
An audio version has been added to the top of the essay.

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Jul 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, this is your finest hour. May I add, from Australia, we revered the United States for its role in protecting this continent during the war in the Pacific in WWII. We revered the United States for its pre-eminent role in medicine, science and technology; its advanced manufacturing capacity; its commitment to free enterprise and education as the twin levers of progress; its vast cultural riches in libraries, museums and concert halls; and its overt Christianity. But then things started to go wrong in America, with moral decay and the rise of Marxist influence.

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That marxist influence actually first raised its ugly head in Wilson's tenure as official policy

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Absolutely, and those democrats back then were exceptional racists, who saw nothing wrong with lynching a few blacks, when they need it.

I wonder how much of his rabid policies were from his toxic rabid wife.

Kind of like Jill today. We might be blaming Obama, with his hand up his sock puppets ass, while Jill is the real villain.

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I never blame 44 for much of anything since he too was a sock puppet for the deep state...a veritable poster child of mediocrity.

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I wonder how often Obamas daddy looked at his son and thought "what a waste of sperm".

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Well, taught him to be good little commie. That take no big amount of intelligence

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Jul 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pray that, by the 250th anniversary of this exceptional country, we have returned to the founding principles and values upon which this constitutional republic was founded.

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Sadly, I don't believe that will happen without a massive "purge" which would violate said Judeo-Christian values. You can't rehabilitate or bring under control people who think they know better than you and/or are better than you and who have enjoyed the kind of power and control they have. It does not happen. That... makes me terribly sad, but that is reality.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

The Purge is / or may not be as far away, or a crazy concept as one might believe.

If you listened to the experts in the health field, who were not corrupted by the system, and provided false narratives, instructed to them by their handlers, you most likely would have heard that the mRNA shots which are, and have been the catalyst for this event you're suggesting. From what I know, from what I've read, and from the doctors I personally know who studied the last 5 years have said to me, is that the mRNA jabbo itself, is indeed "the death shot", or some have called it "the clot shot", ultimately resulting in the death of the host in which is was injected into.

Right after covid, I had 2 unaffiliated (real) doctors, and one chiropractor, ask myself and wife-e-poo if we were "jabbed", during a visit for something else. All these instances, the look of relief, and the words "thank god" were uttered, being followed by "That shit kills everything it's injected into", seemed to be more of a coincidence, than any real indication of things to come (sarcasm).

Yeah, sure. Based upon friends and family who have either died from, severely damaged, or consistently ill from this "mRNA jabbo-roo, I clearly believe that these 3 doctors, plus the 50 or so I've read things from over the years, might be onto something.

or not, if that's what we want to believe. Sure.

I clearly remember, long after I had heard rumors, and also read several dozen citations on the mRNA shots, and how the inherent problem of their failure to "turn off" production of spiked proteins, causing microscopic blockages, ultimately caused the deaths of every single test animal it was given to, during it's original trials. Reality is, at this point, this is hearsay, and wouldn't stand up in a court of law, should I be whisked away before a judge in the next ten minutes. Hopefully that 10 minutes for my eggrolls will be a bit early, so my last meal in the open, will be a tasty, oriental filled goodness one.

Now, in no way am I buddies with Dr. R. Malone, on who's behalf of which we all enjoying the works, and company of today on this forum, so I have no conclusive evidence (proof) in boxes next to my old corvette, in the unlocked garage, nor computer, or cell data to back this "conspiracy theory" up. This being said, however, I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express, last night, which I would hope would be helpful in these days of uncertainty, and lack of credibility of anyone breathing today.

So, if indeed the "conspiracy theory", which so far so many have come to fruition weeks, to months, to years later, is indeed true, I would think that over time, Billy Killy Gates of Hell, Flim Flam Fowchee, and all of Klaus and George Spagettios's buddies would love to happen, this "purge" will eventually come true, once the death jabbos have done their deed.

Plausible deniability is a wonderful thing. If one can concoct a process in which you do something, that causes your natural weaknesses to take hold, by having thousands of different end results happening over time, you could indeed enjoy the comforts of standing on the sidelines, as you watch your life's work go down, unimpeded.

Time will tell, I guess.

