exactly: My experience as I live it.. not dead yet.. just feel like sh2t.. it will get better.. :) I now do not have a doctor.. again.. sigh. I like what one guy said: family just hanging around the yard.. and you will never forget that down time home together.. :) all good. have a covid free week :)
exactly: My experience as I live it.. not dead yet.. just feel like sh2t.. it will get better.. :) I now do not have a doctor.. again.. sigh. I like what one guy said: family just hanging around the yard.. and you will never forget that down time home together.. :) all good. have a covid free week :)
very sadly.. this morning and I think I am obsessing on this .. again realizing I do NOT have a doctor. PC any longer so i am thinking .. again.. what am I going to do? at this age and to not have a PC.. and I refuse to go the ER. well I am not sick enough to go. just have this sick feeling in my stomach most of the time.. I do have those kind of issues and have had for years.. did all the testing pre covid. thankfully. It really is. but actually it has been like that for years.. the band aid was ripped off.. I knew that when I worked in a Hospital .. as a tech. I did like blood banking or immunohematology. where patient care was very careful. and tailored .. but chemistry.. was all about production. by the techs. and lying to the patient and to one another was the norm. and not my style, back to research and computers: and also well I have a lot to do again today.. In theory I should be on a beach somewhere. lol .. used to be.. take care thanks for posting. eyes are already not focusing well. one day at a time. !
exactly: My experience as I live it.. not dead yet.. just feel like sh2t.. it will get better.. :) I now do not have a doctor.. again.. sigh. I like what one guy said: family just hanging around the yard.. and you will never forget that down time home together.. :) all good. have a covid free week :)
$cience... it's all about the $$$, greed, power, control... not about facts, truth and helping people... sadly
very sadly.. this morning and I think I am obsessing on this .. again realizing I do NOT have a doctor. PC any longer so i am thinking .. again.. what am I going to do? at this age and to not have a PC.. and I refuse to go the ER. well I am not sick enough to go. just have this sick feeling in my stomach most of the time.. I do have those kind of issues and have had for years.. did all the testing pre covid. thankfully. It really is. but actually it has been like that for years.. the band aid was ripped off.. I knew that when I worked in a Hospital .. as a tech. I did like blood banking or immunohematology. where patient care was very careful. and tailored .. but chemistry.. was all about production. by the techs. and lying to the patient and to one another was the norm. and not my style, back to research and computers: and also well I have a lot to do again today.. In theory I should be on a beach somewhere. lol .. used to be.. take care thanks for posting. eyes are already not focusing well. one day at a time. !