Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

At 4:50, Desmet says, "Truth speech is a kind of resonating speech." I find that to be absolutely true. When I listen to Bret Weinstein or Heather Heying or Robert Malone or Peter McCullough or Pierre Kory or RFK Jr., the authenticity and sincerity shine through. In contrast, when I listen to somebody like Joe Biden or Jen Psaki or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Anderson Cooper, what I hear sounds scripted and shallow.

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Agreed, BUT, one must be a little careful because, as an example, in the case of RFK Jr, I find I agree with him on the covid vax (and vaxxes in general) problem and I found his book on the subject very enlightening. That said; I later listened to his remarks in another interview on climate change which in my mind is another product of the globalists and was absolutely appalled to find he was pretty much all in on the green new deal. A program that in my mind would be a complete disaster for every advanced economy on the planet.

People can come off as sincere even when something they believe whole heartedly is completely wrong.

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Sincerity is not about being right or wrong. It is about being honest. If you have problems with someone's sincere perceptions of a situation, you are of course free to say so. But it doesn't mean that person was being insincere.

Of course,, when you are in the limelight all the time and expected to have an opinion on everything, even if you have not studied it carefully, then you are more likely to come up with some glib answers rather than being more sincere and saying, "I don't know very much about that."

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I perhaps could have worded my statement more effectively.

Of course one might honestly believe in something totally foolish and sincerely speak about it. When it comes to the climate and the green new deal I believe RFK Jr. is a fool and I speak with great sincerity when I say so.

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That's fine. I am not so convinced of this.

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Got it and agreed with your first statement a few up. I believe too, unfortunately, that RFKjr is sincere about his views on so called 'climate change'.

I don't think the man a fool, to the contrary. But I do believe he is/has been misguided on the climate hysteria. Or, less likely I think, he's pandering to the left/dem/libs on this particular issue for their vote.

I've subscribed to his Substack and other communication avenues, just to get a clearer picture of his views.

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I fully believe that RFK, Jr. is a fool to believe in climate change. He is not a compete fool, however, since he saw through the lies of the vaccine pushers & Big Pharma / government collusion. But apparently his wisdom is limited and restricted to those areas he has truly and deeply researched by exploring evidence far beyond the assertions of others. He apparently has not truly researched in depth the actual science behind the earth's climates and its historical shifting over the eons. He is thus a fool for parroting the falsehoods of others. He is also a fool for believing that "reparations" will provide a net benefit for blacks, much less anyone, yet he fully believes it. He's smart about vaccines and Big Pharma, and that the Democrat Party has descended into madness, but that's where his wisdom seems to end.

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Absolutely. The people I know who were all in on the Covid shots and masks very sincerely believed it would save their lives. They were wrong and they are the people who keep getting sick and testing positive for Covid or are already dead. The Carter's were very sincere people, but completely disastrous for the average Americans well being. Many of the "environmental fanatics" are very sincere and too stupid or indoctrinated to recognize that what they are pushing for would be an absolute environmental catastrophe that would kill off enormous numbers of people and bring about a dark age of misery and destruction. Sincerity without intellect, core biblical values, and common sense is very harmful and makes for a bunch of useful idiots who will do anything the power brokers push them to do.

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Hillside Farmer!!!

FYI, Joe Biden, Jen Psaki and Debbie Wasserman are all members of a "NGO" - the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" (a) so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" of some 5000 "members" ( in this nation of some 330 MILLION people); who CONTROL and DOMINATE US Foreign AND Domestic policy for over a half century.

The "CFR" is a GENERATIONAL entity whose members have literally INFESTED EVERY agency, bureau and department in and of the US federal government since its inception in 1921!

