Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dignity, Integrity, Community.

They will go a long way to cure a lot of what ails us.

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thank you

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That is part of my value system that I have internalized and recite each morning. As a healthcare provider, these are critical values. You are to be commended for returning those values to the forefront of humanistic-centered medicine.

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I have been playing a mind game of late replacing the current acronym DEI with words that better define all that is civil about civilization - like Dignity, Ethics and Integrity. :-)

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(personal) Integrity is without doubt the key element that transcends Dignity (and) Community. Communities that lack integrity are endemic throughout the USA - the preponderance of those being governed by Democrats.

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Starts with a solid moral education!

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recall being in the office of my Congressman advocating for Lymphoma research dollars and watching the men and women in suits walk passed us with suitcases and have a personal visit with the Congressman/women. We were delegated to seeing the Health Administrator to plead our case. As I look back, we have spent about 5 Trillion US Dollars on Cancer Research and the cancer rates keep climbing including Lymphoma. I would like to share with everyone the substack article by Ian Brighthope that so eloquently and currently explains why medicine keeps going down the wrong road and the great harm created keeps intensifying and the RNA push will not make it better. My views and his are on the same track! The great harm generated by the current medical paradigm is ignored and it is evil. The 4 1/2 Trillion dollar medical expenditure each year far exceeds the US Military budget. https://ianbrighthope.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share

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My mom had lymphoma. There is a cure. My mom was given 8 years to live and it had been six. He found a treatment in Greece and lived 27 years. She died at age 85. They don’t want a cure here. It is too much of a money maker.

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Boosting the immune system is key, and the invasive chemo treatment has the opposite effect. Yep! Bottom line trumps good medicine in good old USA! That's why we spend almost twice what other countries do!

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After MNRA bio weapon, I believe this Melonie. Billions is pushed on “New” drugs. It is profitable to keep the system going and it is not Health Care.

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Please check out Dr Leonard Coldwell, he is curing all cancers, THE NATURAL WAY,


If you like what he is doing, you may give his address to many of your family and friends.

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The war on cancer was a bust. But created a plethora of "cancer researchers" that could not find their butts with their hands handcuffed behind them. They and progeny a continuing thorn in the side of serious research

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Even when my father died on cancer in 1989, my mother later commented that she felt it was the cancer treatments that finished him off.

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And then there is this - Oct 7 - Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to US Duo Who Discovered MicroRNA.

Professor Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam of the Karolinska Institute said that, while the 2023 prize was linked to the specific use in COVID-19 vaccines, this year’s award was for a leap in basic understanding with many potential future applications.


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Well said, Thomas.

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The treatment worked to put the immune system back to work. I had the treatment for my autoimmune disease . I no longer have antibodies.

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Correction 500 Billion spent on cancer research. Still big bucks!

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Would this also be related to the Biden-Harris proposal on a 10-20B dollar Medicare Plan as described by CBO? It sounds primarily the drug plan.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The meme, "in moments of pain, we seek revenge," is true, but only partly. Not everyone reacts this way, especially if the cause of pain/injury cannot be ascertained. If someone knocks me down and I smash my face on the floor, I may want to lash out. If I trip and smash my face on the floor, there is no one to blame. Still, some of us seek scapegoats.

Raskin's pain over the loss of his son and then his inability to relieve that pain with a planned memorial service interrupted by the J6 event must have been painful indeed. Trump became the scapegoat. You're right, Dr. Malone, it's not rational, but the need to avenge has a mind of its own.

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I would not count on the idea that these problems are what motivated Raskin. I agree that pain does not always result in a desire to "get even." People are more complicated than that.

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In Raskin's case I think it is just a matter of his being a miserable excuse for a human being.

He was such long before the events of J6.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who has had the displeasure - via C-SPAN I - of watching and hearing the "Democrat" Congressman Jaimie Raskin's radical diatribes against then President Donald Trump know him for exactly what he is: an inveterate liar.

Raskin appeared on the Senate Floor protesting the illegality and voter fraud that "stole" the election for President Trump; and - without compunction - slanders and smears anyone he pleases including individuals nominated for the Supreme Court. How this slime ball ever got "elected" in the first place is a true mystery - either by fraud - or really ignorant voters, or both.

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His voters may very well harbor similar views.

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THAT is the scary part, Jean.

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If you have been schooled in statistics, you know that when 6 key blue states all reverse the voting from Trump to Biden in the 12th hour and it is epizootic in numbers being reported, that it isn't natural!

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Yes, it's (Blue) state VOTER FRAUD perpetrated by rabid, mentally diseased, human animals.

...But what amazes is that today, it is apparently un-known about how in the 1970s NBC and CBS - at WHIM - "switched" the Red state Blue state color annotations shown on their 'big board' graphics showing state by state election returns.

Previously - since 1886 I believe it was, RED states in the U.S. were "Democratic" and BLUE "Republican" - as were Labor and conservatives in the UK.

