Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just to spell out the math a bit for everyone: 7 times the death and 1/4 the population means the 1918 "spanish" flu was 28 times more lethal. Covid was nothing but a bad case of hiccups in comparison. And if early treatment had been publicized and if counting deaths "with" (not "from") had not been incentivised, the "covid deaths" would have been far far lower.

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It's even more dramatic than that. The relative risk ratio is 2.7%/0.087% = 31:1. Consider that the CDC admits that only 6% of deaths with COVID were caused by COVID, and the relative risk ratio escalates to 31/0.06 = 517:1. Had IVM been used prophylactically (82% risk reduction) and HCQ for early treatment (72% risk reduction), the relative risk ratio would be 517/((1-.82)*(1-.72)) = 517/(.18*.28) = 10258:1. In other words, America need only have suffered 3436 true COVID deaths. The remainder were all political.

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Ur vulcan math is too stronk

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I agree with the second sentence of ActualData's post, but is it perhaps true, Dr. Malone, that if the PCR tests generated many false positives, due to the cycles being set too high or some other factor, that the "infection fatality rate," or severity of SARS-CoV-2, is higher than we can quantify and there may still be many people who haven't been infected - or infected with enough virus to have developed some degree of natural immunity - yet?

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I don't think we would expect that it would take an infection with "enough" virus to acquire immunity. If they got ANY virus and they did not wind up dead, then their immune system was effective and will be again in the future.

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tough call

medical practice was a bit skewing itself, as were what was causing various symptoms

i feel like a person carefully looking at all sorts of sole-design imprints on the skin, trying to make sense, when in fact its the being beaten by shoes that's the problem

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According to recent studies if early use of HCQS and Ivermectin would have been used, 85% of the hospitalizations and ergo deaths would not have happened!!!!!!

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Could you give us any citations on that? I am involved in a debate for which actual studies data like that might be useful.

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I dont have it Categorized but it came from one of my many trusted information sources. It appeared 3 to 4 weeks ago. Probably EPOCH Time citing a research study and then I heard it from multiple other sources.

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Absolutely! They moved their timeline up because they had to prevent Trump from being re-elected and deciding to investigate the vaccine manufactuerers in his second term! The expotential growth of Autism cases and the growth of vaccine sales since 1986 when liability was negated match perfectly. Of course, they say it doesn't prove causation. Now they want to put it on acetaminophen as the culprit. May contribute, but not the main cause! Stop the mRNA injections NOW and forever! Between the mRNA injections for children and continuing to mandate the over use of vaccines in our children, we are destroying the viability of future generations to contribute fully to society.

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And, as in "Turtles All the Way Down," none of these kid vaccines have had TRUE clinical trials, or control groups with vaxed vs. unvaxxed...that they tell us about. WHY? The findings that unvaxxed kids are healthier! ?! Hmmm.

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I am reading 'Turtles All the Way Down." Vaccine and Myths. We need to go deep into vaccines after this debacle. The rise of autism, asthma, ADD and all the other issues needs to be investigated fully. Christina Parks spoke about vaccines in a Michigan hearing and she has bravado that most of us don't. Her passion comes from having a child with intellectual disabilities NOT caused from vaccines. It was something else.

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The data is alreqdy clear on wqxxines. They have mercury heavy metal additives and other stuff designed to cause sterilization and cancer. Except it happens slowly so they can say there is no causation.

Waxxines are just one delivery method. Pesticides r anothetm sodium fluoride is toxic in drinking water.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Not to mention that it (Spanish Flu) coincided with the onset/usage of telegraph wires much like 5G, and Covid are “connected” now (pardon the pun)

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It was after radar patrnt and prototypes.

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I loved the article of the Colorado Coroner who chastised doctors for labelling cause of death of gunshot victims as "Covid Related"

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While it may seem near impossible to calculate, the differences in travel and city densities would also increase the transmissability/communicability and the apparent lethality of the 1918 flu dramatically.

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I looked up ole Klaus Schwab. He and his wife Hilde have two adult children. Their adult children have two children between the two. That is weird.

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The wannabe bloodlines run breeding experiments.

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Hard to fathom the truth when there are so many creative misdirection narratives being published on the controlled mass media.