While claiming to be a non-partisan "think tank" - dedicated to the "end of war"; and "world peace and prosperity", the "CFR" (whose members include BOTH so-called "Democratic" and "Republican" members, including: Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton; and along with Joe Biden, "CFR" members include: Anthony Blinken, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen ( & Jerome Powell), George Soros, Larry Fink, Michael Bloomberg, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton and many of the FAKE NEWS media TV & Print, including Thomas Friedman, Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Brian Williams, Erin Burnett, Jake Tapper, Fareed Zakaria, Tom Brokaw, Paula A. Zahn, Judy Woodruff, Katie Couric, David Gergen, Charles M. Lane, Andrea Mitchell, Deborah Norville, Douglas E. Schoen, Leslie R. Stahl, Richard Stenger and George Stephanopoulos - just for openers - are ALL hell bent on

BETRAYING the national and INDIVIDUAL sovereignty of the USA and its citizens - and instituting the radical "Collective Left's" LONG time wet-dream of "One-World-Transnational" government - administered by the so-called "United Nations" UN-ELECTED parasites - in the name of "the common good", "fairness", DEI and ESG - FOREVER MORE!

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We can thank POTUS Wilson. The CFR is an outgrowth of the pool of academics he enlisted to come up with his 14 Points which was enacted by the allies after WWI. It carved up a large portion of the global map, rearranging borders and inventing new countries.

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Right you are, Shelly. Woodrow Wilson did (major) damage to the Constitution in 1913 with his so-called "Federal Reserve" Act - which granted a MONOPOLY to print fiat paper money to group of PRIVATE bankers; created the IRS; and the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which began the "direct" election of US Senators - which stripped the rights of state Legislator's to not only send, but RECALL their (2) US Senators - at will - should they become rogue.

But the man BEHIND all of Wilson's treachery was self-styled "Colonel" Mandel House - Wilsons "handler" and confidante.

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Indeed, House and Wilson's confidants from Johns Hopkins University.

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Indeed! What with (many) generations of totally brainwashed "American" school children - made even (more) intellectually crippled via the "American" academia of so-called "higher learning" - the usual suspects: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Stanford - just to name a few, intensify the complete 'transformation' of the 'American" Education System into a never ending assembly line of mindless Marxist morons who, upon graduation, matriculate DIRECTLY into all of the federal agencies, bureaus and departments - particularly too the state department.

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A gloomy darker days ahead refrain is not acceptable. These are your New Frontier scripts.

This is not our Scripture....Oh No....only theirs alone. They've been recruited by a Dark Side.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

H-F / Even some people who present a good "resonation" can be suspect. Dr. McCullough has another side to him that isn't so clean. I know you will ask , 'what and where', as you should if you haven't been paying attention to The Health and Wellness Company. (Correction, The Wellness Company)

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“The Wellness Company”

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Well, what you say about Peter McCullough piques my curiosity. I have been paying some attention to TWC, actually, but maybe not enough. Can you give me a hint about what you're referring to?

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There is some unsettling history with Dr. Malone that he has referred to. Some may be found in comments on X or other comments in past SS. The money aspect of this business puts his allegiance at question, as well as some smearing done to Malone, with others he is associated with at his behest. And I don't want to be in the same boat as others creating doubt about someone with no accurate backup... this is tricky business.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about some friction between Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone.

I'm not sure what you mean about the money aspect of McCullough's business. It has occurred to me some of the things he's selling do seem overpriced.

Not sure what to believe, really.

And as you say, this is tricky business.

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This type of sorting is in degrees, the early McCullough persona is different from now. Now his every move is associated with promoting his business. But more than that, it is his envy showing and huge ego on top of it all. He is knowledgeable in his field for sure.

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I get the ego aspect, agree, and actually noticed it very early on. I’m not clear on the envy thing. Would you explain your take on that (if you’re comfortable doing so)?

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I don't have a problem with capitalism and anyone gaining confidence, changing their life approach, leadership, etc. Can any doubters on this thread fill those shoes?

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This sounds like Third Party to me. I know how prone many of us are to this. We are not here to guess about the intentions of others. Their true intentions should be reflected in their actions.

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Seems that Donald Trump fits the bill for a truthful politician. Many also shun him and claim he lies much but never seem to give any examples. Yet they support Biden, who seems to only put out lies and propaganda.

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Robert, Truthful is not the word I would use to describe Trump. Read the reports of the people who have done business with him. The golf course debacle in Scotland is a start. This doesn't mean that I support Biden in any way!

