Thank you for giving a voice to her heroism and for all that you are doing to better humanity yourself.

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Apparently, the meaning of the word “hero” has changed. It is now used to denote someone who does exactly what is expected from a normal person with even a minimal level of integrity – not lie about the apparent and obvious scientific facts and not want to participate in murder or cause harm to anyone. To me this tendency seems to be troubling. It implies that greedy criminals, liars, and murderers are “normal” and “average” whereas those who simply publicly state an apparent scientific fact or even half-truth (while maintaining their usual very high incomes – unattainable for probably at least 90 % of the population and while profiting from their martyrdom) are heroes.

I reject that and reserve the word heroism for something that is truly heroic. The first person that comes to mind is Roza Shanina, the beautiful 19-year-old woman and the World War II sniper. Entirely by choice, she would sit in trenches for hours without moving just to put a bullet into a Nazi’s head. She voluntarily and entirely sacrificed her young and beautiful life. I would call her a Hero and others who did truly heroic things.

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Sometimes the everyday unexpectedly ends up becoming the heroic, simply due to the introduction of new and unusual circumstances.

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I agree. Sometimes people lose everything for going against the narrative. But the people called heroes in this topic greatly prosper.

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And what’s wrong with prosperity?

Are you perhaps confusing heroism with martyrdom?

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I am not confusing anything. They are branded as heroes and martyrs (I should have put "martyrdom" in quotation marks but deliberately omitted it in my earlier message). Martyrs do not "prosper," they sacrifice and die. And they are not heroes as they are not doing anything heroic.

I understand that today the word hero apparently means "nice guy" or "I like him." I'd rather reserve it for its intended meaning. And that's what my comment was primarily about.

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Fair enough. I’m not a fan of “nice guys” or even of “heroes,” really.

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IDK, Tess has gave up a lot to be so vocal. She has fought hard for the people.

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Couldn't agree more. Tess is a force of integrity. Thanks for the article and link to where to donate.

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Happy to donate Dr. Malone. Tess is a warrior. I’ve watched her many times and just joined her substack. Thank you for the link. I pray for all of you warriors every day. God bless.

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Beautifully stated … I’ve seen several of her presentations and interviews. Tess Lawrie is a relentless truth seeker with perseverance and love for humanity. Thank you, Dr. Lawrie, for your dedication to saving lives.

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I am so grateful to those physicians who have stepped out against all of this insanity. There are those of us locked in because of obligation to family and finances but none of this has made any sense since the beginning and I have to wonder how .............please tell me how and why educated physicians are buying this load of bull****! Didn't they go to class? My association still does not condone ivermectin as a treatment. Condones vaccinating children and pregnant women......I am so appalled how they can ignore the people who have suffered, the people who have died. I can only be thankful my employer has not forced me to be vaccinated - I believe it will kill me and they accept that. I believe our medical education has deteriorated terribly. I loved virology and microbiology and what I am reading from physicians supporting COVID vaccines - I think they cut class! I pray every day that this grassroots of physicians that are against this vaccine and the Association of Physicians & Surgeons and Frontline Doctors of America will be able to reach the common sense of Americans and those physicians who support these vaccines and are calling a virus that has a 99% survivability if treated a pandemic. Please forgive my ranting.........I'm just so frustrated.

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I think you are being too generous. I come from a medical family as well, and what we are seeing is corruption and cowardice. The information is there for all to see. So is the evidence of corruption--the state of California offered a grant/bonus of $50,000. to doctors for pushing the vax.

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So glad to find so many others who understand this, Believe the ESG, Woke rhetoric is systemically lodged in our corporate midst and everyday lives. It's going to be big big task to root it out.

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They sure are - both sides of the aisle!

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They fear for their political lives and "Go along to get along". Big Pharma is an important source of reelection money and any politician who speaks out against Big Pharma will be ejected from Congress via character assassination and will find a new person funded by Big Pharma running for his office.

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Yes and these ethics have invaded every facet of our lives. We will need to require much more of the leaders we choose and be more rigorous about allowing them access in the first place.

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So very true! I SO wish we will get more outliers in office in the future, but I’m not holding my breath!

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The government is using our taxes to lie and kill us in the hope of creating a Totalitarian State. And just when ai thought it can't get worse Biden wants to give the WHO sole decision making, ability to enact martial law anywhere. A reach around one world government. We could be living thru the end of freedom and a Technologicracy that chokes our children to the point they will beg for death.

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Not ranting at all, you said what many of us think and feel! We all share your frustration. Many mornings I wake up and wonder how this is all happening. It’s surreal at times!

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Having almost gone to medical school but eventually avoiding it like the plague for many reasons I established a childbirth education class in my community and helped as young parent came face to face with the medical system seemingly at odds with their goals and values. The writing was on the wall and now we are encountering a very compromised system. You're not alone in feeling you may be ranting at times. You're not and we all must face the emotional fallout from this persistent abuse from so many sources. Take care!

