Never forget what this administration knowingly did to us. When the Covid “pandemic” began we were all certainly at a disadvantage. Behind their curtains Fauci and his team of charlatans had designed a virus. They had made plans to frighten the populations. They knew this would allow them to push through a vaccine without proper testing.…
Never forget what this administration knowingly did to us. When the Covid “pandemic” began we were all certainly at a disadvantage. Behind their curtains Fauci and his team of charlatans had designed a virus. They had made plans to frighten the populations. They knew this would allow them to push through a vaccine without proper testing. They knew of the adverse reactions. They knew it would cause deaths, heart attacks, heart damage, strokes, blood clots, cancers, auto immune disease, etc.. They knew it was not effective. They knew all of this and they also knew the public was unaware of their greedy evil plans. We all were sucker punched, (sucker punch; also known as a cheap shot, coward punch, a punch made without warning while the recipient is distracted allowing no time for preparation or defense). It’s always the punch you don’t see that knocks you down. We all must never forget what this government and the medical establishment did to us. Are eyes are open now. Where this began is not as important as where we allow this to end. Their war against us continues but now we are aware of their plans. Now we must stay vigilant and fight them with all we have. We can never allow this same administration to illegally sign our sovereignty over to a foreign Chinese run unelected non American body. I will never willingly climb onto their cattle cars. J.Goodrich
We were not at so bad a disadvantage as to not be able to see what they were doing at the outset. As I have belabored many times, the information about both a cruise liner and a US aircraft carrier were out there telling us this bug was neither as infectious nor as deadly as advertised and hence all those draconian efforts were pure b.s..and you did not need a medical degree to see it.
One of the biggest tells for me was for most of Africa covid seemed to be a relative non-issue. Why? In Africa, malaria is a big problem in most areas so the people there take prophylactic doses of..... wait for it.... Hydroxychloroquine, you know, the stuff PDJT said might help with covid way back when it first started looking like a problem. As you may recall he was roundly ridiculed for this suggestion. So, of course the lefty PTB immediately set about making hydroxychloroquine ( and later, Ivermectin) virtually impossible to get and thousands died unnecessarily while they waited helplessly for the miracle vaccine that wasn't, to show up.
This is why I believe a Nuremburg treaty/trials 2.0 needs to begin today. Yesterday would have been better. The perpetrators of this Atrocity need to be put where they can never unleash something this evil ever again.
Certainly many of us figured it out but so many bit their hook and were frightened by this establishments deceptions. Most of the people at a business I do much work at wouldn’t come near me. They wouldn’t be in the same room even the same house. Their plan to absolutely frighten people worked. To this day I still see people driving alone with masks on or in grocery stores. People are still volunteering their arm to be injected with dangerous DNA altering chemicals. Their act is not over.
Because the people who could have made an impact on this subject before the blinders were applied did little to nothing and allowed that ignorance based terror to be built and employed. This also points to the degree of lack of curiosity by the general public to investigate such information on their on.
The comment is only partly tongue in cheek. The flock moves in response to the leader. If you need to move the flock, you need to move the leader. Even when a ewe is bleating distress, unless a young lamb, the flock itself mostly ignores it. Call the leader, and they all follow.
Grafting is a term among shepherds for skinning a dead lamb, and placing the skin over a "bummer" or lamb who is still alive, but it's own mother has discarded it. The idea is to confuse the new ewe to accept the rejected lamb and nurse it. Kinda a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Which describes the DNC and the party. They grafted a completely new set of guidelines to a new leader, and the flock has followed. No longer concerns of free speech, the US constitution, war opposition, freedom of most sorts, etc. We must graft new leaders.
The truth is slowing emerging and is changing mind sets. We went from about 4 out of 5 accepting the injections that change the blue print of life to 1 in 5. Unfortunately, I see the volume picking up on spreading the word that a new viral invasion is on it's way. How else can they expect the billions and billions being invested in unproven RNA/DNA injections return profit to Gates and other billionaires, politicians and etc. who are all in on this human lab rat experiment.
Moderna has announced they have 5 new modified-mRNA products on the way. Two are well advanced through their trials. One has to suspect Pfizer and others are advancing along similar lines for human and animal products.
My 70 year old sister in law has to be one of the most uninformed, gullible people on the planet. She got the first 3 shots, but even she decided she was done after three of them!
