activate this unit. The 4 hours includes the loading of equipment on the plane. They would have flown out of Aviano. If anyone looks at a map they can see that northern Italy is not far from Libya.

Clinton failed Security 1st grade equivalent. She was totally ignorant and also, a general immediately contacted her (Gen Carter Ham) and she rebuffed him. The ambassador would not have been killed and the others would not have been killed.

She failed the most basic requirements of security. Heartbreaking and disgusting.

The media ignored this. When I saw the hearing I knew she was "stoned"- sedated.

The horror that was Benghazi should not have happened.

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She was working for the great manipulator. He was the one that stopped all rescue efforts and then later purged or reassigned those in the military at the highest levels, who were told to stand down. The ambassador was there to assist in gun running.

Hillary always need meds, otherwise the witch in her become dominate.

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It's called "Club Benefits"

Donald Trump is not a "Member" of it you see.

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Fauci gets gov’t attorney’s so they can keep track of his bs. He gets a detail so they have a live scapegoat. A deceased Tony Fauci becomes useless as a scapegoat. They will keep him alive until every scrap of useful idiocy has been extracted from him by our psychotic overlords.

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That's how "deep state" fascism works. The politicians are puppets who come & go but the deep state is forever.

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The little F is such LIAR!!!

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Birds of a feather flock together! The fix is in! Stone walling until DC sinks into the quick sand! Then all the rats will flee!

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Agreed...and at any and all costs. The race is headed to the final stretch. 🏇

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I couldn’t have said this any better! Welcome to upside down America!!! 🤬🤬🤬

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How else do you keep him out of prison?

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I'm gonna go with Trump in no way could trust any DC law firm. He has his choice of team coach and players to script his strategy. Lord knows his entire life has been set around his defense.

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Dr Mengele 2.0

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What an excellent comparison!

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Lots of AIDS victims in that closet as well! This power hungry little weasel embodies all of the Seven Deadly Sins. He's been harvesting SOULS for a long time!

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Jan 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many don't know he's tried this scam before in the 1980's with AIDS.

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And got away with it!

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Yeah, ask the children buried up in NY State from that rampant testing on foster kids


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No stature of limitations on homicide….

Just a thought.

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Oh yeah, and allow the people who are harmed most pull the lever

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Benjamin Spock’s book, “Baby and Child Care,” helped lead us down that path. He ignored what every parent learns, too often the hard way: a weak response to the first sign of bad behavior, the harder it is to extinguish bad behavior. I blame Bart Simpson and the kid-favorite film “Clueless” for teaching us to laugh at miscreants if not encourage them. Now we're decriminalizing crime.

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I would love to see him on the end of a red hot pitchfork, where he’s going he will have a lot of company.

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Personally for the creatures that are irreparable they need to be returned to SOURCE and recycled. Since these are Crimes Against Humanity and in complete violation of the Nuremberg Codes the same measure of justice seems fitting. So bring back the gallows, the carpenters could use the work, since there are enough guilty culprits around the world to employ quite a few. And not to leave out the basket makers. A return of the Guillotine would be swift justice as well. More carpenters working and basket makers to catch their heads. They are incapable of change because they are already SOULLESS Creatures.

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In total agreement

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I am holding out for a Woodchipper...

Feet First on Slow Speed!

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Jan 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauci has no accountability for U.S. NIAID funded "research" happening in foreign countries.

We should expect that the FDA has similarly poor oversight over the drug supply coming from outside the USA.

Patients have been noticing for many years.

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When my son had to get a yellow fever vaccine to go and come back from Bolivia. They get the yellow fever vaccines from France.

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Travel jabs were not my thing, but ..... Sanofi Pasteur makes Stamaril yellow fever vax for Europe, and resumed their US FDA licensed YF-Vax for the U.S. market. It's a live attenuated viral type of vax. Here's the info sheet for that one. https://www.vaccineshoppe.com/assets/pdf/vsh/pi/yfvaxpi.pdf

A very large proportion of our drugs are formulated elsewhere, and most of the active ingredients of prescription drugs are produced outside of the U.S.

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Thank you for the info. He had to wait until they sent it in from France.

