Is it not laughable - in a bitter sort of way - that these people talk about codes and rules which are unenforceable in any future environment? Lawlessness is the norm and ruling principle now. These morally challenged regimes will never hold anyone accountable, no matter how badly they screw up.

The Wuhan plague was a trial balloon that proved how ineffective global law enforcement is. The bad actors now have carte blanche to create whatever they want to. I thank God every day that my mortal end is near. No sane person will want to live in the dystopia these people are constructing. The nightmare has arrived.

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Better to die free than live on our knees.

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“On your feet! Or onnn your kneesss ... Here they arrr, the Amazing Blue Oyster Cult!

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I have that album.

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This what happens when the term "Human Resources Departments" become catalogs for a collateral carnage and damage corporation, with flesh and blood of every mothers finest son.

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Note that one of the quotes talked about 'the recent future'. I guess that means RIGHT NOW?

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RemovedDec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022
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The entire world is being run by psychopaths.

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I live near Philadelphia. You?

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Just read it. I’m sympathetic.

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I'll never stop fighting The Borg. When they announce, "Resistance is futile," I respond, "Persistence is fertile."

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“Persistence is fertile”. Perfect.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In my opinion, ethical guidelines for human enhancement should contain just one bullet point.

Don't do it.

The human species has not proven itself wise enough, or endowed with enough humility, to avoid disastrous unintended consequences. You would think the events of the past three years would have made this abundantly clear. In particular, the "enhancement" of vaccines to a gene-based delivery system has unleashed a world of hurt. Literally.

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"Just because you can do something, does not mean you should."

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Love that line!

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What more needs be said indeed Dr. M, this is Dr. Strangelove meets Transhumanism writ large. No wonder the EC (European Commission) is all for it, they are a de facto extension of the WEF and the NWO/Great Reset crowd who believe they are *in loco deus* on the planet at this time

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And I believe our youth are being brainwashed and manipulated to believe that bodies can be made into whatever they decide to make them on any given day. And that morality is immoral.

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completely agree. It is sad and unethical.

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Absolutely. I think of the young, vulnerable, obedient, patriotic 18 year olds who want to join the military for all sorts of virtuous reasons: history, country, family, promise of college, etc. The thought of putting those innocent young minds and bodies into the current military is beyond frightening.

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The world is now Satan's playground.

I don't say that frivolously. I'm not even a believer in the traditional sense. I've long believed the bible was a collection of stories and allegory's informing humanity about previous societal iterations and what lead to their demises.

But after pizza gate being confirmed,

Epstein "hangs himself" the island and the lolita express on which Bill f-ing Clinton flew multiple times along with chief justice Roberts and God only knows who else - all confirmed culminating in G Maxwell being convicted of the same child trafficking to no one as the little black book with all their name was disappeared,

A sitting senator on the Intelligence committee screwing fang fang a Chinese spy where by the way he continues to serve his Chinese master's,

The current regime acting as the logistical arm of the cartels to traffic children as sex slaves,

Drag queen story time in public libraries being defended by gun toting antifa blm thugs,

Dudes winning women's pageants,

Dudes allowed to compete in women's sports,

Dudes allowed in women's locker and bathrooms,

School libraries displaying books describing how children should have sex with adults,

Parents being investigating by DOJ and jailed for standing against it at school board meetings,

A treasonous criminal pedophile dementia patient in the White House,

Freedom of speech stamped out about early very effective treatment in order to usher in forced injections that not only don't benefit the patients they maime and kill them,

Putting that deadly injection that's killed so many on the childhood vaccine schedule to end round people refusing, yet another openly rigged election,

Absolute proof the DNC rats and the controlled opposition RNC were actively directing Twatter & fakeabook et al on what to sensor


The pièce de résistance, belenciaga coming out of the closet and showing the world that they are Satan worshipping skinners connected to a bunch of Hollywood shit bags that corporate media uses to brow beat the rest of us into believing we are the problem.