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Truthfulness is relative. I would challenge anyone to name a politician who has followed up and delivered on more of his campaign promises then PDJT. Also, how many things he promised were thwarted or seriously delayed by the opposition? For example, the border wall. Common sense would tell us that a border wall would absolutely deter illegal border crossings. The leftys fought this tooth and nail for, I guess, three years before PDJT could figure a way to get this paid for that the leftys couldn't throw a monkey wrench into.

One has to consider the roadblocks the opposition sets in place to any action a person may attempt. Campaign promises don't always go unfulfilled for lack of trying.

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52, I'm referring to personal integrity. Donald is a wounded personality from childhood, and that will always influence his decisions. There are too many quirks to list. That doesn't take away from what he could accomplish.

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At times, certainly his own worst enemy. But - for proposing term limits and no lobbying allowed for 5 years after 'public service' during his 'speeches' prior to 's-election' as 45 - that's a good idea 💡

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“Donald is a wounded personality from childhood” you state? Psychobabble another person like Trump is a perfect example of not speaking truth as Dr Desmet describes; it’s called “propaganda.”

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That wasn't "psychobabble" that was being kind. You ought to know with your background.

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So Donald is a wounded personality. I see so much psychological evaluation of Trump but nobody else. My own evaluation says Trump is a real person and wants to fix the mess the country is in and heading towards, caused by the majority of politicians in office that are corrupt, liars, compromised, sold out, incompetent, selfish, cheaters, almost sociopathic. On both sides. Trump has trivial issues compared to them, IMO. We need someone to upset the apple cart, get the tanker moving in another direction, weed out the rot. But they are all in on it, the media, the brainwashed socialists etc. We are pretty far gone. I am an engineer, problem solver. Trump is a problem solver too. Not many out there- mostly problem makers.

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Robert, "But nobody else" isn't accurate at all. The memes and articles abound with all the incidence of corruption of the current administration. As with most politicians, Trump is no different, only without a history of actually being in the ring. His history is just as questionable as any from the last number of administrations. Trump spends a lot of time problem solving how to get out of the current lawsuits he's in, not including any to do with the dems. Both parties are blinded as far as I can see. (ha ha). His business interactions are a perfect example of current mafia at its best. So is Biden and his administration with Obama at the helm...

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Oh, I just had to comment on "Trump is a real person" did you see the spread in Vanity Fair Mag. that showcased his gold themed living quarters with Melania. Only Liberace topped him. Give me a break. Clinton had Monica, Kennedy had Marilyn, and back and back we go. Jimmy Carter might be the only current pres. with no adultery. Crooked is crooked, no matter what.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023


DJT is his own worst enemy.

He had the adoration of hundreds of millions, covid is introduced, and he does everything humanly possible to alientate those of us who stood behind, voted for, and had complete trust in him, by his contniued rants, during his rallies, and interviews, how great the warped speed injection of pain and death was for mankind.

Before covid, I would have jumped in front of an armed (knife, gun, bazooka) assassin, in order to preserve the life of the (in my mind) greatest President in US history.

I do not feel the same today, and this is not by my own doing, nor has some loon lefty talked me out of how I feel. This resulted from the blatant, obstinate denial that this jab is harming millions who subjected themselves to it, or any knowledge of any such significant occurances, worldwide.

So, one of the smartest human beings alive doesnt know what is happening? When his own son JR was talking about it ? Is this another man who doesn't discuss anything with his son?

The last interview I actually watched with DJT was with Bret Bair of Faux News, where he stated he couldn't talk about the vaccine anymore, because it bothered, offended, or maddened people (exact words, I do not remember). was so maddened by what I heard him say, I switched off the TV.

I still read his statements almost daily, but I have significant doubts in the man, his intent, his truth telling, his integrity, sad but true. With that being said, I would still vote for him, as I know he is the only person alive, right now, who could galvanize enough people to "possibly" overcome the inherent voter fraud process that governs our elections.

When anyone sends out a simple statement "The worlds greatest vaccine salesman", unfortunately, in my mind, only one image comes forward. Again, sadly enough.

I trusted DJT with all my being at year 3 of his presidency. I cannot say the same today, and I haven't changed who I am, or how I perceive right from wrong.