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Is it just me or do others feel as I do that this is anticlimactic. There was never an emergency in the first place. They had to illegally restrict access to curative medications (hydroxy chloroquine & Ivermectin) and create treatment and hospital protocols that guaranteed the worst outcomes, in order to produce the illusion of an incurable pandemic for which only they had the cure. By "worst outcomes" I mean death. Then they used those deaths as a sledge hammer to pound fear into the public conscientiousness driving them like cattle to new pastures, only to be driven off a cliff. And by cliff I mean a poisonous prick they call a "vaccine" but is clearly bioweapon. You know it's a bioweapon because had this been about public health, they would have treated tracked it's administration like you would a food product. Just a few people simply getting sick from salmonella and the item is identified tracked and pulled from the shelves.

So why not for this? Is it money? Is it power? Is it control? Is it murder?


So pardon me Dr. Malone for not getting excited about the prospect of the "officials" "officially" ending a pandemic that never was.

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Steve, you just put into words how I felt in April 2020 and never waivered. I refused to believe any of it.

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Same here Shelly and Steve! I yelled and hollered at the TV then shut the fear porn box off. It was so hard to believe people could not see what was going on. A power grab. It was like in neon to me.

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Roger that.

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I gotta say that "refusing to believe" ANYTHING from the outset, based on nothing more than intuition, is no different than the people who believed. And no different than the people who refuse to believe that the shots are bad. Malone, and many of us were on the fence to begin with and did investigating and ONLY formed opinions and stances after becoming better educated about all the facets.

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Disagree here respectfully. Beliefers in science that disregard intuition as "nothing more than intuition" are incrediby arrogant and have lost the most valuable tool for survival the human race developed and used to survive and flourish for, I don't know, hundred thousands of years. For how long did a data based scientific approach helped humans to survive? Do we need science to survive? How did we survive for hundred thousands of years as a species without science?

This argument alone should shut up everyone that belittles and disregards intution as non scientific and useless. Intution is the nectar of evolution, the condensed wisdom of a thousand generations. People, for millenias, didin't have to collect and analyse very limited data sets of very limited randomised double-blind trials to make the right decisions.

When you sense danger you grab your weapons and go to sheltered high ground immediately. The whole tribe. You don't send out people to collect data about an approaching tiger and calculate by when the tiger will be here. By then you are dead.

Can you not see that everything affects everything? A scientific trial strips down the cause and effect relationship to the bare minimum because that's all our limited brains can process. Scientists use artificial labatory situations that have not much to do with a real life situation where thousands of factors all influence each other. I am not saying science is totally useless. It can help to understand basic mechanistic relationships but hardly scratch the surface of the complexity of life on this planet. There is no harm tinkering around with science as a hobby, make some cool gadgets and build better machines and buildings and so on. But to use it for complex situations like human health and social dynamics and policies that affect billions of people - thats fucking madness.

To jab the whole population with a new substance, based on a new delivery system that wasn't really tested - what the fuck can go wrong? Trusting my intuition and common sense to not getting that jab is totally different then to blindly trust a criminal organisation of scientists to take the jab. The first one is wisdom, the second one is stupidity and a total lack of critical thinking.

Everyone who took that jab should have a hard look at themselves first, their own stupidity and lack of healthy intuition and common sense, and find out where and why they got it so wrong. Only then, maybe they can start blaming the authority for being mislead with 5G warfare and so on.

I recently met an ordinary family who all refused to take the first jab back then based on pure intuition and mistrust of anyone in power. People are still so naive that they think anyone in power has their best interest at heart. It's unbelievable. This family went from five earners to one earner - four of them lost their jobs. They almost went bancrupt and almost had to sell their house just before they managed to find some new ways to survive being unjabbed. I was blown away and asked: "With all this existencial hardship, did you ever consider to get jabbed?". The answer was short: "Never".

Unjabbed people had to face huge consequnces in many countries but many didn't give in. That's why the whitch hunt against so called "anti-vaxxers" continues. The powerful people know that this group is their biggest enemy. They are the most resilient. They still understand intuition, trust it, listen to it and act on it like humans always did.

