Real leadership came from people who put their asses on the line to speak out against the covid narrative. It's no wonder the politicians wanted those people removed from the conversation, because it highlights the fact that none of our elected (or appointed) officials actually have any leadership qualities.

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They don't lead, but they follow very well. Maybe some of them know that the destruction of our nation is treason. A crime against freedom, liberty and all humanity. Maybe they just don't care.

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I think some of them probably are employed by China, so they get their US salary and their Chinese salary. I don't know why no one thinks of that or looks into that, except that one wonders whether many in the CIA or the FBI also are employed by China. Not that they "don't care," but they are many of them caring greatly about their own financial interests and/or caring for the "greater good" of worldwide Communism under the Chinese Communist Party who gave us Covid, intentionally, and our loss is their gain.

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They have to be paid to care. Comes extra

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Unfortunately the cabal is now proposing that the real problem is that the government and WHO were not powerful enough and did not act fast enough. So they are taking their failures as a grand opportunity to argue that the right response is to double down on their power grabs. They are arguing for faster developments of "vaccines" with greatly expanded authority to unilaterally enforce uptake... So this war is far from over.

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We have a long, uphill battle ahead of us. Just take a look at the number of mRNA “vaccines” in Moderna’s pipeline. This is just the beginning.


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And unfortunately many are "multi-valent" with COVID vax. So if you want a flu shot (not that I would ever take a mRNA flu shot) the only way to get it is with COVID vax mixed in....

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems inappropriate to say ‘congratulations’ but the fruits from your commitment to science and truth are slowly and surely paying off! Congratulations Dr. Malone! Your perseverance is valiant! ❤️✊

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I wish Dr Malone is the new director of CDC or recommendations for candidates.

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So agree! Much of the progress we are seeing is because of brave and tireless warriors like Dr. Malone!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It looks like the medical police state is beginning to devour its own children. Fauci obviously knows this, and is making his getaway before the jaws close. Hopefully the teeth close right on his butt!

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Makes one wonder if his “getaway” will be heading straight into the arms of his new security/bodyguards. He’s going to need them. He is a murderer and nothing he could say or do will ever change that. Thank you Dr. Malone and Dr. Jill! Your continuous love and dedication for humanity is keeping us awake/aware/educated. 🙏

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I think a proper devouring of the Fauci child should include legal consequences for his criminal malfeasance.

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I'd like to see Fauci retire at a beach house. Possibly in Cuba which is a wonderful place for a long contemplation of one's sins.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I really appreciate this article Dr. Malone. I've always been a conservative person morally speaking and although I am not inclined to waver from my beliefs have still on occasion felt that I'm viewed as 'old fashioned' in a derogatory way.

With regards to the attack on conservatives, the Atlantic had an article linking praying of the rosary with extremist, violent beliefs showing pictures of rosaries beside guns or ammunition.

Yes, I always keep my machine gun by my side when I pray. Doesn't everyone?

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The good part is that my husband and I are religiously (pun intended) doing our Rosary together at night as a direct response to that article. I can't believe we're the only ones who figure when the demons get upset about something then we should do more of it :-)

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That's what made me intensify my prayers too.

I'm not sure if you're aware, I only found this youtube channel recently: queenofpeasemedia.com (website and channel same name) but they lead a 54 day rosary novena last year starting Nov. 1. I can't help but believe that some of the positive changes came about as a result of the novena. I prayed the novena just recently and will continue over and over and over...

They also have some very good covid videos under their 'banned videos' tab.

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Fr Heillmann of US Grace Force - usgraceforce.com - just started of a 54 day Novena - now Day 8 - for our nation! Excellent pastor in WI, he is! Wish I lived there...

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I'm in Canada, I pray for both our countries!

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Me too, follow Fatima need Canada group.

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queenofpeacemedia not queenofpeasemedia ! sorry.

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Yes, the Rosary is a Mighty Weapon Against Evil. It’s the Solution, Not the Problem -


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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Next chapter - incarceration?

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Well, at least now there is a list of 625 people who should never be allowed to work in Public Health.

