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If they are so interested in the “health of ecosystems” how is it they push windmills and mirror farms for energy when they DESTROY ENVIRONMENTS, KILL OFF NUMEROUS PREDATORY BIRD AND BAT POPULATIONS, NOT TO MENTION ANIMALS’ GROUND HABITATS AND ALTER MIGRATING ANIMALS’ ROUTES, INCLUDING SEA-LIFE WHEN THE DAMN THINGS ARE IN THE OCEAN! Those Mirror Farms incinerate birds into puffs of smoke as they fly over those mirrors. Horrible deaths! Those forms of energy production are expensive, inefficient and need thousands and thousands of acres of precious land. And we are supposed to believe they actually CARE about the environment? NO! They only care about the MONEY we would be requires to dole out to the U.N.!

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In our local area in South Central Texas, tens of thousands of acres of once productive farm land have been covered over with solar panels. Much of it was due to the government subsidies offered for "green energy". Earlier this month a hail storm destroyed many thousands of these solar panels. The neighbor community is left with the question of what environmental impact there will be on the soil and water supply. The solar panels came from China and who knows what they were made of. Some of the investors were foreign and were interested in it for the generous subsidies they received. They are not likely to face up to their responsibility to clean up the mess.

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Not one bit of the green boondoggle would exist without subsides. None of these things are financially viable on their own. If they were, they'd be appearing on their own without any gov't encouragement.

I have no issue with someone who wishes to use solar and wind to power their own home. This has been done quite successfully before, albeit with some let's say lifestyle changes for the average on grid homestead. However, solar and wind just do not scale up well to supply needed power density to support most industrial applications. Battery storage for this is a huge problem.

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I think you are describing the pharmaceutical industry, esp the vax section w/ regard to subsidy...

My country tis of thee,

sweet land of subsidy,

of thee I sing.

A refrain from I believe Roan and Martin's Laughin in the 1960's, maybe Shel Silverstein, long before the Pharma-Kennedy moves of the 80's.

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Well, not intentionally, but you're right, it sure fits.

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Where is the governor on this? The Ag Comm? Soil studies need to done ASAP and follow up legislation disallowing absentee owners/ lessors from polluting the land thusly

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Folks been asking where Abbott has been for some time….about a whole bunch if topics.

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Solar "farms" ruin the land for ag for over 20 yrs just by destroying the bacterial community.-Wa Dept AG And we have not begun to look at effects on the soil by the rare earth metals by still intact panels. And this is not considering the exploded solar "farms" from hailstorms which we are seeing throughout TX this spring.

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It's good to recognize the damage caused where solar is installed, but also recognize all of the damage and pollution outsourced to Africa for the minerals and China for the manufacturing.

Actors and politicians flying to climate conferences on private jets is a perfect reflection of this movement.

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Mother Earth has been refined over millions of years to create a balance between all living things. Unfortunately, the medicine man, the techno man and the globalists believe they can improve on Mother Earth in a twinkle of celestial time. Unfortunately, it will accelerate the demise of all living things. Key component is reshaping the DNA of life it self.

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Indeed.... Where are the tree huggers on this? In the past environmentalists would have been stuck to this issue like crap to a blanket. Another case of lefty double standards.

Another problem is the stated goal of "saving the environment" is not the real goal these (WEF/U.N./leftys) people are after. What they really want is to disrupt the world economy to the point that the people are broke, scared and shivering in the dark, begging the gov't for scraps of benevolence. In other words, unable to effectively retaliate against the taking of their sovereignty.

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Some of the tree huggers are fighting back. the very founder of Greenpeace for one. There are lawsuits and they are winning some.

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Yes, Shellenberger, Matt Taibe and friends are doing some great work uncovering this evil. Kudos to them for changing sides so to speak.

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Suspect it's more than money. They want power to deploy us (future) transhuman subjects to deliver according to their desires. No oppositions.

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Spot on.

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