My experience is that the larger an organization, the more entrenched mediocracy becomes. One look at the behemoth that the USG has become and it is clear that all that mediocracy has come home to roost. So we have to rely more on individual states to regain their stature in our federalist constitutional republic. I am seeing good signs here in Texas. Our Land Commissioner has drawn a line over forced implementation of “alternative energy” by the fed. Our AG is joining others in reining in the USGs insane policies regarding gender. And he and other state AGs are staunchly defending the second amendment of our constitution against federal overreach. We need more of this from more states.


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God bless you Texans!

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We are seeing what happens when the voters wake up. Nine of our criminal supreme court ruled against our AG prosecuting voter fraud. All 3 who were up for re-election were soundly defeated. The rino who sucked up to the dems to be elected house leader is in a fight for his life in a runoff in which he came in second.

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Again, you Texans are wonderful. Texans can think for themselves! Why can’t the good-hearted people in MY city - Minneapolis - think for themselves anymore? Brainwashed sheep!

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Its not just Minneapolis

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I believe that is the situation in Colorado also- a bunch of blue sheep are still closed minded, sleeping sheep, & if I try to explain the real truths to my “blue” sister, she will not open her eyes to the possibility our current Actor in charge, is a criminal , evil lier!

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Minnesota is in a ‘comfort coma’ and is desperate to avoid pain.

How did Walz ever get that far up the ladder? No really...How?

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I’ve wondered the same! Ilhan - what back-room political deal put HER in office? She represents only the Somalis, not the rest of her constituents. And Mayor Frey is just a pretty-boy tool of deep-pocket Democratic powers. Minneapolis politics has become as corrupt as Chicago’s.

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I agree. The similarity is there. Mpls is not as large of lower income diversity as Chicago.

But the Floyd theater has opened up eyes and minds of voters in Mpls to show not to allow

mayhem and violence reactions of burning their own neighborhoods to the ground. ??

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randall, what does that mean?!

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Randall, You ask how? Are you kidding?! Hack Hack Hack = the Digital Way.

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I will second that one!

Elk River

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Yup, time to vote out those rinos who only care about their own agendas! We, the people vote them into office, yet some change just to serve themselves, but, we have the power to Vote them out as well!

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All bought and controlled - judges everywhere...it's a sham

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Wish we had that leadership in WA state. We have just the opposite. I keep telling my children that we must remain vigilant in teaching our friends and family what is truth and press on for our Grandchildren. They deserve this fight. If we all (center right conseratives) leave this state there will no longer be any light and good and truth.

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I know what you mean. I live in woke Minneapolis, where around 80% of the voters just automatically vote for whatever names are on the Democratic ticket. They’ve been so indoctrinated that ‘Republican’ = ‘bad’ that it’s very hard to get through to anyone about anything. I am torn between fighting harder and moving away. So far I’ve just donated more money to worthy candidates, and I feel at a loss regarding strategies to get my city back to the wonderful place it used to be. I wish people would wake up and get a clue!

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"I am torn between fighting harder and moving away."

yup, same here

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Why do you think we in Texas are being overrun by the “political refugees” from California??

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Same in Colorado: being overrun by CA residents moving into CO; the fact some are left-leaning & want CRT in schools, & their woke agenda is being pushed in our rural, conservative county, are agenda's we do not want. We have so much division now, it's going to be a long fight to preserve what we have & believe in!

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My daughter said that to me yesterday- that she was considering moving, but where I asked her? We need to stay in our Red county, & fight to protect my grandchildren & our property 😉👍🏻🙏

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you bet. If already in a red state, stick with it.

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I too, live in Mpls. I certainly got an earful from myself when I "woke" up. Walsh putting a telephone # to turn in your neighbor during lockdown, and then taking it down later was one piece, but there are so many more. At least with Jesse V. you knew what was on his mind.

