Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In arguments with my liberal friends, I've ALWAYS maintained that it won't be global warming that does us in, but some GMO crop that wipes out all bee pollination or some virus they're messing around with, nuclear disasters, some Frankenstein hubris situation created by these "brilliant" scientists messing with things that just because they "can" doesn't mean they "should." Technology has surpassed our humanity -- Albert Einstein (and that was THEN). Of course, it could also be some event in space we have no clue about or some change in inertia or some tiny change in the speed one way or another the earth rotates, universe expanding, all those physics issues we have no control over. Either way, it will not be climate change as these liberals spin this narrative. We should take care of our planet--I am a conservationist, but these scientists not only don't have enough data to predict this garbage (they can't even predict viruses properly), they are messing with things they also don't know about. I was not popular as an adjunct.

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Simply observed, these Technocrat Neo-Feudalists involved with Gates/Fauci's Medical Complex are EXPERT, huh? Please, somebody go inland to find some QUALIFIED WITH COMMON SENSE, like; Farmers and their wives, Plumbers, Oil Drillers and Gardeners to RUN THE WORLD. Survival skills in the Natural World MUST BE pre-requisite to EXPERT with everything.

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LOL I love that! NO doubt. I was not popular as an adjunct.. I was quite popular among admin, until I taught critical thinking skills and to look beyond surface s/s, LOL.

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I think we are saying the same thing? I was popular with the kids, not the administration. Ha.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stop making so much sense, Dr. Malone. It's creating cognitive dissonance for those who believe you to be controlled opposition.

And all biological, chemical and nuclear weapons are acts of terrorism, even if not used. They can't be used with targeted discrimination or in defense at all. They're a threat of harm to everyone in order to affect political ends, which is the definition of terrorism.

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Can you spell "In-tim-id-ation"?.....I knew you could. ( Thanks to Mr. Fred Rogers)

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is why: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/experimental-oxford-ebola-jab-could-trialled-uganda-outbreak/ They're making mRNA experimental vaxes to try to get Ugandans to take it, since they wouldn't take the jabs with covid. I work in Uganda - I've told everyone I know to NOT take this. They made the covid jabs mandatory but no one wanted them, teachers quit rather than be forced to take it. They never had enough for everyone anyway. The govt refused more and tossed a bunch and then started it's own "pharmaceutical research lab" to make their own. But if you're wondering why the US and UG are on different pages, this is why.

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Gee, I wonder if this is Fauci's new gig, once he "retires" in December. He has stated he is moving on to the "next phase" in his career. My bet is that it will be something offshore (like this) and preferably (for him) a country without an extradition agreement with the US....

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I hope the next phase of his career is confined to the Supermax prison in Colorado.

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Devil's Island needs to be opened for him, Collins and crew

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I would much prefer he be relegated to a crematorium in Alexandria, VA.

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Actually death isn't the greatest punishment.

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Punishment isn't always needed to indicate how much people object to certain actions. Sometimes, the alternative is safer in the long run.

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Me, too.

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I don’t think he is educated enough to do anything but hand out federal grant money. He’s not a scientist or a doctor. Cary Mullis famously said that “Fauci doesn’t know anything”.

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He does have an MD degree, but he went into public health to avoid service in Vietnam.... Keep in mind that he doesn't just "hand out federal grant money"--he has recruited and manipulated an entire cadre of "followers" who are dependent upon him for their notoriety and their phenomenal paychecks. He is definitely not a scientist in any real sense of the word--but he does have enough education to have been able to pull off his evil agenda for half a century.

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So he’s a non-practicing doctor who recruits scientists by luring them with government money.

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He plays a doctor on TV.

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Apparently Fauci graduated at the top of his class before govt 'service' and building his empire. He has also remained at the topmost position of a difficult-to-maintain hierarchy for over 40 years. His experience may not be what we wanted of him, but he's got plenty.

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Fauci has real issues. I mean real issues.. he was overlooked by his peers because he was the moth drawn to the flame of REAL VIROLOGISTs whom I know and worked with. He has so much money now he doesn't need a new GIG. Good Riddance to FAUXI.. as I call him

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as to a.fauci, may he spend a life as a lab rat for every single person harmed by lockdowns, masks and vaxes. amen.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes we deserve answers but we will only get lies from the perpetrators of GOF democide. Let us instead pursue indictment, prosecution and conviction. The evidence of deliberate criminal activity and coverup is overwhelming.

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How much longer will it be safe to rely on civilization to prosecute those who wish to commit genocide in the name of science? I've never heard of an official evaluation that will place these 'scientists' on the same list of recipients as people such as Anwar al-Awlaki, but surely, some of them are more deserving.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We know they lie. We know they use scare tactics to achieve their tyrannical goals. We know they are willing to kill people. We know that these past series of covid jabs have weakened people's immune systems. We know they have an almost religious mission to 'reduce carbon'... you are the 'carbon' they want to reduce. We know we are involved in a modern day global war jockeying for who will sit atop this NWO. (Our Constitution, frankly, in a worldly sense, is all that stands in their way.) We know they want to force digital currency. We know they want to force Digital ID that will include your immunization status. We know they use psychological warfare on their end... to either frighten you into submission or create to dissenters they can pin the blame on. We know they are trying to push for a Pandemic Treaty that destroys national sovereignty and grants UNELECTED and UNACCOUNTABLE power. We know there is always an 'October Surprise'... and that they are willing to go 'no holds barred' to retain power (globalist). We also KNOW, because we have it recorded that BG said that (paraphrase) 'The first one may not get the world's attention, but the second one will.' ..and then he smirked. SO... I am, to say the least, a bit off balance in my willingness to 'but you can trust them now'. Of course, that may exactly be the point.