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As a working stiff, I appreciate your dismay. We're all in the same boat. If you love the truth this has to be breaking your heart. Sadly, "science" has been for sale for a long time. Now it's out in the open.

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Livelihood in medicine trumps medical ethics. Research has been corrupted and medical institutions both public and private drive the medical treatment in the US for profit and not necessarily for good health outcomes. Read my article on US Life Expectancy


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This is so true............it's so hard trying to convince patients that the answer many times is not in a medication but in changing lifestyle and diet .....that is not what they want to hear from me!

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Livelihood? Or GREED?

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a violation of our oath "first do no harm"

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Was very impressed with Tess when I watched her zoom call with Andrew Hill. She’s a Truth warrior!!!

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Yes! She took the fight to Andrew Hill.

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She let him embarrass himself by asking pin point questions, he failed completely. Frankly, I am surprised I didn't read within a few days he had taken his own life, but of course psychopaths don't do the honorable thing. To inflict that much harm on others after being trained as a physician is the signal that he isn't really human.

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the number of suicides today are extreme. The psychological fallout is frequently overlooked. Even when we're prepared for the potential as when someone is obviously wounded - it's difficult. Our children are the main fallout of this and will continue to be. Talk with our kids - explore the emotions they may not be capable of identifying. Give them words, music and tools to go forward. Serve as the examples of how we do go forward.

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got a link to that ?

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This is an updated video, but it includes the zoom call. I can’t recall what took me to it originally. I was reading and watching pretty intensely.

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I thank you, Dr Malone, Tess, Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, Richard Urso, Katarina Lindley, Bret Weinstein, the AFLDS & FLCCC warrior doctors and staff. You are all truly the hands and feet of God. Our public health officials and governments are doing nothing to solve problems but doing a lot to create them. I pray over each and every one of you out there who are fighting to expose truth, to save lives, to educate us all and help those in need. I pray for your strength, for your peace, for your hope, for your wisdom, and your protection. You are all a godsend and I hope that you can share this with those wonderful professionals and people on the front lines of this battle. So many more than I could ever name or know of. But the prayers are the same for everyone of them.This is much greater than covid. This is a spiritual battle focused on destroying all the good things God has created. Whether we are marching swiftly towards the end described in Revelations or not, we must always fight against evil.

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All Doctors fighting against the globalist are patriots and heroes. God grant you all unending strength and keep you safe.Thanks giving us hope. God Bless you all.

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I’m very happy to share and donate. You, Dr. Lawrie and many others are making this world a better place and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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Today many of us see no alternatives but to plod along examining what appears to be the truth. We know the truth by how it affects us and those around us. Integrity is crucial to the world we will decide to live in. Although it can be isolating and dangerous at times the truth does set us free, Kudos to those who carry the torch forward.

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Can you get the Great Barrington Declaration guys to join you?

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Tess is amazing, but please Dr. Malone lets get a group to investigate the theorem of snake venom poisoning presented by Dr. Brian Ardis. Do not allow the same scientific snobbery take place.

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Read it and she may be right but she also may not be. I don’t like it when someone (Ardis) is dismissed from the start because he doesn’t have the right credentials. I know how anti-venom is created but never knew the end product was classified as a monoclonal antibody. At this point I will not pass judgment either way.

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Hugh - I COMPLETELY agree with you. Stay tuned - There will be more people weighing in on this. I'm sure Dr. Malone will as well.

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Lots to keep us going mentally these days.

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Isn't that the truth. I don't sleep well these days, but feel I've gotten so much smarter these last 6 months (when I woke up).

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Yes Laura! The one good thing about Covid and all the government and media lies is that it woke a lot of people up. Many of us had awakened before this but not to the extent that we have awakened now. I had no idea what was going on with the pharmaceutical companies, the hospital systems, and our doctors. Being clued in sure is no cure for insomnia.

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Thx for sharing this link as it’s first I’ve heard of this.

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I back your request for investigation and commentary on the snake venom theory of Dr Ardis. I have some ideas about this since I used to have an eastern diamondback among other snakes and learned a lot about snakes and venom.

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I hope the sessions will be available at some time in the future for viewing.

There are brave people and they have stepped up, one by one.

I'm proud of all of you and have followed all the news and interviews I can get. I forward these to friends and relatives to get the word out.

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Unaware that she started a substack... Thanks for alerting me!

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Listening to Steve Bannon and Fr Pavone this morning, they made the point that this being Wednesday of Holy Week, it commemorates when Pontius Pilate told the crowds that he could find nothing Christ did wrong, but the crowds replied crucify him in chorus. I am not, and one doesn't have to be, religious to see the parallels to the Cancel Cultures of today. Does anything change?

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Yes, especially if you pay attention and learn from the narratives.

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We will gladly contribute and thank you for giving us the opportunity. Dr. Malone, so many of us out here feel so helpless in the face of the evil we are facing and are so grateful for all that you and the other warriors are doing. This is at least a small way we can support you (in addition to praying for you).

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