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Oh, how wonderful to be able to commiserate with someone on the many frustrations here! The StarTribune has become unreadable; the propaganda is so blatant! And on every article where they could be corrected by actual facts, they don’t allow online comments, so you can’t. The owner, Glen Taylor, is supposedly conservative, so why does he allow this rot?

What bothers you the most, DD?

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Gbill7, Oh if only I could relegate what one thing bothers me the most...Perhaps the painful realization that so many people are not paying attention to the details, when they think they are! "Truth" is always relative, and yet there is a way to discern bullshit from authentic dialogue. We the people need to hone our bullshit scanners. How? Knowing and trusting intuition. Not beliefs, not fear, and knowing the difference.

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Well, it looks like 3 of us!

I used to live in Oakdale, moved out NW in 2017-- country.

I can no longer get the Pioneer Press; just a bit more towards the neutral scale . . . at least they had Soucheray.

I no longer read any local rags; only the Epoch Times for last 4 yrs.

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Evening DD, Minnesota is in a ‘comfort coma’ !

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Amen 🙏! My Daughter is fighting for her girls now - preK school is trying to change up their curriculum, without advising the school board, & parents! She’s already written letters to the Superintendent of our district, & informed the newly hired Principal! It’s going to be a long battle. But, the Superintendent is a strong Conservative Republican! We keep praying for positive action to keep children safe in class!

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I am I full agreement as a fellow Washingtonian. Our young men, however they used to love WA have fled, and are living in center-right states with stable governors and other center-right citizens. Thank you for choosing to fight for your children and grandchildren and giving them your hope of there is no win without a fight attitude! I also know a few with this mentality as they are homeschoolers.

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Mediocracy/idiocracy vs meritocracy is like a bin of bananas - if new bananas are constantly placed on top and the old bananas never used/removed the bin becomes full of old moldy/rotten bananas. Bureaucracies are much the same, esp in an org like government, where old people and ideas become entrenched and die there (retire there). The new bananas enter the bin/bureaucracy and either leave the bin while still fresh or they sink down into the bin as the old bananas purée and seep out from the bottom. We see some of this in old est companies, I see you IBM, that were so successful that that which made them successful became the norm and were relatively quickly passed, out maneuvered or flanked and IBM became a joke - when this happens the company, still lookin’ at you IBM, can retool from top2bottom and reemerge as something different or fade into irrelevance, I no longer see you _____.

The same rot infects government as well - why else would we have the leadership of both our political parties older than me (I’m collecting social security 😉 😉). And when new ideas or people challenge the gerontocracy, even when the challenger could be superficially a part of the gerontocracy, the challenger will be seen as a threat to the what is. Hence, one reason I’m a strong advocate of term limits in elected positions AND in the bureaucracy. I also believe there should be a cooling off period between elected positions equal to the length of time you were an elected - 2 terms as a congressman (suck it gender offended) and you may not serve, work, participate in government for 4 years; 6/12 years for a senator, of course I also would do away with the 17th amendment and return the Senate to the states where it belongs.

Anyway, if we don’t shake things up, return to something approaching a FIFO paradigm, we will continue down this road where we become even more moribund and irrelevant on the local and world stage - a nation "led" by the likes of 💩 💩 🧠 will become the standard and the ethos of our founding will be something future generations may have the privilege of reading about and scratching their heads over what happened (would make for a better Ph.D thesis than the one ???-Slutski proffered).

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Welllllll said!

Here is a beer for YOU!

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Yes! Such common sense words!

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Yes, I agree - “very well said”!

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Thank you

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Agree, but the technology changes are coming fast and furious and we need to have a National Congress assembled to examine the impact of these changes on life itself. IMO Time is running out.

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I agree these matters need very serious consideration, focus and specifics with guard rails. A means that assures ongoing timely followup. Not so sure about a National Congress. Have been watching Congressional Hearings. All too many of the participants goals are to destroy the opposition. Goals and design are a crucial part of such an effort.

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If not a National Congress then who do we turn to? Universities have become captive to the current paradigm!