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Not surprised. There are specific clinics that administer the yellow fever jab, and I bet a lot of places order it as needed, instead of keeping it on hand.

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We had to drive to the Health and Welfare in another city to get it

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yaaa, it's not such a common jab, and not too fun.

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In the military in the late 60s I received the yellow fever vaccine. Was it made in France back then?

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I would have to establish whether all yellow fever vax was made in one place in the world, back in the 60s to answer to your question, Dennis. Would require a lot of legwork. Companies sell themselves and their patents so much, and outsource production.

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Fauci nor Collins nor any of the other perpetrators will face any justice and will continue to reap enormous financial reward for their treachery and roles in the bioterrorism.

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They will face, and they will suffer the consequences; it takes time to destroy all protective barriers they created to hide their genocidal crimes.

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I write of the tribunals needed globally, but as a fantasy that can only be if Wii, all the "I"s of the world were to unite, an unlikely sight, but what it will take for whistleblowers and transparency to succeed in displacing those who presently run the world. This is our chance to do it but their chance to wipe the protestors to their plans out too. What will 2024 bring to the world? A World Union of Beings that stand up for the Freedoms and rights of all Sentient Beings or the WHO, UN, and WEF controlling the world with what ever draconian means they can use to quash all who protest and refuse to comply to the dictates of the unelected self appointed elite who plan to be in charge of the world by 2030. Wii can stop them, but understand, them is 1/3 of the world that supports, works for, and wants to be part of the Evil power structure that lets the worst people in the world be in charge of those who would honor human rights, freedoms, and love.

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Your Wii is so cool. Now, let's look at the numbers. Them, 1/3 of the world IS NOT; not 1 percent, 1%, even not 1‰

Probably they have 1/3 of power (money, corruption. etc., but 2/3 is still in not fully awaken, yet, "useless eaters". IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP, HUMANS!

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So can someone explain these patents? How can you receive a Patent on presumably naturally occurring pathogens?

AIDS – US-Patent 5676977

Owned by Fauci and WHO

H1N1 – US-Patent 8835624

Owned by Fauci and WHO

Ebola – US-Patent 201202251502

Owned by Fauci and WHO

Swine Flu – US- Patent CA2741523 A1

Owned by Fauci and WHO

BSE – US-Patent 0070031450 A1

Owned by Fauci and WHO

SARS – US-Patent 7897744 & 8506968

Owned by Fauci and WHO

CORONAVIRUS – US-Patent 10130701

Owned by Fauci and WHO

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David Martin commented on the patents in a famous film made by Mikki Willis - I forget the name. Everyone should see the film.

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Plandemic episode 2.


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It was a great film.

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Thanks. In my 70s my memory sometimes doesn't work very well.

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Worked good enough

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Good response, T. We should all encourage encouragement.

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Me two. I could not remember Mikki Willis' name.

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Thanks the link. Hadn’t heard of it

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David Martin is a genius regarding patents. See Plandemic if you can.

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Yes but only coronavirus. There was no mention of any of the others. The point seems to have escaped everyone. That being these pathogens could have been manufactured (gain of function etc.) in the lab.

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In one of the Martin documentary films, Judy Mikovits commented that AIDS and Ebola were man made. I cannot recall the context but it was shocking. So again, how does Fauci and WHO obtain patents if these are naturally occurring pathogens? And David Martin commented regarding the NIAID and others obtaining a patent on corona virus when it was a naturally occurring virus. That's why I posit perhaps these are not natural?

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How does the US Patent Office explain this?

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Shhhhh…you’re spoiling it Paul.

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That list alone condemns Fauci/WHO by revealing their intent. These people, both unelected, Fauci, a life-long bureaucrat and Teadros, an appointed Ethiopian Terrorist are out to depopulate the World. Those patents give control over some of the most lethal organisms on earth and they are only the ones we know of. What the hell are they growing in their ‘gain of function’ labs? Ebola on steroids? Which one do they plan to release on humanity next? They are murderers, as is the WEF, UN et all.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Paul, Where did this list come from?

Some of them are not US patents, The one denoted as US-Patent 201202251502 was a patent application that was abandoned. CA2741523 A1 is a Canadian patent.

