Great movie based on a great book. Fauci may be the most prolific mass murderer in history.

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I agree. He not only ignored early treatment options, he outright suppressed them and deliberately derailed America’s access to lifesaving drugs and medicines that might’ve saved hundreds of thousands of lives and dramatically shortened the pandemic.

There are many leading doctors and scientists, including some of the nation’s most highly published and experienced physicians, who believe the deliberate malpractice of withholding early treatments led to upwards of 80% of all deaths attributed to covid.

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Agree except for one point: there was no pandemic.

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No pandemic?

Did that definition get changed as well?

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

If early treatment is applied, covid is a very treatable condition. I got covid and it only lasted a few days, my wife got hit harder but was a rough two weeks.

So, no there didnt have to be a pandemic level of deaths, they were murders really.

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Did you notice the difference between 'no pandemic' and 'didn't have to be a pandemic'?

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There was a pandemic, just not any National Medical Emergency.

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True, but he had a lot of help.

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Hitler had a lot of help. Even IBM helped.

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So did BASF

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Yet the person pulling his strings, Brix, is hardly ever mentioned. Why, I wonder?

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"Great movie based on a great book. "

... I wish it was fiction...

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone,

Was at the Childrens Health Defense Conference today in Knoxville. Such a joy to hear you speak in person. Loved hearing Dr Mark and Dr Kory. You 3 have been such constants in our lives to bring clarity and hope to us all. Thank you for opening up your hearts and great minds to the cause. Todays conference with Bobby Kennedy, Mary Holland and other presenters rekindled our passion to fight on, to find ways large and small to be bold and make a difference.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do not trust Alex Berenson, even though he was mistreated by big tech. I don't like the way he treated Dr. Malone on Tucker Carlson. Berenson, in my opinion took an opportunity to build allies to instead try to separate people. Praying that Fauci receives his just reward. I am not that impressed with Judges and Prosecuters right now. It seems that so many government agencies are corrupted.

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Thank you

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

I didn't make any sense. My daughter called me (distracted me) and I meant to say I thought Berenson was building allies with some on the wrong side of history (as time will show) instead of listening and trying to bring people together. God Bless Dr. Malone. Thank you for everything you do for all humankind. You and your wife are very kind and generous people. I can't wait to see the clips from the conference.

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So agree. It was indeed such an act of

Betrayal. No trust there for me as well.

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Berenson strikes me as controlled opposition. Says some good things at times but shivs people both in the back and to their face. Does nothing to unite and everything to divide.

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Yes, you said that so much better than I did, but it is the same.

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He seems immature and narcissistic to me.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regarding Fauci there is only one big thing that needs to happen. Nuremberg type trial and consequence.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Him and a lot of other criminals as well. My list would include the judges, politicians and bureaucrats who went along with all of this.

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Absolutely! The toxic swamp is indeed deep and wide.

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You are the BEST Dr Malone and there are not enough THANK YOUS for your steadfast work in saving humanity from corruption via the jabs. Seriously! God bless

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I'd love to hear Rand Paul ask Fauci under oath "Now that a consensus is established that SARS-COV-2 is a product of gain of function research, do you still believe as you published earlier, that the risks of gain of function are worth it?"

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He's a psychopath; he doesn't care. Put him on trial.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

The point would be to have him on record stating he still thinks its worth the risk (he does). Then when the trial you mention comes, all one has to do is point to his original published comment and his recent double down comment. The entire world will demand his head on a platter and the court will have no choice but to deliver it, even if they want to let him walk. Sure, support for gain of function is no capital offense. But people have been executed for far less when the masses demand it.

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Aaron Siri is incredible! (And The Highwire!) Have you ever seen the Vaxxed documentary? It will break your heart. If you haven't, you can watch free here. https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-259-the-movie-that-inspired-a-movement/

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Why is it that politicians never seem to ask the questions that normal people would ask?

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just finished watching the movie "The Real Anthony Fauci" (this uncaring man does not deserve the title "Doctor"). The movie brings to the watcher heart-wrenching visuals that the book simply cannot convey. The photos of AZT victims and tortured children in the movie were unbearable.

Fauci appears to be a sociopath/psychopath and a mass-murdering criminal-fraud perpetrator of epic proportions. I'm not making an ad hominem attack; just summarizing facts that RFK Jr., Jeff Hays, and many others have proven to be true. Definition of socio-/psychopath: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/sociopath#traits

I hope Anthony Fauci (along with his unethical "bioethicist" wife Christine Grady) finally gets the trial and punishment he deserves. Moreover, he should be required to relinquish all his ill-gotten financial gains as partial restitution to taxpayers, and especially people killed and injured during the four decades he has been perpetrating his criminal enterprises, starting with AIDS and continuing non-stop through COVID-19. Fauci makes Josef Mengele look like a good guy, and I don't say that lightly!