The whole notion that the scientific method is superior to anything else has been thoroughly debunked through this crisis. The silver linining is: You can't trust science because it is a relative basic truth that constantly changes. Science is never settled because it is based on dualistic logic reasoning. To build your decision making on such a fickle method and apply it to the whole planet is total madness. All intuitive people know that.

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Science is the act of discovery which itself is never ending. I know so many that are alive today because of the science behind medicines (which are abundant in nature) and surgeries.** It is the totality of how one digests their life experiences that forms their reaction to all life matters. We can all be gullible, intractable, nuanced, on guard, skeptical, optimistic, and pessimistic in our reactions to certain occurrences. Theologian R.C. Sproul’s program ‘Renewing Your Mind’ focuses on one’s ability to Know what you Believe and Why you Believe it. That concept should apply to everything, not just the knowledge of God; although knowing this divulges evil’s presence in all humans and humbles us. Once my sons hit their very early 20s they became skeptical of government’s motives and actions. Then Bush41’s comments about a NWO added to their view. Although I had my own misgivings when a late teen, I had put those aside. In Sept 2001, I joined my sons’ perspective, not that of the public in general. It was all confirmed with the Patriot Act and the TSA. Then there was Hope and Change and I became very active in both local and national legislation, elections and movements. I thank my sons, although my oldest was killed in 2015, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck for their dedication to the truth and their sacrifices in sharing it with the public. What happened in the Trump era came as no surprise. His removal was the linchpin for getting the NWO back on track. If you seek truth, you shall find it. All of those pre-planning events tied to the ‘pandemic’ and knowledge of Davos, Freemason, Illuminati, WEF’s agenda were available to all to digest - If One Looked. I am not throwing science out the window but acknowledge it can have evil as its bases. **God designed the human. We have fragile bodies but are endowed with immeasurable self-preservation abilities that should astound us. Active awareness prevents accidents, healthy life styles and RFK Jr.’s advice to forgo all vaccines prevents illnesses.

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Thank you for your reply. I am very sorry to hear your son was killed. Being a father to three children - I can not imagine the pain.

You write: "Science is the act of discovery which itself is never ending. I know so many that are alive today because of the science behind medicines (which are abundant in nature) and surgeries."

I agree. Science has its place and can contribute to a better world. Like many drugs. It's the abuse of both that causes suffering. Science done under the umbrealla of humility and wisdom can diminish human suffering. It's a powerful servant but a bad master. Like the mind on which science is based. The master, however, can't be mindbased, science based, The master has to be anchored in the heart, in god (see below of how I describe god), in wisdom. The religions grabbed power from the heart and god and we suffered. Now science became the new power and we suffer. I could talk for hours about that.

But most of what you write concerns politics in the US. I never liked the US political system and their dirty international power-hungy politics. The Covid crisis, propaganda, censorship and vaccination debacle were mostly created in the US and the rest of the world suffers because of it.

The American system seems to accept that tens of millions of people live in total poverty in one of the richest countries in the world. How sad is that? Despite that, many Americans are obsessed about what great country they are and look down on the rest of the world.

It's no true democracy either - money, connections and corruption decides the next president. The strong man president system has way too much power - it is rooted in ancient tribal psychology. There is no wisdom in that - just power. America, wake up. You fuck yourelf up and take half of the world down with you.

Saying this, I found some great appreciation in the last three years for the US system - their constituion and the republican system. Their love for freedom. The republican system and high autonomoy for the states is keeping central power in check. That's where the US can help the world.

But they need to cut down the greed and coruption and steer away from this brutal dog eat dog cut throat capitalism and get out of their egocentric world view. And their almost compulsive tribal patriotism. We are all connected. Dividing the world into artifical political entities started all wars on this planet. We, as people, have to become one, idependently if where we reside. That is just random.

The world population has to be organsed not through central world power structures but the opposite: A decentralized network of tens of thousands of local communites that self-govern according to the needs of the local people to foster and create diversity and autonomy. We can learn that from biology. As more diverse a biological system is, as more stable it is.

We all know that monocultures, while more productive in the short run, are very vulnerable and helpless to regulate and protect themselves from pests. The massive global companies that the US allowed, because of short term economic advantages, are now the cancer of the earth. Healthy diverse competition is eliminated and we consumers are now exploited because we have nowhere else to go.