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I think what we are considering is the character and objectives for the gathering and selection of participants. A worthy topic for consideration and discussion in itself. Another aspect is to whom its conclusions/action items should be directed for implementation. Once these aspects are resolved it may be easier to decide what to call it.

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Agree, but who will create the impetus to pull it together?

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It seems to me it depends on when. In theory President OBiden has had meetings with industry heads and Congress has had so goes at it. My personal take is questioning the levels of knowledge, motivations and objectives of their participants.i haven't noted any outcomes admitted to. At this point maybe a think tank project?

If we can't come up with a good answer, we seem to be stuck with 'after the election' answer. If (from our lips to God's ears) we end up with a President who cares for us/our Country, then maybe a Presidential Commission

Open ears and mind here. Welcome ideas

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Everyone in power everywhere are bought and paid for by the globalists

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We are lost if we don’t have a open public dialog!

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Cabal controls all media making it almost impossible

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I'm in Oklahoma and it's the same. I fully agree

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Okies have my sympathy. You want to be conservative but live under a state constitution written by a committed progressive. That is a rx for schizophrenia

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May 5·edited May 5

Dr Nash.

You are clearly misunderstanding the situation in Oklahoma. We are well and in considerably better shape than many states. Save your sorry feelings for another. We're good here both figuratively and literally

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Karla Kight - Fellow OKIE in agreement with you!

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Read your state constitution, written by Alfalfa Bill, a devotee of William Jennings Bryan. Lived there a while (OU alum) and saw the time my folks had trying to find dem candidates they could tolerate before Goldwater (I voted for him) changed the political dynamic there. But you still are stuck with a state constitution written by a commie

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May 9·edited May 9

Dr Arnold Murry helped write it. Again, we're good nonetheless. I'm pleased you are not in Oklahoma. I would hate to see you so upset. Enjoy your space

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Fight on our feet or live on your knees. That simple! God bless Texas.

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AMEN, Red green!

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Yes, Amen 🙏 to your comment! Thank you 😊

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May 7·edited May 7

Dr. Nash, you are so correct. What you describe is the "principal of subsidiarity" that Dr. Malone discusses in this commentary. In your case, issues are debated and implemented at locally elected government entities. Many years ago, my brother, was sitting in the Spokane Club steam room with then Speaker of the U.S. House Tom Foley. He asked him (in jest) how the Federal Government could operate with him out of D.C.. He laughed and said that it runs on its own. The only change is that now it has become tyrannical. God bless Texas, please keep purging your rotten RINO apples and securing your border. The country needs a sovereign and strong Texas.

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I don't trust even my local politicians, sheriffs or any county officers here in GA - they are all compromised.

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May 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article Dr. Malone. I live in the State of Colorado, Polis is our governor and we have a leftist/fascist domination in both Houses. At the time of Covid, Polis dictated to all pharmacies in the state, do not sell Ivermectin or hydroxycloroquine to the public. I was forced to buy covertly, out of state on the internet, at an elevated cost. I’ve never been vaccinated.

Imagine how I felt, going into Walgreens with a Dr’s prescription, money in hand, as the clerk looked it up on the computer, and told me she was not able to sell me the products. This is suppose to be America, land of the free and I can’t buy medication with a doctor approved prescription? I was IRATE, I called them Communist sheep to their faces and walked out.

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I’m in Kentucky. Generally considered a deep red state. I got Covid recently. Post infection I had severe breathlessness and fatigue. The FLCCC has a protocol for that. I saw my local GP. When he suggested a STATIN and nothing else, I gave him a copy of the protocol and asked for a prescription for ivermectin. His reply says it all. He can’t. He would be arrested and loose his license. This is now 3 years since it is proven that ivermectin is safe and even if not effective should be allowed off label. For God’s sake, they are using it to treat cancer!! He’s just a clerk for insurance companies who are just clerks for pharmaceutical companies who are the overlords for the FDA and CDC. We better vote in someone who has promised to break this up. So far I think Kennedy is the only one with this on his platform. If Trump says so too please correct me.

