Mar 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The dam is breaking. Thanks to you, Jill, and many others for never giving up, no matter the abuse. It will be fun watching these criminals scurrying around, trying to hide, like cockroaches when you turn the light on.

Danny Huckabee

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Stuff like this is precisely why we need to organize better using technology. We The People need to create our own Decentralized 4th branch of government that holds the other branches accountable.

Imagine if we did this:


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Where was he 3 years ago? Surely he could have spoken up in some medium to tell people his thoughts and observations?

Instead, all I remember from him, was how the CDC, under his rule, implemented the 6 foot distancing rule that shut down schools and many small businesses.

Dr Alexander says Dr Redfield admitted to him that they pulled 6 feet out of thin air.

Dr Redfield has a lot to account for and this looks more like a limited hangout excuse for dereliction of duty.

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Again, as people cheer for Fauci’s demise (I am one of them)....it is important to be mindful of how people think this whole thing plays out.

What I mean by that is 3 YEARS, millions died (virus and from vaccines as well as improper care--not to mention the social implications like suicide, addiction, loss of learning and on and on).

When and if the real truth gets out....how will the public respond?

I have moments where....watching this whole affair unwind....I think to myself, they know they have us right where they want us.

If we are able to show the depth of corruption and malfeasance that wrought this...,where are the lines on culpability and intent?

What a huge dumpster fire and mess the world over....just remember that prior to the social contract (John Locke) it is understood that the state of nature is a state of war.....if chaos and unrest breaks out on a global scale due to the airing of these Crimes Against Humanity....what then? Who prosecutes, who enforces, who mediates? The ones who were complicit?

My point is....we are headed over the cliff one way or another....either the approved narrative of the msm and Fauci et al prevails and the WHO/UN continue on their quest for more power.....OR, the fraud is revealed and it results in an examination of the governments of the Western world that have asserted themselves in the worst way...against the people they were entrusted to serve.

So in either case....we need to be asking ourselves....what next? Where is the sane and humane path forward that also is about justice and accountability.

I worry there will be a fall guy or two and lots of talk of ensuring this does not happen again, and the ones who actually did this will live to do it again. And the majority of people the world over will not realize.

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Right? It speaks to the nature of man, not to want to find out he's been lied to. The vaccinated virtually plug their ears, going "lah lah lah lah" , unaware of how 'knowing the truth' will set them free

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Not only the vaccinated....but others. Even in our midst who can’t exactly come to terms with their role and willing participation in a system, which if they are as bright as they now claim to be, well....how could they not have known? And how much is the ego at play? For those cast out from a club that up until January 2020 they were a member of. Some want us to believe that they could not have fathomed the level of fraud and misdirected focus of NIH. Come on?! They were making money off the way the system worked just like Fauci and his favored researchers and institutions.

Sorry, but I am over it....the experts who seem to have left their common sense and integrity behind a long time ago. Now they have found it. Hood for them. I’m terns of fixing what’s broken or leading us out of this nightmare....yeah, it’s a trust thing. Maybe it is best to put non-medical non-healthcare persons in charge of these areas. You know....actually employ some conflicts of interest rules and ethics. It would go a long way, but too many are use to the you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours and the American people foot the bill.

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Yes yes. The first truly depressing revelation was the realization that this was/is my fault. I did nothing but feed at the trough of consumer delights, never thinking that "if I'm not keeping it straight, why would I rely on another?" +It's not like I'm going to call 911 if someone breaks into my home. I'm going to deal with the intrusion first, then call them (and the coroner) after that threat is resolved.

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Precisely why "they" have suborned the media. Hopefully a still unfettered internet confounds that information monopoly they enjoy and the cat gets out of the bag with the hoped for consequences.

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Crossing Bridges as we come to them. One way out.

Be certain to look underneath for troll like critters.

You've indicated one. Where there's one......?

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We need a test which will reveal who actually has had one of the vacccines. We can then test all those who pushed the depopulation scam on us and find out who was complicit and who was duped.

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Very insightful comment!

