Another Trojan horse by the globalists. Crickets have been found to have arsenic, mycotoxins, anti-nutrients and carcinogens in their exoskeleton.

The best solution is don’t eat anything with a label. And an even better solution is do the carnivore diet. Carnivore saved me from autoimmune hell, and the crazy thing is I have seen it work on everything from MS to clinical depression and anxiety (literally cured MS with negative brain scans after 2 years).

What we eat matters.

If you have autoimmune disease or chronic illness that you think you might fix with diet, or if you just want to screw the globalists agenda and live a healthier life, check out carnivore diet here:


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The average factory farm cow lives in deplorable conditions, is injected with 16 different vaccines, consumes 12 different types of antibiotics, is sprayed with insecticides, and eats a steady diet of GMO corn sprayed with glyphosate and other pesticides. The industry says all this stuff is safe and effective, and not to worry about any risk to people eating it. Since we kill the cows around 1-2 years old, we don't get to see how safe it actually is.

I'm not advocating anyone eat bugs, but if you are going to eat meat try to find an organic farm you can trust or even better hunt wild. Because the conventional meat industry is even less ethical than the medical industrial complex. Read up on the livestock vaccines Bourla oversaw in Europe before he became CEO of Pfizer.

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I mostly agree, but there is a reality being overlooked. You and I can do that because we can afford it. My home is 99% organic with pasture raised eggs, organic chicken, and grass-fed and finished beef. I spend almost $7/ L for Alexandra’s organic A2 milk. I also have kids with different food allergies, and the our very athletic daughter who is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts also has an inflammatory reaction to gluten and she’s now gluten free. Our son has a dairy allergy so he drinks hemp milk because it won’t kill our daughter (and it’s way better than the other alternatives).

Our grocery bill for a family of 4 is also about $3,500/ month now. It’s only that affordable because of market forces which has spurred innovation due to increased demand - innovation that will take time to implement. Time old narcissistic billionaires hate because they can’t imagine progress after they finally, and mercifully, leave this planet.

This whole eating bugs thing is nothing more than them playing God. Humans have always had plentiful access to bugs, the ability to make flour for thousands of years, and learned thousands of years ago how to farm much more challenging livestock.

We can do all the studies we want, but if it were healthy yo have bugs be a main component of the human diet, much smarter humans would have figured that out thousands and thousands of years ago.

We live in an age of stupidity and gullibility, yet these pro-scarcity crazy people genuinely believe they are truly enlightened. God help us all.

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You are absolutely right. We fight back with educated consumerism. We demand better food, and innovation will lead to that being more affordable in the long run. On carnivore diet I can eat grass fed beef and A2 raw milk and butter for like $20 a day which isn’t crazy. I can beef that up if I add oysters, higher end steaks, soy free eggs and A2 raw heavy cream once in a while.

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Great diet. It can be done. Buying a whole grass fed steer directly from the farmer is a way to save money. You can do quarters with three friends. We raise GF beef for a few families and provide a lot of the rest of our food. We give away A2 milk to many in our church. I encourage everyone to plant a “victory garden” even if it’s just sprouts in a jar.

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While that sounds tasty, can you actually 💩 on that diet? 🤔. Granted 25% of my calories comes from cheese.........

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You said it so well I can't add anything except to say that hat's an excellent point about bugs being available throughout history and pretty much sums up the case against

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It is only in Europe and parts colonised by Europeans that eating insect has come to be seen as unusual. In Africa and Asia insect eating is normal, Insects are a substantial part of the food of non-human primates and were almost certainly also so of the diet of early humans. They are not just a poverty food. In South African markets mopane worms (a caterpillar) can demand three times the price by weight of prime beef. As a child I delighted in eating flying ants (the reproductive stage of harvester termites) when they came out after a rainstorm. They are seriously yummy! Nothing wrong with eating insects, what is a problem is eating highly processed foods. Eat crickets, not cricket flour.

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Insects are not a major source of calories for any human culture and there is zero evidence they ever have been. Some human cultures eat bugs as a garnish, but not as a source of 30% or more of their calories. We have zero evidence bugs have ever been a significant part of the human diet at any point in recorded history including drawings on cave walls.