I still struggle to understand why so many people were not in the least bit suspicious. My son and his girlfriend were at UC Davis in CA (with a huge Chinese student population) in the fall of 2019, and they both got very sick as did a great number of students there, and the student health center doctors were clueless. But people got better. My son's girlfriend has asthma, and she suffered worse than did our son, and at one point she had to go to the E.R. where she was given a nebulizer to take home for treatments, and a course of ivermectin. So I had observed all that going on a couple of months before the cruise ship illnesses. So when all the governmental lying began, I had already read and observed a lot and even suspected after the fact that I myself might have had something that was possibly covid in late February of was weird and different from anything I've had before, but not horribly so, and I recovered without any medication. By March 2020 I was reading a lot and learned about things that seemed very odd, to say the least...I read fairly continually from that point on and have scientific/medical interests anyway, so I was learning a lot from the beginning. My overwhelming reaction to the governmental fiasco was that things didn't make sense, not considering things I'd read early on but which strangely disappeared from the internet, and things I myself had observed directly about the circulating illnesses.
Yet so many people around me were not in the least bit suspicious and were clamoring for some sort of treatment or vaccine. Long before the vaccines were publicly available I had decided to not get near them. One reason was also that I was fairly certain I might have had covid myself back in March '20, so I felt reasonably that I had immunity. That proved to be true because I never again got anything, and have remained completely healthy since that time even when surrounded by a fair number of sick people.
I had followed the cruise liner and Seattle nursing home stories from early 2020, but all that mysteriously dropped off the radar fairly early on, and the governmental narrative just got weirder and weirder and less and less believable. I'm grateful I maintained my initial skepticism and avoided all shots, as did my husband, two adult children, and 2 of my 3 grandkids.
What has surprised me the most is the sheer numbers of people who fell for the lies and just didn't question much of anything. My 3 siblings rushed out to get the shots as soon as they could and I was astonished at how brainwashed they were about it all. They didn't want to read anything that was contrary to the government narrative.
I'm 74 and this has been the weirdest few years of my life.
Great post CMCM, a while back I was walking my dogs on a Saturday morning. My neighbor was on his front porch so I said Hi Tony I haven’t seen you in a while. Tony is an Air Force pilot veteran, very intelligent, and conservative, he said oh I had Covid and Karen (his wife) had locked me in the bedroom for 3 weeks leaving food outside the door and then I’d come out and get it. I spoke to my doctor and he said you’re lucky you got the 4th shot 3 weeks before getting sick because you really could have got really sick. I kept walking and said well I’m glad you’re over it, but I couldn’t help but think how ridiculous the whole conversation was. He takes a 4th “vaccine” and 3 weeks later comes down with the illness it’s supposed to prevent. he is very smart but I went into my house and felt more sure than ever not taking those shots was the right thing. CMCM at the very beginning of the virus I think I got Covid also. I had 1 night where I got chills but never really got sick so to say but felt I got immunity at the very beginning. I remember that night not knowing if it would turn into a deadly illness, but as fast as it came it went. I didn’t get sick for probably 2 years I went to visit my mother in law at Framingham hospital in Mass. (not a great place) and we all got sick. I got over it quickly my wife who is a nurse and was forced to take 3 shots was sick for months. I agree with you the past 3 years have been the strangest years of my life. I hope things someday get back to normal…
Your post here simply proves that “smart” is more than good grades or high scores on tests. Sadly those criteria often move people into positions the should not have
From my neighbors lips to his doctors. I never got the overused quote “you’re lucky you got the vaccine before you got the illness” bit. I wonder if the doctors 500 dollar check had cleared his account before he said it,(again).
I have a BS in Biology. I, at the very least, know the difference between a bacterium and a virus. I knew something was up when they said a mask like that would help stop transmission. Yeah, no. So why did all the medical people/doctors go along with this charade? Those of us less educated look(ed) to them for guidance, but they were frightened for their jobs and livelihoods, too. We have been played by these demons for centuries.
I say begin by dismantling The Fed/Central Banks. The rest of society will cave.
Being outdoors and working with your hands in the soil and fresh air, kinda chases away the blues and negativity, of what Empirical Admins do to their own people. I want the well lived life! You can EAT ZE BUGS 100 years from now. And who the hell needs 5G/6G/7G BS ??
