Nuremberg 2.0 for them, or a medical Auschwitz for all of us...

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Is there a word for intentional IATROGENIC treatment or procedure? Might be useful in this case...

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Grazyna, I'm sure there are many legalistic terms to describe these types of criminal activities. What We the People need is a USA Attorney General who will do the criminal investigations, obtain grand jury indictments, and conduct criminal trials, and using sentencing guidelines to those found guilty, put these criminals in jail.

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deletedNov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023
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a tough one as I was't able to find just one word, but phrases as slow killing, or

lingering death ?? It would make "iatrogenic slow killing", not poetic at all; maybe decay? Damage might be temporary; decay has a strong prospect of death. The words game...

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VAIDS is more catchy and closer to the truth.

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New for me acronym. Quite creative; I will check on the "syndrome" details in a bit...

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o.k. if you provide any references to the true scientific evidence that proofs the COVID virus exists then we can talk. Otherwise indulge yourself in VAIDS

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What does Vaccine Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome have to do with Covid, outside of the excuse to get the shot that gives you VAIDS?

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There are so many dirty hands involved in this engineered conspiratorial plandemic it is doubtful that there will be any real accountability with consequences in this life

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So let me distill what I see in these two video clips.

"A bunch of deep state insiders saying the Chinese did it, delivered by a Five Eyes outlet in a Five Eyes vassal state, highlighting a Chinese scientist got a Covid 19 patent in 2019 ( fifteen years after US agents already had patents but then [imply] he was assassinated by the evil Chinese state)."

Robert, I think this is called a limited-hangout.

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Roger that

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I take your point totally Gary, OH but goodness I sure hope you are wrong. Our Children and all future generations are (rightfully) looking to THIS generation to make "whatever sacrifices necessary", because it is my strong belief, that this was ALL A TEST, and our response NOW will determine the role of Government OR The People forever in to the future. AND, if I might say, "once the wolf in sheep's clothing enters the Chicken Coop, it can no longer EVER be the Chicken Coop EVER AGAIN. (my opinion) We, this generation hold the virtual future of the world in our hands today. Our actions, and our courage tested. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE (my opinion yet again).

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Dead on right about it being a test. People know they have bern played and what scares me is what will they

do to finish what they have started. Encouraging are

the number os spiritual revivals taking place all over the globe as well as the strong pushback by Nationalists against the Globalist ( Communist/Antichrist) cabal. I am thinking thermonuclear threat but hope I am wrong

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This was a test for the Hail Mary they are ginning up. Next time it will take a lot more than a flu bug to gin up enough fear to accomplish their goal

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Just like the JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, the Martin Luther King assassination, the Nixon bloodless coup d'etat by the intelligence agencies, the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, and the subsequent arms for hostages fiasco in an attempt to neutralize his second term, and I really don't have to remind anybody about all the attempts on Donald Trump.

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cOVID-19 virus did not leak from the Wuhan lab. It was released. The question that needs to be answered is who ordered the release of the virus.

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Even better question - where is the inquiry by both the US and UN to determine culpability for COVID-19 and damages and compensation????????

A real US government would have done so already. We no longer have a real government. Time to get one.

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I wouldn't trust squat coming from the UN/WHO. Not that I trust US politicians all that much either.

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I don’t disagree, but the utter absence of any inquiry or even curiosity, speaks volumes

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By the way, I doubt very many people know the namesake of your posting name

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Diolch yn fawr

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Way over my head. At least I knew of the great Welsh hero. A worthy handle.

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Release of SARS-Cov-2

Premise: U.S. "Deep State" was responsible for the release of the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Means: Deep State was intimately involved in the development of the virus. Their involvement consisted of funding multiple labs in US and Wuhan doing gain of function research in developing the virus. Which by the way was illegal in itself and why the NIH changed the definition of “Gain of Function Research”. 1, 2. Virologist in the U.S. such as Ralph Baric @ University of N. Carolina - Chapel Hill who was working with Shi-Zhengli a virologist in Wuhan. Why would the US Deep State assist CCP in the development of the SARS-Cov-2? That is this the easiest question to answer. That made it possible to credibly blame the release of the virus on China and give the Deep State plausible deniability, and so far it has been successful. The only problem is that the virus was actually released from the lab by a Deep State asset working in the Wuhan lab.

