"When a knowledge system importantly loses integrity, ceasing to provide the kinds of trusted knowledge expected of it, we can label this epistemic corruption. Epistemic corruption often occurs because the system has been co-opted for interests at odds with some of the central goals thought to lie behind it. There is now abundant evidence that the involvement of pharmaceutical companies corrupts medical science." - Sergio Sismondo, Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
I used my new word, but the spelling was wrong! I should have looked up the correct spelling. Oh, I am useless for spelling! So frustrating! My daughter edited papers in college. Her English and spelling is impecable! On the other hand, my brain still works, so I am grateful for that!
The silence of political leaders on this entire topic is the real crime against humanity. This is prima facie evidence that our system of constitutional rights and the rule of law has completely collapsed. We the people have been left alone to deal with this. I ask myself every day how political leaders can fail to even mention medical ethics, medical freedom and proper regulatory oversight in their speeches, platforms and in all the millions they spend on tv ads and public messaging. It is a staggering development and is true of both parties in the US and most parties globally, with just a few notable exceptions(eg, Italy). I don’t have an answer and don’t know what it’s going to take to change this situation, other than to keep praying.
In the US, the current political leaders are leading the scam. We won't improve anything until we replace them. We won't replace them until we convince our neighbors. It's up to us.
Do you think the GOP (with a couple of rare exceptions) has acquitted itself with honor during the past two years +, doing all in its power to find out what has been going on in the political-pharmaceutical world? When half the country now seems to know about the iniquitous plans the WEF have for mankind (in plain sight), why is this not up for discussion in Congress etc? Or now that inquiring minds are aware of the scam played by Pharma and Gov., why aren't targeted questions being asked by our reps. other than Rand Paul, Johnson and a couple of others. Where are they all hiding while people continue to die?
They won't be any worse. Probably better. They'll be as effective as their constituents demand. Our basic problem is public complacency. Most don't even vote. Those who do, mostly vote for the glitzyest ad they saw recently. Very few actually evaluate the candidates. Fewer still actually participate in the process.
We never have an opportunity to support really good people. Good people seldom subject themselves to the malicious process, and those who do, don't ever last long. Every successful candidate has some unsavory baggage, and debts to unsavory power brokers.
Every election then becomes a contest between a bad candidate and a worse candidate. The only rational approach is to support the least bad candidate, fully, and encourage him to outperform his reputation.
Most of them are sold on pharmaceutical drugs. What is one of the major items politicians keep saying they are getting for the people? Lower prices for prescription drugs.
I know but if seems that a number of ever-hopefuls are waiting for the GOP to deliver us manna from heaven, which going on past and present performance is rather delusional.
My concerns as well. There are many Republicans up for election this fall that are every bit as scary and criminal in their past records as any Dem they might be replacing. The end result is we have no fair, viable choices. I do think that is a coincidence and does not bode well for us either way things swing. Even if we had an angelic Congressional replacement, fixing everything, such as this nonsense will take a long time and will be attacked at every step. And much of this is burocratic stuff which Congress can’t get to easily.
Boo hoo. The world doesn't give us many good choices. Competent people evaluate the options and choose the best available. Others whine that they can't have it their way.
Comment seems a little insensitive. If you are in a job or profession where the majority of the companies have control, then how much choice do you have? Nurses and doctors lost their jobs. They have families to feed. And the nursing shortage is a lie. Most of us would work if we could go back to ethical standards.
I don't waste much time feigning "sensitivity." I also don't waste time trying to insult people by calling them insensitive or stupid. Everyone has choices. Many choose not to make them. Sensitivity is easier for them, but never effective.
Choices for employment include organizing to demand cooperation, or finding other employment. I sensitively understand that many people are unwilling to do anything but submit to oppression. That certainly makes life easier for the oppressor.
No, they have not. My party is talking about abortionand spending money. But, some are all for sending money to Ukraine. They voted for the money grab. While I do not support abortion as I see it as violence against women, I am ill that not one person, with the exception of Massie or a small group of congressmen (extends to congresswomen), has spoken about the jabs. Most of them have bought stock in the pharma companies.
I see it as violence against both. One lives and one dies. Both, suffer. Most of the women I talked to (on psych wards), live a lifetime plagued with drug and alcohol abuse, depression, guilt, and all sorts of symptoms. They really don't get out intact either. And most of them know they received poor counseling and no support from family or friends. The doctors and nurses that help do these procedures aren't living their best lives either. I have spoken with them too. Alot of them suffer nightmares.