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Just to set the record straight, in my mind anyway, George Washington was our greatest president. I also believe Calvin Coolidge the second best based on his rigid adherence to our Constitution, something none of the others have managed to accomplish.

P.s. agree with everything you said about Trump but he may well be all we will have offered for our vote

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023


I do not know enough about GW, or CC to say anything more that what I already have. I do not, nor did I study history, to my own detriment.

I can say, however, that "during my lifetime", he was the greatest President I was aware of.

I will vote for him again. At this point, if he came out and spoke the truth about the vaccine, it's injuries, and what's going on with it, then maybe he would attain more admiration, followers, truth seekers in his corner, vs the skeptics who exist today. I don't see him coming clean about this issue, but then again, I have been surprised by him in the past.

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I learned a little bit about Coolidge and how the international financiers worked behind his back and stabbed him in the back and brought on a Depression. I worked in science and knew little about our presidents in the first half of the 20th century. I realize in my old age how complicated history can be.

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Very complicated Dennis. Coolidge was a federalist in his actions as President. The States were to hold all the powers not vested in the USG. He was a thoughtful, caring, religious man who lost a young son while Pres. I have always referred to the international financiers as the financial founding families, the same ones that start all the wars, instituted the U.N. and run the world today, hidden behind the scenes. Probably just a coincidence they are all Jewish.

“Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberality, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government in our world. One rests on righteousness and the other on force. One appeals to reason, and the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in the republic, the other is represented by despotism.

The government of a country never gets ahead of the religion of a country. There is no way by which we can substitute the authority of law for the virtue of man. Of course we endeavor to restrain the vicious, and furnish a fair degree of security and protection by legislation and police control, but the real reform which society in these days is seeking will come as a result of our religious convictions, or they will not come at all. Peace, justice, humanity, charity—these cannot be legislated into being. They are the result of divine grace.”

― Calvin Coolidge

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Amen Shelley as usual!!

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Shelley: I made a copy of the response you sent. I will go to a library and see if I can find a decent book about Coolidge. Like others I know almost nothing about him and the early presidents.

I reread Carr's book Pawns In The Game and Knuth's Empire In The City. I have a lot of books, articles on Freemasonry. It all started in the mid 60s with high school where we read None Dare Call It Treason. But what I like most of all is sites like this where I can get information from those who have followed this stuff and try to make sense out of all of it. I have had no one to educate me about this stuff.

As I get older I feel a loathing for those who used our men and women as pawns in wars such as I learned in USMC late 60s and later in the US Army (where I had a trade) but still worked with infantry, medics, arty, and engineers. I see why older people get sad when they remember the faces of people killed in their youth.

We have our own version of communists who like Lenin and others enjoy destroying.

Malone comes up with great topics.

From the beginning we knew the Ukraine war was fiendish.

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Ditto, ditto, ditto!

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Just curious Shelley, How did you file the "grab em by the pussy" comment and so many other crass remarks about men and women. Even the comments made about some military people were so repugnant to me. Someone who is so good at crass name calling and many dubious business dealings (and I know you know what they are) keeps me off his team. When he was a democrat, did you notice him then?

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In reading the scriptures it is clear that God can and has selected certain individuals for certain tasks. I am not saying the DJT is ordained, but regardless of the many offenses you find with him, it might just be his calling. He was not the wrecking ball many think he was. We all have worts, some just are not that easily discernable.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

DJT (in public) is an egotistical, self centered, pompous ass, and i attribute this to his upbringing, his exposure to wealth, and his numerous successes he's been graced enough to be part of, in his life. He projects to the world that he is a big, tough guy, and don't mess with him, or he'll kick your ass. The opposite is really true.

Just look at his hands, and you can tell this guy couldn't fight his way out of a ripped paper shopping bag. Look at his suits, which have padding in them to make him appear more muscular. He wouldn't know a 10 lb dumbell from Mitch Mconnell, but I digress


DJT is really a humble, caring, and quite a bit insecure with regards to how he feels about himself as a "manly man". This is why he uses this projection, and boasts about his accomplishments all the time. If he wasn't so insecure, he would never mention the things, he constantly does.