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First of all, Statin drugs are dangerous & can cause heart attacks! Glad you

Didn’t take one. I stopped taking one 4 yrs ago for “high cholesterol “- which I don’t have!

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Went through the same dog and pony show re statins. Those things are dangerous and as far as I know have never really proven themselves

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I love it.

Reminds me of the time I refused to put on a mask at Menards and the Assistant manager kicked me out of the store back in 2021. I rarely go back; home depot is my goto now.

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I refused to mask up for a doctor appointment & walked out. Enough is Enough!

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Yes Patrick. I lived in CO for decades and watched my beloved state slowly turn fascist blue. I am now in TN and fighting the same thing happening here. But we are fighting hard, we center right citizens!

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That’s so horrible to hear- I’m in rural Elbert county, CO, & can’t stand JP! He’s done damage to CO, along with the SOS-

Griselda-we need to vote in younger republicans that will “hopefully” work for the people, & not just themselves to line their pockets with the green buck!

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The consumer has a strong weapon...DON'T SUPPORT CORPORATIONS!. Learn to conserve and don't contribute with your wallet or purse. BUY ONLY what you NEED! DON'T PURCHASE any of their offerings! Take the wind out of the sales of Commercialism! Growing up we had a far better quality of life without TV or any of these modern devices. People were happier and more sane..

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I've lived without TV for many years now. Lately I'm being encouraged to buy smart appliances. Do have a couple I'll ultimately have to replace, but if I can find them, their replacements will be dummies. That way would be rulers may not be able to wrest, control. It is good to see Target and Amazon pained, but likely most corps aren't as vulnerable. The point may be to better forearm ourselves.

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I try and remind myself every time I make a purchase at Amazon. It’s so convenient and time saving, plus I have such a great selection. I know Amazon is part of the globalization of America and here I am, supporting it.

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Which is why I closed my Amazon acct in 2019 when Trump has the presidency stolen from him. Paypal was next, and facebook too.

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What is worth more? Your freedom or the $$ you save buying X? Those of us who would fight to preserve our freedoms, our culture, our communities: there is a cost. We need to be willing to pay the real cost to those not beholden to the powerful financial interests; the "Made in America"; or be willing to live without. What is more important? That is the fundamental question.

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I admire you, wish I could afford to do the same.

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me too.

T has bigger cahones than most I figure!

Recent buys from Amazon for me happened after I tried very hard using Brave search to find original manufacturers of items and would have paid 10 to 20% more if not through the A word.

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Im just a regular America loving citizen who simply wanted to distance myself from the megacorporate blob, one step at a time.

Besides, buying local, I get to work on my comedy routine in front of a live audience😄

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"sound of clapping" for Tonga

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Yes, educate your friends and family who will listen. The more who opt to not support the bad actors amoungst corporations, the more they will listen.

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Initiate. Buy local. Support privately owned businesses. Buy 2nd hand. Share. Barter. Garden. Cultivate community. Cooperate. Live a creative life.

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Loved your essay today. By the way, if Larry Fink wants to reduce the population then he can volunteer and off himself any time as far as I am concerned. That goes to the rest of the "I am better than thou" crowd.

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Fink is a stereotype with which I am all too familiar.

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Not only do we have a worthy opponent, but WE have God. So there's nothing to fear. He is in this battle with us.

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I am a Christian too but it says in the bible that god helps those who helps themselves (not in those words) so we cannot expect the lord to do all the work for us, he expects us to put in the effort. Proverbs 12:24 and Deuteronomy 28-8, parable of the faithful servants, etc.

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That's why I said he's battling with us, not for us. 🙂

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May 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so glad I subscribe to your everything. We got this! We will win, it just that simple. Move, move, move soldier's. So exciting to be alive at this time in history. Let's do this!

