
BTW, A subscriber sent us a tip on this (thank you!), and then Jill did a deep dive to come up with the solid documentation. It was not easy. There has clearly been an effort to scrub Dr. Jane Ruby's past from the web.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was blocked from Ruby's Telegram before I even heard of Dr. Malone. I saw through her multiple examples of drama and bs. I started firing back in the comments then they banned me which was no surprise. Poking fun at annoying wanna be women is what I call fun.

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Would this reveal help in any way to give evidence to your case if opened in Mass.?

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I would need to file in Florida in her case. It took two years and 50K+ to get to the initial hearings on venue. I am done with seeking redress within our judicial system.

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I saw they were all saying you lost. But the reality is it was thrown out, no jurisdiction, just like they have done with the stolen elections and Jan 6. No, America has been utterly destroyed. All major systems in collapse right now. We will have to navigate and regroup under a different aegis. Everyone who is in the system now, I believe, at least 30-50% understands we have been conquered. I see the United States falling into dissolution within my lifetime because I too am no longer counting on any government systems. We must build a parallel economy and demand and defend it with our very lives.

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You, sadly, could not be more correct.

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Justice does not exist in the USA at this time!

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Totally understand. I wonder how long it will take for people to stop harping on the original lawsuit. What a rotten mess.

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It still has to be wrapped up. Despite the fact that no evaluation of the merits was made, her lawyer is trying to recover her legal costs under the VA anti-slapp law.

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I've seen a lot of web scrubbing over the years, (and the most rapid scrub I'm currently dealing with is botanical medicine info).

Internet reputation management industries and online "right to privacy" laws are going to bring the old style journalism work back as a necessity.

Search engines, antivirus programs, and VPN affect so much of what we see.

Web3 is where we wanna be😎

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yep. Stew Peters and "Dr" Jane failed my sniff test years ago. Quacks.

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Jane Ruby is another reason to stop subsidizing universities. They use taxpayer money to produce fake experts with degrees in education and economics to lecture us about medicine. She does not rise to the level of a quack because she is not even a physician. She is a plain old mountebank dressed up in phony degrees. The many madnesses of the modern world will only end once it is stopped at its source---the universities.

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She is good at propaganda (education etc...)

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I guess the real question is: when did she become a fed? Was it before this case (like were people set up?- Notice no one pursued the Sacklers for their opioid epidemic involvement did they) or during? Some feds can burn their cover and will. See Carter Page, who helped the FBI plant a listening device on a Russian agent and testified against him in the Buryakov case and only then decided to “join” the Trump campaign and was suddenly suspected to be a “Russian spy” and was used as a 2-hop warrant to spy on everyone’s data. Then he claimed to be the victim and “sued”.

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she certainly does have quite a glow about her.

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only a negative glow.

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Glowies are slang for undercover etc.

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Oh. Thx. After what Dr. Malone has brought up about her background, that seems possible. Still, she was the one who brought out the first show on the long clots (amyloid proteins) with Richard Hirschman,. That was a really significant step forward in our understanding of the injection.

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What about Dr. Ryan Cole?

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Interesting take on Carter Page. Had not heard that one.

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The Sacklers fell out of grace, probably because other pharma CEOs requested a hit on them - they took too much gravy away. I read their product was only severe when laced with or taken with other products, or on people with certain genetics as some are just more susceptible to addiction.

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Oxycontin is a very good drug when used as directed. It is still widely prescribed after surgery. But for a maximum of 10 days.

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Never should have been available via prescription, only administered directly.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And yet, Jon, they have people who lap up the distortion and outright lies' and ask for more. Many people follow them and feed off the negativity.

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dopamine hit addiction. I guess you could spin this to say that Dr. Jane Ruby is an addiction specialist?

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Same here, I saw it as well very quickly, the whole show screamed FAKE, with the snake venom bs, LOL, LOL.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The first thought I had as I read this (as it appears to be a typical practice), was that, in my opinion, she was probably given a choice, be a ‘government puppet’ to avoid jail, the destruction of her career and reputation or all this hell will be brought down on her shoulders. It must have seemed like a good deal at the time.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

so then welcome to evil times when money is our god and normal typical becomes perceived as...

as anything is a fair target to profit from in anyway that avoids jail...

that within this setting of lack of ethics/morals then...

then agree that the individuals actors should be considered more as secondary...

that the primary concern is a social setting tuned such that evil, the psychopaths and their recruited puppets have basically become our leaders...

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The times have always been evil, people have always loved money and made idols in their hearts. God is holding up a mirror to us and showing us just how corrupt as a nation, and as individuals, we have become. We should lament and stop saying, “God bless America” but rather, in repentance, ask God for mercy and forgiveness.