How many times can I hear about him getting all the ventilators? How he got the greatest vaccine ever out there? The greatest US economic recovery? Most beautiful wife and family, and so on.

People who are secure in how they feel about themselves, never talk about it, never mention their accomplishments, never brag about the things they got done, because those feats all speak for themselves. Humble, DJT is not in public, and most likely never will be.

Otoh, I know someone who was on his security detail as President, and said he was kind, considerate, generous, and extremely humble away from the cameras.

I also know someone DJT commissioned a project with, who said the same exact thing.

DJT in person, away from the spotlight, is not the same man you would think, based upon all these episodes where he acts like the misogynistic jackass, all men are capable of being. This is why I'm so conflicted with his ongoing push on the jab, as it violates the entire premise of all that I've heard from those who have had personal interactions with him.

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I had no idea who he was until he ran for pres in 2015. Never lived on the east coast or watched TV.

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DD, How do you know DJT was ever really a democrat? Yes, he may have been registered as a democrat back in the days of JFK/Humphrey styled democrats, but those guys are pretty much extinct these days. It would seem to me that to do business in NYC one would be at a huge disadvantage if the people you were trying to do business with knew you weren't a democrat. I would posit that he just allowed people to think he was a democrat. Cancelation for democrats is not a new thing. It's just a lot less subtle now than it used to be.

Also, I learned, mostly the hard way, after 30 years in business, not to put too much stock in the rantings of sore losers.

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Why does it always seem to be a personal decision between the lesser of two evils?

Anyone else grab this notion of "Is this the best we get to pick from" as repeating and repeating after JFK/MLK/RFK demise?

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Agreed on the covid issue. It looked to me like he bought the 95% effectiveness lie that Fauci and company were spreading at the beginning of the plandemic. Truth be known I wanted to believe it too, but my gut kept telling me to stand back, something isn't right here. I did and I'm glad of it.

That being said, did Trump really believe it, OR was his motive to let the leftys have enough rope to hang themselves. Unfortunately, in my mind, this vax was far too damaging to far too many people to let it run so the truly awful results could be used politically later. So yeah, I'm not too proud of Trump in this case.

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For strong personal reasons I have been a severe critic of folks who claim ability to repair damaged minds, particularly psychiatrists. That Dr. Desmit is a psychologist I found encouraging and having read his take on several issues have to say he is a rare gem indeed. Can only hope his message here gets the attention it deserves from those who can make good use of it.

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Do you think that damaged minds are simply not repairable? Do you think that the concept of a "damaged mind" is fictional? Do you see the mind as part of the body, or a separate entity?

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Larry, re-read his comment, his actual words. He was talking about claims that others make, not the existences of damaged minds.

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Yes. And I want to know more about what he thinks about this subject. I don't trust psychiatrists to "repair damaged minds," either. But that does not mean that minds cannot be damaged and repaired. Does Dr. Nash agree?

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Are there damaged minds…..obviously. Can they be repaired….some, maybe even all, at least to some degree. The question remains how and by whom. I have always said neuroses are mental scar tissue. We all have some and by and large they are harmless. But subject folks to deep therapy, try and “cure” those neuroses and the likelihood is of doing more harm than good. Few minds can survive a deep dive into the psyche and that is why some psychiatrists are nuttier than fruitcakes.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert for sharing Dr. Mattias Desmet's concepts regarding the importance of speaking truth to the best of our ability and the appreciation of the ethical nature at the core of our being. I would be interested if Dr. Desmet could share his views with regard to the importance of honesty and truth with regard to money and its use in society.

I like the perspective offered by Ludwig von Mises on this topic:

It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of rights.

From p. 30:

Understanding Money Mechanics


Is it possible to make use of fiat currency and still "speak" truth?

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Just read a press release this morning that 10 Philanthropic organisations(led by George Soros Open Society Foundations) have teamed up with the Biden Administration and provided $200 Million in seed money to create a new “initiative” to ensure that “Artificial Intelligence advances the public interest by protecting democracy, defending elections and censoring disinformation”.