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Coproliths (ancient remains of faeces) are a more direct source of evidence for entomophagy. Have a look at Insects 2017, 8(3), 72; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects8030072

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So what I got from that is a theory human ancestors ate bugs, evidence of bugs in human poop 10,000+ years ago, and people writing about bugs as garnishments or “indigenous” people eating them without much context. The rest seemed to be a theoretical proposition on farming of aquatic insects.

No one has disputed bugs are occasionally eaten by some humans around the globe - mostly as a garnishment and sometimes a delicacy. All kinds of things in the human diet are tolerable at small amounts.

If you’d like to test the theory of eating bugs as a significant part of your diet go for it. Starting at 30% of daily caloric intake. Flukers farm is where I order crickets from for our pet crested gecko. They say 1 small cricket = 1 calorie. 1 large maybe 2 calories. Some bugs probably have more. For 30% of your calories a day that’s 300-600 crickets or other bug equivalent. Maybe you can find one you only have to eat

There are human tendencies I have found it best not to ignore. Things like the fact that our first attempts at vaccines are usually dangerous and that we don’t actually know how to create a coronavirus vaccine are why my family and I didn’t run out to get vaccinated. The evidence proved that prudent. Wether it’s reading, eating, relationships, family structures, activities, and values, there are some basic patterns that correlate to positive human health and outcomes, and countless attempts to “improve” those aspects of life with new theories that fail miserably. Still, sometimes progress is made and better ways discovered.

I don’t have an interest in being a WEF lab rat. Until there is actual evidence eating huge amounts of bugs is ideal for human health, I will not support efforts to force or coerce it on anyone in any form, nor will I be participating, as the evidence we have is it’s probably not a great source of food for humans. I’m not stopping anyone from testing the theory out personally. The movement needs a better spokesperson than flabby slobs like Bill Gates who always looks sickly despite the billions in resources.

If you do opt to go all in and try the bug reliant diet, please post about your experience. If nothing else it will be interesting, and probably funny as well.

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I upvoted you even though I don't plan on taking your advice, at all. I tend to agree with NCmom.

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I can't speak for the meat cows. Dairying is big in the county where I spend a lot of my time. I know some of the dairymen, and have seen their dairies up close.

Those cows are as pampered as they possibly could be. They don't graze in pastures. The food is brought to them. It's normal to see them eating while lying down (think couch potato in front of the TV with a dinner tray in their lap), Medications are assuredly NOT routine- the milk is tested, and any trace causes the whole tank to be rejected. If they're sick, they're segregated out, and go to a pasture or cow hospital until they're well.

Not saying I'd want to be them. I'm not somebody who wants to be a cow. Trust me on this, they are NOT mistreated.

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Dairy cows are the most mistreated females of all the animals we consume in the US, save chickens. There is not one dairy farm within 50 miles of my house that has cows and their babies being treated ethically, hell- even eating grass. Prisoners in the overseas camp I worked at had breakfast brought to them too...Mothers give birth to their babies with the understanding they get to feed them and care for them.

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Some of you take things so far that it is ridiculous. God gave us cows to feed us! This kind of thinking on your part is brainwashing prob from the same who want to take our land and horde it for themselves while most of us live sub-human eating bugs or whatever they will force or allow! Wake up young idealistic person and realize you have been manipulated to spew out lies about what is and what isn’t.

Reminds me of a situation several years ago. I have a gorgeous Muscrat fur coat prob about 30-50 years old. I bought it at an Estate sale years ago. Wore it for years, and decided I didn’t want it any longer. I had had it relined with nice silk. I attempted to sell it on Facebook Marketplace but they quickly disallowed it. WHY? Bc it was animal fur I suppose. Now, since the coat was older, but still very warm and nice, what was the problem with someone reusing it? Just bc someone had killed an animal 50 years ago? It was EXTREMELY WARM! It could have been an inexpensive nice warm coat for someone. Made no sense to me!! Some of the thinking nowadays makes NO SENSE!!!!