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I think if Dr Redfield had spoken up any sooner, he would've been both ignored and vilified by Big Pharma complex in msm and social media. Fauci would've had his usual unquestioning backing of msm and Redfield would be left without a way to truly fight back. With the benefit of testifying under oath in front of Congress, Redfield's testimony is entered into the record, should be available on CSPAN for some time to come, and Fauci & Minions are fluttering in msm wind. I think waiting until Congress had him testify made it all very powerful and impactful.

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I agree he would have been ignored and vilified by Big Pharma - just like Dr Malone and many other brave people.

If he'd spoken up at the time, his testimony now would have more meaning and Dr Fauci would not be able to go on Fox News and say he didn't block out Redfield and Redfield wrong on his facts. This "conversation" should have happened 3 years ago.

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I recall reading a news account detailing where the 6 feet of seperation came from... The US Army developed that standard based on tests completed in 1937 designed to control outbreaks of botulism/food poisoning.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thankyou Dr Malone, As you predicted at CPAC:

Thump, thump.

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I will believe that the bus has run over Fauci when I see him swinging from the yardarm he so richly deserves.

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Flattened by the wheels works for me

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Stripped of his pension would be a good first start for me.

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The fact that he also personally profited from the fake vaccine is obscene!

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Unfortunately, that is nothing new. That is how this game is played. And it is played by more than Fauci and on several fronts at this point. I don’t care if we are talking education, healthcare, finance, energy, etc. They define the problem and then sell the solution and the public is getting worse and worse at asking intelligent questions. The COVID fiasco demonstrated how many have even checked their common sense along the way, including some in the MFM. Seriously, it demonstrates how we have become dependent and overly reliant on others. I hate to say it, but part of my issue going forward will be those who treated me like crap because I asked questions. Now, as the truth comes out they are going to play the role of victims. Some were victims, but there is alot of fault to go around in terms of people just wanting somebody else to do the thinking for them.

As a society we supposedly have become increasingly tolerant, but accompanying that is also a self centered mindset that basically thinks one should never be held o account and can do as they please...whatever fits in the moment. And if it turns out bad...we’ll there must be somebody to blame.

For me...the ugliness of the past three years was my friends and family who willfully weaponized their fear against me....with no justification other than somebody telling them how virtuous they were (doing it for granny and all). And those same people will now expect sympathy from me because they knew not what they did and now may suffer as a result. I can be empathetic up to a point. But trust going forward....that is an entirely different ball of wax. Do I think people will actually reflect on their behavior and how it was caused and work towards change....sadly, no.

The Fauci’s of the world will continue....unless and until people stop and think beyond what the screen tells them.

And with all the push towards technology, yada, yada, yada....I do not see that happening anytime soon.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

The people who control medicine (mainly the Rockefellers - now Gates wants to take over) have deliberately engineered us to be dumb, starting after the second world war.

1. Mothers who have high levels of fluoride give birth to offspring with lower IQ's.

Studies in Mexico, Iran and China found that there was a correlation between levels of fluoride in the drinking water of the village's wells and IQ of the villagers.

2. A bogus study "The Wolf-Chaikoff effect" (still taught in medical schools) purports to show that supplementing with iodine damages the thyroid. (The opposite is true). Mothers who are iodine deficient give birth to offspring with lower IQ. Bromine which blocks the uptake of iodine in the cells is added to flour as a "conditioner". (Yeah right!)


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Well said. I feel as you do.

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Then he needs to stand trial before the Second Nuremberg Tribunal for his crimes against humanity.

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And stripped of all his ill-gotten, blood-stained' wealth. May that parasitic sociopath be ever scorned by all sides of this scam. And I expect that all his cronies lose sleep as they mull over their fealties and 'friendships'.

Having any of these complicit globalists as friends or allies, is like befriending a crocodile. And you never turn your back on a croc, or globalist. It always comes down to "you-or-them".

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Was wondrous to see the rat cornered by Senator Paul. Now we are getting the goods to send Fauci off to prison. Even if only for the time he has left.