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Our medical industrial complex has turned into a bizarre conglomeration of misinformation, lies and deceptions designed to further the corporate agendas of Big Pharma, government regulatory bodies and mainstream medicine, with little regard for human wellbeing."

Well we can go back to the beginning, and now see in the end,

"Bayer-Monsanto, soon to be just Bayer, which owns 60% of proprietary seeds and 70% of agrochemicals in the world.

Bayer has just purchased Monsanto for 62.5 billion dollars, cementing one of the most unholy business marriages of all time.

Monsanto is the company that is responsible for creating and marketing products like, genetically modified BT corn (corn plants with built-in pesticide genes spliced into their DNA)" Round-up ready" GMOs,...plants that are engineered to resist the herbicide Roundup so that fields can be saturated with chemicals that kill weeds, but not the modified crops. Rather than increase crop yields as promised, GMOs have increased the use of herbicides and caused an alarming outbreak of herbicide-resistant "superweeds".

Despite claims to the contrary, glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) has been shown to cause cancer and other illnesses. GMO crops in India and Central America have caused a deadly epidemic of kidney disease in those countries, and health in America has plummeted alongside the rise of GMO products.

Monsanto has become well-known as a company that falsifies documents, lies to the public, strong-arms farms and businesses into buying their products, and covers up wrongdoing. They have been sued many times, and are currently facing a very large lawsuit involving thousands of people with claims that they have cancer caused by Monsanto's "safe" herbicides.


Bayer has been a household name for generations, but many people are unaware of its sordid history. This company began in Germany under the name of I.G. Farben. In lawsuits, I.G. Farben has been accused of crimes against humanity during World War II - when the effectiveness of their pharmaceuticals was tested on Undesirable people who were kidnapped, enslaved, or purchased to use as "human guinea pigs".

And it's no wonder they would rather people be unaware of their roots - I.G. Farben was the company that developed Zyklon B… the poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews in gas chambers during WWII.


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Part 2:

Everywhere we go in modern medicine there are dangers that can ruin your life. Even safe procedures are dangerous.

For example,

"When a doctor orders an MRI, it's usually is to help detect or rule out something potentially life-threatening, or at the very least, something that could make you seriously ill.

But, it's recently come to light that this rather routine diagnostic test, meant to help you, can have devastating effects on your health."

Why are MRIs dangerous?

It is not the frequencies MRI employs, it is the contrast agent that they often use. Gadolinium is a metallic element with magnetic properties. It is injected into about one third of patients getting an MRI, in order to enhance imaging.

If your doctor has ever ordered an MRI with "contrast" for you, you were exposed to gadolinium.

But most likely you had no idea you were being injected with a known neurotoxin, capable of inhibiting mitochondrial function (energy production) and causing oxidative stress.

Bayer experimental drugs were tested on Auschwitz prisoners. One of the SS doctors at Auschwitz, Dr. Helmut Vetter, a long-time Bayer employee, was involved in the testing of Bayer experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates.

He was later executed for giving inmates fatal injections.

"I have thrown myself into my work wholeheartedly," he wrote to his bosses at Bayer headquarters.

"Especially as I have the opportunity to test our new preparations. I feel like I am in paradise."

When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his American-based international empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928,

"there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered."

Heroin, originally created by I.G. Farben, was outlawed in 1924 as a prescription drug in the United States.


Years ago, the H1N1 vaccine was linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages but the government does not care about this form of terrorism because they are terrorists at heart at the CDC and the FDA.

A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths.

A corrected estimate may be as high as 3,587 cases.

NCOW also highlights the disturbing fact that the CDC failed to inform their vaccine providers of the incoming data of the reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine-related fetal demise.

We could go on all day with one dastardly report after another. Modern medicine in the United States today is putting people in their graves in large numbers but before it does the system is increasingly beating them into bankruptcy.

Purdue Pharma, the company that planted the seeds of the opioid epidemic through its aggressive marketing of OxyContin, has long claimed it was unaware of the powerful opioid painkiller's growing abuse until years after it went on the market.