In the meanwhile, look over there, as we start WW3, cause worldwide starvation, bombard the planet with toxic materials, influence division and hate, and get the population stoned and sexually promiscuous on unheard of levels, so you don't pay attention to what, we've done to you in the meanwhile, nor past.

Fun times, no doubt.

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Your wife-e-poo must be a dear. It is hard to celebrate today as in the past T, but it is not a day to write the country off. I refuse to let the evil-doers have space in my head.

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Self praise stinks, but I was all over this back when the vax first came out. I said, just wait, in three to five years the real, long term, effects of this thing will rear their ugly heads. People who were so scared of this flu that they seemed to lose all ability to reason called me everything BUT a gentleman.

Now.... Here we are.

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It's not self praise, IMO. Its common sense indicators were registering in your spidey brain, and instead of ignoring it, you followed the instinct God blessed you with.


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They are actually in the minority and are using smoke and mirrors to convince you they are in charge!

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Well Mr. Braun, I agree that they might most definitely are in the minority, but they most certainly hold the power. I am aware that we allow them to maintain the power but nonetheless, they hold it at the moment. And he who has the power, is in charge.

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Agree! We have a David and Goliath situation.

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Jul 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this piece Dr. Malone. George Washington had the hand of God on his shoulder. So did the country. God has not thrown the towel in on our nation quite yet.

Expecting enough patriots, who recognize the damage done in the 20th and 21st centuries, will take to the poll on election day and overcome. Then we must recall all of those who undermine our confidence in them.

Happy 4th everyone. No fireworks near my horses please!

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Do most Americans believe that the 4th of July is just about fireworks? Do we not demand and teach all our children about how this great nation was founded and the principals that have worked so well until now? We have lost our way and it is time to change the direction of this country back to the founding principals. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/day-of-reflection

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I agree, Thomas! It is more than fire works and hamburgers and bbq. However, enjoy, everyone, but remember the cost of our freedom. I have all kinds of blood line in my family! Cherokee! English (Puritan English), Scotch, Irish, Swiss. We are indeed the melting pot of the world!

All of that aside, it’s the founding principles we need to bring back. Our nation is/was great exactly as you, Dr. Malone, wrote out in today’s essay! Washington had it right. Anyone who denies the Judaeo-Christian influence does not know real American History!

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In my daily life I meet people of all nationalities and I have not found one person that has been disrespectful. They all want the same thing. A good life with peace and love. Smoke and mirrors are being used to divide us.

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If you murder off all the old people with a super secret, double handshake, fingers crossed, stealth injection of some sorts, and then bring in millions of illegals who don't even know what a Constitution, or a Bill of rights actually is, then you won't need to know history, because those who are replacing the ones who actually remember what those silly things you mentioned, are all worm food at this point, and it won't matter anymore.

Civics classes in high school ? NAH ! who needs that ?

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Spot on! We need to stop the invasion!

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Jul 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great essay for Independence Day, and imho 100 % correct . FWIW , if our ( USA ) trajectory doesn’t change we will be a nation gone under like President Reagan stated. May God bless the USA .

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From the beginning of the America revolution when the patriots first rose up against England’s King George the 3rd’s tyranny, I believe Devine Intervention had taken place. The patriots should never have won this war. Miraculous events surely took place that created this great free nation based in Judeo-Christian values

I’ve been praying that these changes that we have been witnessing in recent days, weeks and months with the right justices in place, the right people as candidates, and maybe enough people that have woken up to the truth may create a similar miraculous Divine Intervention as it did then and restore this injured nation. Hope you all have a great freedom filled 4th of July!! J.Goodrich

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Thanks mate. I looked earlier but could not find you. I was (and AM) keen to wish You and Yours the best wishes for the 4th of July (its already 5th of July here), but go in peace my friend. Lets continue to hope (and more importantly WORK AND SACRIFICE IF NEED BE) for a return to those values that made both of our Nations great, and have been subverted (as Dr Malone very astutely stated).

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Thank you Les so appreciate your prayers and I pray for you and your great country as well!! Hopefully on the next 4th of July the world will be a much more free and optimistic place.

