Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a serious concern about this business of MANDATING vaccination of children, much less infants. This kind of authority should only exist in a true national emergency and I doubt that rotavirus or any other of the host of injections MANDATED rise to that level of need. These authorizing agencies need to be bridled if not discarded entirely.

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Or pregnant women Michael Nash, Ph. D .

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agree. Thank you.

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To me the hooker here is that these irresponsible clowns are Promoting open borders sans adequate health measures, then disbursing the invaders indiscriminately across our nation. No doubt they would note there are increased risks, that vaccine control is needed should previously controlled diseases appear again. Their common strategy? Create a problem you will need to buy their solution to solve?

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Immigration control is preferable to my mind than subjecting all our future generations to the host of maladies these jabs will cause due to discombobulating their immunological development

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My idea of immigration control: do items 1) and 2) simultaneously. 1) Hermetically seal the southern border and other points of shady entry into the country, while 2) executing mass deportations to countries of origin.

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On reflection, an even better means of control is to eliminate the driving force behind this invasion, I.e., deincentivize. Strict enforcement of hiring including e-verify with prison sentences for offenders. No free education, free medical care, get SOTUS to revisit the 14th and stop the anchor baby business, that kind of control.

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Those things are absolutely necessary, but longer term, and "under discussion" forever. They will fall victim to endless haggling and backroom deals by our "representatives" in D.C., as they have for years. An analogy: as I type this, we have a gaping wound spurting blood. We need to stop the bleeding immediately, then after the patient is stabilized, we can discuss the best means of repairing the wound, and preventing another one.

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Agree. But barriers can be penetrated. Lack of incentive actually easier to maintain. It has become a mantra that “they do not listen” but just how many folks have been out there offering something to listen to? Well I get the feeling the worm has turned and “they” realize they had pretty well better start listening. Why I keep bugging them

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Come to the blue state east coast, and your grandkids will need a vaccine for the following being mandated into edicts:

Toe fungus

Blue or pink hair syndrome

Affinity for anything "purple"

Anger instantaneously upon hearing something other than the MSM would promote

Love of the numbers : 2,4,5, 7, 9, 11, and 13

Having a particular odor about you that smells like Ovis aries

Undeniable need to feel wanted, included, and better than anyone with varying opinions

Yeah, that's just a few that Governor Poodle-head Murphy has instituted here.

Michael Nash, Come on down ! You're the first contestant on "The place is wrong".

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

I find it frustrating that the government is quite willing, and seems to relish, violating the right of the individual over what medical treatments, experimentation or interventions they take…and yet, when someone is clearly insane and a danger to themselves and/or others, the state won’t do jack. Until they assault a police officer, then they go to jail; then hopefully, finally to get court ordered treatment. I guess there isn’t enough money in helping people get well.

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To the totalitarian, truth isn't an inherent attribute of facts, its something that is to be crafted by narratives regardless of facts.

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Discarded! The 1986 bill giving pharma massive protection must be repealed. There are way too many authoritarian managers trying to manage every aspect of our lives. Once we were free, but these mediocre authoritarians have invaded our country just like the broken southern border.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I can only imagine your frustration at such willful ignorance and hubris, knowing what you do and seeing what you see. It is interesting, therefore, to me that many many of us without your knowledge or insight came to the same conclusion early on. In my case, I live near an Amish community that has a very jaundiced eye for modern medicine and shuns all forms of vaccination. Is it just a lack of trust or is it something more? “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” Proverbs 9:11. This may be interpreted to mean that mankind, his reasoning, his tools, his technology may not be the wisest path to follow in all cases. And they prefer in cases not obvious (like broken bones or postpartum hemorrhage) to let nature heal as much as possible. None of their children receive any vaccines and despite playing in the barn with far more horse and cow dung than I could bear, they are the healthiest and most energetic children I know.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic breakdown, er, takedown, Dr Malone, thank you! Really wish you could get weekly airtime on the cable networks, but given that their biggest advertisers are the demons behind The Horror of the last few years, I suppose Substack will be your match-cage venue of choice.

Thank you for all you've done and continue to do!!!!

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"MedPage is a Pharmaceutical industry-funded marketing (synonym: Propaganda) operation posting as an objective source of medical truth."