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The Great Restrainer is greatly restraining, when the GR is removed, then things will quickly progress. But not until then. The trick is to align fully with the GR now before it's too late.

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I agree that His hand is lifting. Is it lifted unto destruction or lifted unto turning around? Pray in repentance, for mercy and forgiveness. I believe He will return at the 'End of the Age'. I think the West had better prepare for persecution, the rest of our brothers and sisters are already experiencing it. Ephesians 6.

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Though I was just scrolling through my email I had to stop to read this: THOSE OF US who actually worked in Virology.. me,, Dr. Malone ALWAYS notice "so called" for Virus fear porn so I will quote this article and a comment I agree with: "In my opinion, there is absolutely no good reason to be aerosolizing Ebola in a laboratory situation. The risks are significant." Secondly.. right here in RESTON, VA there was an outbreak.. and there is a lot out there on it.. including this FEARPORN.. as Dr Malone calls it, correctly: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=external&v=547509855780564 THIS IS CALLED THE HOT ZONE Panic.. about Ebola.. from the National Geographic. Then there is the reporting on the Reston Ebola outbreak.. just find it for yourself. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/25-years-ago-in-virginia-a-very-different-ebola-outbreak/ and thirdly and most importantly it is UNACCEPTABLE by any all circumstances that Ebola virus be used FOR ANY GAIN OF FUNCTION research or as the National Academy of Sciences "refers" to GAIN OF FUNCTION or GOFoc.. and once again correctly noted the list of "so called solutions" OMITTED the KEY POINT: "quote quote"

Note that the option to NOT conduct gain of function research is NOT in the “list.” There is ZERO REASONS why Eboli Gain of Function research should be done.. given its history of LAB ERROR and the consequences of such errors are DEADLY. The National Academy of Scientist or NAS.. whom I did work for as a scientific indexer years ago USED to be a respected institute, given the quality of education these days I am not surprised with the six points of possible "consensus' in line with WHO and other international gone woke, failed organic chemistry, half axx wanna be scientists who never saw the inside of a Biohazard level four lab.. and I have. God help the WORLD now that we have science committees and boards in charge.

With regard to the "reported" Ugandan outbreak, IF that is true, ALL AIR TRAVEL from Uganda should be halted ASAP. A final note: there is a BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN a virus which is transmissible between Primates and Humans.. like Ebola versus a virus like Corona which did not have a human vector. Thank you, DR Malone.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M makes way too much sense. He must be attacked and silenced. Release the bots!

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Funny, but I saw a suspicious release today. It is the thing our country does best, information warfare.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always, you present facts, and then objective analysis of facts with critical questions., and sometimes opinion. Never sensational, wild speculations, presumptuous character assassinations. You emody respect and dignity for people to form their own informed opinions. You're truly a rare gem and example. Thank you

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

downright frightening stuff! GoF needs to be outlawed!

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Yes, it is worse than a scary movie. Way worse! I thought I had suffered in the early 1980s when Clinton let in the Haitians and they stayed in a Fort outside of town. I contracted a serious illness while working as a charge nurse in a busy emergency room. We didn't wear gloves that often and we didn't wear masks. Regular masking would not have helped me. The lies my government told me is something I know about. Emergency rooms are called the armpit of the hospital for a reason.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a provider in Virginia, I just posted this on fb:

Happy Friday Virginia 😊 I am compelled to update you on our state and illustrious public health notices and comment yet again as your VA Dept of Health is warning us about 44 possible, NOT confirmed, cases of ebola found ONLY in the very far away country (over 7,225 miles from us) of Uganda.

Do you yet see the ridiculousness and I plead… deceit? Please see my recent sub stack posts.

Sirens are going several times a day.

Young people, including college agers and kiddos, are having strokes, heart attacks, clots and being disabled/dying.

Many have constant illness, upper respiratory infections, fast growing and returning cancers, unintended weight loss and wasting disease like HIV, and autoimmune disease diagnoses have skyrocketed.

But your ‘public health’ authorities don’t notice a thing ‘round here, except some POSSIBILE cases of ebola over 7K miles away.

Chew on it a few minutes, I love you.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here we go again!

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But what good is a treaty among lawless individuals? Fauci just awarded another huge grant for gain of function research, in spite of knowing that he may possibly be investigated for what he has already done. I suppose he knows that investigation is improbable.

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It will never be over , till we , the people , clean house.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So much gain of function research! I'm thinking we may be on the eve of destruction. I can't imagine this research will stop. It will probably become more sinister.

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But maybe what we are learning is that it is super tough to fool mother nature and her safety mechanisms.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with Dr. Malone that GOF research and experimentation should stop immediately. It's absolutely insidious and terrifying to think of GOF research on Aerosolizing Ebola! I'm absolutely dumfounded that the world didn't exact pounds of flesh from the CCP and the Ecohealth Alliance who funds these horrible experiments and clearly created SARS-2. Recently, the corrupt U.S. NIH just gave the corrupt and evil EcoHealth Alliance a new $7.5MM grant. Pure Madness and Insanity!

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