Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here is a man who, like Julian Assange, must wonder if the personal cost was worth the effort. A brilliant man with a sense of honor and nobility, brought horrible news to a sleepy world. Now he suffers infamy amongst those who would harm us all, and very little gratitude from an indebted drowsy world.

The man may not get many accolades amongst the population at large, but there are many of us who will do what is needed to assure him how important his sacrifice was to us. We owe you, Edward, and stand ready to assume the cost of your liberty.

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I can think of no greater peace on my deathbed than knowing I sacrificed for what was good for humanity. I am happy enough just knowing I have healthy offspring. Assange has paid a severe price, one many of us could not endure or even simply have the rocks to do the acts that brought this on.

Compare this to Rumsfeld and his final breath and his final thought, "oh god, no"

Assange goes with a clean slate. If the society as a whole had this metal, he would be free, a celebrated hero, and thenworld would be a better place.

The saddest thing is he made this sacrifice for a culture that doesn't even care. Doesnt care that what he and Bradley (at the time) Manning exposed and doesn't care those war criminals were never brought to justice and doesn't care Assange is illegally imprisoned.

He made this sacrifice for a world of dunces.

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I didn't know that about Rumsfeld, the man who brought us Aspartame by being appointed to be the guy who approves it.... Probably realized that where he's going the only sweetener available is aspartame, and it's in everything, even the water!

I am horrified to admit that, as I visualized the scene, it elicited a brief smirk.

Forgive me Father.

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And yet, they cannot seem to identify the J6 pipe bomber. Or figure out who left the cocaine in the White House. 🙄

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Or who gave the Roe/Wade draft to the news outlet.

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(Swamp creature explains)

You cannot find what you're intentionally not looking for, so no, we have no idea who that dude in the hoodie was.

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The dude in the hoodie talking on a cell phone. LOL!

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IF I had to take a guess....

The dude in the hoodie was Hunter, waiting for his next score of hookers and blow....

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I've been reading articles about Snowden and Assange, I am realizing how intelligent and deep thinking they are and not just some goofball who thought it would be fun to release a lot of secret information. These guys thought long and hard about the consequences and in the end decided to free up information that is really ours and not the governments. It's this attitude that makes me admire the the recent whistleblowers releasing information that should be out there for us to consume and make our own judgements, not what the media wants us to hear and say. Am hoping Assange will eventually be released. Our government has no business persecuting this man. Thanks for posting this piece.

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Yawn . . . . what's on Netflix ;-)

One disappointment of Trump that Julian and Edward were not pardoned and given medals!

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If that Bill Hicks joke ever had a real moment, it was when he started teasing releasing Assange.

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Thanks for sharing Mr. Snowden's words.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone recall when CFR member - Hillary Clinton - was pushing for federal law to be enacted that VOTING could be done via personal computers? Although Snowden didn't touch on the hacking capabilities (and) voter FRAUD aspects of "technology" - and despite Joe Biden claiming the 2020 federal elections "Were the most secure in history" (the election where he didn't even bother to campaign); the election where he got "The most popular votes in history"; the election where (he) CFR member - Joe Biden - also got "MORE votes than Barrack Obama"; the election where he (Joe Biden) ACTUALLY said on TV PRIOR to the polls opening: "We have the biggest voter fraud program in place in history" - evidence that the 2020 elections were, indeed, HACKED and tampered with in MANY states is astounding. Evidence presented to the Arizona state legislature (ON TV), proved that BALLOTS in Arizona were de facto (on) PAPER MADE AND PRINTED in COMMUNIST CHINA.

GASP! But, hey, WHY NOT? Just about EVERYTHING imaginable today is MADE IN CHINA...such as

paper and electronics,(so) why not even presidents?

In America, the onset of "electronic" voting machines back in the 1980s - along with concomitant "legal" voter skulduggery - ushered in the era of vote tampering and manipulation that has FOREVER

debased and rendered the right of Americans to vote to be moot. And as has been said, ANYTHING "electronically" transmitted can be HACKED.

The old fashioned method of voting (in ALL federal state and local elections), i.e., PAPER BALLOTS*; ONE DAY-IN PERSON VOTING; NO "early" voting, PERIOD; and STRINGENT LIMITATIONS on ALL 'domestic' "absentee Ballots" might help restore some semblance of valid voting - which to include ABSOLUTE OVERSIGHT on exactly WHO COUNTS THE BALLOTS in each state and precinct.