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today's golden rule - those with the gold make the rules.

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Or, do unto others before they do it unto you.

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Haven’t they always? Seriously.

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agree that this evil has significant historical momentum as in Plato lamented the corruption collusion and racketeering of his time...

which to get to this point would contend requires some level of nefarious social narrative control...

so this mostly hidden tail wags the dog effect has been with us for awhile agree...

so mercy is likely what is mostly left to undo this dark spell...

the mercy to forgive ourself for playing along to the degree we all have...

that pragmatically would contend that our societies ultimate control point is the aggregate consumer...

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"the mercy to forgive ourself for playing along to the degree we all have..."

THANK you so much for saying this. I'm wrestling with the guilt I have for being their pawn in the early years. That changed after 9/11, That's when I stopped working for money and started working for God. What a fool I was! My grief is profound. I examine and pray each day my actions and ask that God will guide me and prohibit me from working to aid the enemy.

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I am just now learning the cover up of 9/11. It makes sick. I voted for Bush twice. I believed everything the talking box told me and spouted off like a parrot to anyone that would listen.

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Helen, just remember, you did not select him, only voted for him. We have never selected a candidate. They are put forward by others to play a roll and get their wishes achieved. There were hardly any of the gov's institutions Bush 43 did not use to redesign the country. He was allowed to reject certain things that could be pushed later, like overseas $s for abortion and stem cell research. Both him and his dad, 100% new world order.

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Helen, 9-11 was such a shock to the American psyche, that it allowed us to give up so many of our civil liberties 🗽. The coup de grace to our civil liberties came with the plandemic.

I'm also guilty of voting for Bush twice and I also am very mad at myself for being such a chump!

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice SHAME ON ME for being so stupid!!!

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The enemy is everywhere. Sometimes it is hard to discern, nearly impossible because its cover is ubiquitous.

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Yes, I read a very good explanation of our current situation: Western societies were self regulated (kind of...) in the past by the coexistence of three mutually competing powers: political power, money power, church or ideological power. Apparently, right now the ONLY power that is left is the MONEY power, which has managed to capture the others in full. Therefore, our politicians, institutions are mere figureheads, PR, carboard cutouts that follow the money power orders.

Problem is, these Western globalist elites are scared and paranoic of the rest of us, they move inside their own echo chambers, have been atheist for generations and subsecuently not bounded by constrains and morality rules imposed by the church power or real political power.

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money/political/ideological power...

thanks interesting concept...

that while contend somewhat contrary that money has had the dominance of social power at least since the dark horror show that is usury was cursed upon us...

yet would agree that lately money’s dominance is now way more complete...

this with the church loosing social relevance, which while we might fault the church for being historically susceptible to being bribed into providing some level of nefarious monied inspired social narrative control...

which ponder was a factor which finally lead to a lacking of interest however appears that the church, organized religion, has its limits and is less willing now to play into this evil...

this such that the evil has responded with way less interest in the church and is now way more focused of control through the establishment of a bogus priest of science...

which basically appears to be a desire to masquerade nefariously dishonest sales marketing campaign propaganda as valid science...

so who needs the church when sales marketing has absolutely no morals or ethics getting in the way of nefariously maximizing short term returns...

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Teaching in the protestant churches has dissolved into lukewarm euphemisms that barely recognize sins. The Catholic church is now the Church of the Poor and has aligned its teaching with the devil. Abortion fine, gay marriage fine, transgenders fine, and climate change demands depopulation. This was in the works in the 1950s. The main liberation theology priest from Brazil met with Klaus Schwab in 1971 just after he formed his WEF and attended an annual WEF event. Pope Francis has also attended.

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The church power seems to refer to any organized churches or religion with enough power to enforce moral rules across the board. No Christian denomination in the West has any real power left.

I disagree with the comment regarding the Catholic Church. I would say instead that it is under heavy attack both from within (this Pope is an absolute disaster) and from without, having been the main one opposing gay marriage up until now, versus numerous protestant denominations and pastors that were the first ones celebrating and defending gay marriage (years and years ago). However, it's true the liberation theology priests were and are heavily infected by Marxism theory.

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I saw the Hunger Games Snakes and Songbirds last night and was struck how a small bad decision can lead one down a path of greater and greater evil. It’s really tragic, and scary. It’s so easy to be deceived. There but for the grace of God, go I.

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I too have not seen the Hunger Games. Do you recommend it??

