Fear is definitely a mind killer! I have to constantly focus on what I know to be true - my belief in God, Jesus , and the Holy Spirit 🙏🏻

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So true, Teresa. So many distractions and temptations to do otherwise.

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Satan is everywhere - trying to tempt me.

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So agree

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RemovedAug 5
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Jenny, I do agree w/ you that Jesus is not going to rescue a nation ... though I disagree w/ you re: His existence ... He is in my heart presently, as I write this --- and He wants to provide the balm of peace & joy that we followers of Him feel, to you, Jenny ... He loves you ! ... He died for you and rose for you, same as He did for all.

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It must be incredibly sad to be you.

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Not a real person, just a bot or a troll. Either way, not worth the time or energy.

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Aug 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What better place to share your wisdom than the Mises Institute. Not only are you a great speaker but you are in a small minority of people who are privy to the underlying methods used in mind control and the evil results it pursues. The Nobel Prize is an inadequate measure of the importance of your contributions but you deserve it and much more. Thank you Sir!

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I still run into people wearing masks. When I ask them why, they reply to protect themselves. When I ask, protect from what, I hear a variety of reasons. COVID ( yes, still), bird flu, colds, climate change issues and on and on. People are soooo afraid of anything and everything! I would hate to live my life being so afraid of everything. Is that a meaningful life? Not in my opinion.

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It seems the government has such power and control over our lives. At any moment they can crush an industry or a whole economy if they desire. Just look at not only the psychology of getting people to go along with global warming but at the same time crushing the energy industry which determines much of our economic future. If the wrong people are running our country, they can make things so bad for the people you could contemplate wanting to survive. Obviously people have been manipulated in cults to commit suicide. Jonestown and Heavensgate come to mind. Look at our neighbors to the north. They openly talk about MAID, medical assistance in dying. Let’s face the facts the average American is a hostage of this government. They can make or break us and it’s mostly all political.

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The climate cult have been pushing their garbage since My Weekly Reader. And the education mafia have gleefully played along. So no wonder we have several generations wandering around out there suffering recto-cerebral insertion re climate.

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A commenter on another of Dr. Malone’s recent articles said while in high school there was a mandatory class about the worlds over populations. I did not ask him when this occurred.

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I do not like the fact that you are right, but you are.

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It’s frightening, it’s a twisted brainwashing of the public. People will vote to crush industries because they are coerced to believe the world is ending. But by electing the people that are brainwashing them they are hurting themselves and their families futures. It’s insanity. It wouldn’t kill people to wake up, read and learn what they’re doing to us!!!

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It is horrible to see how much people believe this crap. It is a blessing my Grandmothers are not alive to see this. They were worlds apart by culture, (one born a Cherokee, the other in England) but both were equally practical.

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All one needs to know and believe is, if Gov is promoting, do the opposite because beyond any reasonable doubt, they are lying to you❗️Perfect example is Pelosi saying Biden should be added to Mt Rushmore 😂

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Great example of how ridiculous these communists are. I’d rather see Jimmy Carter up there.

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Not me! But you made me laugh ty

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That kind of power is maddening but many seem to be recipients of its mental damage even before receiving it.

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I think General Flynn probably said it best, and more succulently:

* Things are bad.

* They are going to get worse.

* GOD is in control.

May God Bless America. #Election2024. #Trump2024

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At 74, I've been aware of fear mongering for a very long time, decades actually. I think that is why when Covid theater began, I quickly saw it for what it seemed to be and indeed, turned out to be. The "why" of the fear mongering was initially unclear, but nevertheless it was unmistakably happening on a very wide scale. One of the first things that came to mind was the famous "Chicken Little" children's story. There's a very good reason why that became a story that resonated with so many people!

If you read much about totalitarian systems and their proponents, you immediately learn about how fear is one of the primary tools used to control people and populations, and in Covid's case, as much of the world population as possible. Covid control was about spreading massive fear on the grandest scale in world history, and the lockstep adherence and agreement among all the "authorities" of the world was instantly suspicious to a great many of us.

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Covid was also the world’s biggest wealth transfer scheme in history. Vaccine mandates were key to its success.