Motive: This is the easiest, remove Donald Trump as President and prevent his re-election. The Deep State had done everything possible to accomplish this and failed (ie. Russia Gate, Impeachment, Slander, Spurious Investigations and planting false media narratives on the “Deep State” controlled media, ie. Twitter, Face Book & YouTube). When this failed, they decided to use the "Nuclear Option", a pandemic to crush the economy and institute a form of Marshall Law. This enabled them to crash the economy, manufacture votes and implement mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting, in key precincts in the country to give the election to Joe Biden (The Manchurian Candidate). And don't forget the infamous quote, "It's the economy , stupid!" If you are not convinced, ask yourself one question. Who benefited from the release, China or the U.S. “Deep State”? Who does the “Deep State” take their orders from? Is it the “Shadow Government”? WEF?

Opportunity: Shortly following the release from the Wuhan lab, several mysterious events occurred. Huang Yanling was "disappeared" in January 2020 and has not been heard from again. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese citizen working in the Wuhan lab, escapes from China with the help of Steve Bannon (a CIA asset?) and a wealthy Chinese businessman, Guo Wengui in mid January 2020, comes to the U.S. and defects? She then goes on a speaking tour at rallies for anti-CCP sympathizers and refers to the U.S. Intel agencies as "our" Intel agencies. BTW the video demonstrating this point has also been “disappeared” from YouTube. Were there CIA assets in the Wuhan Lab? Does anyone wonder if Steve Bannon was (and is) an asset for the US CIA? Is there anyone reading this who is not familiar with the history of the U.S. "Deep State" an their "dirty deeds"? Compared with their previous dirty deeds, this would be one of their lesser ones.

If you want some great reporting?

1. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/175

2. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02903-x





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There seems to be this wall that has been built between Evil and good. Evil is desperately trying to hide the truth, and the righteous are seeking to expose the truth. Instead of the evil players admitting their participation in the laboratory production of this virus, Covid, which would have created a much less deadly outcome, they doubled down halting the use of all repurposed drugs and pushed a disastrous EUA experimental “vaccine” for nefarious reasons. With this interview I think there is probable cause to assemble a grand jury, which would result in indictments, hopefully with the next administration. J.Goodrich

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One does so wish...

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are we part of the 33%?

The Milgram experiment clearly showed that people would act against their own judgment and harm another person to extreme lengths simply because they were told to do so. It was associated with the CIA’s top-secret MKULTRA project, which engaged in mind control experiments, human torture and other medical studies. Yet, even during the Milgram experiment, 33% of the people got up and walked out, refusing to violate their ethics.

I wonder how many members of congress are part of the 33%?

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Same ratio in the Asch conformity experiments. A consistent 60% conform. We are definitely the under 40% here.

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More are likely in the 67%.

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That many are ethical. Wow.

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No, That many are unethical!

I have a former pilot friend that believes there are no Chemtrails because pilots would be harming their own families!

When I was a kid, John Gilbert Graham blew up an airliner to collect his own mother's life insurance.

The Black Widow drowned her own son for his

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Great question Shelley!!

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Coming clean; the first rat off the ship. But how many CCP biolabs are spread across the country like the one accidentally discovered in California? And what's in them?

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Its not just your Country (USA) 53rd Chapter, it is just as bad, just as critical here in Australia, indeed THE WORLD OVER. I have tried to suggest to Dr Malone (and many others) that (my opinion again) THE WORLD NEEDS TO UNITE as one force. A large degree of the horror we have all gone through in these last three years IS BECAUSE the enemy had PLANNED and UNITED GLOBALLY in advance against We The People GLOBALLY.

I hate stating this, but it is regrettably my opinion, that it is unlikely any one nation will survive on its own.

The literal survival of the world as we knew it depends (there goes my opinion again) on at least USA, Britain and Australia UNITING. I do have a plan of sorts, but being an ordinary Aussie Bloke from thousands of miles away "downunder" its hard to get "ears".

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Les, I know you Aussies had a rough go during the vax scam as did your NZ neighbors, with governmental excesses being the chief culprit and the loss of freedom being the primary casualty, the needless and wasteful loss of vaccinated lives notwithstanding.