I can just hear it now: “You can all rest easy folks. Our super powerful AI election analysis algorithms have just confirmed that this election was free and fair and that the winner was indeed....(fill in the blank). All other claims are corrupt disinformation as confirmed by the unprecedented power and scope of our artificial intelligence analysis capabilities”

And on and on. Sure am glad our globalist overlords are on it. I was starting to toss and turn at night.

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Biden has already tasked his agencies with oversight of AI and its developments. I would provide the link but my other PC has it and it is on its way to a PC expert.

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I cannot find your exact quote on the Open Society website. It says things like: "These efforts include defending free and fair elections while combating disinformation and the undermining of public trust." Yes these people want to censor, but I have never seen them use that word.

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So, this article was not quoted properly. The Left refuses to use the word "censor" to describe what they want to do, but will only accuse their political opponents of "banning books" and so forth.

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I read his substack on Sunday afternoon. His thought train is far above most mortal men.

But it is important to know that such a finer intelligence persists to explore and define the COV19.

Reading it a second time can highlight things I missed. And honestly at a snails pace I remain.

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I think it not so difficult to realize the rearrangements via a Social Life Extinction turning into a Digital only Social Life, it's already taken a monster hold. Failure to comply within this New Frontier framework will disconnect humanity from sustainment/thriving/surviving. Some machine will be the taskmaster-ish overlord. There will be no human connections permitted. Is that the Ai coming?

The WEF slogan "Own nothing and be happy" is already in play globally. A Scary thought as it is.

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deletedDec 11, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023
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See you in church...

I'll be in the back row but asking with calmed folded hands for Devine intervention. No predictions on results. Just immense preferences about what I have my entire life been taught as leadership. We are 3rd world class. Even our greatest prestige empire of education is just a classic dysfunction of crack smoke and mirrors

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I put a post on Dr.Desmet sub stack on Saturday, and got two responses. This was my post. I was born in 1965 and not until about 4 or so years ago I took my first amendments freedom of speech for granted. Being the last son of a WW2 vet that was shot in the back you would think I would have been more aware than most of how ultimately important the freedom of speech is. Most Americans don’t realize the importance of speech and the threat our country is under. A quote from Harry Truman, “once a government is committed to the principles of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens, and creates a country where everyone lives in fear”. I honestly don’t think violence is necessary to fix this. But for a government official to break his or her oath to uphold our constitution, arrests, prosecutions, and jail times will be the only deterrent for these totalitarians that stand before us. Two people responded to me, one told me isn’t jailing someone violence. After a few back and fourths I asked a simple question should there be no justice he gave up on me. The other said America violently took this land from the Indians. Of coarse every land in the world was at one time conquered. All of Europe was one time Rome. He wouldn’t respond to me what conquered land he occupied. I would not be surprised if he lived on land that America liberated. Hard to watch the sacrifice of our soldiers for so many people that are ungrateful.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

The leftys that respond this way (jailing is violence) seem to have no problem at all jailing conservatives who don't agree with them. I guess it's different when they do it. After all they are on a much higher moral plain than we are..... Just ask them, they'll tell you. /sarc

To be honest, there doesn't appear to be any way to stop the left from projecting what they are actually doing onto their opposition short of inflicting some kind of real physical pain. They appear so willfully ignorant that any amount of reasonable argument just runs off their backs like water off a duck.

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The first person who wanted me to say putting a person in jail is violent was dumbfounded when I said jailing a person for political speech or thought is violence but putting a murderer in jail is justice. He then said this isn’t going to work you can’t depend on other people for justice. I then asked a simple question “then should there be no justice?” and he abruptly said I didn’t say that. I said I know I just asked you a simple question. That was the end of the conversation.

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Do you remember, before the internet, that people thought stupidity was the lack of access to information? Yeah, it wasn't that.

A meme I once saw.

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Oops, no edit function.

Higher moral *plain* than we are.

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Dots at right of the post open edit

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I don’t know why Dr. Nash I no longer get email notifications on likes and replies on Dr. Malones sub stack only. This is the only place I can edit. Tried settings but everything seems to be on

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Wish I could help but the computer age and I are not friends. I have had the very same thing happen and do not know why or how it fixed itself but was never anything I did. Hang in there and maybe…

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Thanks, I hit the wrong set of dots the first time.