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No Sharon, cows were not given to humans for consumption. We decided to domesticate their ancestors so we would no longer have to hunt for those animals that could easily kill us- we made them easier to slaughter and eat over time for our convenience.

This has nothing to do with the comment about dairy cows being treated properly. Mothers of all species deserve the chance to feed their young. Not have them swept away moments after birth and be continually hand raped every year so adult humans can drink their breast milk meant for their babies.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

You really need some help my dear!!!

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Our animals all drink their mothers milk and we wean them quite late. I appreciate your concern though. It is a good virtue. BTW- you can still be easily killed by cattle, especially bulls. Granted, the person who buys meat in the store has little risk- LOL

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

I might be wrong, but when I read what you wrote, it appears you are putting yourself in the cow's place, and asking, "How would I feel about this if I were a cow." If that's what you're doing, you're making the mistake of believing they feel what you would feel.

They don't. They're cows. They nurse their calves not b/c they love their babies, but b/c that's their instinct. After the calf is no longer nursing, the cow doesn't care any more about it than any other cow. Meaning they don't care about it at all.

I hope you wouldn't run for your life while a predator was attacking your baby. But a momma goat would. I've seen it with my own eyes. Please don't impute human feelings to farm animals.

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I've heard similar arguments made by men about neutering tom cats and dogs. Anthropomorphism. Dogs and cats are not men and don't suffer emotionally. Once they heal down there they are back to their playful selves without producing a bunch of homeless mutts and kittens in the neighborhood. The females suffer more from spaying due to its invasive nature. But they don't suffer emotionally either.

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Well put. Thank you.

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Animals are no greater or lesser than we are- sorry to say. Humans also frequently abandon their young during times of distress-female and male. So this goat example means nothing as to a bond between mother and child at the macro level. For every negative example you give, I can find 10 more to the contrary. Your lack of understanding of sentience makes it no less so. Mothers deserve the opportunity to raise their children.

Dairy farms which include mammalian excretions to be sold for human consumption do not allow for nature to be as it should be. It's really that simple.

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If you want to allow nature to be as it should be, you'll be walking around wearing animal skins and eating whatever you can kill or forage.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree.

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So you think the life of a cow or a deer has equivalent value to the life of a human? Unfortunately that goes against our innate instincts. Most animals don’t survive their babyhood. You are never going to convince people to allow mass death of human babies to be “fair” to non-human animals. That’s not how nature works. I’m guessing if you have kids you wouldn’t be cool with them dying young from starvation to save a baby cow. No parent would.

Living in fantasyland is a good way to drum up your own emotions, but an awful way to make decisions that impact yourself, much less others. If you prefer to hunt for food that’s great. If you think it’s a more just world to eliminate farming and make everyone hunt for good your insane.

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There's a book called 'the hidden life of trees'. You might like to read it and/or you might be able to listen to it being read on YT. It will make you wonder if that piece of broccoli (which I eat a lot of) on your dinner plate really wants to be there.

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We raise dairy and beef small scale. Our animals are on pasture 100% of the time. The calves are well taken care of. We do eat the calves. A buddy of mine, a former bull rider has a much larger operation. He does about the same as us except grain finishes them ( we grass finish). Neither of us ship animals to the slaughterhouse. They die where they live- unrestrained at all. My buddy still has the bull that took him all the way to Nationals. This bull is one the the most spoiled critters I know. True that cow/ calf operations usually ship steers to feedlots. But if you don’t like that idea- we and others are out there.

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I believe that. I get grass fed locally sourced from the Amish. But that said, cows have ruminant stomachs and can turn toxic foods like corns with pesticides and make it clean. Unlike chickens and pigs. For example if I eat soy fed chicken or eggs from them I get fucked up badly. But if a cow is fed soy I won’t even notice it. This is why ruminant animals are king.

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You're lucky to be able to buy from the Amish. Though it looks like that is being threatened too now, with the feds trying to shut down Miller's Organic.

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That was actually pretty old news that somehow resurfaced. I order from them bi-weekly.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

The farmer's appeal was only announced Aug 19, but I am sure this has been a long slog.

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Yep. We need to work together to find how to prevent it from happening to other farmers like Miller in the future.