The world is now Satan's playground as laid out in revelations.

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I appreciate this list of crimes and grievances all written down in one spot. It truly is flabbergasting to contemplate the rapid demise of our world, like a greased slide straight into the bowels of hell.

I am a believer, in the traditional

sense. IMO, Satan has been loosed and allowed one last hurrah— a season of time wherein he has free reign, to deceive whomever he may, and win them over to his side before Jesus returns to level some real justice. I’m so frustrated and saddened by so many things going on but when I see the stage being set, I’m pretty excited, honestly.

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I said

"I've long believed the bible was a collection of stories and allegory's informing humanity about previous societal iterations and what lead to their demises."

For me It's been a long difficult road back to God having had some difficult experiences in childhood and with religion and catholicism. Alcoholism has been a blessing in that it's lead me back to God from which I was estranged. The point of my comment was to try and explain the evolution of my belief system. Everything in the world has been turned on it's head. Up side down. Backwards. Antigood, Antichrist.

I can no longer deny this is what's going on, What we are witnessing, What I'm witnessing.

In the halls of AA we have a saying.

We came.

We came to believe.

We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore is to sanity.

For people like me the message of God couldn't get to me through the church or some other religious organization. A mental health client of mine said to me some years ago - Alcoholism is a 2x4 God uses to get our attention. That's right. I believe God spoke to me through that client and does so in many other ways throughout my recovery. But more and more I'm coming to realize there is a very dark force at work in the world right now and it seems to be in line with the book of revelations. Still I wonder, are bad people using revelations as a script and playing it out playing on people's fears or is it the other way round, are events unfolding as predicted.

All I know is I will fight this evil with everything fiber off my being.

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I don’t think they use Revelation as a script. They’ve probably never read it. And in His wisdom, God gives us blueprints of the future nowhere in Scripture. Instead, He gives indications that can be difficult to understand and easy to misconstrue--likely for our protection. After all, Satan never understood the OT prophecies concerning the death of the Messiah. He thought he had won and found out he had been defeated. He knows his time is short and is pouring out his hatred of God and of His entire creation.

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Thank you. You have put together into one document what I have been collecting from various sources. Signing up to the army now is no longer an educational experience for the young who want to serve their country. We have heard of forced experimental injections and we must now learn that our children are no longer treated as the treasured youngsters we have brought into the world. They are being USED as playthings by the warmongers.

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Satan fell from heaven because he wanted to be like the Most High God. This article is about people doing the same. Nothing good will ever come of it. Ever. The spiritual principal, and consequences, were set and shown 10k+ years ago and they haven't changed.

And, there, is a line crossed over.

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True. And apparently the "innate wisdom of millions of years of evolution" is also out the window just like God has been. How arrogant that these people presume to know better than both God and "millions of years of evolution"? And lets be honest, the state of knowledge into how genomes actually work, is at the "we can make a few basic hacks into things that already exist". Until these people can author a complete, functioning genome from scratch that reflects their stated design intentions, they need to go back to their labs and work on some basic humility...

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Yes. I've seen it. My comments are specifically directed to any lab minion who listens to him and buys into his delusions. He himself is beyond addressing with sound reason.

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He's double dumb.

He doesn't know that he doesn't know.

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In case you were wondering the singularity is already here. It came, and suddenly everyone was to engrossed in their cell phone content to bother to look up and see the ‘real world’.

I imagine the rapture came and went as well and except for the handful of people actually effected nobody noticed that either.

