Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The failure of doctors to aggressively treat COVID in the early stages is a huge scandal. I just had a moderate (7-day) bout with COVID. The doctor would not "prescribe" anything but ibuprofen. Luckily I knew enough to self-administer the protocol: IVM, Quercitin, Vit D3, zinc, aspirin, etc. I'm fine.

Doctor Malone, we deeply appreciate your tireless work.

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Vit D levels should be checked regularly and maintained well above 30 ng/mL. Mine was 65.6 ng/mL last time checked in late 2021. Maintenance is important as it takes a couple weeks for your liver to convert D3 to a usable form. So don't wait until you're sick to supplement. This is not medical advice.

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should be above 60 ng/ml

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Thank you for the clarification. Info I got from the provider that tested was:

Deficient <20 ng/mL

Insufficient 20-<30 ng/mL

Sufficient 30-100 ng/mL

I had previously heard much higher than 30, but couldn't remember exact number, so I just said "well above." 60 ng/mL it is and that's where it will stay despite my internist thinking 1000 IUs was too much (I was taking 7000 in winter and now take 5000). I hear Fauci takes 6000.

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I take 10,000 IU most days and my vitamin D level is over 90, and I have not had COVID

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

If you are taking Vitamin D you should be taking Vitamin K2 with it. The ratio is 10,000 IU Vit D/100 mcg Vitamin K2. K2 moves calcium from where it shouldn't be deposited to where it should be in the bones and teeth.

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I am taking vit K2 for several reasons. Please do not think that I know less about nutrition and health than you do.

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you might be interested in this info...


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The author of this article provides zero source material for her statements

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what about this?

D3/K2/magnesium ALL are required in combo:

Experts are saying D level around 50 prevents viral infections, but they need to mention K2 (keeps calcium in the bones, prevents calcification of blood vessels and joints, etc) and magnesium (to prevent muscle cramps) are required for proper benefits, otherwise, D3 alone in high doses (>1000 i.u./ day,  depending whom you ask) can turn bones into "Swiss cheese," through a process called bone resorption, can cause dry mouth/thirst, constant urination/bladder issues, severe constipation, irregular heart rhythms, irritability, kidney stones, etc! this webinar was really helpful...


p.s. i don't diagnose or prescribe, and i never gave/got any clot shots

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My understanding is that these 3 inexpensive daily Suppz work in perfect harmony with each other. The entire body and brain enjoys this benefit. Especially for folks who do weekly "strength training" of cardio or long and short muscle fiber tissues/ joint support. Plus if you have not had a CAC score for calcification inside of your heart, I would recommend this as a great bench mark to establish your possibility of any heart disease moving forward. These 3 can assist to prevent Arteriosclerosis.

Our knowing that a greater "immune" system requires the best pulmonary and cardio highways to carry out a thousand tasks moment by moment. Suppz work!

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Add zinc to that list.

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Thanks. Bookmarked. I already take magnesium. I'll take a look at K2 and cod liver oil as providing a lot of cofactors. Also will be more aware of summer sun exposure.

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There are some excellent videos on Vitamin K2. I like Dr. Susan K. Brown, Dr Berg and Dr Ekberg. All on YouTube.

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I cannot resist telling you that I love yourbyline(?) of “old.”

Made me laugh & think of a fellow traveler.

74 here/RN/Grandma 😇❤️🙏‼️

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Thanks. Judging from this article (https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-vitamin-k2) I'm likely getting enough K2 from the cheese I eat everyday. I see it calls out Natto as the top source. Interestingly nattokinase has been cited as potentially helpful in the breakup of fibrin, which is a component of the stringy clots embalmers have been finding.

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thank you ... I'll have it checked just to make sure. I have been taking Vitamin D 5000IU daily for over a year as well as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, B12, Zinc, Elderberry, quecertin and magnesium.

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I feel best at 65-80

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I am glad to hear you were able to beat the Covid. I have not experienced any issues or concerns as of yet but would like to be prepared in case it does happen. How does the average person get IVM??