Good to know. I will stay away from any junk science put out by MedPageToday.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn't it great to have these people "hoisted by their own petards". Offit is yet another one such as Jane Ruby being caught in webs of lies and more and more are falling each day as we work to win this battle. As Bret Weinstein said in his interview with Tucker.........the other side didn't realize that they were skimming off all the "brains" as they got rid of the alternate voices and now they are banding together to fight for humanity and they are formidable. Thanks for staying in the fight Dr. Malone.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How true! Just look at the unspeakable ineptitude from the Christmas whatever that was at the White House, to head of Homeland (In)Security / Mayorkis whose job it is to protect our borders from illegal invasion which he claims isn’t happening, to the woman man in charge of Health and Human Services that wants to explain to Rand Paul why irreversible gender reassignment surgery is a good thing, to a vice president who thinks that a sentence that begins and ends with the same subject is intelligent speech (the significance of the passage of time is significant because of the passage of time) instead the mumblings of an idiot. Please HUMILIATE them all into oblivion!!

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You nailed it BL👏👏👏👏🥂

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They know who is buttering their bread! End of story!

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve probably mentioned this a thousand times, I’ve called all of the connected house of reps leaders several times, I thought when the republicans won the house they would have put Fauci, Offit, Marks, etc. under oath and be questioned by an assembled panel of experts that deeply understand all of what I just read. I love MTG, I like Jim Jordan, but they are not knowledgeable enough to expose what I just read. Why is this so hard to understand. Can the house republicans be as stupid or as crooked as Dr. Offit? If they really wanted these clot shots off the market exposing these facts and these lying frauds is the only way to do it. This is why I’m so disgusted with the entire swamp both corrupt parties. Just dumb common sense; J.Goodrich

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At some point I heard the plan was to stick with the origins of Covid issue. The rumor was too many had accepted/were anticipating Pharma campaign contributions. MTG did try to break the ice and got some blow back for it. Maybe we could check, particularly now, to see whether candidates we are considering have accepted Pharma support?

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your probably right Jean, their all taking Big Pharma money, and honestly the American politicians are cheap ----‘s.

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is one who isn’t in pharma’s pocket: Robert F Kennedy. In fact he has a bulls eye painted on his back by Big P.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I keep saying the push has to come from the bottom.

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I have to think their all in on it equally, dems and republicans.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Throwing too large a net and catching some folks you probably should not. Chip Roy for one is doing what he can and has to depend on information from outside his wheelhouse. One place where we can perhaps make a difference. Same at state level where we can make an even bigger difference

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would love to see states jump in with Florida, honestly I don’t get what their waiting for? This post shows if you put a person like Dr. Malone against these head Snakes you could cut the head right off the snake. When I read this post it doesn’t seem complicated or confusing. A similar parallel is the states taking Trump off the ballet, why aren’t conservative states taking Biden off the ballet for bribery. I think these two examples show just how weak and feckless republicans are!! It also raises questions about states rights and their willingness to be bold or have the balls to do it.

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

2 wrongs do not make a right. If repubs toss don Joe off the ballot where does it stop? It needs to stop with Trump so hope that it does. Again, who is out there demanding answers from their state SGs (only 4 states have one) or equivalent. Am writing a post to my state rep and sen raising bloody hell about this whole shebang. My rep listens so maybe some good will come out of it. All we can do…so do it

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don’t know Dr. Nash I really want to be positive and keep fighting, and I will, but it’s getting harder, with zero help from republicans, to watch what isn’t happening.

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

James, Dr. Malone said he is an expert witness and can't reveal the contents yet. Gag order, it should come out soon.

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A witness for the government?

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None of the COVID "vaccines" block transmission, reduce severity or hospitalization or decreased death - they do just the opposite. The adverse effects alone (even if they were 100% effective) should have caused them to be removed from the market with in weeks of their use. Early studies promoting these were done with CDC's Kaiser Permeate - we know now that the system they used only coded patients as "unvaccinated" or "unknown" status and you could not override it to put in "vaccinated". That led to the pandemic of the unvaccinated claim. Other clinics/hospitals that did not use this system - put all patients down as unvaccinated if diagnosed with Covid (often with faulty swabs) prior to 2wks post 2nd injection. Humans are not freaking Guinea pigs which Big Pharma and the Global Cabal can use for their purposes. To the pharmaceutical companies and the medical industrial complex its the gift that keeps giving - scalable medicine at its best.. The whole thing was a massive fraud and everyone involved should be held responsible.