On a brighter note, I do hope you will share some photos of your CHD Conference and especially your autumn at the farm experiences. Taking and sharing photos will force you to do what you love best: be with others who appreciate you; and be in nature with your beloved wife and critters. As they used to say in McDonald's commercials back in the old days "You deserve a break today." https://musebycl.io/clio60/you-deserve-break-today-story-classic-mcdonalds-jingle-almost-wasnt

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Totally agree about stripping him and others of their ill-gotten wealth and compensating victims when possible and returning the rest to the taxpayers.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He really is the J. Edgar Hoover of Public Health. It's spot-on. RFK jr. wins at "pin the tale on the jackass".

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Thanks, Dr Malone, for your continuing hard work to keep us on top of the trickle that's becoming a torrent. You deserve a quiet weekend with Jill, the fall foliage, and of course the horses....

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So good to hear of your Great Day with committed warriors today. Each day makes it clearer how important that is. Hoping we can all successfully unite, the better to meet the challenge.

Thank you ever so much! You ARE Greatly Appreciated!

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My husband and I watched The Real Anthony Fauci in horror. True horror!! Thank you so much for the personal sacrifices you and Dr. Jill have made and are making to bring this crime to light!

On another note...

Saw an interview on The Absolute Trush with Emerald Robinson today. A book titled, The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History, written by Dr. Andrew G. Huff is coming out Dec 6. The description sounds interesting...

"Shocking new insider information that shows what really happened in Wuhan, China, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and in the ensuing cover-up.

The day that Dr. Andrew G. Huff left his senior scientist and vice president role at EcoHealth Alliance was one of the happiest days of his life due to the corruption he had witnessed at the organization. However, he never thought working there would be of any great consequence to the future. He was wrong. Because, as an EcoHealth Alliance insider, Dr. Huff had had a ringside seat to one of the biggest cover-ups in history.

The Truth about Wuhan contains new research and a breakdown of how and why the development of COVID-19 in the United States and China was supported by the US government to collect intelligence on laboratories in China. Dr. Huff, an expert in the fields of bioterrorism and bio warfare, is a whistleblower who will show why the reasons the lab leak was covered up are incorrect. He worked on the classified research side of the program as a US government scientist. He knows the real how and why COVID-19 emerged. Besides exposing the conspiracy and cover-up, Dr. Huff also puts forth policy solutions and recommendations to prevent a lab leak virus from plaguing the world again.

The Truth about Wuhan simply explains the complexity of the system that led to COVID-19’s emergence; how the medical industrial complex grew and became entrenched in gain of function work after 9/11; why EcoHealth Alliance was the (almost) perfect intelligence collection cover; the policy actions and decision-making process as to why the United States government engaged in the COVID cover-up; how and why the United States swapped biotechnology with China and biomedical corporations; and the incentives for each of the actors or governments to engage and coordinate a global cover-up of COVID-19 origins.

The Truth about Wuhan also shows how and why Dr. Anthony Fauci is intricately involved in the COVID cover-up; how scientists like EcoHealth Alliance president and CEO Dr. Peter Daszak rose to power and used their influence to corrupt science and the COVID origin investigation; and how the intelligence community likely orchestrated the cover-up with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Huff also provides personal harrowing accounts of how the US government waged a psychological operation against him to prevent him from speaking out. COVID-19 is the biggest lie, scandal, and intelligence failure in US history, and Dr. Andrew G. Huff is stepping out of the shadows to share his insider story about this failure that led to millions of deaths around the world."

I'd like to know what the good Drs Malone think about him and his upcoming book.

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Books will need to be written for a DECADE. New stuff comes to light every day.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The confirmation of this lawsuit is exhilarating! … Just reading about it makes me feel I can breathe freely for the first time in a long long while.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've read most of the book. It's a difficult read emotionally, but helps make sense of what we are seeing. The utter injustice during AIDS and now. I saw part one of the movie, true to the book. I recommend both for having the references in the book. The Kennedys are brave people, especially Robert Kennedy Jr. The opposite of Fauci. I recently watched the movie JFK by Oliver Stone as well, not a documentary but true in spirit I think.

Thinking of Teflon Tony. I've had teflon pans. Food always starts to stick to them after a while, and high heat will cause that to happen faster. That's happening to him now. The lies are starting to corrode the surface. Turn up the heat a bit more. Not so slick any more, I'm hoping.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article and I especially agree with you about Knoxville. I love, love, love, Knoxville! If I had to leave Jacksonville, Florida, then Knoxville is the place I would want to be! I used to drive through Knoxville many times in the past on my many journeys through the Eastern States and Tennessee is the PLACE! Good on ya', mate! Go Vols!

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched "The Real Anthony Fauci" and was STUNNED! It looked like perhaps they're coming out with Part 2 ... I can hardly wait!

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