...Joe Stalin stated: "It matters not WHO votes, what matters is who COUNTS the votes".

In America, it damn well DOES matter exactly WHO votes (AND) WHO counts the votes. IF the hordes of ILLEGAL from who knows where are allowed to vote - as has ALREADY HAPPENED in some DEMOCRAT controlled states - America will done for.

*Paper ballots MUST BE CERTIFIED as MADE and PRINTED in the U.S.A.

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This is timely - I was just watching a documentary last night about Snowden and the NSA revelations - - thinking back to what was revealed in 2013, it's like a walk in the park compared to what we now know they can REALLY do, which is 24/7 behavior monitoring online and full-on thought process control through government and military-controlled channels. Many dictators from the last century (and even some from the current one!) would be pleased with the tools the powers that be have now....

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Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Big data is big data, and the owners can and will use it however they want regardless of their promises of privacy.

My husband and I have flip phones that we only use when necessary, and we don't turn them on unless we're using them. A lot less tracking. (We use our home landline as much as possible, even with AT&T tracking--there is no real privacy, is there?)

The government is going to do what it is going to do, and this is nothing new. I know I've talked about the Red Scare after WWII, but the FBI was the king security agency under J. Edgar Hoover and they did some heinous things. And private companies got involved in wrecking people's lives because of the money and the power. (Yes, Micheal Nash, there were real, very dangerous Communist spies, but HUAC and McCarthy and the FBI and the private agencies went well beyond them with their blacklists.)

So if you want to protect yourself--teacher Cindy is coming out again--think carefully about participating in social media and using Google. Also, use your smart phone only as a phone and don't do anything that involves money, especially with banks. There are too many hackers getting into both Apple and Android phones and the patches come too late. And Joseph Steinberg, a well-known internet security advisor, says in "Cybersecurity for Dummies, 2nd Edition" that we should use a separate browser for banking, which I've done. My husband, an amateur computer whiz, downloaded Opera on my computer, and it has VPN protection.

Everything can be hacked. Our health insurance information got hacked through a 3rd party vendor so now all our medical information is floating around for sale. (Fortunately they didn't get our social security numbers.) Even before that we avoided using their website for anything except getting info--no registering, no listing of private info. One of my banks got hacked through a 3rd party vendor as well. And the federal government has been hacked again and again. And so have the departments of motor vehicles in some states.

Nothing connected to the internet is safe. Anybody, from government employees to hackers can get in and steal our private info. And this isn't going to change.

So I'm protecting myself as much as possible and continuing to live my life without driving myself crazy.

One more thing--Since I have to pay certain bills through ETF transfers from my banks, I keep double the amount plus in my checking accounts just in case someone hits the wrong button and makes a double withdrawal.

I realize I sound more cynical than usual, so I'm going to end by wishing everyone a great day filled with as much joy as possible.

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I don't fully understand vpn either--it uses encryption which makes browsing safer. I don't know about Brave, so all I can say is that I'm happy with Opera. And I have a private email with the company that supplies my fiber internet, toast.net, and I also use Yahoo for less private email.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Night time reading material. I want ALL to know that I read all the posts; however, I am a neo-luddite and cannot respond nor like every post. Please know that this community is Very Close to My Heart. Much Love and Very Best. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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"...what's good for the state is very different than what's good for the people."

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Probably the opposite.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would have liked to ask him about the 2020 election and possible hacking of Dominion machines...

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You probably know the answer.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was really good to read the extended thoughts and ideas of Mr. Snowden (pre- Covid).

I wonder what he would have to say about these topics now.

Thanks for sharing this.

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His answer to speaker 5 was naive in my opinion, probably because it was given in 2019.

AP's write-up on the MO/Biden suit had this in it: [when an AP story is used by another news outlet it must be verbatim.]

The order also prohibits the agencies and officials from pressuring social media companies “in any manner” to try to suppress posts, raising questions about what officials could even say in public forums.

"Disinformation researchers and social media watchdogs said the ruling could make social media companies less accountable to label and remove election falsehoods. [less accountable to whom?]

