Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So the Public Health Emergency ends but Emergency Powers continue. They really do believe deep down that we are all stupid. But even more than that they believe deep down that they are in full control and that they do not need to worry about opposition.

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Yep. I wrote about this LAST year! (Almost exactly!)


When it’s politically convenient for covid to be over, the ‘leaders’ declare it’s over. When it’s politically convenient for covid to still be an emergency, it’s still an emergency. And while the legislature in Washington — and in Washington DC — is finally starting to demand a say in governing, this comes far too late for my liking.

We have checks and balances for a reason. The founders understood that unchecked power in the hands of one person was a recipe for disaster, and the last couple years have shown us why. Jay Inslee is not the ruler of Washington, able to close businesses and impose gathering rules at his whim (although always hiding behind his corrupt lackeys in the health department).

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I don't think they count so much on innate stupidity as on public education induced mental atrophy. Students trained to believe the crap they have been taught grow up to be adults hardly likely disbelieve what the med establishment tells them or question its operation. The are depending on good little comrades handed them by big ed.

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Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

Vladimir Lenin

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The famous original comes from a Jesuit maxim

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To our senile China hating "PhD" mental case:

Thank you !! Prof. Jeffrey Sachs states that he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US biotechnology lab” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.

“Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic”


Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet.

Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.

WHY is this NEVER mentioned in all manufactured hysteria about China ??

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Yes, they do think people are stupid…and on many levels they are right. Many people do NOT want to believe that the 'red, white and blue’ America they knew as kids or believe still exist is a mirage. Personally, I think they are HOPING for opposition. They want desperately to be able to label people as domestic extremists/terrorist. Legally speaking, anyone labeled a 'domestic extremist' or terrorist doesn’t have to receive the same civil rights protection. More ‘Us vs. Them’… more propaganda.

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And we're all terrorists now.


Nobody has done more to undermine public trust in US Government instructions more than those institutions themselves. Their complete failure is the entire reason that people are looking elsewhere for information that matches reality. I certainly didn’t want to spend two years of my life digging into the official data that directly contradicts the official narrative, but here we are.

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I reject their nonsense.

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They don't have to worry when our congressman are in their back pocket and will not lift a finger in unison to stop the injections! Big Pharma is investing bilions and billions in the nano drug technologhy that reprograms cellular function not according to God's design, but man's design for ego and profit. They believe they can improve on God's design and will lead us to extinction if we do not stop it now!

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Sometimes, being a Christian means saying ‘no’, if what they are demanding goes against your faith…regardless of their tyrannical edicts.

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Absolutely— from way back when and certainly to the present. I’m doing n excellent study on Isaiah now and boy, it’s almost like reading tomorrow’s headlines today, and written centuries ago.

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Just finished Isaiah myself. SO much about Jesus there. Humanity’s issues are still the same... Idolatry, pride, lust, unbelief. Digging back into 1Cor and John now.

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Did you, used to wonder why God mentioned Pharmacaeia in Revelations??? I did.


anymore! It’s abundantly clear.

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If I didn’t know fully that God is in control and on the verge of leveling the playing field, Idk what I’d do.

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I don't know if that is His plan yet. It may just be the 'raising up and the tearing down of nations'. I find my peace and joy in Him and the good things He is still doing all around us. Peace.

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But - There's no proof at all!

(No proof that any of their judges will let into court, anyway.)

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it me or is everyone exhausted of one crisis after another crisis after another crisis? I knew they wouldn’t let this go. First it’s way to lucrative. Second it’s another way to scare people to control them. Speaking of google and big tech they are going to start censoring people for talking about bank failures. I guess we’re not supposed to worry or talk about our money disappearing. It is now verboten. Welcome to the the 4th Reich. J.Goodrich

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Yes, the news on Google - is almost completely devoid of news about the banking crisis. It is rather shocking.

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I think that's actually good news. If they were trying to use the bank failure event as a fearporn tactic to push everyone into CBDCs (a "banking account/vaccine mandate"), they'd be talking nonstop about the problem. A news coverup suggests they're not using this strategy. Along with the bailouts.

Like I said, that's good news. In today's crazy world anyway.

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Re. censoring people, Washington State Legislature House Bill 1333, "Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission," would, according to its critics, "criminalize thought and expression under an invented category of offences called 'domestic violent extremism'" and allow the state's attorney general to "prosecute some people for words and speech, rather than violent acts."

Given their current leaning, IMO it would be foolish to expect the WA electorate to become concerned about such a bill and it will probably succeed.

According to James Corbett - " recent events have demonstrated that—far from being a relic of the past—the pathologization of political dissent is becoming even more widespread than ever before."