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Oh my gosh, you are so correct, William. I like that reply and agree. Yes, that is the list of the 'No Critical thinking professionals.' We don't want incompetent go-along to get-along people.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

'Retirement' is unacceptable. Nothing short of a trial for crimes against humanity will be sufficient. Have you heard of Daniel Horowitz and Steve Deace's up coming book, 'The Rise of the 4th Reich'? It is a 40 page opening argument for 'Crimes Against Humanity' and then the rest of the book will be the calling of 'witnesses', with all the receipts. Also, the Color Revolution or War (currently semi-cold) we seem to be up against is something akin to Islam's 'dualism', meaning it is both political and religious at the same time. Our tyrannical 'dualism' appears to be Secular Humanism and Marxism, which make excellent bed fellows... and terrifying 'masters'.

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Xtremerealitycheck (rumble + website)made a very deep dive entitled The 4th reich. All her vids are very deep dives! Well worth the time. BTW Jesus doesn’t want our “religion;” he wants relationship… Best Friend + Shepherd, so kind + loving + wise + strong…Take a chance on Him …(while there’s still time.)

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I already belong to Him.

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So when is congress going to wake up and start sending subpoenas to dr Fauci and those others who forced the last two years of our lives to be held as prisoners? Who gets to sue the CDC for loss of wages? How about all the military, teachers, medical personnel who were marginalized and pushed out of positions of leadership for being right?

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This is why the Democratic party and the administrative state will do anything to keep Senator Ron Johnson from getting elected. Why the google news aggregate hits him whenever possible. He will become Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations with full subpoena power. He will go after them like a badger - and they know and fear this beyond all else. His re-election and the senate turning republican majority is key.

I am increasingly worried that this won't happen.

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It's got to happen. We can't afford to lose him. I have never financially supported political candidates until this year. I donated to Senator Johnson's campaign and to a local (NC) friend's campaign.

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I watched that Highwire interview with Sen Johnson in full. If that 3 day meet in Illinois is still on it provides some salient insights. A bit long but on point. I've increased my mo donation to the monthly max I can manage going forward. Sure do hope for the best!

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Sure praying he is re-elected! Another great warrior! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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We’ll pray…

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Ron Johnson and Rand Paul are the only two in congress that I know of, that have dared question Lord Fauxi. It’s very sad.

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I seem to recall Ted Cruz got involved to some degree as well.

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I think Cruz is a good man. Yeah, he made a faux pax earlier this year but I think basically he is STILL one of the few with a backbone. I hope he does not let me / us down.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yep! The Puppets strings are being cut and the Puppet Masters will go silent.

Listen to what Tucker Carlson has to say. He has the courage to speak the truth when the mass media monkeys "See No Evil, Speak No Evil and Hear No Evil. Click on my article to find the Tucker monologue. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/fauci-retiring

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Wow, that's quite a piece by Tucker. Thanks so much for the link. Studies have been showing this potential since last year at least but got buried. It's good to see the truth surfacing, it gives me some hope. But when this becomes more widely known, I really hate to think of the reaction against the agenda pushers, even if they deserve it.

I'm not vaxxed. 2 friends, also unvaxxed attended a social function of about 30 people. About 1/2 got covid, all vaxxed multiple times. My 2 unvaxxed friends remained healthy. One of the sick, an 80+ year old woman has had at least 4 shots and this is her 3rd round of covid. She's got to be wondering and so has her family. People like her just believed what their 'trusted' sources told them to do, not uncommon at all. I've always questioned everything and looked to alternate sources, most people don't.

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Bottom Line. Medicine Man ignores the central role a vibrant immune system plays in keeping humans healthy. Better than any vaccine.

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I did some searching for the papers that Tucker references. I've seen them posted elsewhere recently. It's huge that Tucker was able to televise this information. I think it will be influential even you youtube already took the video down! That by itself will be influential!

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Corrupt mass media!

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One ponders: what does “health” have to do w/it? It’s intentional de-pop; brain-washing; hive mind; self-assembling nano-bots; control, evil; + eventually that rascal the Antichrist, the mark, + the return of Christ…

What a ride it’s gonna be!

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is this next chapter of his "career?"

What career is that?

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Career criminal.

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Guilty of crimes against humanity!

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He said he was going to work with others making more Rona Viruses so he could help create more jabs. LOL!

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Jail bird

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for reminding us of those values today, they ring true for most people. Where do these woke people trying to demonize and label the normal come from? Maybe I live in a sheltered part of the world, but even in my recent travel to Seattle I seem to meet what appear to be kind, working people just trying to do their best. People of all walks of life. I believe the woke are the minority trying to inject their immoral, twisted beliefs into our country, and probably succeeding with the younger more naive generation. This goes back to your point that we must do better as parents to teach our children of the moral fabric that will bring this country back together.