You're very generous. There are degrees of participation in every conspiracy. Certainly some are in on it. Many are aware of it but go along to ride the coattails of the scammers, hoping for political advantage. Very few are completely ignorant.
And Vote! Even with all the cheating and irregularities, we must still do our part. These are questions we need to ask our candidates and get them on record, what they plan to do about it.
Voting is irrelevant. One vote out of millions is insignificant. Better odds to buy lottery tickets. It's useful to vote anyway, to remind our rulers we're all watching them. But the real power comes from actually watching them. Letters don't seem to get much response, but they do have impact. Small donations aren't powerful, but they accumulate to give good candidates the leverage they need to stand up to the entrenched players. And they get you on their mailing lists with opportunities to help. A republic succeeds by the participation of the citizens. Complacent republics don't last long.
Keep in mind that most of the politicians believe in the entrenched medical community. It has taken over most of the world. I believe the MDs in North Korea, China and Russia are pro vaccines and also prescribe antibiotics and statins.
In North Korea, China and Russia MDs don’t take the Hippocratic Oath and they don’t subscribe to the Nuremberg Code. They do what they are told to do by their governments and have for a long time. In America we have had a long history, up until this century, of just the opposite, of a free and largely independent medical profession. It is obvious that we have moved closer to the communist model, but the rapidity with which it has happened has surely shocked every American who can see what has happened.
Have read your posts before and there's no certainty in your report. Can you present actual evidence for your claims? Are there even simple X-Rays, Ultrasounds or any number of other tests consistent with what could be considered to be 'Legal Evidence' to verify what you believe has happened to you.
Certainly, as a sane, balanced individual you're fully cognizant to the factual nature of your report to hinge upon the absurd, delusional and schizophrenic, if not utterly dissociative from earliest infancy.
The corruption is so blatant it must mean that sufficient controls are in place to ensure that none of the elite perpetrators will suffer consequences. However, a few inconsequential (disposable) "fall guys" might be offered up to appease the masses.
I don't know how you do it. I cannot imagine spending as much time as you do bringing these issues to light. Please take time to go for a walk with your wife. Thank you both for all you do!
We've got the new type of "vaccines" and we've also now got the "vaccine passports," which in the future will be used to monitor everything we do and every purchase we make. Dr. Malone has written extensively about this and so has RFK, Jr. As both authors opine, the real issue/agenda isn't "Covid."
I tried to get even more readers for The Real Anthony Fauci by penning a book review. In my review, I opine that this book could end up being the "most important of our times." We better hope this turns out to be the case.
To colleagues and patients alike: Regarding the Future framework Platform Technology products - Don't prescribe them, don't administer them, don't accept them for yourselves or your children. In other words, PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED, BULLIED, OR INTIMIDATED YET AGAIN !
I think it was Bayer's Stephan Oelrich (spelling?) that claimed this was a platform for future drug development. Another good reason to stay away from drugs.
Aluminum or mRNA? Are these the choices we are left with?
Do you know Boeing wanted the same freedom from prosecution as the FAA "certified" the Max? Thank god that went nowhere as we would all be driving everywhere with one eye on the sky.
Immune tolerance hasn't been talked about enough, I remember you describing it many months ago. It is different than ADE as I understand it and the concept could use its own standalone Substack explainer post.
"Platform." Another great love affair that big tech has with their conceptual paradigm. Now yet another word in modern lexicon taking on negative and sinister connotations.
All this talk of approving a generic manufacturing process and platform should highlight the extensive and informative work that Hedley Rees and his colleagues are doing in the area of education about pharma manufacturing traditions, good manufacturing processes, and time honored and vetted rules and regulations that are all now being violated, willfully upended and revoked. It is tedious material, and there aren't so many great cartoons to share on the topics (maybe someone can think of some) but writers and activists in this technical domain also need to be participating in these live roundtables around the world to raise awareness and advocacy. There was a young blonde whistleblower early on that was sidelined when she called out manufacturing variation she witnessed in vials--particulates and blue green glow in the dark. Also blinds drawn and products being added to vials she wasn't briefed about. She should re-enter the conversation. Is that part of the "platform's" pre-approved flexibility? Wide variation and tolerances in manufacturing, distribution and handling?
