Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At this point, the whole damn government has gone rogue and is now a pure mafia-like cabal-ruled organization.

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When there are TWO Big Pharma Lobbyists for each Congressman in the Senate and the House you can start to understand the lethargy to stop this criminal act against humanity!

Check out the NET worth of the career politians in the uniparty! When I went to DC and asked them left and right why they are not looking into the cause of autism, their answer left and right was: OUR HANDS ARE TIED! Why! Big Pharma would have them replaced in the next election! You don't bite the hand that feeds you! It is a sorry mess and Dr. Breggin has it right: We are the Prey!

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💯% The inmates are running the asylum! Sheer madness! 🤬🤬🤬

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Haha, you're so on it.

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Apart from the fraud and deception, the lack of concern for the lives of people is horrific. People died because they were denied known and effective protocols. People died because they were prescribed dangerous and ineffective treatment. People are dying because the shot is weakening immune systems and the spike protein is wreaking havoc on organs, including the heart and brain. Yet they keep pushing these shots and protocols. It is difficult to see this as anything better than genocide for profit or the furthering of a depopulation agenda.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Sure is.

And the majority's main concern ?

Gotta get my botox shot in my forehead, so i can't make facial expressions anymore.

Need fillers for my lips so if I misplace my toilet plunger, no problem-o, I'm carrying 24-7

Big brother is on tonight, and Jeremy is blowing Todd, while Janet is banging the entire group (under a blanket, of course), so you can put it on tv in the 8 o' clock hour.

Picking up my new EV, on Friday, so I can be the "woke-est" on my block.

No need to learn history in class today, but The Kardashians life experiences, I have memorized.

The powers that be have convinced Americans not to give a shit about anything meaningful to our real purpose in life

(All by design)

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Should be crystal clear anyone breathing that the government is owned by BigPharma and the military- industrial complex

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It is a measure of McConnell’s (and the Uniparty’s) constipated smallness that they can all be bought by Pfarma off for such a small vig.

In the 1990’s, my insufferable Senator Blumenthal was one of the Attorneys General that turned on Big Tobacco and shook them down for $252 billion - to be used for “education”.

Where are the AGs today going after the trillions? Who knows, maybe some

of the recovery can seep down to the vax-injured and Redrummed?!

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Simply reading the two words: Senator Blumenthal, I had that queasy feeling when you have a stomach bug, and the reat of your day will be sitting on the toilet, wishing you were dead.

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...and the media/propaganda complex.

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Sheeple have the inate ability to breathe with their heads fully submerged in their own rectum, so unfortunately, your and my clarity levels are not yet achievable by some

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It would be nice to see steadfast covidians like Sam Harris and Neil degrasse Tyson confronted on boosters. Are they and their families getting this new booster? If not, how did they get to the point of questioning and choosing to disobey the recommendations of FDA experts, Fauci and the president? If the recommendation is wrong and misleading in telling you to take the booster now, are you finally willing to accept they were wrong and misleading in the past? If not, how is this different?

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will confess I did not, as of this moment, read the entire post. Why? A nagging and persistent thought arose.

Is this latest irrational nonsense obscuring an even greater threat? It is reminiscent of the last time I had this bad feeling in my gut.

It was watching our military lay down their arms upon leaving Afghanistan. My question then, is, “did our constitutional government lay down their arms in defeat and or homage to the new boss? WHO, UN etc? Are we under the new Global Order?

And are these action/inactions indicative of the regime change?

I beg to be completely and summarily misguided in my thinking. However, those pieces they are presenting us with are not and have not been fitting together for me.

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I'm with you, it feels like the calm before the storm... I can't get Gates' "next one" grin out of my head. He was in the UK last week, he didn't get a kindly reception from the public... But something is afoot, damage control or further attack.

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Yes, it really does. I know. The Gates. We are ready.

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Not there yet but being fitted for new uniforms

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Hadn't thought of that aspect...absolutely.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need to turbo charge the fear factor that Covid is deadly to keep the march to have RNA injections as a new form of medical treatment for disease states moving forward. We need to discredit and ignore the fact that there are simple medical protocols, including boosting the immune system, which will easily combat any fear of dying from the Covid con. The billions and billions we are investing require a return on the investment as soon as possible! We can’t allow humanity to understand that they have become our lab rats to push forward a proprietary profitable new form of drug treatment!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Lies upon lies" from our rogue FDA. Great post. Thanks.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One addition to your essential article--the hospital admissions for Covid are based on "with" Covid instead of "from" Covid. If someone tests positive, regardless of their actual problem, it's listed as Covid. Are the financial incentives still going?

And the same thing is happening with the reported deaths. More financial incentives?

I didn't write down where I read this info, but I think it was from some brave nurses talking to friendly reporters.

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I am beginning to feel like a broken record each time I make this point. I agree.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With true story films out like "Dope Sick" and "Pain Killer" the corruption of the FDA is loud and clear. Honestly, I'm surprised they were allowed to be released for streaming. I guess they figured the names of the films would keep enough people from seeing them, therefore keeping them in the dark.

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I’m convinced evil is now so well entrenched and proud of itself, it has no fear of being outed. It’s always telegraphed its intentions anyway, and it loves to laugh at suckers who should have read the cards and known better. BUT faith, hope, and love remain because “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is totally disgusting fascist rogue administrative state action

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let this serve as a warning that the majority of the people in government, elected and appointed, find the power to control others addicting, some for profit others just for some narcissistic pleasure.

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Sorry Doc, but they went rogue a long time ago!