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The usual game we have to play to get the news out. WE are the media outlets now. Dr. Malone and others speaking out are the journalists. Now WE go to work on our social networks putting out the news. It takes longer with the new system we all have to work within but fortunately we've got lots of well-followed podcasters and Tucker Carlson on the team. Take heart! Give it a week and everyone will know. They refuse to acknowledge that they can't stop the truth from coming out, even though it's been demonstrated to them over and over again. It's too upsetting getting our shorts in a knot every time this happens. Just accept the situation for what it is and get to work spreading the truth. Again.

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Redfield’s testimony was more than a bombshell, if Fauci was Comservative he already would’ve been arrested for crimes against humanity, to include mass murder.

Fauci’s coverup and denial of off label drugs should be death by lethal injection after convicted; there is beyond any reasonable doubt in my opinion.

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I might be wrong but fauci lines up with me as a classic example of a psychopath.

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There is somebody else...Fauci, IMO, is a useful idiot and narcissist that was in the employ of others (and I’m not talking about the American people). He did not make the call to shut down the western world....he just read his lines from a script. He is a criminal. But you know what they say....cut off the head of the serpent and it or three grow back. We are facing a much deeper issue and divide.

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Agree but it took a psychopathic narcissist to stand up there and deliberately through his lies condemn millions(?) to death or grievous bodily harm. There certainly others--Biirx comes readily to mind

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I am glad to see Dr. Redfield find his voice and have this opportunity. He was shut out and silenced using many time honored techniques in federal government. I hope he keeps talking.

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You are being distracted from the truth by the medical profession. They are all lunatics. No "off label drugs" were needed. Ivermectin was effective in reducing infection in Uttar Pradesh but it did not translate to less deaths among the infected. The 2 neighbouring states, Rajasthan and Bihar did better without it.. Bihar with double the serum vitamin d of UP in the population had India's lowest infect rate and NGO's in Rajasthan distributed an Ayurvedic, 60 herb concoction on every street corner.

See "Why has Ivermectin been oversold?


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Ivermectin is an off label drug as an antiviral.

I worked with an author to help him get out multiple papers on Ivermectin successfully in 2021-2022. PubMed is your source for a treasure trove of articles on Ivermectin and COVID, review articles, meta-analyses, its antiviral properties, proposed mechanisms of action, its ability to remarkably reverse the early rouleaux effect of blood clotting when exposed to spike in vitro, and its ability to reverse hypoxia quickly in vivo.

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The research around Ivermectin in the summer of 2021 that also showed that it has anti-tumor properties and might have a future in cancer treatment. But, as many have pointed out….older already patented drugs are cheap and big pharma is an industry always looking for the next drug to sell as a magic cure. And sadly, in their rush to make a buck they often oversell the benefits and ignore the risks or drawbacks.

Recently, I was looking at a list of drugs that are considered problematic after years in use…and looking at the number of those and some that I have had…like Accutane or fertility drugs….well, you begin to wonder how much the treatment of one issue created two or three other issues….that they then sell you drugs for….and the cycle repeats.

And culturally we are intolerant of imperfections in health and vain to the point that it fuels the industry.

I highly recommend, Barbara Kingsolver’s “Poisonwood Bible” for a number of reasons. One of the things the book highlights is how western culture fails on the front of truly embracing that scars from one’s existence tell a story and when we seek to erase so fully our hardships or struggles we also fail to be empathetic and/or strive for balance at the center of our well being….emotionally, physically, mentally.

We just look to pop a pill. And persist with our obsession with more, faster, racing through life putting stressors on our selves and relationships in unhealthy ways—-and yet, somehow that is what we ask the next generation to aspire to….is it any wonder kids are struggling?!

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My husband and I went to graduate school with Kingsolver's husband Dr. Steve Hopp. Small world sometimes. Hopp co-wrote a book on sustainable food--anti big agriculture and such. Kingsolver's thoughts on embracing scars highly timely in a traumatized world. The two of them live in a wonderful rural Virginia town and operate a farm to table restaurant.