Dr. Ryan Cole just spoke this week at the World Council for Health Press Conference hosted by Dr. Tess Lawrie. Near the end or in the Q & A he discussed and acknowledged the shocking variation in manufacturing and in handling of lots that he believes led in part to variation in patient outcomes. In fact he thinks the lucky ones got the expired "duds" as they were potentially less potent.
I agree with you about immune tolerance. Working on an immunotherapy study on ovarian cancer we were following Rosenberg's methodology for treating metastatic melanoma with tumor infiltrating t-cells (TIL). I came across some very iffy data suggesting clonality in t-cells isolated from our patients and that got me to wondering if there might not be a problem in trying to use t-cells comfortable with that site and hence not so eager to attack tumors originating there, i.e. site specific tolerance.
Wow that sounds like a subset topic--site specific immune tolerance --to discuss in the Immune Tolerance module. I imagine that now and in the future many of these fantastic Substack posts will be circulated or repurposed like small educational internet pamphlets, and it is helpful for them to be parsed apart. If organized that way maybe people will find you more specifically for input.
I understand that Dr. Pierre Kory was able to harvest material from his own Substack and thoughts generated by commentary for his new book on Ivermectin.
Someday maybe Substack will be searchable for concepts, words, and such. I saw that being called for by commenters in Meryl Nass's recent Substack focused on censorship last week raising concerns about Substack itself.
Good luck on your study. I am thinking there will be plenty of ovarian cancer to manage going forward.
Thanks but those observations are two decades old. Been retired that long. The primary on that project was too much influenced by Rosenberg to consider other options so my idea pretty well died on the vine
Regulatory capture will only work if the public believes the recommendations of the FDA and CDC, and both agencies have lost all credibility by showing that they care very little about human health.
Pfizer and Moderna, perhaps blinded by endless profits, have bet their futures on a “platform” which is causing too many people to die too quickly. Who is going to want any product (new or old) from either of these companies?
I also doubt they will offer any products on this “platform” without complete immunity from lawsuits — another strong indictment of how dangerous this new “platform” is. So far, the “new” boosters are a disaster from an uptake perspective. Pfizer and Moderna can make all the new products they want in this new “platform”, but the public’s eyes have been opened to the corruption and greed that runs the health care system in the USA, and the public is increasingly refusing such ineffective and unsafe products.
I think regulatory capture in the public health arena might work if paired with nationwide mandates (the US houses of congress seem to be captured already).
Members of congress, with few exceptions, have certainly been paid off to do big pharma’s bidding. The mandates fell apart pretty quickly. Those controlling the process played their hand too quickly. As the public sees the adverse effects and deaths continue to increase, the loss of trust in public institutions, even if captured, will undermined the ability of regulatory capture going forward.
And who is every going to trust these two companies to lead the way with CRISPR, or in vivo gene editing, for all the health problems that the COVID vaccines cause and the real goal of introducing mRNA-based “vaccines”?
Not idiocy -- crazy like a fox. Training the population to expect a patent med for every discomfort increases dependence and thereby, control.
I got a call from Walgreens while typing this, that flu and "updated" covid shots are available, and press 1 to schedule them now. It's their business model.
The idiots are the dupes who fall for it. It's our duty to persuade them not to.
Yes, the operative word is 'planned.' The implications reach into everything. But having people around the world who are aware and making our own plans is unprecedented in history, and also reaches into everything.
So, the FDA and big Pharma (but I repeat myself) want to put all their eggs in the mRNA vaccine basket? A technology that is currently being roundly rejected with less than 2% uptake in the adult population?
Just as shutdowns and social justice have turned parents away from public schools, mandates and reckless technologies will turn the public away from vaccines. The only way they can make a return on investment at this point is if they enforce these injections at the point of a gun.
Want to to all of us into rabid antivaxxers?? Make my day.
"When a knowledge system importantly loses integrity, ceasing to provide the kinds of trusted knowledge expected of it, we can label this epistemic corruption. Epistemic corruption often occurs because the system has been co-opted for interests at odds with some of the central goals thought to lie behind it. There is now abundant evidence that the involvement of pharmaceutical companies corrupts medical science." - Sergio Sismondo, Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Epistemic corruption. Good new phrase to remember.
A very good term to remember.
