Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's all misinformation until it happens to you or someone close to you. I'm glad he has taken the time to give the other side of the story a fair hearing. If only more doctors would do the same.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw my neurologist this morning and his nurse went on and on about how, after having 3 "vaccinations", she came down with COVID for a 2nd time. She said her 2nd case was much worse than the first and she believes anyone who follows the advice of the pharmaceutical companies and the monsters in the White House is stupid.

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roger that

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I saw my neurologist a couple of weeks ago. I had not seen him for 3 years and about 4 years ago he gave me an article to read about nutrition - the only time an MD had done that. Thinking that it might be possible that he might know about vaccination injury, and even know about early treatment, I took in copies of the flccc. net protocols - the prevention and early treatment ones. He read through them which is more than I can say for other Ohio Health MDs who rejected out of hand that there is early treatment with anything except paxlovid.

Like a good doctor he gave me advice: be careful about what is posted on the internet.

He signed me up for a cognitive test.

Will he ever realize that the "health system" response to Covid-19 has been murder?

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s about time we have experts do a mea culpa and demand that these injections be stopped. When the research data is flimsy and flawed and Manipulated to claim that it is 95% affective when the science is fraudulent we need to change the way research is conducted. And those responsible for knowingly creating the fraud need to be brought to justice!

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Effective against what--a cold?

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A cold that's been genetically modified to present a toxic spike protein for which a "vaccine" forcing the body's cells to create such spike has already been developed. The bio-weapon is the spike protein. The virus is simply the excuse used to widely distribute "vaccines" that are the true vector for delivery of the bio-weapon.

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Totally agree! The injections are accelerating the demise of the geriatric segment of the population. Is is a wealth transfer and a reduction in Medicare costs in the process. It is now trickling down to the younger age groups with each injection further compromising the immune system.

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It is the medical con on a global basis that is designed to usher in a Star Trek form of medicine were Ill health is cured by a nano drug injection that reprograms cellular function for fun and profit! It is the Holy Grail of the allopathic medicine model!

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God will not be mocked. I truly believe in "Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay.

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I would much rather have a cold, than be jabbed!!

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You were one of the earliest voices warning about these "vaccines."

It is long past time to suspend all the vaccinations and boosters. The data is clear. These "vaccines" are not "safe or effective" but are in truth extremely dangerous.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, please believe it when we say, "Your consistent message of facts and truth gives others the courage to come forward and join the fray". Again, you don't need to feed any troll. Your constant and consistent message is weighty enough to produce the intended results.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I concur. Dr. Malone has been a consistent Messenger and Healer of the chasm of mistrust, fear, confusion and nightmares created by the 24/7 onslaught of lies and oftentimes willful destruction of freedoms, rights and protection from nefarious and hidden dangers. A Navigator in an ever encroaching darkness so that many can regain confidence and own their choices and decisions.

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thank you

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My hope is that trust is never restored to these gov't agencies, but that we the people have responsibility for our own health and our own community welfare, based on a shared network of research and knowledge.

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RIGHT! No more bureaucrats making our decisions. Term limits, extreme and non-partisan oversight and limited influence with NO conflicts of interest!

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Explain. What “meat”?

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Haha, David, that's very funny and makes the point exactly. With respect to Barbara, I go further than ways to make sure agencies can't be corrupted by doing away with them entirely. We need to take responsibility for our own health and safety, buy from people we know and smell the meat ;-) Sometimes things go wrong even for trustworthy producers and you should never give up your own nose.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Though late to the discovery party, I am pleased that this man has seen behind the veil. Hope someone in the UK listens to him. What if Sanjay Gupta had a revelation? You would never hear about it, as he would be "disappeared" for the sin of misinformation.

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He's not very late. He's been telling it for a year at least, as far as I know.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The chickens have come home to roost.

So tragic that he lost his dear father to these “safe and effective” Warp Speed released vaccines. In reality We were/are the lab rats.

I’m curious to see how much if any media attention will be given to these studies.

The recent article in The Atlantic, The Brownstone Institute’s damning article about adverse reactions uncovered in Israel are major cracks in the media dam.

It’s past time.

May the Lion of Truth Roar!

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It takes a brain to know you were wrong and a backbone to admit it. It boggles the mind there are so few “thought leaders” who possess these 2 basic traits.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Question for Dr. Malhotra to ponder: how come I - a mere lawyer and medical know-nothing - realized all of this way way before he did?