Where a patent was issued, it was not for the virus, but for an invention associated with the virus. For example, CA2741523 A1 is titled "Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof." a note explains, "Compositions are provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a subject such as a primate. Inventive methods are directed to detection and treatment of EboBun infection."

My real question is, where was it written, "Owned by Fauci and WHO"? Typically the "owner" is listed on the patent as the assignee. And typically the initial assignee is the inventor's employer. Not the inventor. The ownership may be transferred (assigned) to another assignee.

For CA2741523A1, the Current Assignee is listed as "Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC"

FWIW, I do a lot of my patent research through https://patents.google.com

I should say, I looked at the list of inventors, and the original and current assignees for three of them, Fauci and WHO were not mentioned anywhere.

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Thank you E.I. - I appreciate your postings, like this one, that set the record straight. Rumors and opinions so often get posted/cross-posted as factual.

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These are not made up patents. They were forwarded to me from a colleague. Many a very old and impossible to track down. Nonetheless, Fauci's name appears on over 1000 patents. Many are pathogens. Searching the public patent information will not reveal most of these. People like Judy Mikovitz made reference to several of these in various documentaries. Perhaps David Martin could track them down. The point is still the same. How is it that pathogens and/or viruses, presumably natural occurring, patented?

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EI, I took the initiative to research these myself, and while I did find them, interestingly, Fauci's name wasn't explicitly mentioned. Quite intriguing, isn't it? I'll be reaching out to my colleague to shed light on this matter; there might be some connections not transparent to us. It brings to mind the findings of David Martin on coronavirus patents, where the official listings pointed to CDC or NIAID, but in reality, it was Fauci in the mix. I should not have assumed! You know what they say about that. HAHAHA.

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Indeed, EI—while some may attribute it to the CDC, it's essential to recognize that Fauci was pivotal to most of these patents. Also, he has a long history collaborating with Ralph Baric. Maybe David Martin knows about those patents. Let's not overlook that he has been at this for over 40 years. I have lists of patents with his name on them for HIV and Coronavirus. I’ll say again how is this possible if they are naturally occurring? I know David Martin said in his video it wasn’t legal yet there they are?

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

I'm trying to tell you it's not the pathogen itself that is patented. I assure you it's not. The pathogen may be in the title, but the patent is for an invention associated with the pathogen.

Not trying to get too technical, but patent protection covers only what's in the patent claims.

Fauci's name may be on some patents. I'd be surprised if it's legit. To be named as an inventor on a patent, legally one must have in some way contributed to the inventive process. But the reality is some names get on patents b/c they are somebody's boss, or in Fauci's case, may have authorized some funding.

Humble brag- I have a patent of my own - actually two. Basically the same patent in the US and Canada. It's one of the unusual ones where the inventor is also the assignee. Cost me a lot of $ out of pocket to get it.

If there's one in particular you want me to focus on and explain more about it, pick it out. I can't do that for all the ones you've listed.

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Not at all. Been down that patent road myself when I was working as an EE before graduate school. I must admit all I recall is what a pain in neck it was. If what you say is accurate what exactly was David Martin talking about in his documentary when he said Fauci/CDC/NIAID had obtained patents on coronavirus? That is what he said. He then said is wasn't legal because coronavirus is naturally occurring. There seems to be a lot of confusion about this.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

They are a pain in the neck. Supremely frustrating. It took me and my patent attorneys three tries before we could find the right combination of explanations and claims to obtain a patent. But the basic idea never changed.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

I find it rather peculiar that Dr. Malone has not offered any comments on my proposition. Hello, Robert! Do you have any insights to contribute? This is your bailiwick is it not?

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I hope Dr. Malone will reply. The subject matter is not my area of expertise. I may be able to explain some things about a patent generally, such as where in the patent does it state the intellectual property that is protected. But I would not be able to explain the technology.

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The psychopaths have taken over. One of the key traits of a psychopath is that they believe their own lies. They don't know the difference between truth or lie because they have no conscience. Whatever they say is their truth even if it is a contradiction to something they said the week before and then if you dispute or point that out, they are shocked. What is the matter with YOU? They know they can be unprofessional, derelict in duty, self-purposed, even criminal, and it just doesn't matter because they do not know the difference. They believe they are superior and that they are untouchable.