I used my new word, but the spelling was wrong! I should have looked up the correct spelling. Oh, I am useless for spelling! So frustrating! My daughter edited papers in college. Her English and spelling is impecable! On the other hand, my brain still works, so I am grateful for that!
The silence of political leaders on this entire topic is the real crime against humanity. This is prima facie evidence that our system of constitutional rights and the rule of law has completely collapsed. We the people have been left alone to deal with this. I ask myself every day how political leaders can fail to even mention medical ethics, medical freedom and proper regulatory oversight in their speeches, platforms and in all the millions they spend on tv ads and public messaging. It is a staggering development and is true of both parties in the US and most parties globally, with just a few notable exceptions(eg, Italy). I don’t have an answer and don’t know what it’s going to take to change this situation, other than to keep praying.
In the US, the current political leaders are leading the scam. We won't improve anything until we replace them. We won't replace them until we convince our neighbors. It's up to us.
And replace them with whom? Dream on!
Do you think the GOP (with a couple of rare exceptions) has acquitted itself with honor during the past two years +, doing all in its power to find out what has been going on in the political-pharmaceutical world? When half the country now seems to know about the iniquitous plans the WEF have for mankind (in plain sight), why is this not up for discussion in Congress etc? Or now that inquiring minds are aware of the scam played by Pharma and Gov., why aren't targeted questions being asked by our reps. other than Rand Paul, Johnson and a couple of others. Where are they all hiding while people continue to die?
They won't be any worse. Probably better. They'll be as effective as their constituents demand. Our basic problem is public complacency. Most don't even vote. Those who do, mostly vote for the glitzyest ad they saw recently. Very few actually evaluate the candidates. Fewer still actually participate in the process.
We never have an opportunity to support really good people. Good people seldom subject themselves to the malicious process, and those who do, don't ever last long. Every successful candidate has some unsavory baggage, and debts to unsavory power brokers.
Every election then becomes a contest between a bad candidate and a worse candidate. The only rational approach is to support the least bad candidate, fully, and encourage him to outperform his reputation.
Most of them are sold on pharmaceutical drugs. What is one of the major items politicians keep saying they are getting for the people? Lower prices for prescription drugs.
I know but if seems that a number of ever-hopefuls are waiting for the GOP to deliver us manna from heaven, which going on past and present performance is rather delusional.
My concerns as well. There are many Republicans up for election this fall that are every bit as scary and criminal in their past records as any Dem they might be replacing. The end result is we have no fair, viable choices. I do think that is a coincidence and does not bode well for us either way things swing. Even if we had an angelic Congressional replacement, fixing everything, such as this nonsense will take a long time and will be attacked at every step. And much of this is burocratic stuff which Congress can’t get to easily.
Boo hoo. The world doesn't give us many good choices. Competent people evaluate the options and choose the best available. Others whine that they can't have it their way.
Comment seems a little insensitive. If you are in a job or profession where the majority of the companies have control, then how much choice do you have? Nurses and doctors lost their jobs. They have families to feed. And the nursing shortage is a lie. Most of us would work if we could go back to ethical standards.
I don't waste much time feigning "sensitivity." I also don't waste time trying to insult people by calling them insensitive or stupid. Everyone has choices. Many choose not to make them. Sensitivity is easier for them, but never effective.
Choices for employment include organizing to demand cooperation, or finding other employment. I sensitively understand that many people are unwilling to do anything but submit to oppression. That certainly makes life easier for the oppressor.
No, they have not. My party is talking about abortionand spending money. But, some are all for sending money to Ukraine. They voted for the money grab. While I do not support abortion as I see it as violence against women, I am ill that not one person, with the exception of Massie or a small group of congressmen (extends to congresswomen), has spoken about the jabs. Most of them have bought stock in the pharma companies.
Others see abortion as violence against babies. The women are volunteers, the babies are not
I see it as violence against both. One lives and one dies. Both, suffer. Most of the women I talked to (on psych wards), live a lifetime plagued with drug and alcohol abuse, depression, guilt, and all sorts of symptoms. They really don't get out intact either. And most of them know they received poor counseling and no support from family or friends. The doctors and nurses that help do these procedures aren't living their best lives either. I have spoken with them too. Alot of them suffer nightmares.
That doesn't justify killing babies.
I wouldn't say our elected politicians are leading the scam so much as they are passively allowing it.