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe it was because he first had to overcome the sheer momentum of years of training and dedication to the field of medicine.

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No doubt. My doc wife was the same way. But it certainly begs questions about the potential hazard that comes with 'years of training and dedication to the field of medicine' as currently conceived, no?

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The fruits of an education system that values memorization over critical thinking skills.

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Some of us were on to the scheme way before Dr. Malone, but I don't begrudge him this fact. You may not know of Dr. Malhotra but he has a long history of going against big medicine and big pharma. He is among the few doctors that understand that cholesterol is not a marker for heart disease risk and that statin drugs are a big scam. He understands that the science behind statin drugs, saturated fat, and cholesterol is fraudulent and weak. He knows that meat including beef, eggs, cheese, and animal fat is healthy and processed grains, starches, and sugar are not. Vaccines are not his area of expertise, he is a cardiologist. We need his voice in this fight.

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“ Vaccines are not his area of expertise,”

Makes you wonder why he went on TV pushing them then.

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He has been against the vaccines for at least a year maybe more.

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Agree 1000%. As a mere civilian in a family of physicians, I speak from personal experience when I say that (in terms of Covid) doctors are the stupidest people on the planet. It was obvious to me that these jabs would not be safe the moment the medical establishment attacked HCQ. I begged the physicians in my family to not get the jab due to the lack of any safety data but their willful blindness and shameless arrogance refused with such vitriol. And despite all the vaccine injuries surrounding them, they are on jab #5. You can’t fix stupid.

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Here’s a clue, btw: the fact he hasn’t responded to this simple question (doesn’t bother to read or engage with the plebs)

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Admitting you were mistaken is the mark of integrity. That Malhotra's vital message is buried in a relatively obscure journal which most doctors do not read, and 99+% of the public do not read, and which will not be reported in the mainstream media is the mark of a society which has moved over to a totalitarian regime. McCullough and Malone have been saying this for months, and mosts of the public has still not heard the message. The truth has been locked in a cage. It is suffocating. How will it be liberated?

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Integrity. Something which there is almost zero of on either side of the political aisle, and none of in any governmental agency. It also seems to be largely forgotten by most Americans, sadly.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We all know what 'they' say about Karma, too bad that is what it took for Dr. Malhotra to realize the harm that came to millions after his hearty endorsement and enthusiastic recommendations. When he wrote " It will take a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust in these institutions..." I think he was massively understating the catastrophic damage the med profession & establishment have inflicted upon themselves as a whole by blindly going along with the scam. As a friend of mine used to say, "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya"

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Yes and another unnoticed effect: in rural communities where doctors were always a bit scarce, NOW they are gone. I lost all my doctors these last two years. An emergency room trip for chest pain (I’m already a heart patient) got me an appointment 2.5 months out.

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So sorry to hear Barbara. The impact on the medical services infrastructure has been severe to put it mildly, and yes particularly felt in rural areas. Not to mention the # of Drs and support personnel who have themselves been sidelined due to their own adverse reactions to the jabs, or worse... (I have lost count of the # of MDs , otherwise young, healthy & fit, who have recently died in Canada within a very short span of time) One has to wonder, was this too one of the objectives of the campaign to inject everyone, along with the military???

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need an avalanche of doctors and scientists to not only acknowledge the evidence that is there for anyone to see, but come out publicly in a rising chorus to defeat the narrative being peddled and perhaps save some lives just like this doctors father.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looking back at absolute benefit vs. relative risk benefit and how small the absolute benefit was, I would not be surprised if the originally claimed benefits were statistical fabrications. Virus mutation was an excuse for obvious real world failure. There are reasons Pfizer tried to hide their data for 75 years.

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Such important work. Needs to be spread far and wide.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe people are finally waking up…

Michel Goldman's Cancer Is Damning Proof Of His Own Debasement Of His Own Profession

“For the morbidly curious, Faucism’s new look is the full-body CT scan of a lymphoma patient, made that way by two COVID-19 mRNA inoculations and one COVID-19 mRNA “booster” shot. This information comes to us, ironically enough, from a longtime bastion of Faucist fanaticism, The Atlantic.”


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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


This is for you Dr. Malone. I was at the March Against the Mandates in DC. I have held onto your statement about Truth being a Lion that will be heard.

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