Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t stress enough the impact to the neighbors and community when a property like yours is turned into a rebuilt working property. It uplifts the community. The neighbors benefit from increased property values. Local businesses like lumberyards, hardware stores, supply companies, local contractors even sub shops and restaurants benefit. This is just some of the positive results when good people with good hearts and good intentions move in to the neighborhood. I haven’t even touched on the wonderful lives you both provide for your pets and animals. Great example of the benefits of dedication and hard work, congratulations!!!

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04/10/24: Well said, James. Now, if you will excuse me, time for a hose (I fell down in the mud just before the emu did. Fortunately, Dr. Malone said it would be okay to edit that out of the video).

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"The neighbors benefit from increased property values."

exactly, a good neighbor has a duty to make his property worth more, if not for himself, then the neighbors

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Yo Ho & up the taxes. While stationed in Italy, I notices so many places were 'tacky' on the outside. inside lovely. Taxes. When a place was under construction, the taxes were not the same as when the place was completed. SO they didn't complete the places. That's what I was told when I asked. Doesn't work here. presently one does not have to do anything to get taxes raised. Because of the housing shortage, Sow's ear dumps that sold for $39 thou are being called Silk purses & selling for over $100 thou!!! SO then the local politicians raise the taxes, again. "Sigh"

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Hi Pat, I tried to respond to your message. Not sure if it went through to you. Let me know if you received it thanks. JG…

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i think I fixed it, still learning

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This is new to me!!! Did you receive my message?

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no, you may have to resend, now that I have allowed chat, I sent the chestool pic

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James, you live by them?? Nice!

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Elaine, I don’t live near the good Drs. But dozens of times I’ve done renovations on homes and properties and before you know it the neighbors take notice and start fixing and adding to their homes. Amazingly it’s sometimes contagious in lifting neighborhoods. Sometimes properties sit in disrepair for decades and one dedicated family moves in and the whole area changes, it’s truly amazing.

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Absolutely! We retired & returned home after wandering the world. our little 1920's bungalow from the '20's had a leaking roof, & looked like it had mange. - My Bad. As a single mom, the house needed painting. No brothers stepped forward to do it so like little chicken, I did. I rented a power-washer. Man, I got so much crappy dirt out of that clapboard house it was pathetic. I also raised the water bill for that quarter; blew the fuses in the fuse box, & mom had to hire an electrician to fix it. Temporarily. Then I marshaled my troops. 2 middle-school sons. We began slathering on the best primer I could buy and then the finish paint. I had to go back to college & mom hired a handyman to finish the job. Some years later after her death I noticed how bad the house looked. But I had used the best paint... um huh. But I slapped it on wet clapboard because I did NOT wait 2 weeks for the wood to dry out. No wonder it had the mange when I returned home in 1992. When north country winters come, everything freezes. & the water underneath all that siding forced its way out & layers upon layers of paint shed from the house like dandruff.

So when the Olde Marine saw that, he balked. "No way I'm gonna be climbing ladders every 3 years to paint (no lead in the house-paint anymore) so we opted for vinyl siding. Then I began noticing a neighbor here, & across the street, and up the block... It was like smiles. Contagious & the pride in living in a home where you put forth effort to make it nice... Priceless!

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Kat Hall, I just measured a house that had layers and layers of paint for what I’m hoping they go for vinyl siding. There are so many new products these days. I’m going to post a commercial job I did years back that was vinyl stone and some fancy vinyl shingles.

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I did a before & after series of pictures. Entered it in our town's "pretty your place up" contest. My Irish got in the way. I missed seeing anything about the length of the entry. I gave too much history & too many pictures. When Floyd Gagnon built this house in the 1920's it was his first one "by himself" his dad was rebuilding the G Grandparents house next door. OUrs was the original home from when the Irish left Quebec & arrived here in 1872. The wood from THAT house is in THIS house. When all roofing shingles were removed, the roof looked like a patchwork quilt as they had carefully torn the old house down board by board, plucked the nails out & re used 'em all! Including some amazing subflooring of crazy shapes. History! Love it! Don't know how to share pictures, so you're lucky

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I would have loved to see them. It’s amazing how when a person works on their home neighbors start taking notice of their homes and they start fixing things up. I vinyl sided a house on the other side of the town I live in. The house was a mess. We also redid the farmers porch. The house went from one of the ugliest houses in the neighborhood to the prettiest house. It was a nice old colonial styled home.

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The stone on the third picture around the red and green dormers is fantastic stuff. If you can blow up picture and take a good look at it. It’s called chestnut hill.

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This was before and after pictures of a garage that had been started to be built in 1995, and 13 years later we ripped it down and built a new garage. It again lifted the entire surrounding area. Soon all of the neighbors were fixing up their properties.