Well, seems to me more are waking up so we will see, won't we. I'm getting braver about speaking out.

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Everyone in my close family took 2 jabs, my mother now age 88 took the boosters in 2022, none since. I’m so afraid for them, but I’ve not discussed because at this point it would not be helpful. Plus, they’re adults and they trust their doctors, so what am I gonna say? However, I can tell they don’t trust our government health organizations any longer. When the subject comes up, the main thing I hear from them is they’ll never take another shot. I’m thinking, thank God!

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Experiencing the same here. Those who took the jab, are now swearing any more off. Not sure it they'll survive, as most are sickened, or permanently injured, but at least now, they are the ones telling others NOT to take it.

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deletedJan 9
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I've lost several

I have several in the queue.

They're awaiting the master's call, which in their case, actually coincides with the self assembling nanoparticles clotting up their veins, and arteries. The ones with the heart replacements needed, may survive if a healthy person is unlucky enough to be a donor, otherwise, their time is also limited.

I warned everyone I knew from the first moment I became aware of what was happening, but then again, everyone made their own decisions.

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Every day we hear stories of young and middle aged people dropping dead for "no apparent reasons". Just read where a poster child for the Covid vaccines for children, one for the US Army, and another for another organization are dead- all young.

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That breaks my heart. 😔

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We walk a tight rope. With only a couple of exceptions, most of my close tribe could see through the scam. We stayed under the radar and did our workarounds. Of the handful who were determined to believe the CDC and the pushed narrative, they have each had to deal with ongoing health issues including cancer. We don't discuss it anymore. I am looking at a bigger wicked coming so I am trying to ease into the options in my substack because I know they read it. This morning I posted my bravest one yet. No response yet from my peeps who took the shots. I did read a very interesting article just after I posted. Kinda gave me hope that eyes are opening.


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Good article by Jeffrey Tucker on Tyler Durden's website.

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Thank you. I haven't read a Tucker article for awhile. Always good.

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Good move GMoody. Let them find their own way instead of locking them into a 'I'm right' mentality once jabbed.

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Let us hope that they clear all the ingredients that went into the Covid shots.

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It is my understanding that some of the lots were just saline. Which is not a surprise. Who could imagine they wouldn't run out of ingredients while trying to produce billions of vials? If that is true, those people who got the dummy shots were very lucky.

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I've been sending Bret Weinstein's interview with Tucker Carlson to people who I know received at least one of the jabs, so that they can "calmly watch" Tucker's interview, and once it's over have a concept of what is really going on here. How many of them will sit the 59 minutes through it? Not sure, but so far, the feedback has been amazing


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deletedJan 9·edited Jan 12
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No dear, I've been a woman for 76 years. A real woman who believes God made us male and female on purpose. :-)

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Thank you.

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In all honesty, women speaking out can be more powerful at times, at least in my experiences. A woman's cry can not just be heard, but felt within. When I say cry, it's not necessarily literal, as "beckon" would be a better descriptive. IF there are two people in a parking lot screaming, one male, and one female, I tend to gravitate to the female voice, simply because it's how I'm wired.


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That is male instinct. :-)

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Hmm, I sort of assumed some time ago that Meemanator was a a female, just in a general sense from the posts.

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You folks crack me up. I love that I fly under the radar in every way possible! LOL!

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deletedJan 9
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I am to do good. :-)

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IMO Fauci just became a disposible scapegoat for the operators of this grand world takeover scheme (The Cabal, Club of Rome, Elites, WEF, whatever you want to call them).

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Covid helped get Trump defeated. I’m sure that was one goal. Fauci succeeded and now he’s just trying to skate. Will he?

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A couple of things I post sometime:

1) If you are going to commit murder go big! If you or I kill someone then we will go to jail for a long LONG time. If someone commits genocide then they are rewarded with a promotion, a government contract and will NEVER be held responsible. (This situation is Fauci).