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Free range chickens eat bugs, lots of bugs.

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The smartest comment I'll read this morning!

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Here, we are overrun with deer, and hunters freely share the meat. It's glorious.

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Totally agree.

Did you know you cannot donate game meat (in many states) to food banks (fully broken down in sweet little family sized packages ready to cook. Insanity.

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Here the hunting club goes out and provides the meat to elders. We take care of each other, not like everyone for themselves.

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I love that. The definition of loving care and kindness.

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It's called community. Unfortunately they still think masks work and are needed. Go figure

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Also, in WA state (at least when we lived there) the deer were overrunning the town. They were emaciated and clearly had parasitic overload. Little to no thinning of the herd allowed. Apparently sick and diseased is preferable to culling. Actual responsible management.

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A possible way around that law would be to give out a home address or two at food banks. Individuals in need show up at private homes for packaged game.

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You got me curious. Turns out a lot of states have programs where hunters and processors work to get game meat to hungry families. Not WA of course. At least I didn't see it on my small search. I did see the NRA sponsors a program called Hunters for the Hungry. Hunters, processors & packers get together to provide meat to food banks across the country. Not WA of course. They want them to eat canned food and use EBT to buy expensive farmer's market veg. Sigh.

But closer to your thoughts - a person can offer food to families they know need it. Food banks often don't want to offer food that people are not familiar with eating. But I have a feeling that will change as budgets grow tighter. I bet the food banks won't diss cricket flour. Haha.

Anyway, thank you for presenting the idea. It made me go out and look at now I have a nice injection of hope today.

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Same question one asks for all these brilliant ideas- If it's so attractive, why does the government need to subsidize or force people to do it?

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I'd like to know what all the WEF folks are planning to eat in the future.

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Steak and lobster like they do now.

Just like everybody cutting back on fossil fuels while the WEF'rs fly around in private jets, this stuff isn't for them.

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I cannot, in good conscious, click anymore of your heart buttons. For the sake of your email inbox.

Blanket Raptor heart click upvote.

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People 🥹

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Yep. Have you seen all the subtle attempts to “normalize” cannibalism in the MSM? They’re in the early stages of socializing the idea.

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Between that and pedophilia these people want the worst for humanity.

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It’s how you collapse a civilization. You undermine the core values and beliefs. You turn the verboten into acceptable and even encouraged.

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BTW, for early stage kidney disease eating meat instead of vegetable protein leads to worse long term outcomes. Who knows about bugs?

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I just put my finger on what irritated me when I read your post. Almost always you include a link for your position on the carnivore diet. It feels like an advertisement.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bring back Victory Gardens!

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Get the victory, just like grandma did!

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The facts that crickets can carry diseases and that their shells can be carcinogenic are, I’m sure, a feature, not a bug.

Everyone who cares about this needs to stop eating processed foods. We put convenience ahead of health and buy the lie that natural foods such as grass fed meat, pastured eggs, and raw dairy are bad for us—or at least not as good for us as some manufactured crap such as almond, soy, or oat milk. Does anyone actually believe that the list of ingredients on a food label necessarily includes everything put into it? The only food information I believe comes from the farmers I know whom I buy my food from.

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The Standards of Identity for Foods is a thing. Like you, I buy my foods directly from the growers and raisers.

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When you read 'natural flavouring' in a list of ingredients, stay away! It might be natural but you might not like it!

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1. Disgusting they are pushing this which means reading labels will now become obsessive. 🙄

2. Correction Dr. Malone - the exoskeleton is chitin - h not r. Yes, I'm an obsessive proofreader. 😊

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however it's spelled it won't be eating this chit.

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epic...lol best comment award!

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These kleptocrats are preposterous. Do they have any idea of how really funny they are? They are so suffering from the distorted logic of insanity. They must really believe we are that very stupid.