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Google again shows itself as being connected to the Administrative deep state. Funny Bing search shows lots of hits under Bank Failures, and even this one just over an hour ago from CBS (which I don't watch) "Bank stocks dive as Wall Street trembles amid SVB failure"


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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here’s some non misinformation. Normal people refer to this information as fact. Pfizer has paid $billions in criminal fines since the year 2000. Why would anyone provide one iota of trust to anything they say? They are completely non trustworthy. That fact alone provides a powerful basis for “vaccine hesitancy”. If a convict tried to enter your life in any way, without meticulous and unrestricted access to all their facts, one ought to be quite cautious. Even with disclosure, one must be extremely cautious with proven socio/psych paths. They have an established history of predation. Why is this appropriate caution inapplicable when dealing with Pfizer, a known criminal organization? Am I missing something? Have I inappropriately labeled them as something they are not? Have they not been convicted? Have they not paid exorbitant fines? Please someone show me where I’m mistaken. I will publicly apologize immediately.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Expiring on May 11? shhh......the grocery stores in my area have already taken down the plexiglass barriers at the checkout registers.

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That's funny, now that you mention it they came down sometime within this year without even my even taking notice of. First we get to see the smiling faces of the clerks and workers again, and now the facade of the protective barriers vanish, except for of course the VA, some banks, and I'm sure government buildings being as now that they've gained an extra barrier of protection against disgruntled citizens that I'm sure they consider viruses too.

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Don’t let a good crisis go to waste. Digital currency on the coattails of SVB also...

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I know - UGH! What the hell else?

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Oh, I hope not!!!!!!!!!

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That’s what I think, as well.

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deletedMar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023
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THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️🙀

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A few weeks ago Yahoo! published a story from The Wall Street Journal where people who had studied the deaths from Covid said that they were probably only 30% of what was reported because hospitals were given so much extra money to list the deaths as *from* Covid instead of *with* Covid.

The Wall Street Journal!!! Dr. Malone--your work is showing results!

Yee-hah! for you!

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The FDA is behaving EXACTLY like a guilty party. Hmmmmmm, wonder why?

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They've been complicit in the illegal fraud being perpetrated against we the people for far too long by these global corporate conglomerates, and their house needs to come crumbling down along with all these other so called government agencies that are supposedly there for our benefit to protect us, when all they do is protect their corporate overlord donors and masters.

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So I read this while sitting in a restaurant. After reading about another pilot who collapsed, forcing a plane full of people to make an unscheduled landing. After listening to Dr. Ryan Cole talk about the epidemic of stage 4 or turbo cancers. A baby was crying inconsolably for many minutes and I wondered, was that poor child jabbed and injured today? An ambulance rushed by and I wondered, has there been another sudden death? Do any of the people here know what's going on? There's a genocide around the world and we have to wake up the blind ones.

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And there is the athlete du jure dropping dead from undisclosed causes

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The leading cause of death in America is state and federal mismanagement of health-related issues, which includes - but involves much more than - mismanagement of the pandemic.

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A nimble FDA is an oxymoron.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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In confrontations with the FDA over 30 years ago, I found out first hand how corrupt the agency was then - now, it is beyond fixing. The entire thing should be torn down and rebuilt "better"!

The rot is really quite incredible.

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I would suggest stopping at torn down. They are truly not needed. (At the very least there could be a SMALL group of medical professionals on a PART TIME advisory board with ZERO legislative power, and they would be forced to defend their "official" view in public debate against the likes of Dr Malone, and several other peoples choice professionals.

As far as approving new drugs, that function is needed, yet must be completely reworked, with a random and completely blind selection of appropriate professionals, not even known to each other, and randomly rotated and selected from a pool at least ten times larger then needed, with severe penalties for revealing who they are, and perhaps even no knowledge of the company behind the new medication.

People are free to make their own health choices, and a silver lining in this democidic crime is that folk are turning away from the "Official guidance" and learning about how poisonous the SAD (Standard American Diet ) is.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

OMG, the revolving door between Big Pharma is worse than imagined. The FDA is just a mouthpiece for Pfizer, etc. When they say FDA decides when to intervene regarding 'misinformation' they mean they check with Pfizer to decide whether it is false.

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This is sick, incestuous and of NO value to We the People.

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Thanks so much for catching and sharing this with us.

Did quickly check the chart and it looks like the revisions of some items may be interesting. I wonder if a Senator or Representative could catch drafts or waiting for approval dxs for you/us. The medication items may be interesting. Any chance they will seek public review and comments somewhere along the way? As you know I'm particularly interested in more open options for early treatment. Not that other points aren't also of significant import.

You and associates have/are making a difference! We are ever so very appreciative!

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Table 3 SPECIFICALLY says PREVENT Covid. That should terminate the mRNA gene therapy gold mine right there as it doesn't do anything. Except make people sick or die

This govt and these agencies are a machine. Well oiled and primed and ready to shoot....we are the targets.

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Different topic: New York Stock Exchange Equities halted trading at 30 banks when markets opened today, including Charles Schwab.


“As with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank, no losses will be borne by the taxpayer. Shareholders and certain unsecured debtholders will not be protected. Senior management has also been removed. Any losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund to support uninsured depositors will be recovered by a special assessment ON BANKS, as required by law.”

This is brought to you by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial legislation. God help us.

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Thanks Dr. Malone for keeping us up to date! In my opinion, the DOD wants the door open to EUC so they can continue to experiment on our citizens to find a antidote to a biowarfare event created by a enemy. The best antidote is a strong immune system! Achieved with lifestyle changes! Not injections. For more info: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/not-backing-down

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