EASILY 'fact-checked.'

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Right you are, most of this specie are slime balls, liars, cheaters, there is nothing positive about this tribe.

Here you have an exception, Dr Steve Pieczenik, a true Patriot with only ONE passport:


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Thank you for the very interesting link, Horst.

You will be interested to know that the late pedophile - Jeffrey Epstein - like Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas and Janet Yellen (just for openers) was a "CFR" "Council on Foreign Relations" member,

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Most of them lie.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since I'm not a amoral monster, I take no pleasure from Raskin's troubles. But I have some personal experience of him, dating from my time as a 2nd Amendment activist working to oppose, or at least soften, the proposed legislation that became Maryland's draconian 2013 Firearms Safety Act. At the time Raskin was chairman of the Maryland Senate Judiciary Committee. He is a venal, vicious little man who delights in doling out petty cruelties and insults to those he considers inferiors, which includes everyone who has a different political opinion. The district that returns him to the House every two years with ~ 70% of the vote is an amalgam of all the worst stereotypes about AWFLs, limousine liberals, and boomer hippies -- the Portlandia of Maryland. So I find it not at all surprising that he uses his official position to pursue personal vendette with no correction from his constituents.

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He sounds like the male version of Kamaltoes.

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This makes sense to me. This guy is just messed up, and has been that way a long time.

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We are seeing all over the western world that the majority of the people have swung against corrupt globalism but the rot is deep and the globalist puppet politicians are using every single dirty trick in the book to hang on for as long as they can. The more they thwart democratic process, the angrier the mood gets. They are playing a selfish, dangerous game that will bring their regimes down but might well bring western countries down in the process, and they don't care. We are in for a continued rocky ride until we get them out.

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Probably a bloody rocky road.

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Indeed. I fear it will come to that before this is all resolved. It certainly appears the only way to rid ourselves of these parasites is to kill them. Nothing else seems to even really slow them down.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

I've thought a lot about that word, revenge. It might easily be confused with justice, or reckoning.

I thought back to one of my very favorite characters from perhaps my all-time favorite western. Here Doc Holliday, at different points in the movie, describes the motivations of the bad guy (Johnny Ringo), and the good guy (Wyatt Earp).

On Ringo:

Earp: What does he [Ringo] need?

Holliday: Revenge.

Earp: For what?

Holliday: Being born.


On Earp:

Holliday: No, make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning.


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Holliday lived his adult under a death sentence - Tuberculosis - and yet managed to achieve a form of immortality.

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Malone's see the abyss.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just got your PsyWar book….outstanding in so SO many ways!!….Anyone with a scientific type brain should have seen how this entire scam protocol was ass-backwards from the very beginning….and as you rightfully point out those few who stood up were admonished, cancelled or lost their jobs/license. I thought the same would come my way but I was retired from practice….thank God. True Science ethics and credibility has been set back many decades if not totally cancelled…current crop of physicians/“scientists” are woked and brainwashed. You are a great American and it is hoped that a new Prez Trump awards you the highest honor possible. Your book is strongly recommended.

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thank you. Please write a review on Amazon.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just purchased the kindle version of Psywar - omg the foreword by Gen Michael Flynn - quoting Ben Franklin - 'By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.' whoahhh

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From Seinfeld, Episode S02E07 - The Revenge

Jerry: The best revenge is living well.

George: There's no chance of that.

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Best attitude and unhealthier attitude.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Raskin has a deep problem shared by many - he claims to be Jewish, but does not practice its precepts, and worse yet, displays certain dress and customs to portray his facade. Plenty of so called Christians, Muslims, etc in this category, not about any particular religion, its about authenticity and honesty - these kinds are 4 star phonies whose lying is frequent and without conscious.

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Ah, but truth and guilt are alive in their unconscious.

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want to thank you for continuing to write and speak on this subject. It is sinking in. I’ve needed the repetition, the explanations using different words, different allusions, metaphors. All the time and energy you’ve given, thank you. Being away from your farm. . . I know I would struggle to sacrifice my time separated from the things I love as you have. Thank you.

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Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Teasing the Kindle version so far great!

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Sadly, I have come to realize a vast majority of people are oblivious to this level of subterfuge. Indeed, we have been brainwashed to a large degree.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You spoke of evil, Dr. Malone… There is a weapon against it. Yeshua/Jesus fulfilled the OT offices of Prophet, Priest and King…He is our ‘Great High Priest’… He is Deliverer… He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End. He has broken down the middle wall of separation, and made ONE new man out of OT faithful hebrews and the NT gentile/hebrew. faithful believers in Messiah. For all who will put their trust in His holy Name. He is building up a spiritual Temple, a New Jerusalem, which is the bride of the Bridegroom.

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

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How would loving your neighbour as yourself play out in the rhetoric toward Raskin?

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Speaking truth.

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And eliminating hate.

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'Hate' has become a political tool, it is also a product of The Fall.

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