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About that stupid comment. Actually some people are that stupid and it's been exceptionally obvious over the last 2.5 years. Tech savvy friends who research everything and are sooo careful about what they eat went out and got the shots asap. No research, no thinking. The TV news or the TV doctor said do it and they did. They're on #4 and plan to continue. I know a few people like this. I only feel sorry for those who where coerced or really didn't know any better and trusted medical advice as they've done all their lives. As I type, I think of one lady in particular, 80+ yrs old who has had 4 shots and has had covid 3 times this year. I feel sorry for her.

This post is about food but microchipping humans is also in it's early stages and is being normalized. So I asked an acquaintance, mother of 3 adult children if she would be willing to be microchipped. I expected her reply to be a fast, hard 'no way!'. After a few seconds she said, well yes, it would be a good idea if I had dementia so that my whereabouts would always be known.

People will accept the bugs. There's no shortage of junk food out there and if you noticed, the offerings in the pictures, except for perhaps the cricket flour are junk food.

It'll be the same as the shots: some will have no choice, others won't care, some will think 'isn't this neat!'.

It's a slow creep to the abyss followed by a hard and fast fall.

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These clowns in the clown car are useful idiots who think they're in control. They're disposable. Someone "higher up on the food chain" is pulling the strings.

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Just like everything else these paychos are pushing on us, you can be guaranteed, these low life’s will still be eating steak, chicken, Turkey...as they believe they are the true lords of the planet and we are no more than their slaves 🤬🤬

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Just another step in the anti-human agenda.

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I have to say, reading this article gave me the heebie jeebies 🤢. I will now be paying more attention to ingredients on any food products I purchase. My daughter is extremely allergic to shellfish so I forwarded it to her attention so that she is aware and reads all food ingredients. Thank you for the eye opener, Dr. Malone.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who knew my dog was ahead of her time? She's been eating crickets in the backyard since we got her 4 years ago.

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Two years ago I switched to a animal-based diet. Even with the inevitable bumps in the transition from a plant-based diet, I am far better for it. My autoimmune issues have diminished and I have achieved a more balanced weight and energy level. The idea of eating insects triggers a resistance that I can assume is a cultural and upbringing issue as well as a well-developed aversion to creepy, crawly critters. When I can get over that thought, I come to the realization that just as primitive humans chose meat primarily and ate plants secondarily, I suspect bugs are a choice beyond meat and plants mostly eaten to prevent starvation. We are designed to eat many things but I cannot see the value of eating bugs over what our bodies have been primarily designed to thrive on - animal and/or plant-based. Of course, the powers that be are not inclined to give us a choice with this issue or many others. We must just say "NO!" and do what is necessary stop this intrusion on our free will and right to choose.

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Just saying no won’t be opposition enough by any stretch. Why do you think Gates is buying all that farmland? Why are farmers around the world being forced or bought off their lands? Why are so many food processing plants being destroyed? Why won’t the railroads ship fertilizer? Why are central banks transitioning to digital currencies?

Because they intend to offer you no choice in the matter. When all other forms of sustenance have been removed, everyone will eat bugs.

Just saying “no” isn’t nearly forceful enough.

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You're right! Saying "No!" is NOT enough! That is why I added: ". . . . and do what is necessary stop this intrusion on our free will and right to choose." But saying "No!" is the first step to the realization of doing what is necessary.

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Couldn't we just start by ending the ridiculous Ethanol charade? That would save more water and land than eating bugs.

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This isn’t about saving anything. It is about controlling everything.

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I have been reading about this! So terrible. Why are they experimenting on American citizens? Probably to kill us off. I was reading where our bodies are not designed to eat bugs. We can’t digest them well. I have seen advertising of cricket flour you can buy. Do they think we are dumb?

I saw a commercial where Nicole Kidman was eating bugs and saying how good they were for us and how tasty they were. My thought was you have got to be kidding!

Thank you for researching all these different topics. You know where to look and I trust your judgement! May God help us all.

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Last year, there was some kind of a health conference held at the Vatican with regards to covid and the shots. First of all, I couldn't understand what the Vatican had to do with health. Among the attendees where Cindy Crawford and Chelsea Clinton. I also couldn't understand what those 2 women had to do with health care either.

I only just clued in recently: part of normalizing all this is hiring social influencers to make it look attractive to the gullible. I suppose Nicole Kidman sold out and is an influencer, paid to make the comment.