“As the U.S. gears up for the biggest election year the internet age has seen, we should be finding methods to better coordinate between governments and social media companies to increase the integrity of election news and information,” said Nora Benavidez, senior counsel of the digital rights advocacy group Free Press. [coordinate to increase integrity, okay, hmm, sounds like colluding to me]

Social media companies routinely take down posts that violate their own standards, but they are rarely compelled to do so by the U.S. government. [really, rarely. did you read the indictment?]

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Started listening via your GETTR post but lost access at the questions. Thanks much for the print version. The article and the comment here bring to mind again about the costs of informing. A burden you too have carried. To you and Dr Jill again, I could be more thankful for all you've offered us! You are hugely appreciated! As we see your efforts in concert with your fellow heros have and are making a difference!

As for Mr Snowden, he did have a pretty comprehensive vision of what tomorrow would bring. I did get snookered into considering crypto. Even got a book about it. Decided the source was pretending to be someone they weren't and I needed to know a lot more than I did. Deferred the issue. As a poorly informed, still not getting past what would happen if our electric supply fails and takes down our access.

In final sum, the cautions and foresights are appreciated and reflected on, on an ongoing basis!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Take the very best of care! You folks count BIG!

♡ (Dr M) ♡ (Dr J) ♡ (All your treasured kin, friends and creatures)

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A very long dialog that exposes the manipulation of facts for private interests! As long as the trend to have centralized control of information continues we are in a crisis mode! We need leadership that will return control of societal issues to we the people!

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We won't get that leadership until the day when we all band together as Americans, and demand it.

Most people are too focused on their personal pleasures, cell phone texts, fakebook account posts, and their employment requirements. Most people don't actually pay attention to this stuff, and are completely unaware of what's really going on, and IMO, this is all by design.

My wife and I recently joined a local gym to take better care of our aging bodies. It's amazing to see these young people taking selfies of their own asses, time and time again in the mirrors.

Nauseating, actually.

Yesterday, two (Indian) young boys about 14 or 15 years old were working out in the same workout area I was in. One stood directly behind the other boy, cell phone video-taping the other boy's buttocks (about 4 feet away) as he did some squats with a couple of 10 lb weights in his hands. What purpose would this hold ? If I had to guess, social media posting, but I really don't want to know why.

I just had to leave the room, as it made me sick to think that this is what these kids are focusing on at age 15. Repulsive, and based upon Indian people, I personally know, this wouldn't be what they were bringing them up to aspire to be.

Me? at age 15? I was out playing stickball with an old broom handle, and a used tennis ball with a group of buddies on the back streets behind my childhood home. I was such a rebel, back then.

I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

Prescient indeed, and with humor; thank you! "...the corporate state that we see, the Facebooks, the Googles that are haunching on our common backbone and they're trying to insert themselves into every human transaction.”

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I was most interested in your opening quotes.

I tried to read the entire speech, but was not very thorough. Edward knows that intelligence agencies, governments, and corporations are all feeding at the trough of Big Information. And they each, I suppose, have their own reasons for it.

In the context of Earth, last 10,000 years, this all seems very new and alarming. But even if we know that history quite fully, that is only a tiny fraction of our entire history.

If you have not studied Hubbard, or Dolores Cannon, or Courtney Brown, you will likely think that ten thousand years of history is plenty, and what the heck am I talking about? But if you don't know the real reason most of us are here on Earth, you don't know enough of our history. If you don't know who is really overhead watching us, you don't know enough of our history. If you don't know what caused the dinosaur extinction millions of years ago, you don't know enough of our history. And if you have no idea how long you have actually existed in this universe, you don't know enough of our history.

These technology and political developments on Earth possibly have their own unique character. But they are part of an ancient pattern. And that pattern includes much more technology (most of it electronic) than what has been deployed on Earth in our current age. We can talk about freeing ourselves, or defending ourselves against, the technologies we know about on Earth. But those aren't all the technologies that exist in this universe. And freeing ourselves and defending our freedoms is a bit more involved than writing better code and establishing some communities that can't be infiltrated and destroyed.

All I ask readers or Dr. Malone to do is look a bit further, dig a bit deeper before being satisfied that you have a better grip on what is "really" going on than you used to. I've looked at all of Courtney's projects. I've read many excerpts of Cannon's books. I have read widely (if not deeply) from many other sources. And of course I have studied a lot of what Hubbard had to say and write. And I still don't feel fully informed. But who can even discuss this information with me? Who is even aware that it exists?

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My two sons know. Klaus knows...probably Gates and surely Bergoglio.

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