Small decentralized communities can't buy nuclear missiles and have no interest in invading other communities if set up as part of a global network. We have the techology to create a virtual super-parliament for global issues in which every community has a voice. Global issues are discussed through online discussions. That parilament will have maybe a 100000 members. Lobism has to die. You can't corrupt 100000 members. Common sense will prevail.

And yes, LSD in the drinking water because the human race needs a paradigm shift, a jump in consciousness. that wipes out this egocentric tribal patriotic nation based paradigm that causes so much greed, very selective power, corruption and suffering.

All psychedelic substances are based on funghi and funghi are one of the most intelligent organism on this planet. Funghi are also the biggest livinig organism on this planet and funghi are the world champions in connectinig things, they are masters in networking.

Of course, they have to be taken in a guided ritualistic, intentional and spirtual way to rise consciousness. Then people would truly understand how everything is connected and they also can have a chat with god for a little while. It happend a little bit in the late fiftees when it was still legal. A

And that was the birth of: Anti-Racism movements, green movements, women's rights movement, anti war movements and more. It was a small jump in human consciousness.

Then Nixon shut it down because the lizard people realized that this would be the end of their power. Timothy Leary was demonized as "the most dangerous man in America" for suggesting what I suggested above. Put it in the drinking water and it will stop people destorying the planet and each other. It will kill all egocenticity, the root of all suffering. If you are interested in that topic, the book "How to change your mind" by Michael Pollan is an excellent starting point.

You write: "God designed the human.

God is a difficult word. It has so many different meanings for so many different people, therfore I suggest we all should put a "my" in front of any god. "My god", the god I met several times, doesn't design anything. My god IS everything. The god I met is non-dual and it is wrong to say "I" met him but human language is based on duality and can't express non-dual processes very well.

As long "I" am present, as an ego entity, identified with a body, mind, soul, opinions, believes and a will, my god will never be present. The moment "I" disappear, god will be all there is. I beome god, god becomes me and everything else. My god doesn't create anything. My god is creation itself.

My god is always present in all things but I can't know my god. Knowing requires a knower - it;s a dual process. With knowing I mean: Understanding, imagining, feeling, seeing, hearing, loving and so on. These are all functions of an egocentric mind and body, no matter how colorful, beautful and amazing they appear.

They all need duality to be experienced. They all need a feeler, seeer, lover etc. that feels, sees, loves. These can be beautiful amazing expeiences. But my god is not an experience because it needs an experiencer and we are back iin duality. And being back in duality, means back in the ego. Because the ego state is an illusion that creates duality and splits away one part of consciousness and sees it as something seperate.

There is nothing wrong with being in an ego state as long we are aware we are in an ego state which often significantly diminishes the ego state. Paradoxical statements can't be avoided when I talk about my god. And talking about my god also creates duality that's why silence is the highest teaching.

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Other than Fauci stating on 60 minutes that people shouldn't be wearing masks, can you point to anything the criminals said at any point during this Scamdemic that turned out to be true and wasn't instantly discernable as bullshit?

I'll wait right here.

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Cynicism is often healthy. Is it cynicism when you disbelieve proven liars?

I don't think Steve said he 'refused to believe ANYTHING'.

Instead, he listed items he DID believe.

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Well, you have an well educated guess, when things don't add up with what you were taught in science and biology and than there is the day in and day out of taking care of people.

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Just wait until the next 'pandemic' is released (my guess is 2024). This one will be a lot more lethal. C19 was the test ballon. Now that they know that 80% will be compliant---real enslavement awaits.

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Of the 85% that took the hemlock roughly 5% died while another roughly 20% or more were injured. That leaves roughly 50% that watched it all happen to their friends and family. Although they may not be vocal in thier opinion about what they just witnessed, I guarantee they feel in their bones that something isn't right.

With me so far?

The percentage of those still unable to make the connection between the injury or the death is small. "Booster" uptake is 5% or less.

I don't think for a second they're going fool folks again. Not with the common cold at least.

My bet is on cyber attack and monetary system collapse which in point of fact is being picked clean by the vultures (bankers) as we speak.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I just hope they can come up with something that has more 'panache' than monkey pox.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I got as much from your attitude on this as I did from reading the whole damn thing. Without your comments and additions to this gobbledygook I don't think I could have made it through. Thank you for your appropriately aimed sharp wit!