You're very generous. There are degrees of participation in every conspiracy. Certainly some are in on it. Many are aware of it but go along to ride the coattails of the scammers, hoping for political advantage. Very few are completely ignorant.
And Vote! Even with all the cheating and irregularities, we must still do our part. These are questions we need to ask our candidates and get them on record, what they plan to do about it.
Voting is irrelevant. One vote out of millions is insignificant. Better odds to buy lottery tickets. It's useful to vote anyway, to remind our rulers we're all watching them. But the real power comes from actually watching them. Letters don't seem to get much response, but they do have impact. Small donations aren't powerful, but they accumulate to give good candidates the leverage they need to stand up to the entrenched players. And they get you on their mailing lists with opportunities to help. A republic succeeds by the participation of the citizens. Complacent republics don't last long.
Keep in mind that most of the politicians believe in the entrenched medical community. It has taken over most of the world. I believe the MDs in North Korea, China and Russia are pro vaccines and also prescribe antibiotics and statins.
In North Korea, China and Russia MDs don’t take the Hippocratic Oath and they don’t subscribe to the Nuremberg Code. They do what they are told to do by their governments and have for a long time. In America we have had a long history, up until this century, of just the opposite, of a free and largely independent medical profession. It is obvious that we have moved closer to the communist model, but the rapidity with which it has happened has surely shocked every American who can see what has happened.
Have read your posts before and there's no certainty in your report. Can you present actual evidence for your claims? Are there even simple X-Rays, Ultrasounds or any number of other tests consistent with what could be considered to be 'Legal Evidence' to verify what you believe has happened to you.
Certainly, as a sane, balanced individual you're fully cognizant to the factual nature of your report to hinge upon the absurd, delusional and schizophrenic, if not utterly dissociative from earliest infancy.
Depressing. The corruption is so blatant and so massive that I predict nothing will happen. :-(
...except death and destruction
Of course! ...But, no justice!
The corruption is so blatant it must mean that sufficient controls are in place to ensure that none of the elite perpetrators will suffer consequences. However, a few inconsequential (disposable) "fall guys" might be offered up to appease the masses.
Afraid you are correct...
I don't know how you do it. I cannot imagine spending as much time as you do bringing these issues to light. Please take time to go for a walk with your wife. Thank you both for all you do!
We've got the new type of "vaccines" and we've also now got the "vaccine passports," which in the future will be used to monitor everything we do and every purchase we make. Dr. Malone has written extensively about this and so has RFK, Jr. As both authors opine, the real issue/agenda isn't "Covid."
I tried to get even more readers for The Real Anthony Fauci by penning a book review. In my review, I opine that this book could end up being the "most important of our times." We better hope this turns out to be the case.
This entire parenthetical episode of history is a Global Con!
To colleagues and patients alike: Regarding the Future framework Platform Technology products - Don't prescribe them, don't administer them, don't accept them for yourselves or your children. In other words, PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED, BULLIED, OR INTIMIDATED YET AGAIN !
Given Pfizer’s corruption and dishonesty, I can’t in good faith use anything developed or acquired by them for myself or my patients.
It always was a trojan horse.
I think it was Bayer's Stephan Oelrich (spelling?) that claimed this was a platform for future drug development. Another good reason to stay away from drugs.
Absolutely correct Doc. Is going to get much worse at light speed. The arrogance is overwhelming . And down right evil.
Aluminum or mRNA? Are these the choices we are left with?
Do you know Boeing wanted the same freedom from prosecution as the FAA "certified" the Max? Thank god that went nowhere as we would all be driving everywhere with one eye on the sky.
But not in the vaccine field.
Immune tolerance hasn't been talked about enough, I remember you describing it many months ago. It is different than ADE as I understand it and the concept could use its own standalone Substack explainer post.
"Platform." Another great love affair that big tech has with their conceptual paradigm. Now yet another word in modern lexicon taking on negative and sinister connotations.
All this talk of approving a generic manufacturing process and platform should highlight the extensive and informative work that Hedley Rees and his colleagues are doing in the area of education about pharma manufacturing traditions, good manufacturing processes, and time honored and vetted rules and regulations that are all now being violated, willfully upended and revoked. It is tedious material, and there aren't so many great cartoons to share on the topics (maybe someone can think of some) but writers and activists in this technical domain also need to be participating in these live roundtables around the world to raise awareness and advocacy. There was a young blonde whistleblower early on that was sidelined when she called out manufacturing variation she witnessed in vials--particulates and blue green glow in the dark. Also blinds drawn and products being added to vials she wasn't briefed about. She should re-enter the conversation. Is that part of the "platform's" pre-approved flexibility? Wide variation and tolerances in manufacturing, distribution and handling?