2) I chuckle sometimes that Hillary did not get elected in 2016 because the democrats underestimated the number of votes they needed to steal. They didn't make the same mistake in 2020.

I think these fit in with your scenario.

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I could see that too - in 2016 no one was putting out Trump signs and they lied to pollsters because it wasn't a popular stand to say you supported Trump. In 2020 there were huge rallies and even where I am thousands of boats parading on the lake supporting Trump. That is when they decided it didn't matter how much they cheated.

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His best buddy is Hillary Clinton. Of course he will.

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He is Teflon coated just like all the others in DC that are running their personal scams.

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One wonders, should fly dirt settle on his shoulders, whether OB might not just pardon him?

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I used to think he/it was behind the curtain. He has puppet strings. A shadow govt along with the deep state (not the same) operate with rulers (not what you think) in high places. If the cartel runs MX, who might run the world? Does digital

currency bother anyone? Do we get to decide how the banking system works? Fauci was the highest paid government official in the U.S. Now who might he rub shoulders with? Other than big pharma?

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There is a picture of Fauci with the Gates with indication it was taken in the Wuhan lab. Undoubtedly he had contacts with WHO. There are lots of speculations on elite operations with similar objectives collaborating with such as WEF to achieve their objectives. No.doubt our (the resistance) perspectives aren't welcome. Still there are potentially more of us. Should we awaken, gather together, formulate strategies and take action the ultimate outcomes are yet unwritten. IMHO

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Turn off your phones when you gather.

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Action/reaction - measure/counter measure. When alcohol was banned, speak easy bars opened. People find work arounds. Gather things that you can barter when dollars go digital.

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and the CFR

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Add the Catholic Church overseers.

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John XXIII and Paul VI were traitors as were many others. Paul VI paid for Saul Alinsky to travel throughout Italy spreading the concept of "socialism" which you know was hard core communism. This is where the truth about certain Jesuits come in. It was the Jesuit communists in the 40s and later who made the whole order look bad.

Today you have the active homosexual James Martin SJ spreading the aggressive gay philosophy in DC. The Jesuit magazine America has been radical left for many years.

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Italy was the hub. South America was full of those advocating Liberation Theology.

Their leader was Brazilian archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara, who attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. During this Council he led 40 bishops into the Catacombs of Domitilla outside Rome where they signed a document under the title of the Pact of the Catacombs. They were all from South America except one, from Canada. More Bishops, perhaps 500, added their names. It got little news or traction because Pope Paul VI was not aligned with its criticism of capitalism.

Klaus Schwab met with Hélder Câmara in the 70s after he founded WEF and had him come to a WEF meeting. Jorge Mario Bergoglio a Jesuit from Argentina who became a Catholic priest in 1969 at age 33. When a Cardinal in 2007 he wrote the Aparecida Document, his manifesto to reset the Church according to the Pact of the Catacombs. Bergoglio has also attended the WEF meetings as Câmara was his mentor. All the beautiful cathedrals around the world have been abandoned, closed, sold; the convents also; beautiful statutes and adornment have been taken down and the traditional Latin mass is off the table. You see it is now a church of the poor to keep the citizens occupied with spiritual matters so their plight is manageable. We have lost Bishop Strickland and now Cardinal Burke. More will fall.

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And we have the Jesuit traitor globalist Bergoglio (Pope Francis) fulfilling a plan that goes back over 100 years.

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Here is a good one. In this recent Remnant Video at about 8 minutes in, Michael shows the first time he heard a Pope mention the new world order. It was even before Bush 41 was talking about it. It was 1986.


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Ha ha, more accountability coming soon. The best I can hope is that Fauci needs to take some strong anti-acid meds for all the lying. One way or another he will pay, illness or some such response from his own body and mind. Edgar Cayce said, you cannot hate your neighbor without having heart issues.

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Great quote, thank-you

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Sociopaths like Fauci or Hillary have no conscience, and are incapable of remorse. Means nothing to him.

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He would give a dogs fart heartburn.