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The 3 year Bio crisis should never have happened. Why do we keep going down the wrong road developing bio weapons.? The following from Natural News article is frightening. Can you confirm this to be true Dr. Malone? Under the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 2005, the US seized Soviet labs and took possession of dangerous bioweapons research, under the pretense of destroying stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the US justifies its gain-of-function and “directed evolution” research on viruses around the world, and lies about their government’s involvement in bioweapons research.

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yeah, that is pretty much on the mark. Wait for Bobby's next book to come out. That will really blow your mind. Or not, depending on how cynical you are.

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All these years, I thought the CDC had stations around the world to capture and monitor flu virus strains that were popping up and that they then made predictions as to which ones to culture for the next flu season in the US. Silly me. Also monitoring for infectious diseases that may be mutating and spreading. Fauci dream was to use the mRNA injections for each flu season to cut production time. That sure isn't working. In the last 36 months, I have not heard one word from CDC/NIH etc to educate the US citizens what they should do to boost their immune system to fight pathogens. Our number one defense. Those brave physicians that tried need more than an apology from these institutions.

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His last book was an eye-opener. I listened to his speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Music to my ears (missed the antisemitism). I would vote for him if he ran for Chief Executive.

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Yes, it was a road we did not need to go down. If we had all just followed the Barrington Declaration recommendations, we would be better off today. Now, we need to hold those responsible accountable and justice is needed on them.

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Agree! 100%

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One big take away I have from this whole nightmarish experience is a once somewhat trusted medical system has now lost all trust. I look at the phony elevated death counts from Covid 19 and think how many of those lives could have been saved with repurposed safe anti viral drugs. Between the elevated death count and the lives saved from those repurposed drugs, the .087 population deaths would have probably been much less than half of that number. Trusting that this will end in May is another problem I have. I’m sure they have another much worse coercive scheme up their sleeves to continue the fear control. I wish there was a proactive plan the House of Representatives could come up with to help thwart this feeling I have. I feel like a baseball on a batting tee, just waiting to be knocked out of the park. There’s no way this administration could possibly let things in America return to a thriving democratic constitutional republic. Stay tuned. J.Goodrich

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I remember that moment when I fully realized and accepted that no-one will come and save us. I live and think much deeper since then and have this excilerating calm energy and live more and more from moment to moment. Paradoxically, it set me free. Fear dimibished greatly. It is what it is. Whatever comes comes. I deal with eveything when it actually happens. Anticipating attacks is a waste of time. Too many options to consider - drives you nuts. I enjoy the moment and the appropiate response will happen. I will respond, based on intuition (the nectar of evolution), in the moment. I might suffer or die, Nothing new hear. We all suffer and die. That's the human default mode. My spiritual practise of non-duality puts everything into perspective.

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Ma Mu- You unlocked a secret about life and you are living it. I can’t seem to achieve it.

“You can’t live at all unless you can live fully now.” You live by Alan Watts’ greatest lesson divulged in this 10 minute video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw3on-0Kl5w

Thank you for sharing this very important reminder.

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Hi Shelley. This in-the-moment state of living is always there. It is the default mode of existence. Rather than trying to achieve it, sense it. Sit and just be and use your mind's ability to notice and reflect on the immediate next moment. It is so simple that our minds find it very difficult. It's what young children constantly do. Drop knowing and start wondering about the next moment. That's one method. There are many others. Your desire will fuel you. Your intuition will guide you. Your patience, love, and trust will calm you. It will happen, don't worry.

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Bingo James!

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Thanks Shelley, for all the aggravation this country has gone through the past 3 years, the only way these sub humans can be taught, is to aggravate them like they have aggravated the entire population. The house has to start by bringing Fauci in front of them under oath and pepper him with series of questions that include big pharma’s own data showing thousands of vaccine injuries. Show the public in the past these vaccines never would be able to stay on the market. Bring in big pharma CEO’s etc.. if this doesn’t happen it’s going to be much worse the next time. Aggravate them, make them be frustrated, make them get lawyers, make them pay like we have!!!

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A little sunlight, huh?? We know what u.v. light does to their beloved virus, apply a little to them.