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I haven’t really seen any movies that I recommend. The first Hunger Games were better than this last prequel. Maybe it’s just my mood these days but movies with a message drive me batty and they all seem to be pushing something. I miss sci-fi before it morphed into horror. If you have any recommendations, I’m all ears.

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Thomas Crown affair with Steve McQueen .... was one of the best movies....a really old movie that I had never seen until recently. Wes Anderson movies are stellar; particularly The Grande Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom. Those are both delectable delights!

Also the original Babe.... have to watch that at least once a year.

oh yes, Gentleman's Agreement... and Keys to the Kingdom with Gregory Peck.... that was wonderful.

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Oh - I just thought of a couple I liked. Bourne Identity and The Martian.

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If you liked The Martian, pick up a copy (to read) of the same author’s (Andy Weir) new book, Project Hail Mary. Supposedly a movie is in the works, and the book is outstanding.

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Thanks! I haven’t seen any of those except for the Thomas Crown Affair a LONG time ago. I’m looking forward to this. You can only see a movie once for the first time.

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Was wondering this too, tired of woke BS in new movies these days.

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Sorry, I have not seen it… but yes, the adage is correct.

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A correction - the drug was not recommended as a prescription for children, but instead access was provided to households with small children.

"In or about December 2012, MassHealth issued a press release, citing Indivior’s nation-wide pediatric exposure-rate data and announcing that it would “provide access” to the film formulation to members who were prescribed Suboxone and lived in households with children under the age of six."

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I’m a bit confused. I know people that have used suboxone supposedly to get off of a heroine addiction. What I don’t know is a 6 year old heroine addicted. Why would Massachusetts give opioids to children? Maybe a mother that gives birth to a baby that has carried the addiction? The people that use suboxone that I know use it to get high. Yes suboxone is another drug, an opioid, that causes a person to get high. Personal story; my brother was a prison guard in Gardner Ma. At work a guard dog pulled him off a wall, he fell on his butt, and crushed two discs in his back. This began his battle with addiction to oxycodone, eventually destroying his life. Note; My brother was a fantastic person, he would help anyone he met, he was an airborne ranger, he was a black belt in ninjitsu, he had a son, I built his house. In the end he was in someones cold dirty apartment, overdosed and died from methadone. The Massachusetts methadone clinics hand out these drugs which sometimes are saved and then used to get high. This addiction that led to my brothers death in my opinion was caused by the state of Massachusetts and his PCP. Why would this drug be given to children????? J.Goodrich

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Author

Edited this comment- and edited the article. I tracked down what HHS wrote.

The state provided access for adults in households with young children because of the fraudulent accidental exposure data in children showed it was "safer".

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I worked with addicts for many years and I liked Robert Kennedy Jr.'s story about his journey to recovery. We need to use the model for what he had available for everyone. An early nursing theory is to provide someone with fresh air, clean water, a clean environment, healthy food, opportunities for exercise a supportive mentor (that really cares about you) and they will get better. What we provide people with now, is warehousing, psychiatric drugs that have horrible side effects, and off/on care which keeps people on the cycle of falling off the wagon frequently. It is about money. Medicaid pays a one time fee for psych hospital stays and the trick is to admit them, keep them three to five days and discharge. And what they get in those three to five days is like a factory line of care. I hope and pray Robert Kennedy Jr., gets into government. And, I don't care who hires him. Trump made a big mistake, by not putting him into a slot. We would not be in this mess if we had him.

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Yes, that was a remarkable account for RFK Jr.

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Thank you I missed the reasoning…

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James, reading through the details of the process, this seems to be about the accidental use of this drug in children. The fraud had to do with numbers being manipulated to make it appear that there would be little harm, in order to get medicare and medicaid coverage.

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DD, I do understand that and I didn’t mean or want to get off point of that issue. I guess I’m trying to figure out why Massachusetts would be giving this drug to children in the first place. Do they give 3 year olds Alzheimer’s drugs. Where is the demand for Mass. to buy large quantities of suboxone for 6 year olds, can I start there?

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Perhaps if you read the lawsuit info under "Who is Dr. Jane Ruby" it will clarify more. Not that this drug would be given to children, just that it would be safe enough if taken accidentally. Medicare would cover for adult use then...

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James, came back to this because it is analogous to an event in my life. My dad was a cop back when carrying 2 saps and a pair of brass knuckles and using them was part of the job because back then it was that kind of job. And he must have been good at it because he was acting capt. of detectives when the roof fell in. Because he was not that kind of guy…was trained to be a concert violinist…gave a recital in Dallas. Another story. He snapped and they sent him to John Sealey in Galveston to treat nervous breakdown. Gave him electroshock treatments I believe drove him deeper. They did say his IQ second to a research chemist. This was 1949 so he was no dummy. But they could not fix him and sent him on his way with a psychiatrist advising when the pain (????) got too much take a drink! To a teatotal baptist! Well he did, and did and…. I was 7 when that happened and have hated that branch of medicine ever since. The damage to addicts is terrible but the damage to their family and friends is never given the attention it should. I certainly sympathize.