My colleague's interest in Ivermectin had started with cancer, and so was easy to pivot quickly to SARS2. Yes the cancer angle and Ivermectin's effect on autophagy are also exciting. Look into fenbendazole too. Here is a tidbit--the human IVM tablets were tested against the horse paste with the latter found to be purer, as this was needed information for research use. This finding would be fun to replicate. Of course, horses are such valuable and treasured creatures that horse paste would benefit from better manufacturing!

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I have greatly enjoyed Kingsolver’s work. “The Poisonwood Bible” is one of my all time favorite books....a masterpiece on many fronts. I would love to teach a college course on just that one book....the history, the political theory, philosophy, religion, family, etc.....so much to discuss and contemplate.

I just finished her book, “Demon Copperhead.” That too was a powerful book for our times.

I also have her book about her endeavors on her farm.

Robin Kimmerer is another author who I soak up....the perspective is thoughtful and relevant as we reconcile the past and future in our effort to go forward in a responsible way.

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We will have to revisit those books!

Here is the background on the restaurant and a current listing for it.

Southwest Virginia and Blue Ridge Mountain area is beautiful:



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Last week, I contracted C19 for the first time, as C19 unvaccinated person, from my 5x's jabbed spouse. He quickly went to high fever 103 and violent chills, ran to his MD, who gave him molnupiravir. When I came down with it two days later, I opened up my medicine chest and started ivermectin. My spouse had very little concern that molunupiravir is barely 30% effective, with no evidence it reduces hospitalization. He had no concern that it is known to be creating dangerous variants and was supposed to isolate IN HIS HOME from family. No concern that even the FDA approved it with grave reservations on a currently unprecedented 13-10 vote. Ivermectin knocked out my covid in two days (highest fever at onset 101) with no lingering symptoms, no brain fog, no nothing but some clear drainage and a bit tired. Molnupiravir did knock out his covid fever also in 2 days, but he has lingering bad cough, sinus/lung issues. His anti-viral is dangerous; mine is not. I'm done with this round of covid, but am watching to see what fughkery Molnupiravir manifests

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Wow. That is two different worlds in one household.

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It is. And it is hard...so very hard. And the ripple effect from there outward is real. And the divide is replicated in friendships, extended families, sports teams, kids at school, neighbors, employment places....it little is the warring on the personal level....reminds me of the expression...”death by a thousand cuts.” And I honestly believe they knew it was going to go down that way and that is part of the divide and conquer framework that was being stoked before the pandemic. Like throwing an accelerant on an existing fire and watching (while hoping it will rage out of control) and knowing if it doesn’t then they will also get their way through compliance and duplicity.

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Please read-"Some painful lessons from India" by Rafael Castillo, M.D.

Ivermectin was very successful in reducing the COVID-19 mortality rate and the number of cases in Uttar Pradesh.

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It's a pity you were too lazy to click on my link and get the true facts. India is very advanced in digital technology. They had a very extensive and accurate system of reporting cases and mortality. here are the figures up until February 2021.

There are 28 states and 8 Union Terrritories in India. Uttar Pradesh had the second lowest rate of infection despite having one of the lowest mean serum vitamin d levels (13 ng/ml) but they had the 12th highest rates of mortality among the infected.

Infection rate in Uttar Pradesh: 2nd lowest in India

Infection rate in Bihar: lowest in India

Infection rate in Rajasthan: 4th lowest in India

Now let's look at the death rate among infected.

Uttar Pradesh: 12th highest in India

Bihar: 10th lowest in India

Rajasthan: 13th lowest in India

How India defeated coronavirus in India up until February 2021 when the disastrous vaccination roll out caused a new strain:


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The Legacy Media followed the evidence, and it led them to a small office deep in Langley, where the latest truth was explained to them. Nothing to see here.

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I disagree about Redfield, and it's disappointing to see so many buying into the idea he's a good guy on the right side. Far from it. He was among the worst. As head of CDC he was in position to stop all the craziness if he wanted to. His recent testimony starts by emphasizing his credentials and long history in vaccine and related research. If anybody should have known the government was lying to us about all aspects of Covid, then he should've known. And he was in position to stop it. After all, I knew. The truckers knew. Countless people knew. Yet Redfield, with all the credentials he touts in his recent testimony, was front and center as a government spokesperson selling the corrupt lies.