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Bingo James! I know your feeling and I am just waiting too.

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My fear at the moment is the powers to be are actively corrupting the new republican politicians in the house to get them to follow the power's to be agenda. Have to wait and see what bills come out and how they vote.

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Whole new topic with a hundred-year history to prove your distrust. McCarthy, McConnell, McDaniels… an installed pres, broken election process... But mostly human nature.

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They have to teach the authoritarians this is not ok, the constitution is not to be trampled on by any pandemic never mind a virus created in a Chinese lab, paid for with American (Fauci) money, and with American technology handed to them by Fauci…

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all we have is God

oh wait

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We don't have god. God has us.

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the point is that all we have left is all we've ever had that's reliable anyway

and that's a wonderful thing

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Indeed, "Let's go Brandon". One lesson learned in the past couple of years: Everything the government says is a lie. Declaring an end to the Public Health Emergency is a lie. We won't know the substance of the lie until after it is executed (and that's "if" is is actually executed), but whatever normal people may think this means, it doesn't.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Yeah ... In the words of Morpheus to Neo : "Welcome to the desert of the real"

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Except that reality is not a desert. It's paradise for those who rediscover it. At least that's what the enlightened ones tell us.

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Sure, but I was referring to the reality of current Western governments NOT having the citizens best interest at hand. Of course God's Creation is beautiful.

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I was scrolling through Dr. Pandas article this morning and see that many take appropriate suppliments and report no Covid 19 illness at all throughout the pandemic and in one case a mild, almost undetectable case of Omicron. Most of the posters are in the 60 plus range which was most affected by Covid 19. That is my and my wife's case as well. So I surmise that if the vaccines had never been administered and we all relied instead on off the shelf suppliments and remedies including Vitamin D3, Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine then the death toll and certainly the cost to run the response to the plandemic would have been much smaller.

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According to recent studies if early use of HCQS and Ivermectin would have been used, 85% of the hospitalizations and ergo deaths would not have happened!!!!!!

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Fred; I am in my mid 70's and have not been sick with anything except a one day "stomach flu". I take I-Lysine, ION* gut support (Zach Bush M.D.) liquid zinc, D-K, B12, C, and not even every day, except D-K in the winter. Zach Bush is triple board cert. and thinks out of the box!

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I take a few more, Multi, C, D3, E, Z, golden seal, echinacea, andrographis, NAC, Quercetin, L-Glutathione, O-3, Ubiq. and a couple of others, mostly half doses. Started about 6 years ago and haven't been sick since. Mind you I didn't get sick much before either. Diet is good, mostly organic these days.

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Fred, Organic is so important, esp. with wheat. How do we even have time to exercise? Ha Ha

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent post, but I will be very surprised if the PHE is actually ended. I fully expect some new "emergency" to erupt that requires action at the "speed of science". The use of a health emergency by the Admin State has been recognized by them as a new effective tool to advance their anti-Human agendas and "They" are not going to let this go... We shall see. Soon.

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This administration is an ongoing emergency. Hopefully ends Jan. 2025

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Bless the optimists for they're hopefulness.

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What do you have to offer besides more negativity?

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Michael it was meant with gratitude.

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Sorry. There is,so much defeatism out there and it really bugs me. Texas us finally waking up to what has been coming at it from the e.p.a. and beginning to fight. Maybe the beginning of states revolt.

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Have you noticed that we've had several close calls with asteroids lately? Somebody up there is on our side, but their aim is bad.

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That's funny!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I suppose the good news is that hospitals will no longer be incentivized to make sure you die of covid so they get their bonus money. Not that I would ever step foot in one of those places again after all of this...

Meanwhile the financial burden will shift to health insurers. Which is maybe why they want to know exactly who is vaxxed and who is not, so they can legally play the "that's not covered because it is caused by the vax that nobody forced you to take" card.

At which point the class actions against companies and executives that did force their employees to take will commence. As I've said since the beginning, these will be the bag holders among the living and un-injured when all is said and done.

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well, there is that..

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"...why they want to know exactly who is vaxxed and who is not"

I agree, the unvaccinated are the control group that so hard they tried to eliminate. However, a remnant of the Western population remains unvaccinated, specially in USA. That is a problem for them, that's why we are secretly followed by the institutions.