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Dana - yes, as Jim said go to: https://covid19criticalcare.com for the treatment/prevention protocol. However, if you get a script from a telemed doc, most likely a compounding pharmacy will need to fill that script and each pill could cost you $9.00. You can order IVM without a script from India. I've used pharmacyonair.com many times as well as my friends and family. All orders made it to Ohio - some as soon as ten days, some took five weeks. I paid 73 cents per 12 mg pill. I avoid pharmacies in India that require a wire transfer. Pharmacyonair will send you a PayPal link. They will also resend the order or refund your money if it does happen to get seized by US customs, but this has not happened to any of us that have ordered. You can also get hydroxychloroquine and presdnisone without a script.

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Thank you Laura Kasner for that information.🌞

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Happy to help!

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that's amazing they will refund if confiscated!

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Their customer service is exemplary.

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Hi. Go to this website:


On the right side of the front page there is pharmacy directory and a provider directory.


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I live in Texas. I went to our local feed store and bought horse paste. We just rubbed it on our feet. Think I might have had Omicron in January. Lethargic and lost smell for a bit. Lemon Balm is great for the lungs. We the people must stop the madness. I had 2 clients that died. I suspect it was the treatment they received. My goal is to hear Dr. Malone speak on this scam.

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Nicole I live in UK and subscribe to Epoch times,We have an online paper UKColumn that you can also check out for genuine info. That is not censored,forget the BBC It is a UKGov propaganda machine,in line with Fauchi et al.

Good luck with your research.At 71 I found out that nearly everything I had believed during my lifelong interest in Science was a lie,perpetrated by a corrupt Pharmaceutical business.

Grants and educational training are offered worldwide to cover their lies and train scientists with a myopic viewpoint that suits their agenda.😊

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Dr. Malone has give several interviews. EpochTV has a several part documentary series that features Dr. Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche and Mattias Desmet.

It's by subscription but well worth the price


Dr. Malone has given several other interviews as well as Dr. McCullough and Dr. Yeardon. Dr. Yeardon's interview on Facts Matter will scare the daylights out of you.

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wow thank you very much .. took a good look around. and signed up for that letter. I have ordered medicine online before this is an amazing site. thanks very much

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You're so kind - thanks so much! Very appreciated!

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I got mine from an FLCCC Doctor here in AZ. He was very thorough and considered my medical conditions, current meds, and weight before prescribing me my Rx and when I had a delivery issue from pharmacy he was quick to respond. I know some people had delayed responses from FLCCC but I had a good experience.

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thank you .... there is nothing in my hometown - I live in WA and everything is *blue* so I'll have to have it sent from out of the area.

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My actual Rx was sent from Utah as it was too expensive local from a compound pharmacy. I paid about $125 plus shipping for a year supply. My telemed visit was $159 but it included if he had to treat me for Covid and extra only if it went into long Covid. So far I’ve not had Covid nor am I jabbed 🤞🏼

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It’s an utter shame really. I also won’t even put it on the list of my meds either. I’ll have to do my own research if it’s something I have to stop before some procedure.

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I was able to contact a telehealth provider and get a RX for Ivermectin. I'm in Florida but there are telehealth practitioners all over the country. FYI, it's cash only. My consultation was $100.

Dr. Stella Emmanuel has telehealth services: https://drstellamd.com/

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I realize this is a no no to say.! But I have been ordering Ivermectin for last 8 months from India. I did my homework regarding source reviews and brands(no control over what brand they send). It's $1-1.50 per 12 mg tab. I just couldn't get it easily and wanted to take it prophylactically as per FLCCC protocol.

I set my entire extended family up with early treatment "covid kits". Many others-friends of friends- have contacted me when sick and I've made sure to get them a kit. All in all-so far(even w/Delta))-people seems to respond very quickly-even those quite ill. My 93 grandmother(triple vaxed) was the most recent person. SHe couldn't get Paxlovid easily and decided to use the kit. SHe recovered beautifully.