As for Rotovirus vaccines- 20-40 children in the US die a year from Rotovirus - (A sanitation-preventable disease that is easily treated). These vaccines are poisons and those giving them should be charged with child abuse or worse.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was following Medpage when the virus just arrived. One Dr in particular explained how the virus entered the cell and how zinc and Vit D blocked it. Zinc is an ionophore. When the clot shot came out and knowledge of ivermectin started coming out, they went silent. I knew something was up. Dodn't know who sponsored it.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would like to see Paul Offit have a twisted intestine causing a blockage. (Around his neck). I assume you are in contact with Dr. Ladapo and others who have the real knowledge to address this gobble-ti-gook. This kind of incomplete rhetoric is dangerous, but who can make a dent in this stand off.

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Maybe we can put him on a flight in a 737 Max 9, with a window seat.


You never know when a window can pop out while you're not wearing your seatbelt.

At minimum, he would have cold tootsies by the end of the trip.

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You go, GIRL !

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had to laugh, but it is sad that many will take Offit’s comments literally and trust his claim that everything is fine. I recall having a heated debate with a family member, me quoting what Malone was saying were going to be the side effects. Early days I recall. She was warning me to be careful what I recommended, as I had a fair amount of influence, given my position in the entire family. This family member sent me a video with Offit and Dr. Z, them saying that they had some hesitation, but with all the “peer reviewed studies of efficacy and safety” they carefully decided to get the shot. I tried to watch as they giggled about their own hesitancy and rambled on about doing their due diligence. Couple of SUPER SUPER SUPER NICE GUYS that were completely full of shit, is how they hit me. Good times those early days, me the conspiracy theorist.

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They better start building add-ons in hell

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can Offit be allowed to spew these lies about a life and death topic. Lord help us!

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Offit is undoubtedly being paid by pHarma to flap his piehole about subjects of which he knows little or nothing. But using big words and obscure references causes most of his audience to pay homage to his apparent knowledge and intellegence.

Misusing the gifts God has graciously given you, and applying them to nefarious and selfish purposes, is surely a shortcut to destruction.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great rundown, I sense a bit of "This Butt sucker peeves me immensely off", when it comes to Offit.

So without further ado we would all wish Paul a nice Jab retirement check, and tell Mr. Offit to get the Hell Offit! IMO Kapeesh!

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Thank-you for this response to Dr. Offit's remarks. You will no doubt find Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's rebuttal to Dr. Offit's remarks interesting.....https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/a-rebuttal-to-dr-offits-rebuttal

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the link

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sure are a lot of "rebuttals" going on here, which leads me back to my identifying Offit as a "him",

But I digress.

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Doc for exposing this lying fraud! Your voice and expertise are vital to understanding their lies and their fraud! God bless you and Jill!

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Jan 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for bringing us up to date on our USG/HHS strategies to fend off threats to their revenue strategy and credibilty.

HHS Reform 1 - get someone in place who is actually able to effectively select credentialed and competent experts to act as advisors and as spokespersons on behalf of the CDC.

HHS Reform 2 - Put someone in charge of assigning CDC spokespersons whose credentials and experience are commensurate with topics being addressed.

In the meantime - the issues at hand are crystal clear and effectively documented. Not unlike the issues existing with the Depts of Energy, Interior, EPA, Justice, FBI et al. What can we do next to knock holes in their walls of incompetence, upper tier attitudes and intransigence?

One considers avenues for a more obvious frontal attack. Down the line regulatory means to force reconsiderations of products, solutions being effectively challenged.

The great accomplishment has been that so far efforts have opened more eyes, ears and minds. Fewer are succumbing to the Gov/Pharmas siren songs.

Power to the many strategies employed!

Bestest n lots more 💓

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Better idea - dismantle the whole thing. We don't need HHS, CDC, NIH, or any other of these tax-consuming bureaucracies that do nothing other than perpetuate their sinecures and support globalist elites. The US Constitution makes no provision for the national government to involve itself with health. As for the other outfits you mention? Shut them all down - zero out their funding.

Dept of Energy has never produced one BTU of energy

Dept of Justice - they want to prosecute "just-us"

FBI - American gestapo

EPA - full of flat-earthers

Interior - not bad, but probably better handled at the state level

Furthermore, having a "health" bureaucracy has done absolutely nothing to advance the health of American citizens - we are, overall, some off the most unhealthy people alive - seems like all the money we spend on public health would have resulted in improved health for citizens - but what is actually the case? the pharmaceutical industry continues to enrich itself by providing allopathic products designed to alleviate the symptoms of disorders. All the while the medical industry enriches itself by promoting these (non-)remedies, and never addressing the root cause of these symptoms, thus developing long-term customers rather than cured patients.

It's enough to make one "sick."

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You surely bring out relevant points and an oft mentioned alternative. Surely worth considering if and when an opportunity arises.

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