One way or another the repeat route is being planed, waiting for orders to release as it was done before, the pharmaceutical are working overtime because the population has to be reduced in all the parts of the world in one way or..... it is the Globalism command not just here but around the world, how is it that a small group of so called people in Europe have such power to dominate all the people again, like it was in 1939 Deja Vu describes the eerie feeling that a new experience is familiar, in this case just look what we have in congress we even got them a nice name the squad leftist members are now telling the white house, the democrats what to do, they all have us in there hands and totally ignoring everything that this land is being invaded this is all in the plan, am not wondering over crimes are going all over the country and murder is happening maybe not high enough in numbers need some more killings before we demand chances while it seems the law of land and the constitution are not valid anymore they are working hard to redo them in there favored we are hearing from the younger folks by saying it is to old needs to be changed to our time we live in, my question is what are the republicans in congress doing besides talking all the time it is going to change for the better are they waiting until November hoping no mishaps happening to does voting machines I am sure some of them are retiring 2024 and some already announced it, all I have to say is hmmm now I wonder are they included in those precious Dollar under or above the table for good work done meaning involvement just curious. I was not born here, and came to America in marriage we meet in Germany been here almost 18 years, I was born and growing up in East Germany we escaped to West Germany, we there think back have learned what Propaganda is, in what my Opa (Grandpa) always told us in how to recognize what it means now more then ever understood in what is happening in today scenario all around us.
It’s really amazing Ute that the past mirrors the present in so many ways. There are so many parallels that we see with 1930’s Germany; censorship, propaganda, and experimenting medically on people with chemicals as a start. Mao’s 1949 revolution in China where they took land from land owners and made a new system of distribution system in favor of peasants and landless poor. They eliminated history and removed all memories of historic China. If you control the past you will control the future. They divided the population rich and poor not unlike the way the left here divides us into race. The more we see in America the more I notice it goes back thousands of years even similar to many biblical stories. Eventually I think the system will breakdown and I hope somehow good will eventually rise above much misery and suffering that is coming.
Never forget what this administration knowingly did to us. When the Covid “pandemic” began we were all certainly at a disadvantage. Behind their curtains Fauci and his team of charlatans had designed a virus. They had made plans to frighten the populations. They knew this would allow them to push through a vaccine without proper testing. They knew of the adverse reactions. They knew it would cause deaths, heart attacks, heart damage, strokes, blood clots, cancers, auto immune disease, etc.. They knew it was not effective. They knew all of this and they also knew the public was unaware of their greedy evil plans. We all were sucker punched, (sucker punch; also known as a cheap shot, coward punch, a punch made without warning while the recipient is distracted allowing no time for preparation or defense). It’s always the punch you don’t see that knocks you down. We all must never forget what this government and the medical establishment did to us. Are eyes are open now. Where this began is not as important as where we allow this to end. Their war against us continues but now we are aware of their plans. Now we must stay vigilant and fight them with all we have. We can never allow this same administration to illegally sign our sovereignty over to a foreign Chinese run unelected non American body. I will never willingly climb onto their cattle cars. J.Goodrich
We were not at so bad a disadvantage as to not be able to see what they were doing at the outset. As I have belabored many times, the information about both a cruise liner and a US aircraft carrier were out there telling us this bug was neither as infectious nor as deadly as advertised and hence all those draconian efforts were pure b.s..and you did not need a medical degree to see it.
Yes, I noticed that too.
One of the biggest tells for me was for most of Africa covid seemed to be a relative non-issue. Why? In Africa, malaria is a big problem in most areas so the people there take prophylactic doses of..... wait for it.... Hydroxychloroquine, you know, the stuff PDJT said might help with covid way back when it first started looking like a problem. As you may recall he was roundly ridiculed for this suggestion. So, of course the lefty PTB immediately set about making hydroxychloroquine ( and later, Ivermectin) virtually impossible to get and thousands died unnecessarily while they waited helplessly for the miracle vaccine that wasn't, to show up.
This is why I believe a Nuremburg treaty/trials 2.0 needs to begin today. Yesterday would have been better. The perpetrators of this Atrocity need to be put where they can never unleash something this evil ever again.