I have had concerns that w/new variants-the Ivermectin might not be as efficacious. W/omicron being so mild in general-it's hard to tell. People seem to go thru a course of illness no matter what. WIth Delta, the reaction has been very dramatic when Ivermectin started(even late). So I just don't know. But great to see there continue to be so many possibilities for treatment.

FLCCC has done a wonderful job w/protocols. They now have post vax + long covid suggestions.

Good luck everyone.

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Thank goodness your grandmother didn’t get Paxlovid..she was really lucky there.😳that and Molnupiravir, both old repurposed drugs that didn’t work originally. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2021/11/02/harming-those-who-receive-it-the-dangers-of-molnupiravir-part-2/

Ivermectin is useful for Cancer and even other respiratory viruses Well done 👏🏻👏🏻For supporting your loved ones 😊

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that's amazing! i heard that orders from overseas were being confiscated at customs by the FDA in collusion with the post office.... you're blessed, I'd say...

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Yes-heard of a couple of those instances too. Lets hope they were just a few isolated cases! I've ordered 4 times and no problems.. I chose this place because others reported no issues receiving their packages. They've been great.

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I had an excellent experience with https://woodstockfamilymedicine.net/

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Wow=price is the best I've seen. Looks like you need a prescription though.

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That would be a recent change. I did not need one.

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My functional doctor prescribed ivermectin, 15 MG 2 x week for 6 months and I have not had COVID. I am 70

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Good for you! Yeah-those functional Med docs get it. Too bad they're so hard to find and too expensive for so many. Does ur insurance cover any or it?

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No, but I have found that by being treated by a doctor that is trying to determine the cause of my illness, rather than one throwing drugs at symptoms costs less in the long run

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You're so right. I just finally started w/one myself. However she just doubled her monthly fee(concierge)-ugh. I'll see how long I can afford it. But thrilled to find her.

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You are right. There is also a huge difference in price with different compounding pharmacies. I am in Florida and live near Jacksonville. My telehealth provider called the Ivermectin Rx to a pharmacy in Pensacola. They mailed it to me. A friend was going out of town and needed hers right away so her Rx was called to a local compounding pharmacy where we went and picked it up. Mine cost $75 with mailing and hers was $158 on the spot.

I contacted my pharmacy in Pensacola (Everwell) and had them send me another Rx so I now have 2 in the closet ready to go.

This virus is going to be reoccurring as new variants pop up every year. Doesn't hurt to have Ivermectin ready to go.

I also follow the FLCCC.net protocol to boost my immune system.

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Can I ask how you were diagnosed with Covid again?

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I agree that it takes more than one time and more than one resource to make headway with those who have been captured by the "official" narrative. This may have something to do with the effect that the phenomenon of Mass Formation has on people. See Mattias Desmet for details.

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I hope you all are well very soon. Just learned of some new cases in my area.

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Thank you, Jim, for sharing your positive experience with your sensible approach to treating Covid!! God keep you in good health from here on out!

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Thank god. you don't have in stock ZPack? all the rest.. I personally used as well. Zinc in zycam too. IBUPROFEN.. wow. and he knows that he can get away with it.. too.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The breadth and depth of the criminality around this issue never ceases to amaze me. I honestly cannot even imagine who or what one can appeal to for justice. Every - EVERY - institution in this failed state is corrupt and in on the plan/narrative, it appears. Sad and depressing.

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my sister's friend (DS) said she was CRYING HYSTERICALLY in the ER late last year while demanding IVM for her husband, at the same hospital where my sister died in Sept, and they told my other sister IVM was horse paste... (i live in another state, she didn't have any medical proxy, so ...) anyway DS got IVM for her husband, and he lived and went back to work this spring after his lungs all healed... but my sister (single mom) left 4 kids (9-13) and one very heart-broken family... if only...

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We have to start from scratch in so many arenas and start parallel everythings.