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It's frustrating to watch all those who were asleep catch up to the reality of our out of control governing/elite class but still, we are behind. 20 years ago I was concerned about the abuse of "emergency powers" as I was surprised to find out just how many 'emergency declarations' state and Fed govts had in place. But that's old news. The 'new news' is this: They don't care about the law. They don't care about the will of the people. They don't need emergency declarations, they will just do what they want because they are 'the anointed'. They are our saviors, and the world's for that matter.

This class of people has become dangerous to us on a regular basis. How much longer will we tolerate it? And I ain't talking about elections. But so many Americans are so deeply subverted already, and don't even understand their liberty or what the role of govt is supposed to be in this country. As an aside, mass immigration contributes to this cuz we have a unique relationship w our govt in the U.S. that is unlike any other country. It's called into being BY US and controlled BY US. But our representatives no longer have effective control over our govt. Congress is supposed to be the check and balance on executive power abuse but watch the various hearings where this info comes out - no action or difference. Just talk. Our fed govt and administrative agencies have stripped congress of its oversight powers essentially.

And of course our congress is to cowardly and corrupted to impeach and defund these govt departments. Mayorkas is EASILY impeachable in terms of what he's done and the lying and law breaking he engages in daily. Same for others in the admin - but we are squeamish for some reason. Why? The Dems showed no such restraint while Trump governed.

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I think the overt totalitarianism started with the Patriot Act. The members of Congress, who were supposed to look after *our* interests, passed it without reading it because it was a good political response to 9/11. And then they passed it again, although the librarians were able to get rid of the government's ability to check what people were reading. But--BUT--libraries are so easy to hack that the "intelligence" community can get whatever they want whenever they want it.

There is no privacy with the internet because everything is hackable. Nothing on our phones is safe, especially with the apps that are often corrupted. And the cloud--the companies that own the clouds can get into them whenever they want and then sell the info regardless of their promises.

We gotta' be careful, folks, especially with our financial transactions.

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Cindy the progs have been sniffing around totalitarianism for a very long time. Seem to recall wilson imprisoning "Germans" during WW I and f.d.r. doing same to Japanese-Americans in WW II. Put a dim in the White House and expect a burst of totalitarianism. Its in there genetic mskeup

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Also The Long March Through The Institutions is at least 100 years old.

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While Gramsci first discussed this, it wasn't really undertaken at scale until the New Left grabbed onto it and decided to use "the free speech movement" out of Berkley that I'm supposed to celebrate to allow commie revolutionaries to subvert and undermine our society.

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I think it started with John Adams who got Congress to pass a sedition act where anyone who criticized the government could be sent to prison. Jefferson ignored it and eventually it went away.

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Go read this actual history of the Japanese internment, read about the Nihau incident, I'll summarize it for you. What you are never told is that many Japanese in the U.S. were still loyal to their emperor. In fact, there were active, large Japanese spy networks in the U.S.. In the Nihau incident, a pilot of a Japanese fighter had crashed on the island of Nihau in Hawaii after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He crashed his plane there and it just so happened he crashed on land owned by a Japanese couple. The pilot told them the emperor had ordered all Japanese to war and they complied and helped him. Eventually he was killed after several days but it became clear there was ample support in the Japanese community in the U.S. for Japan's war aims against the U.S. While I'm not sure the internment was the best policy, you are never told the rest of the story. And it's also not uncommon throughout history for such actions to be taken during war. I'm so tired of us flagellating ourselves...

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Perhaps but in fact, the FBI has been an institution that regularly abuses it's power since 1908. Woodrow Wilson used them to lock up folks who objected to us entering WWI - even as Wilson promised not to do so in order to get elected. This elite, authoritarian impulse has been with us for a long time already. The FBI needs to be disbanded TODAY. Congress rejected the bill was supposed form it - but Teddy Roosevelt created it anyway, which was actually unconstitutional. But hey, he was "Progressive" so the constitution doesn't matter. The key part of having a constitution is so we have the 'rule of law' not the rule of 'men'. It seems many in our society have forgotten what it means to actually function under the rule of law. Much of our Fed govt is similarly unconstitutional.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pharma Cartel does it again. They appear desperate to force-vax as many as possible, as often as possible. Almost like a window of opportunity was closing fast.

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I think their biggest investors are the financial founding family's foundations (original bankers) who have been orchestrating the depopulation of the planet for 150 years.

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Which is why I am convinced these mRNA are poison. The ‘rush’ is that we are all suspicious of the jab and uptake is very low. Part of Rothschild, Schwab, Bill Gates et all ‘depopulation’ plan we all keep reading about in their books and on their websites and in videos where they say it out loud.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for such detailed and thorough analysis.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this post (well, for all of your posts). You've answered the question that I've been carrying around the past few weeks about under what authority the FDA could fast-track approve another vaccine??? We all knew the EUA was over 5/2023; this is all just astonishing beyond imagining. The blatancy of the lawlessness of the FDA (and CDC) continuously violates conscience and comprehension, really. The extent to which the Feds are captured is so far, wide and deep, I was reflecting this morning, again, that it must be a vast operation based in large part with blackmail and bribery. Fed employees do have some protection from being fired, so they can be whistleblowers and take a stand. IRS employees did it with Hunter. Where the heck are the agency inspector generals?? They're lawfully bound to step in and challenge agency overreach and wrongdoing, all agency illegal activites. Grateful for you and your wife! You are able to speak and write from your unique expertise and experience, and you continue to choose to do so. It isn't too comforting to be reminded that you are "over the target" and that's why there is so much opposition to you, from a crazy patchwork of strange bedfellows at that. Please know that we know these folks represent their own little crazy world of "special knowledge" fools, who demand a subjective purity of a sort that is illogical, irrational, and stupid.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read the book turtles all the way now excellent

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