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Yes James, thoughts and imagination are powerful manifestations for either good or not. Almost everyone has forgotten the power of the spoken word. "In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God". I don't usually quote biblical verse, altho I am very familiar with it, this quote came to mind. A peaceful and clear Heart to you and yours.

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Thank you DD peace to you and your family as well.

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Not only did Divine Intervention take place but it was requested in 1776 within the Declaration of Independence. We need to heed their wisdom now, when they stated they had been under absolute Despotism and it is a Duty to throw off such Government.

It was signed by the "Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intention . . . . . "And for the support of the Declaration, with the firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Live, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

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Yes Shelley, words matter.

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Shelley I wrote a post in my notes and part of it was about President Wilson and FDR after they became incapacitated, the bad decisions and policies that happened. I know many problems from those times took decades to resolve. Of coarse I’m thinking about this current incapacitated president we have now and how long it’s going to take to clean up his mess. I know this is right up your alley and would love to hear your take on it sometime!!!

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It will take the right people in DJT's admin and he better have fixed his bad people picker for this time around.

Trump plans to secure the border and deport. He has ten times the removal number than Ike. That will cause constant yapping from the Left before he even starts. That is the part of cleaning Biden's mess I'll barely be able to stand. The yapping will be endless.

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I know, not sure how the hell he’ll be able to stand it, if it really happens. Certainly some have got to go!!!! If he gets in Shelley we have to think at least consider something miraculous has happened.

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From your fingers to God's ears, Brother James.

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Let’s hope we are witnessing the beginning of a revival of America!!🙏🙏🙏

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A few comments: The "Collective Left" (read MARXIST) slur on George Washington as being just a dead white male belies their ignorance of the fact that Karl Marx was ALSO white and dead (and as a NEWSFLASH for the Leftist, MARXIST antisemites), Karl Marx was also a Jew.

Regarding "petrodollars" - last I knew, beginning in 1913, a group of PRIVATE BANKERS known as the so-called "Federal Reserve" were granted a MONOPOLY (courtesy Democrat President -Woodrow Wilson and a Democrat Congressional majority - to print FIAT paper money.

Also, is it "neo conservative" or "neo Marxist" foreign policy that has been behind the ongoing shenanigans - that primarily emanate from a LONGTIME democrat majority that run the State department - no matter WHO the "elected" President might be?

Also, seems to me that from Woodrow Wilson to FDR, to JBJ, to Joe Biden, the so-called "Democrat" party has pumped literally TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER dollars creating the ever expanding "administrative state" - run by MILLIONS of UN-ELECTED federal EMPLOYEES; and OVER 300 agencies, bureaus and department MANY of which OVERLAP but STILL are FUNDED without question - by BOTH Democrats and Republicans.

The one thing the ancient treaties of Westphalia and Munster did not change - as far as human nature is concerned - is GREED (and) ENVY. ALL wars are fought because of both - primarily over REAL ESTATE - meaning LAND - and concomitantly major water ways and oceans.

Putin wants what is ON (fertile soil) and BENEATH (minerals) the LAND in Ukraine. The Palestinians want the LAND the Israelis have husbanded to become very valuable and productive - which was previously just raw barren land.

The American "Collective Left" wants to not only control the LAND (and WATER) in the USA - INCLUDING the sovereign American people - and unless FREEDOM LOVING PATRIOTIC INDIVIDUALS do not IMMEDIATELY organize to PUSH BACK and STOP the MARXIST INSANITY that is literally DESTROYING EVERYTHING America stands for and has created - the "FRAGILE Experiment with FREEDOM" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787, WILL be KAPUT if the COMMUNISTS win again in 2024.

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Great commentators today! Let freedom ring! Like I have read from many people, we must start at the local elections. Stand up for the right! May I also say God does answer prayer!!

I’m of the baby boomer generation, and patriotism was so strong right after the war. Oh my! Thank you, Stephen, for your appreciation for America!

Now, I have learned a lot about all these different controlling government agencies that are so appalling now to me!! I had no clue. This time in our history has brought it all out in the open for us to see!

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Agree! More and more, I’m beginning to think God chose our founding Fathers for a reason and what we are experiencing today is an awakening and a lesson. This will be yet another biblical time in history. It’s the only thing making any sense to me.