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I agree! A really wonderful, beloved award-winning 5th grade teacher recently told me that more extreme woke indoctrination is being forced into public (elementary) schools this coming year. She mentioned that she had (required) all-day in-service trainings on new nonbinary and trans gender culture curriculum. The 12th graders in her school district recently voted her the best teacher they’d had during their K-12 education, and she’s been hired to write curriculum for private educational corporations. She feels heartbroken about each push for further indoctrination that she feels is totally inappropriate. She’s also a single mom who will lose her job if she refuses to go along with the new curriculum. It’s beyond ridiculous. One by one, teachers like her are finding alternate employment.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great article Dr Malone 🤍 thank you

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Sooo glad to be part of this. All the comments carry so much truth, values + morality… refreshing!

Thank you all, my dear, smart, perceptive + determined friends. Keep calm, pray fervently + Carry On.

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Great news about Fauci, I hope this means the "health" criminals are in trouble. As for Wen, her name is quite appropriate. She was a fiercely opposed to the preservation of bodily integrity and human rights. May she be consigned to the lowest circle.

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i was going to put in a top ten list of Wen's most horrible quotes - up until when she decided she had had enough of this pandemic, she was the worst of the worst in terms of vaccine policy lockdowns, etc. But suffice to say, my point is that as soon as she stopped advocating authoritarian policies for right now, the public health establishment all attacked.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I do understand what you are saying and that is very interesting. It's just that I reflexively recoil at any mention of her.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not least because she's one of Schwab's graduates. A few of these seem to have veered away from their more doctrinaire positions, perhaps having become aware of the WEF's negative public exposure.

Personally I find her persona officious and authoritarian. Anyone remember her recommending the shots for kids, saying "I can't wait till my children are old enough to get the shots"?


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I remember her saying something about making life miserable for the unvaxxed! 🤬

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Yes. She wanted to bar us from travel, perhaps put us in camps.

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She was also thrown out of planned parenthood for ‘bad speak’ which is okay by me ! I dont think she’s so bad.

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I believe in free speech and bow to your more generous nature.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately, we won nothing. The biological war lost. We even did not recognize the front line during 2.5 years. How it spreads - delivery system, who is responsible etc.

This resignation is the most obnoxious anecdote in the human history. The guy must be tortured until end of his life to provide connections, who was in charge which companies involved etc.

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Tortured until the end of his life? This kind of "Eye for an Eye" mentality is dangerous to our freedom. There are other ways to get satisfaction for what has been tolerated and allowed. Violence is not one of them, you become that which you fight against.

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Well, not torture, but certainly jail. He is of same mindset as a Mengele. Someone I talked with today said that he probably didn't know it was going to be as bad as it was and I didn't say anything back, but I saw Robert Kennedy, Jr. again on Steve Bannon's show, and it was from an interview a year ago. Robert Kennedy, Jr., was speaking about what Fauci has been up to since 2001 and into the Obama administration. People that don't want him to go to jail might want to revisit that interview, as to Fauci's actions in 2014, when Obama told him to shut that research down. He manipulated the system to laundry money into Daszak's (spelling might be off) lab. I think his first name is Peter. We need to never forget.

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I was referring to the power of the word. I am fully aware of his egregious behavior. Jail won't fix the endemic problem, but would certainly satisfy the need for retribution.

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I'm being pragmatic, without any sort of tries to get revenge, D D.

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I'm referring to the power of the word. Read Dr. Jessica Rose substack about the words used and the implications. Words matter.

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yep, right down the line of what I was thinking. Jail. Way to mild. . .

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May “the next chapter of his career” take place in a courtroom followed by swift but excruciating justice.

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If he could come through the HIVAids era basically lauded and admired, I wouldn’t hold your breath. I’m thinking large statues are

already being sculpted to have placed in front of the CDC and the NIH, to remind us of his “dedication” to public health.

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Yeah so sad, but I fear that you could be right. I have to be optimistic and hope for some meteor flying through the universe with his name on it. Gotta be positive and think thoughts that make me smile.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It may be a very short chapter…..more like an epilogue.

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