I pressed the LIKE button, but I would prefer a HORRIFIC button instead. As reporter Herb Morrison said when the Hindenburg went down: “Oh, the Humanity!”


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Agree. If politically limited maybe call it a 'Have Issues" button.

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An additional thought. Personally mark up button to let author know I've viewed their comment. I appreciate that if the comment sparks a reaction worth noting the author might want to know our thoughts. The extra button could be provided to let the commenter know we had "read" their comment.

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Yeah, my reaction at first was WTF?

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Wow. “Deliverables”—talk about a smoking gun. Thank you for alerting us, Robert.

I find the verbiage “vaccine preventable diseases” interesting since—prior to 2020—coronavirus was considered impervious to vaccines, and the global mass experiment of the past three years has only confirmed that reality.

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“.. the game is rigged, folks... theres a club. And you, and I, are not in it!...”

George Carlin

Comic genius

Purveyor of truth and free expression

Predictor... modern-day Nostradamus

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The stakeholders would be those that purchased the horses early on to ride this unprecedentedly profitable gravy train, resulting in the largest transfer of wealth in human history. As they celebrate their exponential increase in wealth from being in on the inside plan, they reinvest in the train that continues to provide profit creating enterprises. Perils such as climate change and sustainable foods are cloaked in sanctimonious, humanitarian efforts while they celebrate their wealth creation at our expense. Pure evil.

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This is the most powerful information to date to make the case for using the word Plandemic.

A similar plan must have been developing in our Country.

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Waaaaay too many coinkydinks :)

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Were Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky trained as medical scientists, they could not have improved that plan from their perspectives...

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

It reminds me of the feeling I get if I'm too far out from shore and things just don't feel right. Tension starts ratcheting up and calamity is in the future. Looks like debt default is here. I just hope the CBDC is not ready for primetime and fails miserably because without it, I doubt these passport machinations will survive. Free humans need this to fail epically.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's one of those things that the EU has in common with that other successful political party in world war 2. Their Grundlichkeit. They make sure that everything is very well documented. They don't seem to hide anything. Although I see a lot of "let's dynamite the gas-chambers' happening too nowadays. Attempts to erase the traces.

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Oh boy. I'm going to find somewhere that I can vote NO. Riots across Europe are coming.

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And, yet, they allow illegal migrants to walk or boat into the EU unmolested just as we allow them to walk across our southern border.

Clearly, this is not about health.

And it only works if we comply, so don't comply.

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This is the most satanic agenda in the history of the world. How can we get off this merry go round? I am really concerned about what will happen after our election results come in, if the Democrats lose as predicted. What lengths will they go to in order to stay in control? I honestly would not be surprised if they declare martial law. They are complicit with this vaccine passport push as well as the rest of the agenda. They have to keep us under control.

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Worth noting: The present CEO of NPR was previously head of USAGM, which directs Voice of America, Radio Marti, etc. These are all mouthpieces of the US State Department/CIA.



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FBI demands 66 YEARS to release data on Seth Rich laptop – (his murder is still unresolved.)


2020 elections were indeed STOLEN – by FBI !!

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Terrifying and damning. It shows how far along the WEF/UN technototalitarians are with their plans. Hope all of their boosters kick in before they can fully implement this... Of course, as compliant as they are with US diktats, I suppose half will freeze to death in coming months.

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This just in from the AMA propaganda bureau today: https://www.mdedge.com/internalmedicine/article/259013/infectious-diseases/side-effects-covid-vaccine-show-its

Takeaway from same: "...“These findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults,” researchers from Columbia University in New York, the University of Vermont, and Boston University wrote."

These psychopaths are not done with their work.

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I resigned from the AMA the moment they started promoting Obamacare. They do not represent doctors they represent leftist political elements.

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While Mattias Desmet's work regarding Mass Formation, and his excellent book laying out a detailed breakdown of the hows & whys of it (The Psychology of Totalitarianism), were suspiciously attacked and attempted to be discredited as a "Trojan Horse" by the likes of Dr. Peter Breggin (as Dr, Malone is well aware I might add!), these EU timelines and schedule of deliverables vis a vis vax passports and related are the real Trojan Horse imho. The entire undertaking has been a plan to slip in mass population control under the banner of assuring public health, etc, etc, etc... That it is all documented and available for all to see is itself evidence of the crime being unapologetically planned and carried out in plain sight and in broad daylight. Unbridled hubris and a breathtaking sense of impunity one could say, correctly too

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Stakeholders? Anal Schwab, Harari, Xi, fill in the blank with your favorite tyrant.

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Don’t forget the ringleader, Gates.

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The EU, a vassal of One World Government.

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Confirms all our conspiracy therories doesn't it.

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