It's so disgusting, I have no words. My ginecologist had the guts to brow beating me and lecture me for refusing the vax. He is not my primary care physician to begin with, and then in revenge to write in his notes : "patient refused the vaccine (Covid-19).

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This is interesting: PHDs are the most mRNA "vac" hesitant.


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My primary doc is actually a RN (I live in a very rural area) . She did the same to me. My medical records at the area hospital have her comment posted in 2021 "This patient refuses the Covid-10 vaccination and she will never take it."

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That gynecologist wrote the info about my unvaxed status that NOT even my Primary Care Physician did. Perhaps he wanted his "extra perks" offered per patient he convinced to get vaccinated? I felt like hunted, very ugly what is going on.

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Regarding "health" insurance companies, you suggest that they want to know who is vaxxed and who ain't. All I know is that when I applied for "insurance" late last year, there were many questions but nothing about vax status. Do they commonly ask?

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The writer is likely referring to something new, presently being rolled out re ICD diagnostic system used for billing that now provides a code for “not vaxxed”, with a demarcation for “for reasons other than medically contraindicated”. Its been talked about a lot in recent weeks.

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Are they planning to reimburse/pay LESS if patient is unvaccinated?

Are they trying to put the "scarlet letter" on them?

We ABSOLUTELY need to know this.

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No telling what is going to happen...but that said, the biggest $$$$ will be in refusing claims of health damage due to the vax "because it was EUA only and nobody forced you to take it". But at this point its just arm waving speculation on my part.

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I feel the only thing we've learned from the 1918H1N1 is to exploit it that much better.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A bumper sticker I encountered -- SOBER: Son Of a Bitch Everything's Real.

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so cruel!

At least it implies an alternative.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I sincerely hope one of these good doctors will contact Justin CASTRO nazi govt and help Canadians end the hell we are going through with Dictator TRUDEAU

Canadian physician, Dr.Hoffe is being taken to court I believe on February 13. (Big surprise on the date)charged with spreading misinformation in BC under Bill 36. Please help get word out what is happening to Canadians.

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Dear Canadians, the next door neighbors, quit MSM and dot_gov brain washing and just start to think for yourselves.

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That is why we need help.. We Canucks are a trusting lot.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

@Grazyna Good advice and many of us have done so for years now. Unfortunately the sheep take the awake down with them

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I second that motion!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And, in a nutshell, excerpted from the Kaiser lists provided by Dr. Malone above, this explains why so many medical practitioners, pharmacists, etc., participated in the Great Fraud, even if or when their own consciences troubled them:

“Liability Immunity to Administer Medical Countermeasures:


Liability immunity has been extended to providers based on the PREP Act emergency declaration to allow for greater delivery of and access to medical countermeasures. For example, liability immunity has been extended to:

pharmacists and pharmacy interns to administer COVID-19 vaccines (and other immunizations) to children between the ages of 3 and 18, pre-empting any state law that had age limits

healthcare providers licensed in one state to vaccinate against COVID-19 in any state

physicians, registered nurses, and practical nurses whose licenses expired within the past five years to administer COVID-19 vaccines in any state”

In other words, they were all protected from all liability for damages resulting from the jab.

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It really is a genius system compared to the Oh-so-last-century Nazis.

Why go to the cost and administrative trouble to round up the undesirables and send them to the camps when you can Fear Porn the undesirables into willingly seeking out the Zyklon and the Einsatzgruppen (roving death squads - now with professional status MD/RN).

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forbidden metaphor.

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Question: Why do doctors prescribe so many medications instead of other modalities and solutions?

Answer: Transfer of liability from the doctors to the pharmaceutical companies who have deeper pockets.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone. Yes indeed.....LET'S GO BRANDON!!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They're telling us it will only be over when they actually end it! Intent doesn't equal commitment! WEASEL WORDS!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They have to wait until May to end this so they can punish No-Vax Djokovic for having the audacity to have bodily autonomy while still reaping the profits from having him attend the US Open. No Indian Wells or Miami tournament for you!

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Djokovic just pulled out of the US Open because the Department of Homeland Security won't issue a visa. They really don't want him to take over as the winner of the most Grand Slams. Currently, the worst sin is being right on the wrong side.

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