I remember well his ridiculous testimony to Congress to the effect that if only everybody would wear a mask the pandemic would magically end (as he fondled his mask and otherwise breached every sensible mask-wearing protocol). I also remember his letter to the editor of a medical journal trumpeting the obviously ridiculous story about how masks stopped the spread in a beauty parlor, which he wrote as part of the effort to sell a corrupt study encouraging public masking that is completely contrary to decades of public health research dating back to the 1919 flu. I don't know what game he's playing now (I did notice his testimony attempts to make the case for an "accidental release"), but he was front and center pushing the stupidness, and the fake science he peddled caused enormous harm.

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We should also be aware that it was deadly to disagree in those days because those people knew that they were dealing with the Army. The leader of Tanzania died under suspicious circumstances, the leader of Sweden resigned and a WEF stooge replaced him. And, did not two of the FDA staff commit 'suicide'? I imagine that a lot of people at the bureaucratic top not only feared for their jobs. A group who planned to kill the population worldwide would not stop removing people of their own circle.

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Scrupulous is, as scrupulous does!

Professional hired killers have no scruples.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Not a list I want to ever be on.

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I love "Scrupulous is, as scrupulous does!" 👍

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I'm guessing he was highly aware at his age/pay grade/rank, possible there is now a target on his back. And not the big box store chain variety. I think I would ponder to hesitate too.

And I'm Flea dandruff compared to this guy.

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When I watched Redfield saying this, I thought at the time he knows that is not true but perhaps he is hoping this will get people to use a mask and forgo the vaccine or he is just protecting his job.

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This is very damning and the fact that MSM such as Google News does not cover it makes clear that journalism as a profession no longer exists in any meaningful sense. All of this stuff WILL get out over time. It will eventually discredit MSM as well as social media.

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Kurt, there was coverage on MSM, but only the shortest of coverage.

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My prayers, and the prayers of many are being answered--that TRUTH be revealed.

Now let us hope and pray that TRUTH be received, with resulting consequences.

Thank you Dr. Malone and Jill for your excellent, and continued dedication to this effort.

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Thank you, you and your wife have been a beacon in the dark to me and my small group of friends.

Nice to see the light of truth coming through. I wish you and yours well, and keep up the great work.

Edward Juelich

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What Redfield and others rather conveniently leave out, while never failing to mention Wuhan, is that Gain of Function work was being widely practised in the U.S.; in fact, openly and publicly acknowledged experimentation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where evidence points to the origin of an infectious respiratory pathogen which was intentionally engineered for RELEASE; it appears that Wuhan's involvement was a collaborative effort ,during the GOF moratorium, in providing a collection of pathogens, specifically the synthetic clone known as WIV1-COV, to be utilized by the UNC virologists; the who, what, where and when of all the nefarious actors involved are well known and documented in "published admissions" which were recently released by Dr.David Martin; ALL of this has been known by politicians and government alike and ignored, as it has been during the Congressional investigations of the so-called "lab leak" theory; don't expect all of the facts to see the light of day as of now we only see a lot of posturing, cover-up and wilful misleading of the public; the political costs would be too high if complete transparency and responsibility were admitted at this stage of the game!

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I think there is a good chance you are rights. And as we have seen fromMatt Hancock’s comments and “jests” Tedros and Gates were consulted along the way....so remind me again why Biden and his administration are willing to put them WHO in the driver’s seat for any health emergencies that have impact globally?

If our Congress members are paying attention AT ALL they have more than enough to stand opposed to handing over our welfare to the likes of those who clearly were part of the orchestration.

But Nooooo, they will do what they have become accustomed to doing over the last three years. Invert the obvious. They will embrace the narrative that the patchwork of responses worldwide and the recalcitrants who would it comply were the problem and that systems must be put in place to command and enforce compliance in the future.