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That's what I've come to, as well: Parallel everything.

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A agree and interpret your observation about corruption in the broadest terms. Our election process has been corrupted. Candidates are vetted ahead of time by the ruling elites and their minions. Only those who pass the test are provided the money and support they need to get elected in this era of expensive negative campaigning. Congress has been corrupted. Elected officials say what the electorate wants to hear, but go on to represent the interests of the donor class that gets them (re)elected. The judiciary has been corrupted. Judges are increasingly appointed based on their political and ideological affiliation (most notably the Supreme Court).

The above institutions represent traditional methods of democratic change. A free press is also important to democratic change. We don't have a free press any more either. The major outlets are owned by five or six large corporations. And it's the big-money corporate oligarchs, all in league with each other, who are pulling the strings of our puppet politicians. As Albert Camu said, “A free press can be good or bad, but most certainly without freedom a press will never be anything but bad.”

So in the absence of our traditional mechanisms of change, what are we left with? I believe the only power "we the people" have left is the power of superior numbers, standing in solidarity, together in the streets, speaking with one voice, demanding the overthrow of the sociopathic corporate oligarchy that has us all by the throat. What are the chances? Let me just say that most of what I see at the moment is tribal bickering, enthusiasm for spectacle, and social media nonsense. I'm not holding my breath.

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I agree. Can you share your thoughts?

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Dr. Tess Lawrie published a powerful article on iatrogenicity (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/no-more-injections-for-healthy-people?s=r) the other day. This concept needs to be a household word as it is arguably one of the greatest threats to humanity today. It is a tragic reflection of the state of medical ethics when medical professionals and pharmaceutical interventions may be more likely to harm than heal you.

I also appreciate your bringing attention to hospicide, a topic I covered extensively in my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis?s=w). I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with Jeff Childer’s Hospital COVID Guide (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-monday-january-f99?s=r) to help defend themselves and their loved ones against medical malpractice/murder for profit.

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#NoMoreInjections - ¨We are not guinea pigs, we are human beings, and we will not tolerate your unsafe drugs. #NoMoreInjections. Period.¨ Dr. Tess Lawrie https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/no-more-injections-for-healthy-people?s=r

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hospicide sounds like it's hospice doing the killing to my post-viral brain...

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I hadn’t thought of that interpretation :-) I must credit The Good Citizen for first introducing me to the term (https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/the-great-american-hospicide?s=r), and I felt it captured financially incentivized homicide by hospital protocols succinctly.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Death by Hospital ... what a way to go ... at the hands you used to trust most.

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my sister who died at 51 in Sept, up until they put her on a vent, and she died a few days after they started REM-DEATH-AVIR, had texted me from the hospital (i live 2000 miles away) "they were working really hard for her..." if only...

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

I’m so sorry. I also lost my sister due to hospital-induced death. After falling outside and breaking her kneecap one evening, a neighbor called an ambulance. Ironically, my sister also contacted me, but, instead of saying they were working hard for her, she told me they were “killing” her. I tried reaching out to find out what was going on, but no one called back. A few hours later, I got a call from the head nurse that she had passed away. I still have severe guilt that I wasn’t there for her. We were on two opposite ends of the continent. It happened so fast.

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OMGoodness... Lord Jesus

... have mercy 🥺... so sorry for your loss!

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Thank you so much … your words bring tears to my eyes. I’ve repressed this for so long.

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So sorry for your loss Claudia.

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I’m sorry to hear that Post Covid Pharmacist.

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So sorry to hear about the negligence that killed your sister, Post-Covid Pharmacist! And now I truly appreciate your good - and helpful! - remarks & comments on these sites! Thank you!