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Its a brave new world and a very frightening one. In the first chart our own illustrious president has received 4 of the 5 enhancements. Number one physical enhancements. I don’t think without a number of drugs like blood pressure, blood thinners, cholesterol pills, and who knows what else he could even move. Cognitive enhancements, we all know he’s being helped there with numerous drugs to get him through speeches, press conferences meetings etc.. cosmetic enhancements, they didn’t call him plugs for nothing and those teeth. The other thing I think his face has been pulled back a dozen times. Longevity enhancements, well I don’t think he’d be alive without numerous procedures to his brain. I’m not knocking life saving surgeries either I’m just pointing out the obvious. 4 of the 5 enhancements listed have all been performed on Joey. Did you notice I left one out. Well let’s move on. One of the most dramatic and beautiful benefits that has made America shine over all countries in the history of the world is freedom and the document that grants us those freedoms, the constitution. This document allows the complete freedom to the individuals to grow and choose whatever path in life that suits him or her. America produces 65000 engineers per year and China produces 650000 per year. The biggest difference that I see is in America these engineers have free will to go in any direction their minds want to go. In China a dictator tells a person from the collective which direction they are allowed to go. With 10 times more engineers you would think they would be more innovative but their not. They steal our technology. If not for America they would be at least a century behind. With the traitors running our country we are not long for staying #1. Our technologies are sold off by the non producers, the government. I often think of literature and the fact based dark books written from behind totalitarian regimes. In free society’s the dark books are usually fiction, and because of free thinkers they are some of the most entertaining books ever written like Orwell’s 1984. It is fiction but because of his brilliant mind this free thinker has almost describes present day America to a tee. Of coarse this is coming from a carpenter with an architectural engineering degree, so i may be biased. Freedom is the key to keeping peoples individualism that make America great. Collectivism will be the downfall of this country. People strive to be different that’s what makes us great. The furthering of these enhancements will kill individualism. Freedom forever is the key to the individual. Freedom and Individualism is the wall that human enhancement butts up against.


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The bible reads that Joseph was a Carpenter. God entrusted Joseph and Mary to the parenting skills of an infancy, to a young adult in Jesus. I think Devine Craftsmanship was on that syllabus. Good shelter was hard to come by in early times. God and man, figured that one out.

My view of the New World, does not include tyrannical mayhem of fears and murder by idiots.

Perhaps it is not too late to delete this diabolical path being painted as "Dark Days Ahead".

We do have dedicated and highly knowledgeable people toiling daily on behalf of Freedom.

Inner peace and greater understanding of all things possible, begins with me.

Great comments James.

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In many ways I think of myself as a common man, concrete and wood. When I read other comments from subscribers many times I think of skyscrapers. Thank you.

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As craftsmen and tradesmen...we do our best work in the world of the solids.

It's letting the hands perform, what the mind envisions as tasks. With a satisfaction.

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Absolute genius statement, from a carpenters perspective!!!

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Maybe this approach is wrong. Maybe we should be targeting the psychopaths who think this is a good idea. If we could figure out how to sequester them from the world, we might not have to worry about waking up one day with three arms.

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Three arms? I can't tell you how many times I've needed a third hand. Hammer, nail, who's gonna hold the board?

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What needs to be said is that "embracing this new age" means maiming and abolishing the human race. Madness is too kind a description of this quest to create modern day Frankensteins. It is the ugliest and most perverse display of evil. "Oh sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you"!

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Interesting. I just referenced Vera Lynn and you Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy. A non sequitur I know, but odd..

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This is straight out of Hell. It should be outlawed in all its forms at national and international levels.

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Transhumanism by another name--Human Enhancement.

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Let's remember the 1st Commandments-thou shalt not kill, therefore NO person on the planet be ENHANCED to kill. China under the CCP are Godless, and without ethics- think organ harvesting, disgusting experiments. We in the West are being told that this is the benchmark and we have to keep up? And who will be allowed to make these so-called enhancements? Bill Gates? RED flag all of it.

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#6. "Thou shalt not murder", #1 is "Though shalt not have false gods before me."

The order is important and I have suffered "The wrath of the yard stick" and various teachings to back it up.

Murder and killing are not the same thing.

If the idiots proposing enhancements followed the 1st commandment we would probably not be having this conversation.

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'Though shalt not have false gods before me." this is the conversation. Thank you for clarifying

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And I thought facelifts , botox and lip injections were bad.

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