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Part 3:

The New/Old World Order and the Legacy of the Nazis

The Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes against humanity

Amazingly however, by 1951 all of them had already been released, continuing to consult with German corporations.

The Nuremberg Tribunal dissolved IG Farben into,




Today each of the three daughters of IG Farben is 20 times as big as the IG Farben mother was at its height in 1944, the last year of the Second World War.

And we still wonder why modern medicine is a killing machine.

The FDA's huge power to do wrong is founded in their ability to lie and deceive the public by declaring harmful toxic substances safe. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) practices a unique form of terrorism that tends to be particularly ugly, mean, nasty, brutal and cruel.

They are an organization from its inception dedicated to the slow poisoning of every man woman and child in America.

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Bottom line that is my takeaway from your post is to stop buying big Pharam drugs and poisoning the fields with Monsanto Herbicides. There is no shortage of information using the internet to search out alternative cures and farming techniques.

You mentioned MRI's. 6 years ago when I had trigeminal Neuralgia I went to my doctor and she had me get an MRI with dye. Afterwards she said I had two options, do nothing and live with it or have surgery to kill the nerve in my face. Neither option appealed to me so I got on the internet and in 5 minutes had the answer. It turns out caffeine and fresh squeezed orange juice are food triggers for my problem.

I had recently switch to ground coffee and fresh squeezed OJ so I went to half and half decaff coffee and apples instead of oranges and the problem went away. The moral is to take your health into your own hands and don't rely on doctors and other "professionals" to have all the answers.

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Well said, thanks .

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and, I will second that one too.

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As a quick aside, I have read about people who were taking 10 or more prescription drugs deciding to

stop all of them and throw them in the garbage after which they got better.

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Yes, that is good news, the body in many cases can heal itself if given a chance. Medical errors cause many death each year, the exact number is unknown and debated, but here are many.

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There is actually I book i have, but as yet not read:

"Heal thyself."

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John, great post, succinct history on Bayer et al.

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I just finished helping in a by election. I supported the only Candidate to stand up against Covid Mandates in the Conservative party in Ontario, Canada. She got fired as a member of provincial parliament and started her own ethical party. It is sad to see so many voters voted in the Conservative candidate in this area as I think they have always voted conservative, are conditioned to vote conservative and don't look at what the conservative party is doing. They don't think in my opinion. I know it seems strange for a right wing party to support liberal ideology but they are supporting the federal liberal crap re covid, etc. here. Probably part of the rich bribing or threatening the government in various ways (think Epstein Island). In summation, I agree, the psychological war on us is in full force.

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Doc, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on neuro-linguistic programming, and nudging as it relates to “gun violence” and mass shootings. I sense that the mass shooters are being nudged and programmed by our government in an effort to disarm us. I use the cinematic example of the Manchurian Candidate to illustrate. I’m not a scientist or doctor (just a retired criminal investigator) but it would not be hard to manipulate a psychologically fragile/unstable person via nudging, social media, hyper violent video games, or subliminal messaging targeting them. I truly believe our right to bear arms is the only thing that that is keeping our government and the globalists at bay. Thanks for all you do and sharing it with us

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People have to relearn things every few generations. This cycle has gone on since forever.

For example, here's Moses thousands of years ago, delivering the Word that still applies.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So CHOOSE LIFE in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the LORD your GOD, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him;"

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I rarely comment, and I have been a subscriber for several years. However, I disagree with the description “worthy opponent” to describe the WEF cabal. Formidable, but not worthy.

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my thoughts too. Thanks for putting them to words PJN.

. . . and, your comment was worth coming out of the shadows to assert.

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May 4·edited May 5

"I am reporting to you that this is the perception of the American and the five Eyes intelligence community, and they will do anything to avoid this consequence. They feel justified by the utilitarian logic that 'anything goes, the ends justify means', in order to defend the current world order and the plans for the future that they have developed."