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you are welcome! if only it was just negligence... i truly believe she was sacrificed on the altar of greed and "following the science" that made her worse, bc she was getting better at first on oxygen... I've heard that the hospital got $$$$$ for every intervention... putting her on a vent ($39k, I've seen, instead of giving her anti-anxiety meds)... giving her Rem-DEATH-avir (instead of IVM, they told family it was horse dewormer/not available, more $?)... I'm sure they gave her the "death shot" after she was on the vent and incapacitated (another $13k, I've heard)... i was so helpless so far away... SHE TRUSTED THEM... as she got worse and they offered vent for her anxiety, and she TRUSTED THEM... now she's dead...

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With every new magnificent "Medical Wing" constructed upon a large metro hospital,

there is 10,000 funerals and a family tale of woe, stemming from deceitful medical care.

There is no profit in cure! Sorry to all families, if you experienced this, and for your loss. :-(

This is a New Frontier in Modern Medicine. Can we trust the ones to fix what they broke?

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exactly: My experience as I live it.. not dead yet.. just feel like sh2t.. it will get better.. :) I now do not have a doctor.. again.. sigh. I like what one guy said: family just hanging around the yard.. and you will never forget that down time home together.. :) all good. have a covid free week :)

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$cience... it's all about the $$$, greed, power, control... not about facts, truth and helping people... sadly

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very sadly.. this morning and I think I am obsessing on this .. again realizing I do NOT have a doctor. PC any longer so i am thinking .. again.. what am I going to do? at this age and to not have a PC.. and I refuse to go the ER. well I am not sick enough to go. just have this sick feeling in my stomach most of the time.. I do have those kind of issues and have had for years.. did all the testing pre covid. thankfully. It really is. but actually it has been like that for years.. the band aid was ripped off.. I knew that when I worked in a Hospital .. as a tech. I did like blood banking or immunohematology. where patient care was very careful. and tailored .. but chemistry.. was all about production. by the techs. and lying to the patient and to one another was the norm. and not my style, back to research and computers: and also well I have a lot to do again today.. In theory I should be on a beach somewhere. lol .. used to be.. take care thanks for posting. eyes are already not focusing well. one day at a time. !

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's not just tragedy; it's not just scandal; the willful suppression of effective early treatment of COVID-19 is murder. In a medical malpractice suit, a case for negligence could easily be made. Politically influenced judges might not support the case, but withholding, discouraging, or refusing treatments with a demonstrated track record of safety is negligence at best, and murder at worst. Additionally, many patients were intubated given Remdesivir, or sub-therapeutic doses of steroids, all of which were known by responsibly up-to-date with the research data physicians to be ineffective at best and lethal at worst. Yet these were given and effective treatments denied to patients. Using the excuse that hospital administrators, supervisors, or public health officials mandated these treatments is no excuse, no more than Mengele's adherents or the other Nazis who were just "following orders." Do we need to retry those convicted at Nuremberg to learn this lesson yet again?

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YES. (p.s. i refused to get/ give the jab)

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just as a reminder, it was The Guardian who decided that ivermectin was ineffective for COVID, by mysteriously calling Tess Lawrie's meta-analysis corrupt, when they couldn't possibly have known that within hours of the analysis coming out. They claimed that one study she included was fake, when it has never been established that the study is fake, and they further claimed that her analysis would not have been positive without the study, when that was false. She did the meta-analysis over again without the offending study, but the damage was done: on the basis of the scientific experts at The Guardian, the world pronounced that ivermectin did not work, and a propaganda campaign was born.

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WOW!! That may just explain when I first mentioned Ivermectin to a long-time (but totally libtard) friend who, as they say, completely swallowed the Kool Aid; and when I just mentioned Ivermectin, she shot back at me, "Horse paste!!" Of course, she reads the NY Slimes, the WA Composte and - ta-da! - the Guardian every day, so, what can one expect?!? She's been totally brainwashed!! I don't know if I can persuade her to read this revealing info you just posted, but I can certainly try to convince her!!