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Yes indeed Margaret Allison!

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Quite the high level piece and even referencing The Treaty of Westphalia, which might suggest state rights matter. States rights and Globalism, do not quite coexist in the same medium. Through my experience in the accounting world, I was taken quite aback when the environmental, social and governance standards (ESG) came out all of a sudden in the AICPA and FASB banking conferences. The control grid and carbon credits are extremely dystopian and orwellian. Many examiners criticized the systemic banks pushing the ESG agenda at the regulatory banking conference by calling attention to the hypocritical petro-bottle of water the presentor was drinhing from. Technocrats may not even have a clue where their food comes from, yet seem to have the power to make these rules that kill. I have seen first hand how the accounting control grid has been set up. It's a wet dream for technocrats looking for siloed profits and authoritarian control. This is not the America my father fought for in WWII earning a purple heart in the Navy. My tainted perception is as follows:

The Bank of International Settlements, in effect runs America which has legal immunity and determines the flow of money among the central banks who fund wars on both sides, who are influenced by the ruling oligarchy (i.e. Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Oil, Military Industrial Complex, and Big Tech), who compose a good part of the US laws through lobbyists, and have much control beyond executive, congressional and judicial powers, such as tracking one's every move, on social media with AI that reveals predictive thought processes, as accounting oversight that promotes ESG to silo profits and control who gets a loan, not to discount alphabet agencies subject to regulatory capture, i.e. FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, SEC, ESF, etc..., who all play a part in the supreme control grid.

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You are 100% right. If we gloss over history and do not realize the impact the invisible hand banking has had over world affairs, then we are missing a vital piece of history.


The banks have played a huge role in controlling world powers and until we can see our true enemy, we may be running in circles.

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Highly recommend THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND by G. Edward Griffin. Should be required reading in high school. Banking is about the control of capital flows by a very select few. Control the money, control the world. At this point, the BIS is one of their most powerful tools, but there is a way out.

Read Chapter 25 "A Pessimistic Scenario" that is exactly as Griffin wrote it in the first edition (1994). Then read Chapter 26 "A Realistic Scenario", written for the 49th printing (September 2023).

We can affect this. I urge everyone: challenge your comfort zone. Do your own research. Let's not let them just take it from us!

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Thank you for bring this up.

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Quite excellent questions. Certainly, IBM profited upon the liquidation (too nice of a word) of jews through IBM's accounting services.

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It is difficult for the average Joe or Jane to comprehend how they are being herded!


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And, they don't want to know.

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I wonder about that. Do they not "want to know" because they are lazy or undisciplined and just want to do what they want to do? Or because they know they are or would be completely ineffectual? Or because they lack the capacity to discern which group is telling the truth? Or because they are inherently good and don't anticipate someone or some group being inherently evil? Or some combination?

Makes me wonder what the average Joe or Jane comprehends.

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Great questions P.B. I'd add are they stupid, have a can't be wrong attitude, or just indoctrinated by the propaganda?

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A very compelling essay for the Fourth, Doc and, while I believe you got many things right - most regrettably where we are now, saddled with a conspiratorial, corrupt and repressive administrative state - I don't think how we got here is that black and white. Because in the 20th Century, America was faced with the twin menaces of Nazism (along with their lunatic pals in Japan) and then Soviet Communism. Could we stay isolationist and ignore the barbarism of the Nazis? At what cost and in what sort of world? Could we stand by as the Soviets expanded the cancer of communism, holding millions in bondage? America wasn't wrong to confront these evils. Where we went astray was to allow the fear mongers to permit the continuance of the WW II intel agencies and permit the FBI to be pulled into their orbit. As smart as Ike was, his warning against the military industrial complex should have included the massive and increasingly corrupt CIA and its adjuncts. Now, if we are to have any semblance remaining of our Republic we must bring the deep state, and its spook handmaidens to heel. The CIA must be either significantly reformed or disbanded. Same with the NSA and the FBI, along with other agencies both overt and covert. If we do not do this now, it will be too later by the next election.

Please don't take this as criticism. You are mostly correct as to cause and completely correct as to the unacceptability of the current situation. And unlike the corrupt medical establishment that sold us down the river during the pandemic, you are a voice for truth and liberty. Happy Fourth to you and your family.