Walking through an artificial information blizzard, AKA psy war, I'll concede that I see imperfectly, and try to accept that I may be wrong. From the paragraph above I see a question emerge: Is the IC intent on defending the "current world order," or ushering in the new?

As the famous WEF video states, "The US won't be the world's leading superpower, A handful of countries will dominate." This is the same WEF to which our government sends a sizable delegation each year, so presumably these don't find such a prediction offensive. I tend to think that our federal government, especially the executive branch, is gathering power to itself with the ultimate aim of handing it over to internationalist/globalist governance. And I tend to think this overarches concerns about Five Eyes or the EU/NATO's hold on power. Perhaps the EU gathers power to itself because it ultimately seeks the same handover.

I'm not sure that the people driving our ruin from within our own government view China as hostile. Why such willingness to hand over our manufacturing sector? to bow regarding COVID origins? to hand over binding authority to a Chinese protege in the person of Dr. Tedros? To allow apparently CCP-sponsored Chinese nationals to flow across the southern border, as reported by Bret Weinstein (via collaboration with Michael Yon) to Tucker Carlson?

Strong sovereign nations are not compatible with internationalist aims. And so it is not surprising to see that strong sovereign nations are being undermined to bring about an NWO, perhaps based on a Chinese model. The most tragic aspect is that the twist of the dagger comes from within.

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James, Yes - that's how the Chinese win the war with the USA without firing a shot.

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Dear Dr. Malone, I’m flabbergasted by your comprehension of the global geo-political picture, including your historical insights and your ability to grasp the social and psychological aspects of the pathway to serfdom. As a molecular biologist and expert in biotechnology, I can attest that your analysis and proposed solutions to our challenge is well aligned with mine and I’m wondering whether there is something about our training in research in biotechnology that is conducive to understand the world as we do. In any case, many thanks for your precious insights and your relentless battle.

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The argument that "if the EU falls, NATO will disintegrate" makes no sense to me. NATO pre-dated the EU, and will be just fine after the EU self-destructs, implodes or goes away. The henchmen (and henchwomen) in Brussels need to find a real job. European countries free to make their own decisions? - what a concept!

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May 4·edited May 4

I have to report confusion on this aspect of the discussion. I had been under the impression NATO was basic commitment of member nations to protect one and other. That we belonged, but were paying most of the costs - why Trump jumped on them. Ont the other hand the EU appears to be a creature of the UN & WEF promoting control and implementation of Agendas 2030 and 2050 to the great harms of the member nationsi would much appreciate being set straight on this

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Yes, two completely separate notions. NATO makes sense when each country pays at least a minimum of 2%. of their GDP which was Trump's point. The EU, on the other hand, has evolved into a mini-model for globalism that likes central control and the power that goes with it at the expense of the individual farmer, citizen or consumer.

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When crafting arguments we need to be very careful when quoting others. That quote about fascism has always had trouble because it wasn't in the original Italian document that it claims to be from.

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Let's extend Mussolini's oft-quoted definition of fascism as government + corporate tyranny to the concept of "Faucism," the combination of government + corporate + medical tyranny.


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hmmm, interesting 'coincidence' in how that fits so well. ;-)

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Original facism refers to state control of the people and the military/police. The facism Dr. Malone is referring to is part governmental but part corporate as the corporations use the government to execute their plans (and the "useless eaters?").

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We had better find a way to elevate this movement away from "fight" and "battle" energy to a more strategic approach. Not that I am suggesting a pacifist approach, just a change in consciousness. How did the world, let alone our country get here? War and battles have kept us on this treadmill ad infinitum. We could use the direction of someone like Gandhi or M.L.K. Clear, concise direction with purpose and not matching the energy from the opposition. Looking straight ahead, no need for hatred or getting even, just move in unison. We don't want to become that which we "fight" against.

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Thank you James, for being one of two "likes" . This is not a complete thought, just a window.

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