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Dr. Nash I’m sorry you and your family had to go through that. Your father sounds like he was a good hard working provider for his family. I have come to learn the hard way, alcohol is as bad as any drug if abused. Someone very very close to me is having issues with alcohol now, and I honestly don’t know what to do. I’m close to saying it’s the booze or me and I think I know the answer. But with my brother, my siblings and I had tried for years to help him. We each had taken him in and we were able to get him admitted to 4 different rehabs. One place hooked him up with a man, like Helen Collier had said, befriended him took him in and gave him work and he got straight. That job and time had eventually come to an end and shortly after that he went back to the drugs. These synthetic heroines that companies produce today can be killers to some. I think of John everyday and my heart aches that he’s not here with us.

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Thank you James. Those drugs are turning us into a nation of victims.

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Damn James. As I'm sure many others on this board know, it's awful to be so helpless in turning a brother's slide into alcohol and drug oblivion.

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I grew up in probably slightly upper middle class suburb of Boston. Over the years I have seen so many friends get wrapped up in drugs and alcohol but survive to this day. My brother was a big strong guy and it was hard to accept his death. What many people don’t know, and I didn’t either, many opioids like oxycodone leave your system quickly, so people that do it daily and habitually survive. Methadone stays in your system I believe for 30 days, so if you keep abusing it day after day you will overdose. I’m not sure but wouldn’t be surprised if suboxone stays in your system as well. John died at 48 years old, he would be 63 today. I just told my brother Paul yesterday I’m still mad about it all. Even at my brother.

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So sorry to know of the date today, hard times. My son's father came to me in a dream after his death, to let me know what happened. He was climbing a ladder to reach for a book and fell, then I saw a pile of cocaine. Reaching for knowledge and fell for addiction. Your brother is healing, no doubt and can use your understanding, even now.

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I do think after my brothers death his pain and suffering was over. I have prayed that he will watch over my dogs that have passed until we all meet up some day including my parents. I sometimes think grief of a loved ones passing can be selfish. I myself miss him and can be mad but if I believe he’s in a better place I suppose I should be happy.??

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Yes, don't tarry too long in grief and suffering. It's a short while in between meeting again. This is an incredible play on "waking up". Talk to him as if he is still here. He is on some level that we are not always privy to.

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Ask Janet Woodcock who approved it for children...

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for exposing her fraudulent habits.

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Dr. Jane Ruby and Stew Peters are two of the "personas" that I have perceived as evil and disinformation agents. These two people, among so many others, may not even REALIZE they are being used as a bludgeon against the good. This whole WAR, is made up of these characters, in my own Holy spirit filled opinion.

1John 4: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember seeing a bit of those two early on in covid and just dropping them, without thinking much about it. It’s been interesting how the good ones and the fakes have become apparent with the passage of time.

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end times demons are all around us. But greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.

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I have hope for Stew Peters. You know, all of us have something to repent of and he may see things differently now.

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This is what controlled opposition looks like. It appears that so many of the players are sensational bullshit artists. It really comes down to reserving my time to those that have always been trustworthy. I remember hearing through my grapevine from a reformed Pharma PHD that was trying to connect me one of Malone’s critics, with the “he’s cheating on his wife” story, based on the spoof commercial for Plandemic. My response was “you can’t be serious?” The fundamental problem is that there is so much nonsense out there, it is rare that anyone is reliable besides those connected to the founders and conscripts of FLCCC.

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I would differentiate between Stew Peters and Jane Ruby. He's hard to take, sharp as a knife blade (not intellectually but verbally), and not too discerning about a lot of things, but I don't think he is morally bankrupt, which is true of Jane Ruby. He is naive about scientific facts about the injection and gives too much credence to the more far-out ideas in the movement. Sometimes to ones that ought to be dead on arrival, like snake venom in the water. It is amazing that just before the release of one of his movies he was considered threatening enough that a SWAT team showed up at this door. I guess some pro-vaxx people are nut cases too. After the kerfuffle with Jane, Stew did an interview with Dr. Malone, so he was not glued to "her side." And it is unfair to present him as such.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Dr. Jane Ruby is not a physician." But, gee, that sure looks like a stethoscope around her neck. Maybe the first clue that something was amiss here?