Dr. Ryan Cole just spoke this week at the World Council for Health Press Conference hosted by Dr. Tess Lawrie. Near the end or in the Q & A he discussed and acknowledged the shocking variation in manufacturing and in handling of lots that he believes led in part to variation in patient outcomes. In fact he thinks the lucky ones got the expired "duds" as they were potentially less potent.
So the idea that the platform is good to go, no problems here, is preposterous.
I agree with you about immune tolerance. Working on an immunotherapy study on ovarian cancer we were following Rosenberg's methodology for treating metastatic melanoma with tumor infiltrating t-cells (TIL). I came across some very iffy data suggesting clonality in t-cells isolated from our patients and that got me to wondering if there might not be a problem in trying to use t-cells comfortable with that site and hence not so eager to attack tumors originating there, i.e. site specific tolerance.
Wow that sounds like a subset topic--site specific immune tolerance --to discuss in the Immune Tolerance module. I imagine that now and in the future many of these fantastic Substack posts will be circulated or repurposed like small educational internet pamphlets, and it is helpful for them to be parsed apart. If organized that way maybe people will find you more specifically for input.
I understand that Dr. Pierre Kory was able to harvest material from his own Substack and thoughts generated by commentary for his new book on Ivermectin.
Someday maybe Substack will be searchable for concepts, words, and such. I saw that being called for by commenters in Meryl Nass's recent Substack focused on censorship last week raising concerns about Substack itself.
Good luck on your study. I am thinking there will be plenty of ovarian cancer to manage going forward.
Thanks but those observations are two decades old. Been retired that long. The primary on that project was too much influenced by Rosenberg to consider other options so my idea pretty well died on the vine
Regulatory capture will only work if the public believes the recommendations of the FDA and CDC, and both agencies have lost all credibility by showing that they care very little about human health.
Pfizer and Moderna, perhaps blinded by endless profits, have bet their futures on a “platform” which is causing too many people to die too quickly. Who is going to want any product (new or old) from either of these companies?
I also doubt they will offer any products on this “platform” without complete immunity from lawsuits — another strong indictment of how dangerous this new “platform” is. So far, the “new” boosters are a disaster from an uptake perspective. Pfizer and Moderna can make all the new products they want in this new “platform”, but the public’s eyes have been opened to the corruption and greed that runs the health care system in the USA, and the public is increasingly refusing such ineffective and unsafe products.
You bet. No more vaccines for me at all. That was not my stance until this.
I think regulatory capture in the public health arena might work if paired with nationwide mandates (the US houses of congress seem to be captured already).
Members of congress, with few exceptions, have certainly been paid off to do big pharma’s bidding. The mandates fell apart pretty quickly. Those controlling the process played their hand too quickly. As the public sees the adverse effects and deaths continue to increase, the loss of trust in public institutions, even if captured, will undermined the ability of regulatory capture going forward.
And who is every going to trust these two companies to lead the way with CRISPR, or in vivo gene editing, for all the health problems that the COVID vaccines cause and the real goal of introducing mRNA-based “vaccines”?
Doubt that DOJ will investigate - part of Brandon organization.
Not idiocy -- crazy like a fox. Training the population to expect a patent med for every discomfort increases dependence and thereby, control.
I got a call from Walgreens while typing this, that flu and "updated" covid shots are available, and press 1 to schedule them now. It's their business model.
The idiots are the dupes who fall for it. It's our duty to persuade them not to.
Yes, the operative word is 'planned.' The implications reach into everything. But having people around the world who are aware and making our own plans is unprecedented in history, and also reaches into everything.
So, the FDA and big Pharma (but I repeat myself) want to put all their eggs in the mRNA vaccine basket? A technology that is currently being roundly rejected with less than 2% uptake in the adult population?
Just as shutdowns and social justice have turned parents away from public schools, mandates and reckless technologies will turn the public away from vaccines. The only way they can make a return on investment at this point is if they enforce these injections at the point of a gun.
Want to to all of us into rabid antivaxxers?? Make my day.
Another way to increase uptake would be to scare the public silly by releasing a truly deadly virus.