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That's what we've been told. Nazism and Communism. Interesting that WWI was almost over when it started because the Pope got a peace deal, until Wilson said no and ask Congress to declare war and not even 20 years later Hitler was on the move. The US had J.P. Morgan and other bankers fund Germany post WWI, also kicked France out of the area in Germany where its iron sources and steel plants were. It seems to me that at the turn of the 20th century the bankers controlled the western nations, including the US. We know it was the bankers that established the U.N. and then asked Truman to invade Korea cause, you know, communism. There must always and forever, be adversaries.

The MIC makes profits for the bankers and the war industry which has top brass that sit on their boards. Dept of State, CIA, Intel are the USG arms that feed the beast. The FBI is the unit that keeps Congress in tow. Boils down to human greed and power. Whose power is the question. I know my answer but can't say as I'll be politically incorrect.

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Okay, this is what I love about your take. Unconventional and studied. This is not a straight line path.

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Yes DD, it nuanced alright.

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Thanks for this Dr. Malone. I agree entirely. As to your questions, "This leads me to ponder how we got to this point and what can be done about it.", First, you can put it on human nature, given enough power and temptation of money, the bad in man always comes out, second, we can fix it by demanding that our government behave with absolute faithfulness towards our Constitution. The Executive, Congress and Courts have all made their share of contributions to unconstitutional acts. Governance under the American Constitution is the best tool we have to fight back against tyranny and to have the Liberty we were promised by our Founders. With respect to sovereignty of States we all need to remember State no only refers to the United States as a country but also the fifty (50) States that make it up. The Federal Government has its role as extremely limited by the Constitution and we need to return to that place with the fifty States taking up their rightful sovereignty. A return to sound money is just the catalyst that would put us on that path. It is going to be a hell of a fight though as we've got many who are benefiting from the corruption that has come with empire. Happy Independence Day!

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Thank you for this well reasoned historical analysis, Dr. Malone. Is it an oversimplification to note that the Americas were colonized by (European) colonizers, giving the USA the predisposition to become a colonizer itself, once it became powerful enough to do so? It's as if it's in our heritage or DNA, similarly to how an abused child has a recognized tendency to become an abusive adult.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Excellent article, and excellent expansion on a principled worldview.

I imagine that in Washington's era, the hierarchical distance from citizen to leader was shorter, actions plainer, and accountability greater. I am ready to believe the accounts of his bravery, strength, and integrity.

With secrecy, complexity, and lucre, in creeps the sinister. Deep State actors effectively demand that we take it on faith that even their "dirty tricks" are implemented in the best interests of the US citizenry. They shroud themselves in impenetrable veils of secrecy, and then would berate any challengers for not knowing all the facts. Meanwhile, all sorts of nasty business goes down, but "nothing to see there." Paradoxically, as imperialistic agents have claimed their authorities to counter marxist expansionism, it has often been their very imperialism that has animated and empowered marxist independence movements that have successfully thrown off the old colonial powers, for better or worse.

Besides Mossadegh, I have also previously looked into the story of Guatemala's Jacobo Arbenz. I carry with me the impression that he was a good man who was absolutely wrecked by Dulles' CIA.

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Drs Malone. This is "worrysome, but most appreciated, because BILLIONS of us are wondering "who the hell are "THEY"? Your recent episode (from Ed Dowd) was much appreciated and assisted me and my followers to understand a Little better. I DO HAVE a plan that I would LOVE to share with you, and I feel it maybe very benefiacial for us "The Good Guys".

In the meantime I wish you (both), your Families and indeed ALL OF OUR AMERICAN "Brothers and Sisters" happy 4th of July to what STILL IS THE GREATEST NATION THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.

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Hopefully, you will like the new book. The manuscript is with the publisher now, and the presale on Amazon starts next week.

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A beautiful easy Dr. Malone. Perfectly descriptive of where we came from and where we are. I certainly agree with your assessment of where we need to go. I can’t help but wish that every American citizen could read your essay and understand the importance of it. Hopefully Donald Trump and RFK will both read it. Hope your 4th was filled with family, friends and fun.

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