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L.b.j. utilized fear built from a pack of lies to win his presidential election.

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The mushroom cloud; I remember it well. That guy was a piece of work: "I'll have them n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

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While I remember the girl and her daisy before the mushroom cloud. Broadcast national right before the election. The much better/sane man lost.

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Aug 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm grateful to you, and I have been for several years. You got me to read Mattias Desmet's "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." I've run up a substantial mental debt to you since I watched and listened to you here on Substack and on the Warroom. I pray for the opportunity to pay you back by more than just buying your books and subscribing where I find you.

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Aug 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, that was spectacular. It's been some months since I have listened to anyone with new ideas and a different perspective, talk. Of course, now I am highly leary of commenting or posting anything.

I'm just a nobody. I'm not particularly smart, or brave or creative or original. I am skeptical, curious, tenacious and occasionally, naive. There. Now "they" have something more to add to my file. I've forgotten the word you ascribed to it. I can't imagine why anyone would want my info, until you explained it in this video.

The 1800's are looking pretty good to me now. (I have a deep passion for draft horses. Wish I could own some.) I say, let's give it a shot shall we? Maybe we could do a Mulligan?

Eh, probably not. I'll just keep on doing what I can and figure it out as I go.

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Aug 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The New World Order is a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government"

It's not so secret anymore!

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I think fear was the main reason people got the shot. They feared the virus, they feared giving it to Grandma they lived in fear. Fear is satan’s tool to leave you too paralyzed move. Fear is a great motivator. Have courage ! Be strong! It is about to get worse before it gets better. Remember God is in charge but he needs us to be his truth warriors. Have a great day fellow warriors of truth!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

That's why doing hospice training and the experiences before and after someone dies, are so important. I may not like the physical process, and yet I know from watching people go thru the process, acceptance and peace of letting go made the transition so much smoother.

Fear was the key to all the decisions made by my family in the beginning of this horrible debunkle. There was no-one telling us what the truth was, we were certainly on our own. Fortunately my inner guide said wait. I don't think anyone else I knew asked inside. Here we are, all these years later, still facing the doubters and haters. That may never change, the landmines are well hidden and still there. (I take it back. not well hidden).

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Conspiracy theories: If you don't think that the powerful will conspire with each other for their mutual benefit you are a bit slow.

My 2 cents on some of the pandemic stuff:

How often during the recent pandemic festivities have you been told “stay safe”? How often has someone replied “stay free” or “stay brave”, or even better, “stay brave, stay free?” Why not? People were quite fearful at the time, so it would seem to be vital to remind others as well as oneself of the importance of not succumbing to fear. I encourage all to respond to “ stay safe” with “ stay brave, stay free”. What makes it so important? Acting and speaking as though you are not afraid will actually make you less so, and saying “stay brave, stay free” may help the other person retain his courage. The words themselves remind us that being fearful is part of the road to serfdom. Also, a fearful people may not speak the truth when confronted with the lies of the powerful.


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I call it the ever present GREED FACTOR….a disease…a real pandemic within a small portion of the World….those already wealthy…who see now their ability to RULE over the World like Kings is thru their collective economic influences upon us…the serfs, the slaves. Making of more money into their bank counts from more taxation or more importantly pure bogus fraud to under-estimate important projects and then shaft the Govt for much more. The pathological Elites in both parties and wanting politicians who sell their souls to who-ever work hand in hand against this Nation’s citizens…it’s The Economic Political Science…the cancer within.

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Pretty shocking realities of today. If major media is broadcasting a narrative, the reality is likely just the opposite. Disinformation police are actually the spreaders. Minorities are created with the false pretense of I see you and will support you, as long as you vote for me. Our public medical hierarchy swept in to save us from a pandemic that never was and demonstrated a 100% failure rate without exception. If the leadership of the free world is selected exclusively over abortion rights, we are doomed. Prostitution is illegal and thereby it no longer exists; or does it ?

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Fear really is at the root of it all. Politicians and big industries prey upon us and it seems to work. I don't know how after Covid ppl could still trust anything the govt says yet some do. We all must keep speaking out as frustrating as it is sometimes. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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