I’ve been following the Brits lately on GB News, and our soul brother Nigel Farage in particular, so I agree that we have similar issues with a common enemy. But different circumstances. The Tories have a hard time collectively tying their shoes. Here, the Republican Party establishment had a hard time with Ronald Reagan and are having a harder time with Donald Trump. I have no sense of the dynamic in Australia, merely a vague understanding that the leadership of your country left a lot to be desired while covid was about. And, correct me if I’m wrong, your Second Amendment is non-existent. Point being, how can we talk about international unification with such internal discord and foundational differences in each country? In the UK, Labor is poised to have a resounding victory after 13 years of Tory mismanagement. Here, we can’t even count votes accurately or distinguish between the real and fake. I’m sure you can list shortcomings and failures downunder. We need to first get our own houses in order.

My view is that a spiritual revival is a prerequisite to a political revival. Yet it’s not theocratic, rather personal and individual. Our Constitution does not mention God, but replete throughout the document are Judeo-Christian principles, chief among them being both a distrust of and limitation on the federal government. Our problem is that we have allowed those principles over time to be compromised, diluted, even changed due to gimmicks of language. But we still operate under the auspices of a timeless document that forces on the left would eviscerate as being “old and outdated, the legacy of patriarchal hegemony, fraught with racist underpinnings, etc.” We have no mandate for change because as a country and a society we are lost. Polls show Joe Biden being competitive, for crying out loud. Decades of leftist indoctrination in public education at all levels, societal decay, cultural rot, the absolute corruption of mass media, electronic brainwashing of youth, the list goes on. And even given these detriments, I would argue that, given the foundational document of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, we are in a better position to fight this monster than you folks downunder or the Brits. But we have a lot of work to do because we have squandered our birthright of freedom, rightly defined (as opposed to licentiousness) and desperately need to begin to regain an understanding and appreciation of it. Our spiritual heritage is worthy of rediscovery and embrace.

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A very well thought out and comprehensive set of thoughts 53rd Chapter. So much so, that I intend to push aside "other work" asap and ponder your thoughts as they deserve. One single point if I may. I do not see this initiative as either of spiritual OR political, therein (my opinion again) lies the potential success of "The Plan". It is in simple terms, normal good hearted people who realise that unless WE defend ourselves from these !@#$%^& the world as we knew it, BUILT it is lost for all time.

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deletedNov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023
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You sound like you might be an Aussie Rose. I believe current leaders are some of the biggest if not THE biggest challenge we all face. It is only the overwhelming UNITING of The People that can ever overcome it in my opinion.

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I have to confess Rose, I am completely OUT of respect for politicians. I respect the fact that there most assuedly are some good ones (I am sure we would agree on who they are specifically), but I regret to advise, it is my firm belief after devoting VERY FULL TIME to this whole matter for over five years now, As President Ronald Reagan stated, "politicians will NOT solve our problems, politicians ARE our problems. Not sure about Jacinta as PM, but a heck of a "Bloody Fairdinjum Australian". I got a lovely letter of thanks from he re Referendum assistance. https://www.thewillofaustralians.com.au

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This guy is guilty of so much……..

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These guys ?

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Agree 1000% the bad Doc should be prosecuted. However the vid will be labeled as "not enough evidence" and nothing will happen... :-(

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Any lingering doubts I might've had regarding the malign goals and intentions of the WEF/UN/WHO have long since been dispelled. But even with all the revelations of excess mortality, disability, DNA plasmid contamination, etc. they still roll forward as a juggernaut. Stories like this are of extraordinary significance, not because the story itself will stop the juggernaut, but because hopefully more of the world population will turn to the WHO and ask, "You screwed this up spectacularly and fraudulently, and now you want to rule my health decisions? NO!"

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Stories like this are of no consequence to them. I’m reminded of Rosa Koire (wrote The Green Mask) who tells of a Delphi Meeting technique used by UN/ Agenda 21. At the community level, they hold meetings with the public to gain feedback, but the outcome is already orchestrated. It seems just like the WHO’s pandemic treaty, where countries have a short period of time to give feedback, reject it. Maybe they don’t bother, not because they’re OK with it, but because they know the outcome is already in the bag.