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You get the impression sometimes that gratitude requires a heap of effort…at least for some.

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Here’s my sincere thought for the day: it’s sad to see the squabbling among the covid truth community. Lots of accusations of controlled opposition makes me believe there IS some kind of divide and conquer influence going on. But I don’t know who is doing what for whom. To those who are sincere, I suggest a little forbearance instead of demands for purity. Relationships require understanding that no one gets it right all the time, and if Desmet is correct, it’s more important to connect with other fallible humans than it is to construct any other sort of solution.

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Yes, truth speech is not the same as Truth. Truth is something that can be studied and debated. Truth speech is sincere expression and should be honored as such. It is not done to convince anyone; it is done only to connect with someone. We should not confuse the two! The Truth is subject to propaganda, perception and all manner of distortions. Truth-speech is simply an attempt to be sincere.

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What good is all the sincerity in the world if what you say is not true?

August 27, 2015 - George Burns — ‘Sincerity - if you can fake that, you've got it made.’

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If it is true for you, then you are being sincere. We are talking about interpersonal relations, not politics or law or even science or technology. If people don't feel safe to say what they really believe, then the basic "glue" of human relations breaks down.

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NO! This is not true. I don't care how sincerely you say it.

If one doesn't feel safe stating one's opinion then perhaps one should grow a pair.

Again.... What good is all the sincerity in the world if what you say is not true? There is no your truth or my truth. There is only THE truth.

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OK. So I know for a fact that people on this planet reincarnate when they die. For me that is totally true, and I am totally sincere about that. Do you think this is true? If not, does that make it untrue?

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I guess we'll never know, will we.

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Always remember….there is more of us than them. Stand up , speak up .

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Thank you Dr. Malone for the essay

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Yes, not only that, RFK, Jr. continues to reject exiting the WHO until he first tries "negotiating with the WHO from the inside." There is no time for that. I cannot vote for him.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Indeed! The U.S. needs to renounce the U.N., evict them from our building and stop paying our membership dues. Let them go find a home and leech support from one of their tin pot dictator members. They've got plenty to choose from. They've bitten the hand that feeds them long enough.

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And next would be getting out of NATO. The USSR failed 30 years ago.

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I can vote for him. I think the WHO and the UN need to be cleaned up. If you don't think that's possible, fine. But the planet is confronted with many problems that require cooperation between nations. Someone has to take responsibility for accomplishing that.

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Please... Let us all know which country or countries have reduced their carbon footprint more than the U.S.A has. I'll wait.

As of the last COP meeting the US had reduced our carbon footprint by 23%. No other country even comes close if they've even reduced their carbon footprint at all. Most have increased their carbon output. Cooperation indeed.

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I don't care about "carbon footprints" personally. Do you? The COP is probably one of the WORST examples of international "cooperation."

But I hope they all will cooperate in refusing to test nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. And refusing to use them.

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Well, good luck with that!

Many people know how to make nukes now. I'm not sure how you are going to convince guys like little rocket man in NK or the Ayatollahs in Iran or the rest of that neighborhood that having nukes is not in their best interest. I am pretty sure though that the globalists aren't likely to improve that situation.

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From my point of view, there are a lot of things about this that most people don't understand. Of course the criminals of Earth will continue to be a problem.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Was there a link to the video of Dr Desmet’s speech included in the column? If so, I missed it and would appreciate it if someone could point it out to me. The prepared remarks were excellent!

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See the attached video at the top

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What is being missed here is that the issue traces to the basic human behavior which cannot be altered. The technocratic mind leans sociopathic which is how they eliminate from their thinking basic human values so they profit from stealing ideas from others to feed the vision of themselves as controlling their own destiny/wealth at the expense of others. Gates was never an inventor. He recognized good organizational ideas and copied them, then promoted them on a singular platform which others did not have. This was the IBM operating system that IBM did not recognize as having the value that Gates saw. Gates convinced IBM to sell the software to him in 1980. Corporations were already focusing on IBM computers. By copying VisiCalc and Lotus protocols, simple to do by writing these into the IBM operating system, Gates froze out these companies of the IBM-wide distribution network. He took their ideas and thrived while they failed.