Meanwhile,a global health emergency is going to

be open to definition....defined by the very persons that want to sell you the solutions. Sound familiar? On your dime?

So as they dig into their ideas of data and tech being the way to define and solve problems....(Figures lie and liars figure; garbage in and garbage out).....what will qualify as global health crisis that permits orders issuing from the WHO?

Climate change? Monkeypox? Natural disasters? Gun ownership by too many? Drug addiction? Teen pregnancy?

Seriously....in law school, I had two professors that approached truth and law fundamentally from different vantage points. One felt that there were values and field points regarding morality and that mankind should aspire to them in making and enforcing laws (think 10 commandments in f that helps).

The other professor subscribed to a more relative theory. That is....he said what is “just” and “right” will be determined by the process.

With that....Caveat Emptor. We already know, base on what happened with COVID, that part of the playbook is to trample individual rights as a means of forcing a community on a whole to comply. And in the coming technocracy....it will be the fin/tech elite who decide what values we should hold (expect it to be the ones that they can use to commandeer us while lining their pockets). Rules for thee, but not for me.

Hunger Games comes to mind.

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Definitely thinking of Hunger Games more often of late. Any remaining chances of a different outcome?

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University of North Carolina shared lab techniques and/or sequences with the Chinese Communinist military Wuhan Lab assisting them in the development.

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As soon as Biden was elected, I thought that the democrats needed to change course and endorse early treatment. I told my democratic friends that continuing the vax path would be a disaster.

Their full speed ahead strategy has failed and the damage has just begun. The same disaster is looming for hospitals, doctors, Big Pharma, journals, medical schools, FAA, etc. etc.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

The lies they told about Jan6 really supports the notion that Biden wasn’t elected. They sure went to a lot of trouble to keep people from questioning Biden’s legitimacy, and every day they look more foolish, now that the footage of that day is out.

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What they really look like is a bunch of organized criminals! And I sure hope they end up on trial because that's the only way we will prevent this from happening again.

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Agree 100%!

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Unless we revolt. Like with guns and shit.

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Yep. I hope they're all squirming and having a lot of sleepless nights. They deserve it!

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Agreed. And a lot of damage can be done by the demented imposter between now and November, 2024.

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FWIW, The Vegetable is in office until at least Jan 16, 2025. If he's able to control his drooling and shaking hands with ghosts, he will probably be "re-elected".

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Ah, yes. I forgot that you Americans don't change over the day after the election like we do. That's a dangerous situation, isn't it? Almost 2 months during which a demented, vindictive loser could take revenge on the nation.....

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And have before

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Which ought to tell everyone it is not a left vs right issue. It is an us against them....with the “them” not wholly being defined yet. But we will begin to get in the ball park....but not sure the real evil doers will be held to account. Personally, you wonder if some of the ones who did the dirty work....Fauci, Trudeau (come to mind) would turn state’s evidence if they are under threat of life and limb in the public square. Many time to lean on them. Why shouldn’t we expect Biden and all of Congress to demand an cola nation from Fauci under threat of life in prison, stripped of his $$$ and facing potentially paying for his malfeasance with his life.

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For anyone who still has a shred of confidence in those groups mentioned above, I have some prime real estate for sale, cheap ; location the Everglades.

Better hurry , it won't last long.

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May his testimony (and all the other evidence that is rattling out of locked closets) break through the continued media obfuscation and spin and make its way into (whatever is remaining of) people’s comprehension. Everything that’s happening really feels like a race between total tyranny and total exposure and rescue of our national sovereignty.

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Finally! More to come, hopefully this will be a start to rectifying your good name!

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Limited hangout. This makes me believe more, not less, that the US deep state released it. Hey, maybe it was more of those Ukraine-aligned proxies that took out Nord Stream!

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Oh, where to place my bet... Never mind because there is no winning here to be had.

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Intentionally, handled by Jarrett/ pelosi teams. Anything to prevent PDT from uncovering their crimes against humanity. Before they tried to kill millions with a bug that actually is just an excuse to kill as many as possible with the jab. Did they realize they were killing their most fervent sheep?

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