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Give her the books Bad Pharma and Manufacturing Consent. Then make her a copy of this, and make sure she reads it: https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711 "Recent research has confounded the belief, held for most of the past 40 years, that ivermectin was devoid of any antiviral characteristics. Ivermectin has been found to potently inhibit replication of the yellow fever virus, with EC50 values in the sub-nanomolar range. It also inhibits replication in several other flaviviruses, including dengue, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis, probably by targeting non-structural 3 helicase activity.97 Ivermectin inhibits dengue viruses and interrupts virus replication, bestowing protection against infection with all distinct virus serotypes, and has unexplored potential as a dengue antiviral.98

Ivermectin has also been demonstrated to be a potent broad-spectrum specific inhibitor of importin α/β-mediated nuclear transport and demonstrates antiviral activity against several RNA viruses by blocking the nuclear trafficking of viral proteins. It has been shown to have potent antiviral action against HIV-1 and dengue viruses, both of which are dependent on the importin protein superfamily for several key cellular processes. Ivermectin may be of import in disrupting HIV-1 integrase in HIV-1 as well as NS-5 (non-structural protein 5) polymerase in dengue viruses.99, 100"

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The more I learn about allopathic medicine as currently practiced, the less inclined I am to go to a doctor for anything (except perhaps a broken bone and even then it's risky if I have to go to a hospital because they might test for COVID, get a "positive" and implement their protocols to rack up a huge bill--including killing me). One of the bright spots of this whole COVID scandal has been the light shined on the corruption, limitations, and dangers of the medical establishment. Shame on all of them, and may they all be held accountable for these crimes against humanity.

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I couldn’t agree with you more!! My views have evolved along the same path. You might be interested in what I have to say on the subject... here’s my latest video: https://rumble.com/v1859t3-recognizing-the-gaslighting-and-propaganda-finally...episode-98.html

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very interesting: I use homeopathic teas and tinctures. and I have purpura. and tincture of Mimosa. and Mugwort; just got that today. I like your video. I just saw the first one. good work

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light shines brightest in the darkest night... it was a CA$E-demic!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was hospitalized for 8 weeks. I was isolated from my family and given Remdesivir without my consent (despite being entirely lucid). If I could have gotten Ivermectin, I would have taken it. Thankfully, I was prevented from being put on a ventilator by my family (which resulted in the hospital putting a DNR bracelet on me). I consider the persons who conspired to prevent me from getting early treatment, and the Dr. who administered "run death is near" to me, to be homicidal criminals, and I would very much like to see them all tried. I feel blessed that I survived the ordeal. I was one of the lucky ones.

Thank you Dr. Malone for continuing to shine light on the darkness.

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wretchedcoder, I’m glad you made it! (what state / and or hospital system were you at if you don’t mind me asking,) go against your wishes

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i call it REM-DEATH-AVIR... killed my sister in Sept in another state... she was 51, left 4 kids 9-13... their Dad says no jabs, but my other sister (who lives nearby the hospital, but didn't have a h.c.proxy) thinks my dead sister died for refusing the shot... maybe so, but we KNOW as soon as she was put on a vent, they jabbed her, too... all about the $$$ and killing as many as possible...

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It was the Covid Teams that killed people , these horrible protocols that had to be followed. The investigations need to start with these protocols.

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Go Dr. Malone!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

By now we know how important it is to be healthy first! Organic food (glyphosate is a major problem) exercise, sun or vit. D, supplements, etc. There are also homeopathic remedies available that are a good alternative to pharma. Acupuncture, muscle testing, and Chiropractic care are great alternatives to allopathic care. This is the way to stay out of the clinic or hospital except for the broken bone etc.