The sociopathic mind is one-to-one with technology company success as this personality assumes that they can take whatever information makes them successful and mine it however they can get around legal restrictions. They assume your personal information 1st belongs to them if you are on their mining-system, and then they assume they can manipulate at will to keep it going which includes political elections and candidates. This is all about money and power to influence and to make money. It never stops unless enough average people modify their support away or enough people demand that they get paid for their personal information. If social media had to pay individuals for every instance in which their personal information was used, these companies would lose all profitability.

Gates met with Zuckerberg to advise him to do the same.

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Is it true speech that shines light into the darkness of totalitarianism or is it the sincere intent to find truth? Is it the words, or the energy behind those words? I believe the words themselves are dead and impotent without the passion that inspires them, and infuses them with power.

Is it true and sincere speech, or open-hearted and open-minded speech that is the destroyer of propaganda? I rather thank that there are all too many bloviating fools who have not thought through their ideas carefully, sincere as they may be. Words spoken with both passion and humility, with sincerity but not pride are far more powerful. Above all words spoken with love are the most toxic of all to evil. As MLK Jr. once said, regarding the propaganda of racism, "Hate can not drive out hate; it takes love to do that."

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Truth speech is not directly related to the problem of propaganda and other distortions of human perception that cloud the Truth.

Truth speech is about connecting to other people. It might be about politics, but it probably won't be. It is simply being honest and sincere rather that deceitful and "polite." Once people are connected, they can talk about political realities if they want to. Without that connection they will probably just take pot shots at each other.

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The problem is that many people consider themselves as honest and sincere even as they recite the propaganda that they have been brainwashed with. When you swallow something hook like and sinker you consider yourself a defender of the truth, even though you are spewing lies. The people who are lying can be affected by truthspeak. The people who believe THEY are truth speaking will only be inflamed by your ardor. Such has been my experience, anyway.

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My point about this is that "truth-speech" is not centered around political or legal facts of which most of us are only dimly aware. It is focused around personal facts. Practicing it results in improved communication (affinity) between the people who are doing it. You are not going to get truth-speech regarding lots of issues of politics or law. You are going to get propaganda, or academic research results or something like that. Though it is possible that a person can have very sincere feelings about a truth that is also reflected in academic research, his speech, if it is of this kind, would emphasize his personal confidence in the truth, and not the academic work.

Dr. Desmet is not trying here to solve the problem of what is closest to the Truth. He is only trying to solve the problem of how to get people to connect with each other and feel less isolated.

I know what you are talking about. From my point of view, a LOT of people have swallowed a LOT of propaganda "hook line and sinker." They DO get inflamed by my "ardor." But when I write comments on the internet, I am not trying to solve the problem of dissociation. I am only trying to get more people to look at things they don't normally look at or don't normally accept. Of course, I can always hope that what I say will also "resonate." But the problem of the dissociated individual is a very big problem. I know people who are suffering rather severely in this regard who do not respond well to simple sincerity. As Desmet says, this is a psychological problem. Some people are more deeply stuck in delusion than others.

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Thank you for sharing this and providing your insights! While I have been an ongoing skeptic from the outset, it has been extremely helpful to acquire the broader perspective. It is also quite helpful to learn of more effective ways to respond personally and with others.

Today and Thursday am running off to get shots in my eyes. As soon as I can see effectively will be reading Dr D's speech. So may get back this evening.

Have a productive and satisfying day!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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We have to stop calling these sociopaths “elites”, they are merely sociopaths that have come into positions with decision making over our lives; Voted in by ignorant people, or placed via corrupt elections does not make them elite.

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Ineffectively informed voters. This is a huge issue. Even those who want to know what they are really voting for have an incredible challenge. Too many give up and go with the flow. With busy lives, making the effort doesn't seem worth it.

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I have posted the very same sentiment. “They” have despoiled a very good word. Along with “experts” I might add.

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