Certainly many of us figured it out but so many bit their hook and were frightened by this establishments deceptions. Most of the people at a business I do much work at wouldn’t come near me. They wouldn’t be in the same room even the same house. Their plan to absolutely frighten people worked. To this day I still see people driving alone with masks on or in grocery stores. People are still volunteering their arm to be injected with dangerous DNA altering chemicals. Their act is not over.
Because the people who could have made an impact on this subject before the blinders were applied did little to nothing and allowed that ignorance based terror to be built and employed. This also points to the degree of lack of curiosity by the general public to investigate such information on their on.
You need a sheep flock to better understand human nature.
The comment is only partly tongue in cheek. The flock moves in response to the leader. If you need to move the flock, you need to move the leader. Even when a ewe is bleating distress, unless a young lamb, the flock itself mostly ignores it. Call the leader, and they all follow.
Grafting is a term among shepherds for skinning a dead lamb, and placing the skin over a "bummer" or lamb who is still alive, but it's own mother has discarded it. The idea is to confuse the new ewe to accept the rejected lamb and nurse it. Kinda a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Which describes the DNC and the party. They grafted a completely new set of guidelines to a new leader, and the flock has followed. No longer concerns of free speech, the US constitution, war opposition, freedom of most sorts, etc. We must graft new leaders.
he difference between Humans and Animals ? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the Pack
The truth is slowing emerging and is changing mind sets. We went from about 4 out of 5 accepting the injections that change the blue print of life to 1 in 5. Unfortunately, I see the volume picking up on spreading the word that a new viral invasion is on it's way. How else can they expect the billions and billions being invested in unproven RNA/DNA injections return profit to Gates and other billionaires, politicians and etc. who are all in on this human lab rat experiment.
Moderna has announced they have 5 new modified-mRNA products on the way. Two are well advanced through their trials. One has to suspect Pfizer and others are advancing along similar lines for human and animal products.
They are moving at warp speed!
You bet!
My 70 year old sister in law has to be one of the most uninformed, gullible people on the planet. She got the first 3 shots, but even she decided she was done after three of them!
Masks seem to have come out more openly in the last few weeks. The people wearing them look like scared rabbits.
I like that CMCM, (scared rabbits on Or near Easter!!!
I still struggle to understand why so many people were not in the least bit suspicious. My son and his girlfriend were at UC Davis in CA (with a huge Chinese student population) in the fall of 2019, and they both got very sick as did a great number of students there, and the student health center doctors were clueless. But people got better. My son's girlfriend has asthma, and she suffered worse than did our son, and at one point she had to go to the E.R. where she was given a nebulizer to take home for treatments, and a course of ivermectin. So I had observed all that going on a couple of months before the cruise ship illnesses. So when all the governmental lying began, I had already read and observed a lot and even suspected after the fact that I myself might have had something that was possibly covid in late February of was weird and different from anything I've had before, but not horribly so, and I recovered without any medication. By March 2020 I was reading a lot and learned about things that seemed very odd, to say the least...I read fairly continually from that point on and have scientific/medical interests anyway, so I was learning a lot from the beginning. My overwhelming reaction to the governmental fiasco was that things didn't make sense, not considering things I'd read early on but which strangely disappeared from the internet, and things I myself had observed directly about the circulating illnesses.
Yet so many people around me were not in the least bit suspicious and were clamoring for some sort of treatment or vaccine. Long before the vaccines were publicly available I had decided to not get near them. One reason was also that I was fairly certain I might have had covid myself back in March '20, so I felt reasonably that I had immunity. That proved to be true because I never again got anything, and have remained completely healthy since that time even when surrounded by a fair number of sick people.
I had followed the cruise liner and Seattle nursing home stories from early 2020, but all that mysteriously dropped off the radar fairly early on, and the governmental narrative just got weirder and weirder and less and less believable. I'm grateful I maintained my initial skepticism and avoided all shots, as did my husband, two adult children, and 2 of my 3 grandkids.
What has surprised me the most is the sheer numbers of people who fell for the lies and just didn't question much of anything. My 3 siblings rushed out to get the shots as soon as they could and I was astonished at how brainwashed they were about it all. They didn't want to read anything that was contrary to the government narrative.
I'm 74 and this has been the weirdest few years of my life.