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Looks like a fun project you did there, James. I bet the owners are just stoked having all that wonderful space to play around in.

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T if you look at the guy on the ladder his nephew is behind him. I didn’t notice him there until I started looking at the picture. He was John R Goodrich the 3rd. He passed away a while back at 30 years old. I miss him. He was a lot like his father and would help everyone and anyone. Amazingly he had a son John R as well. Life continues…

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Amazing you didn't notice till just now.

I think about my brother every day, and he's been gone since 1980. Yeah, I know how you feel.

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I did see that picture years back but when I just posted it I realized Johnny was in the picture. Weird story, I took my car to Wolfboro w/my brother Paul (electrical engineer) to go to the WW2 museum. The cars been running not as good as usual for a while now. On the way home the car died as we were going down a hill into Alton circle. So we get out to see what happened. Fuel or spark? A guy pulled over, had a gas can, so I put a bit in the carburetor no luck. So it had to be spark. We checked the distributor cap and wires rotor all good. I have an MSD in the car so we disconnected it straight to the coil nothing. There’s a hardware store there so I walked over got a length of wire and tried to hot wire the car battery positive to coil positive still nothing. So we figured it must be the coil. I opened the trunk and there was a coil my nephew John had given me probably ten ir twelve years ago. At one point he asked for it back but I never got a chance to give it to him. So my brother and I after really thinking we would have the car towed back to the house put the coil in. Sha Zam the car fired right up. I couldn’t help but think he was in the Goat with my brother and I that beautiful day I Nh…

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Someday hopefully we’ll all get back together.

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Ain't No Jivin,

we'll all be Thrivin,

in our own down home country road kinda Vibin.

Ya'll come back now ya hear..."Yippee-ki-yay".

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So true, James. Good builds, evil destroys. It's a big tell.

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

looks like the dog was on the ready to save the emu in case of an almost drowning! animals are wonderful.

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With all the insanity going on in the world, it’s simple moments like this that can help us see all that we can be grateful for. It also often involves animals and their pure, simple love for us :-)

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No matter what, let’s keep making the world a better place. Eventually the evil will fail. Much thanks.

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humans are real good at fixing slow moving disasters,

and man, the leftists, commies and democrats are a slow moving disasters

its when they get us in wars we get in trouble

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So restful to be around your farm friends. No ego’s to deal with. Good day indeed.

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The one pup was ready to save Gizmo! So sweet. Gizmo is part of the family now. What a BEAUTIFUL farm. Love it when the dogs are playing stick, Gizmo and Gonzo watch fervently, just in case it may involve them. Barn will be fabulous. A good day, indeed.

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Oso is a special dog. He is one of a kind.

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was so heartwarming and wonderful. I am so happy for the life that you and Jill are able to enjoy along with your four-legged and feathered family. I adore Gizmo. I think there should be a children’s book about Gizmo and the family farm. 😊

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great share today. Truly appreciate everything y’all do! God Bless everyone! 🙏🏻♥️💯

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You have such a beautiful life on your farm! The fact that you tear yourself away from time to time to bring truth to the world, is greatly appreciated. Believe me, we thoroughly understand what you miss every time you drive to the airport!! God Bless you! Best always to you and your family….. from Sandpoint, Idaho and the Williamson family….💕🐴

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the sounds in the background! So peaceful!

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, what a sanctuary! Gizmo's poor friend looked more traumatized than Gizmo! You're a lucky man to live in such beauty..thank you so much for sharing it..

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I’m going to have barn-envy.

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Love the news from your farm. It incentivizes me to return to nature. I used to have ducks, geese, rabbits, chickens, dogs, cats and big gardens. Looking forward to having animals again.

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the latest phrase from sane folks

"touch the grass"

put down your phone, step outside, barefoot if you can,

touch the grass

or mud, if you do this in the rain, which is also fun

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOL!!! Poor Gizmo, I was worried there for a minute that he twisted his leg. Glad he's OK. What an odd looking creature. It's nice to see you out "touching grass" so to speak. I'm in the Pac NW and were still trying to climb out of winter. It was warm today 65, but cooling off and raining again soon. It's weather, it does that. Take care

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Jill was about to jump in to save him.

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When I read this I had this vision of Jill and the Emu in the shower together washing off the mud :-).

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Haha, don't let Biden see this. He has a habit of showering with people who don't want him in there.


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Hahahha, me too!

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoy these little updates on your farm life. Thanks for sharing.

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Apr 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🎶"Just wakin' up in the mornin', gotta thank God

I don't know, but today seems kinda odd

No barkin' from the dog, no smog... Today was a good day."🎶 Ice Cube🧊 would be proud

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