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This fraud of a man is responsible for so many people losing their loved ones, including our 35 year old son who died of complications from COVID after spending a month in ICU. I hold him and the medical profession responsible for his death. The medical procedures in place were absolutely the opposite of what should have been implemented and we as a family had no input as to our beliefs and were treated like idiots. We can't get our son back, but the work you are doing can help to insure that these criminals don't get to do this again. It is obvious that neither he, nor any of the other "so called" experts will get punished, but hopefully God will take care of that.

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“’It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’” says the Lord” (Romans 12:19). I pray that day comes soon for you, CM.

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real sorry for what you have gone through. No early use of HCQ with zinc or ivermectin, steroids, anticlotting drugs, vitamins.? Hcq must be used in the first week but I don't think hospitals go with the protocol given by Frontline doctors and other knowledgeable groups of doctors.

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None of that was considered acceptable at the time and was condemned by the mainstream medical Dr's. as quackery. Shocking how the truth is now surfacing regarding the inappropriate measures that were used by these so called medical professionals during this pandemic debacle. Wonder how they would feel if it was their child dying in front of them.

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One punishment, at least, for the medical cabal including Doctors, Hospitals, nurses who went along is that millions of people no longer trust them, much less hold them in high esteem. I am sure they were not prepared for the distrustful questions they are now (hopefully) peppered with. I say question everything. It is our right.

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Four states are again requiring use of masks by personnel. In New York, my state, all employees of public hospitals are being made to wear masks. as usual California is another and I believe Massachusetts. The privileged , spoiled mayor of Boston is another self serving, ignorant radical leftist. These people are so spoiled.

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So sorry for your loss. There is no greater pain. I personally believe hell is heating up getting ready to receive the demons who did this. Hugs

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I really appreciate you keeping us in the loop Dr. Malone and your informed assessments.

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Why are we funding any labs in China?

Are we still funding Eco-Health Alliance?

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Must be to distract from the 46 labs we have in Ukraine.

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Retired Admiral John Kirby said Tucker Carlson lied when he called those labs bioweapons labs. The traitor Kirby via the mainstream media has called them biohealth labs.

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The same guy that has been lying for the Pentagon and State Dept since Obama was pres and bailed for a CNN position with Trump elected?

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I thought Russia took care of those, or are these the ones still functioning?

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Heh. I believe Fauci at one time commented, it would cause a big stink if a virus they created escaped from a US lab.

It didn't occur to Mr. Genius, a virus like that causes a world-wide pandemic. It doesn't matter where on the planet it escapes from.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

How about China based labs in California ?

Enquiring minds want to know.

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just gave them some more millions in late 2023

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To the Chinese labs in California? Gavin Newsom must give the orders from DC and the Deep State headquarters in DC, Arlington, VA, MD, and NY City.

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For the same reason O’Biden gave billions to iran

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Fauci is such a politicized bureaucrat. He uses language to slip and slide around damning issues. He is despicable (or worse).

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Constant lies and obfuscations with technicalities. Fauci with his reinterpretation of gain-of-function to deny involvement was absurd. Kerry did it with his private jet, denying he had one and when pressed further admitting it belongs to his wife.

The only way to talk with people like this is when you know the answers before you ask.

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Kerry also got caught mooring his boat in RI to avoid the tax/fees of his home state of MA.

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Ramaswamy seems to know the answers before he gets interviewed.

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Jan 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First of all, 1.2 million Americans did not die of Covid. The numbers were vastly inflated by Debra Birx policies of changing how Covid deaths were recorded. The all cause, age-related, mortality figures give an entirely different picture. A more accurate figure might be one tenth of that or less. You can fake the cause of death, but you can't fake the death itself.

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i noticed that flu disappeared for a couple of years and, amazingly, it's baaaack.

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...but how many will die from the vaccine? A far greater number.

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That same thought hit me in the face first off

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Accountability = nothing will come of it except some minor regulatory changes in about 5 years once the narrative has been changed again. NO jail, NO peace

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The scum of the earth, laughing all the way to the bank!!

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ALL of these liars, conniving syphons of American Tax Payer dollars should have ALL their assets confiscated in fines and penalties then perp walked through every city till their feet are bloodied. All the lives they have cost/wasted/injured/disrupted ~ by their conspiracy to control the world and diminish the population. God's wrath be upon them.

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