Great post CMCM, a while back I was walking my dogs on a Saturday morning. My neighbor was on his front porch so I said Hi Tony I haven’t seen you in a while. Tony is an Air Force pilot veteran, very intelligent, and conservative, he said oh I had Covid and Karen (his wife) had locked me in the bedroom for 3 weeks leaving food outside the door and then I’d come out and get it. I spoke to my doctor and he said you’re lucky you got the 4th shot 3 weeks before getting sick because you really could have got really sick. I kept walking and said well I’m glad you’re over it, but I couldn’t help but think how ridiculous the whole conversation was. He takes a 4th “vaccine” and 3 weeks later comes down with the illness it’s supposed to prevent. he is very smart but I went into my house and felt more sure than ever not taking those shots was the right thing. CMCM at the very beginning of the virus I think I got Covid also. I had 1 night where I got chills but never really got sick so to say but felt I got immunity at the very beginning. I remember that night not knowing if it would turn into a deadly illness, but as fast as it came it went. I didn’t get sick for probably 2 years I went to visit my mother in law at Framingham hospital in Mass. (not a great place) and we all got sick. I got over it quickly my wife who is a nurse and was forced to take 3 shots was sick for months. I agree with you the past 3 years have been the strangest years of my life. I hope things someday get back to normal…
Your post here simply proves that “smart” is more than good grades or high scores on tests. Sadly those criteria often move people into positions the should not have
From my neighbors lips to his doctors. I never got the overused quote “you’re lucky you got the vaccine before you got the illness” bit. I wonder if the doctors 500 dollar check had cleared his account before he said it,(again).
I have a BS in Biology. I, at the very least, know the difference between a bacterium and a virus. I knew something was up when they said a mask like that would help stop transmission. Yeah, no. So why did all the medical people/doctors go along with this charade? Those of us less educated look(ed) to them for guidance, but they were frightened for their jobs and livelihoods, too. We have been played by these demons for centuries.
I say begin by dismantling The Fed/Central Banks. The rest of society will cave.
Yes, James. It is more important where we allow this to end. Excellent statement!
I agree!
Being outdoors and working with your hands in the soil and fresh air, kinda chases away the blues and negativity, of what Empirical Admins do to their own people. I want the well lived life! You can EAT ZE BUGS 100 years from now. And who the hell needs 5G/6G/7G BS ??
Happy Easter Friends and Crew! Rand
One way or another the repeat route is being planed, waiting for orders to release as it was done before, the pharmaceutical are working overtime because the population has to be reduced in all the parts of the world in one way or..... it is the Globalism command not just here but around the world, how is it that a small group of so called people in Europe have such power to dominate all the people again, like it was in 1939 Deja Vu describes the eerie feeling that a new experience is familiar, in this case just look what we have in congress we even got them a nice name the squad leftist members are now telling the white house, the democrats what to do, they all have us in there hands and totally ignoring everything that this land is being invaded this is all in the plan, am not wondering over crimes are going all over the country and murder is happening maybe not high enough in numbers need some more killings before we demand chances while it seems the law of land and the constitution are not valid anymore they are working hard to redo them in there favored we are hearing from the younger folks by saying it is to old needs to be changed to our time we live in, my question is what are the republicans in congress doing besides talking all the time it is going to change for the better are they waiting until November hoping no mishaps happening to does voting machines I am sure some of them are retiring 2024 and some already announced it, all I have to say is hmmm now I wonder are they included in those precious Dollar under or above the table for good work done meaning involvement just curious. I was not born here, and came to America in marriage we meet in Germany been here almost 18 years, I was born and growing up in East Germany we escaped to West Germany, we there think back have learned what Propaganda is, in what my Opa (Grandpa) always told us in how to recognize what it means now more then ever understood in what is happening in today scenario all around us.
It’s really amazing Ute that the past mirrors the present in so many ways. There are so many parallels that we see with 1930’s Germany; censorship, propaganda, and experimenting medically on people with chemicals as a start. Mao’s 1949 revolution in China where they took land from land owners and made a new system of distribution system in favor of peasants and landless poor. They eliminated history and removed all memories of historic China. If you control the past you will control the future. They divided the population rich and poor not unlike the way the left here divides us into race. The more we see in America the more I notice it goes back thousands of years even similar to many biblical stories. Eventually I think the system will breakdown and I hope somehow good will eventually rise above much misery and suffering that is coming.