Prostitution is much, much bigger than most of us realize.

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I agree! With the reaction to the vaccine mandates and mask wearing, lockdowns, etc. People will just blindly follow the narrative.

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We can't bring back Victory Gardens.

The weather network is saying rain water is impure and can not be consumed, by extension I suppose it can't be used to water our gardens. Of course if the rain water in your area is ok to consume then you still can't grow your own veggies cause the soil is contaminated.

No worries though big Bill has purchased enough land that he can filter all the required water and sterilize the required soil. So we can buy all our food through him. I am sure he will offer us a very good price.

Now there is are a few questions remaining:

How will they force the switch to bug protein, by inflating the price of meat I wonder.

Well if its all related to pricing then I guess the rich people will still get to eat the good stuff, cause its only the poor people that suffer/pay for the staples (bugs),,,,,,,,,,, cause its all they can afford.

To summarize:

The rich get the meat

We get the bugs

They get to profit

We get to pay

So nothings changed then.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work WHO knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it

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I am glad you called out the word “manufacturers” vs. “farms”. Along that thread of thought, I wonder if FARMS can rebrand themselves as Animal Manufacturing Plants?

I am one of those people that has food and drug allergies. Dairy is the big one for me in food. I read all labels and have for a long time. I READ ALL OF THEM!! So if there is a bug additive, I will see it and if more people DON’T BUY the bug additive foods, they will expire and have to throw it out. Boycott!

I have noticed they are now listing on labels THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS A BIOENGINEERED INGREDIENT. Here are some that might shock you!

M&M’s milk chocolate not dark chocolate (at least what I noticed)

Many other popular chocolate bars

Saltine crackers

In fact most crackers

Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal

Raisin nut bran cereal

Nilla wafers

There are more products I don’t recall all but most junk food is now bioengineered. Most would be products teenagers and children would eat. Hmmm coincidence or not?

Take a walk through your store. Give yourself time. Think of it as getting in your steps, but do it and adjust your recipes and eating habits.

I try to buy Non GMO products but I still look at the ingredients. It’s habit now.

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Stay away from processed, packaged foods as much as possible. I cook almost everything from scratch. I even make my own butter after seeing how easy it was (Jamie Oliver video I think). There's lots of things that can be made in advance and put in the freezer for days when you don't have time, are tired etc to spend much time in the kitchen. Leftovers are great too!

I don't even use food processors much. The mixing and kneading is good exercise.

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Being allergic to shellfish, I am going to be ultra careful in making sure I do not partake of these so-called "tasty snacks". I really do think there will be a problem with the critin. I suppose they (you know the dreaded they) can say the uptick in cancer and allergies are caused by sunspots or something similiar and not the critin which we are not made to ingest . Gads, these evil people need to be stopped.

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As Birdingmom has already pointed out, chitin is the correct spelling, not critin.

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What are they feeding these crickets?

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And how exactly are they "slaughtering" them? I wondered, so checked - it seems the crickets are first boiled and then freeze-dried or shredded. Having just read the Gulag Archipelago, this sounds a bit like a technique the KGB might have practiced.

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Agreed. Humane slaughter is a major issue here. Being boiled alive is simply not cricket. But exactly what method of dispatch would such a sensitive being find least traumatizing? This is a conundrum that plagues all animal husbandry.

And many, many thanks to Dr Malone for precipitating this whole cascade of utter nonsense. While I have found his comments from the perspective of his field of medical science to be invaluable and well worth the price of admission here, I also value much of the rest of it as a window into the same mass psychosis he describes in others. Quite illuminating.

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Probably trash, and organic matter. Recycling programs will have people separate organic matter, to feed the bugs "they" will add in trash into "recycled matter" and not let us know, is my guess.

In Commiformia, we got notification that new recycling program will be starting with bins for organic matter, we will face fines if they find compost scraps our "trash" bins. I am a rancher, so I already have use for all my organic matter, thankfully this new program will not bother me. With this cricket news, it all makes sense now. Garbage in Garbage out comes to mind. The cricket is a product of what it eats like all other living creatures.

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