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don't overlook the white coat!

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True that one always gets em’

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That picture of her may answer your question.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are you referencing the "plunger pose" ?

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Oh yes

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Well, that pose is actually quite useful.

If your terlet ever gets clogged, you have someone who can fix it in a jiffy.

My father in law was from NYC before they moved here in the late 1960's. He used to call it a "terlet", and it's kind of a way of remembering him in a happy sense.

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Step dad raised on a homestead in rural Missouri. He called them one holers and clogging was never a prob.

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Was he a golfer ?


My buddy who lives in VT lived for two years without a septic system in his house, which eventually was installed. Seems as though people who live outside the cities have different lives than most of us city slickers.

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Another one exposed!

Another one bites the dust...another one bites the dust,,,Hey Hey,

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ok, now I gotta go and turn on some Queen. So much evil roaming this earth "seeking whom he may devour"

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we called her Jane Booby.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Jane and Stew Peters kinda ooze slime. Their awful, sensational treatment of the morticians finding the vax clots, in many ways, killed the issue.

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precisely. And you think that was just a coincidence? Stew has a fascinating history. Former bounty hunter, self-admitted liar, charges of domestic violence filed but dropped, immediately afterward he emerged as a well capitalized broadcaster with an initial focus on taking down Alex Jones.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So in other words a perfect fit of a manufactured psycho / sociopathic persona that will do as he is told by his handlers…no matter what.

Keep fighting Doc. Mrs. M make sure he gets enough sleep and watch the “rabbit holes”; they can be soul crushing.

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Always gotta take shots at the pioneers, the originals, take them down a peg. Trying to discredit the critics of the machine, conspiracy theorists and all, it’s well coordinated . “Oh don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Look at this thing they said, now you know that’s false!” It’s a very effective tactic. Freakin misinformation to discredit the identifying of the actual misinformation. 😳 safe and effective, fair and balanced, honestly speaking, well I’ll tell you and I’m not lying … most likely bullshit.

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I didn't know that. Yikes, I like Alex Jones. He has personality. (LOL)

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well well, another twisted piece of the never-ending thread and loop of deception. Reminds me of an advanced class in material manipulation. (sewing anyone?). So many questions, so many hidden facets and so much underhanded money grubbing. Did anyone have any concern for the results of the dangers to the children? A big fat no. I wonder how "DR." Ruby will respond to this bit of not-so-hidden news? She better pull out her psychology degree and see if she can manipulate the answers to this, and get another face-lift. (Now now, be nice DD).

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You're such a hater@!! haha. I don't mind being called names but I have to have JEsus, The more persecution and attacks come your way the closer, you may be assured, you are to the Truth!

The devil and all his minions only attack those who are close to God. So wear the attack with honors and pride. And if you are destitute and penniless because of it, at the end, well, count it all for Glory and know that this world is not your home.

One time I was crying out and asking God "why??? oh why does it have to be so hard God"

ANd he answered me with this one phrase that I carry with me to this day "Jesus never asked for it to be easy."

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You can imagine that in his short life, Jesus was constantly under attack, not unlike some others I know of. To be in this world but not of it, is a tricky tightrope for sure.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Inquiring minds do need to know.

Dr. Ruby may have been shielded from a fair trial due to her relationship to influential people of power. Her photo ad is rather a precarious use of not so subliminal sexual overtone given her profession.

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At this point the corruption in our government agencies is so systemic one can only conclude it is being done on purpose to kill and maim its citizens

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

On a related note. Strong suggestions.

Lock up your drugs. Treat meds like firearms, even OTC meds.

Obtain narcan / naxalone and keep it handy. Opiates are everywhere.

Kids. If you have kids pay attention to what they do, who their friends are, etc. Seems basic, but this is the first and best defense against addiction and related issues.

Thanks for doing the research Doc and Mrs. M.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

nice, this just makes my day...

as in so has a PhD is psychology, this maybe more with a concentration in persuasive psychology, the dark side of psychology, which by default perceives Desmet as a threat...

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No honor amongst thieves.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Of course, DOJ also is hopelessly corrupt, as it has proven time and again for decades. There are no shortage of examples. Among DOJ's more recent nefarious activities are (i) corruptly raiding the homes of pro-life activists, Trump and Trump supporters, and others who dare to exercise their First Amendment right to protest government policy, and (ii) fraudulently prosecuting Jan 6 protestors and even Trump himself while protecting and even encouraging anarchists (e.g., BLM) and other useful idiots who serve some insidious purpose that helps keep the regime in power. So, it's important to keep in mind that we can't assume that anything coming from DOJ is reliable.

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