I hope there’s some way to stop it. I hope I’ll have the fortitude to hold fast and never comply. Feels like time is running very short. I’m getting visions of a new form of money, which is a carbon credit. The more money you have now, the more gets transformed into carbon credits, which of course you won’t want. And which can be altered via a credit score. But they’ll get public, orchestrated feedback and move ahead regardless. What a farce.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Like you, I've read the late Rosa Koire's book "Behind the Green Mask," and have mentioned it in posts over the last few years where I thought it was relevant. And you're right, the "Delphi Technique" sounds older and more familiar than my discovery of it in the book. I share pretty much every sentiment you describe here, and my thoughts draw me on a daily basis into the gravest anticipations of what may come. I have to reel myself back in, and focus on the next step right in front of me.

I believe the people pushing this tyranny include (but are not limited to) very smart, very well-funded planners at the top. And we're waking up to the realization that they've been at this for a very long time. I wonder if chaos and complexity of a kind different from that which they've been planning might be necessary to break their grip. To me rays of hope are that their plans are to be effected on a global scale, and so have many, many moving parts; that it becomes more difficult to move against a mobilized and growing population of dissenters; that what they are doing is evil and it's becoming plainer to see.

I'm a big fan of Tucker Carlson, though I realize not everyone shares these sentiments. I'm on Gettr, not Twitter, but The Gateway Pundit posted a story from Twitter a week ago (11-21-23) titled "MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson Brings the House Down in Las Vegas, Warns, 'The Next Year is Going to be Like… Nothing We’ve Ever Seen.'" I found it hopeful and inspiring; you can find it on TGWP or use the link here:


There will be millions like you. Good luck!

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I find Tucker Carlson gives me hope. And I’m very poor at “reeling myself in”, although I recognize the need. But I find it frustrating that so many seem to think if we just stop mask mandates, or just stop a vaccine mandate, we’re home free. We need to see the end game and somehow keep it from happening.

Good luck to you as well.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He will be protected.

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Good chance, he will be in the next administration...

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He will go free as soon as many in the anonymity, by the way is Fauci, Birx, Collins not already part of some “distant”history? Human memory....we’re not elephants.

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They know they can get away with it all...so they do. Calls for a revolt.

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Actually, I don't think our politicians are as oblivious as they seem to be. The News Media departments are possibly just waiting for the "right timing" for release of this kind of information. The right season is needed to allow a seed to germinate and similarly the right climate is needed for recognition of the truth of these matters to take hold. I think the majority of the U.S. public now suspects the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It won't be too difficult to persuade them to also believe the truth about the deliberate suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Words: "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about"

Facts: "Senator Paul, you caught me red-handed."

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Down play the rhetoric” = spy talk for “lying”

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"could not download video" part two. the first one works. Somehow you will be accused of something about this news. After looking into a few people (Paul A, Mathew, etc.) and reading the constant vitriol, I had to stop, I was getting sick to my stomach. You have a way to handle this, I am sure, but my tolerance for this raving insanity is limited. I had no idea of the scope of this jealousy and lies. I am so damn sorry for the behavior of these sad, sick people.

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I get sick to my stomach too- I try not to read it. And it is raving insanity. Thank you for defending me - it actually means a lot.

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Thanks for letting me know how you feel too.

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While The Swamp (Administrative State, those who actually run the government) is still as strong as it is, there will unlikely be any legitimate punishment that could even hint at preventing others from repeating these actions.

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Nat'l Security covers every misdeed and then some.

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This MFer belongs behind bars.

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Trials that people such as he should have, should never be held in places without the death penalty.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Investor sues Emergent BioSolutions for alleged fraud, seeks class action

Emergent BioSolutions Inc.’s ruination of 15 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine at its Baltimore plant was not as unexpected as the Gaithersburg-based company would have the public believe, an investor has alleged in a potential class-action lawsuit accusing the business of having committed securities fraud.



Alan I. Roth claims Emergent knew the federal government was concerned with the company’s Baltimore drug manufacturing facility as early as April 2020 yet Emergent executives publicly and unreservedly touted for a full year the $135 million deal it had signed with Johnson & Johnson that month to make its vaccine candidate.

Those “materially false and misleading statements” drew investors and drove up the stock price until March 31, 2021, when The New York Times reported on the accidental contamination of up to 15 million doses, stated Roth’s complaint in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt. Operations at the facility were suspended, resulting in the halting of another 24 million doses, the complaint added.

The lawsuit is docketed at the U.S. District Court as Alan I. Roth v. Emergent BioSolutions Inc. et al., No. 8:21-cv-01189-PX.



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