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I’d be worried about having to go for even a broken bone! These basic vitamins should be well known to any doctor right? My friend and I both have osteoporosis. I told her there’s more important supplements to take than just calcium. Not believing me she takes a bone vitamin to both osteoporosis Dr and general doctor. Both said nothing more was needed but calcium and prolia. I am floored so it makes one wonder if some of these doctors know anything and just do what big pharm tells them. There’s such a lack of trust now that it’s not just all who died during Covid but how many more there will be from all causes going forward

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what about this? (reposting, in case you missed it previously)

D3/K2/magnesium required in combo:

Experts are saying D level around 50 prevents viral infections, but they need to mention K2 (keeps calcium in the bones, prevents calcification of blood vessels and joints, etc) and magnesium (to prevent muscle cramps) are required for proper benefits, otherwise, D3 alone in high doses (>1000 i.u./ day,  depending whom you ask) can turn bones into "Swiss cheese," through a process called bone resorption, can cause dry mouth/thirst, constant urination/bladder issues, severe constipation, irregular heart rhythms, irritability, kidney stones, etc! this webinar was really helpful...


*i don't diagnose or prescribe*

*i never gave/ got a jab*

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Great article! Yeah, I take K2 also. They told my friend she didn’t need it! My former Dr. Thank god knew this. During height of Covid, I upped my D too high and ended up with kidney stones (lesson learned!), so it’s important to get levels checked to know how much you need or don’t need. I sent a similar article to my friend to show her Dr.

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The “Covid team “were the only ones that were allowed to treat patients where I work. They had no background in obstetrics and I was not allowed to write orders. If the patients’ O2 Sat was ok and the non- stress test was reactive they sent them home and I refused to sign the discharge. Sooo they usually transferred the patients to a tertiary care center. Consults in ICU were rediculous…. Patient on a ventilator with post menopausal bleeding , really. The fluid overload from physicians and gurgling and then intubated in the emergency room or ICU…Nightmarish!! I’m not being dramatic but I no longer respect many of the doctors and nurses I have worked with. Best thing that ever happened to Dr. Kory and others is they are no longer in a hospital setting. Early outpatient treatment DOES saves lives.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this info., Dr. Malone. I learn so much from your videos and writings. Now, if I could only learn to be anywhere near as generous as you are with these people who continue to deny early treatment... "iatrogenic" is too kind a term for so many of the deaths from complications of COVID or other severe respiratory diseases in the last two years. I consider them deaths of wanton neglect and continue to be horrified by what so many hospital workers did or didn't do. I'm struggling but will keep working on my outlook! Thank you again for everything you do.

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wanton neglect! malevolent! agree!!!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“A Simple Approach to Prevent Hospitalization for COVID-19 Patients” plus IVM, is what our family physician did for us. Unvaxxed, 60-somethings, one with co-morbidities. My symptoms were mild but hubby was recently recovered from a bout of long-term ventilation due to Guillain-Barre Syndrome so he was treated, at home, as if pneumonia was imminent. (We monitored his O2 levels and they did drop a bit.) There was NO WAY he was going to the hospital after the horror stories we heard from others. We also received MAbs at Day 5 so difficult to pin down exactly what was the definitive "cure." But we both recovered fully and, after about two weeks, had no lingering symptoms. This was probably Delta, back in Nov 2021. Our doctor is the only one in our town who was TREATING covid. I could not believe my ears when others reported their doctors would not prescribe any of these things!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

" of the unnecessary isolation of the patients,"

I keep coming back to images of sons and daughters trying to touch, communicate with parents behind glass windows or worse, who are in their nursing home or hospital rooms.

Back to the Sunday's substack and John Prine, "Hello in There" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfwGkplB_sY

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I have done extensive research when working with psych patients.. yes I did.. about isolation and restraint. very sad and disgusting aspect used in psychiatric hospitals.. a long story.. and with me being of a more optimistic disposition on that note I will go to my tub.. my Mineral spa flakes came in and I need a long bath. sore all over.. sigh.. :) CHEERS.. good people have a wonderful day.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the FLCCC doctors started at least one hospital in every state, staffed by all those caring doctors and nurses willing to speak truth at the risk of their own careers?

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ivermectin worked great for me. But it also opened my mind to the use of aspirin in place of my Eliquis and not taking statins. I think we all know that the CCP with start to limit drugs as part of the Great Reset. Best be ready for it. Mike

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